Golden Time (JungYong) Chapter 105


Golden Time (JungYong) Chapter 105-110

Chapter 105

“Will do.”

Confirming the director’s reply, Suhyuk returned the phone to Kim and turned back.

He felt as if he were a victor.

“Where are you heading for now?” asked Kim.

Stepping backwards, Kim started taking a shot of him.

Suhyuk consciously felt that he was being filmed at the moment. 

“I’m seeing a patient who has undergone umbilical hernia surgery.”

Suhyuk would see patients after he’s done with all his jobs of the day.

That’s why nurses could not help but like him.

Suhyuk was listening to almost 80% of the complaints of the patients.

“What kind of disease is it?”

“In plain words, the organ is not located where it’s supposed to be, but pushed to the wrong place.”

Filming him, Kim nodded his head.

He soon arrived at the patient’s room. The patient was an old woman in her 70s.

When Suhyuk was approaching, a middle-aged woman watching the TV made a smile.

She was her daughter and guardian. 

“You’re here, doctor!”

“Has she eaten?” 

She nodded her head, looking at her mother. 

“Oh, she just wants more and more food every day.”

With a smile, Suhyuk came closer to the woman in bed. She was sound asleep.

The surgery went well, and she could be discharged now.

Suhyuk moved his hand to the IV line to check whether the fluid was dropping properly.

Then, the patient, who seemed to be in sound sleep, opened her eyes suddenly.

“Oh, you are here, young man!”

Though she spoke in a childish tone, Suhyuk did not care at all, and made a smile.

She has been suffering from dementia.

Suhyuk opened his mouth, “You recognize me very well even if I wear a mask?”

“What is this?”

As she moved her hand to his mask, he flinched and stepped back, but she was faster and pulled away his mask.

‘Ooops..I’m just helpless now.’

Thinking so, he moved his eyes to one side. It looked as if the big camera was scoffing at him.

Suhyuk suddenly hugged the old woman.

Though he was now without a mask, Kim was filming him from behind.

“How fortunate you are as you had a good surgery like this!”

She widened her eyes, clearly surprised by his unexpected act.

However, she also hugged him and stroked his back.

“How wonderful!”

The guardian could not help but smile naturally at that.

Is there another doctor like him? He is really a warm-hearted doctor who is just like a family member to them.


“Where are you heading for this time?”

“I’m seeing a patient who is being discharged today.”

“What kind of patient are they?”

“She is one who had acute appendicitis.”

Then Suhyuk stopped walking and opened his mouth again,

“Often they say they have had appendix, but the correct term is acute appendicitis.”

The cameraman nodded his head.

The two arrived at the patient’s room, where the woman patient who seemed to be in her early 20s was packing her stuff.

Opening her round eyes, she alternately looked at Suhyuk and the cameraman.

Suhyuk approached her and smiled.

Of course, as he was wearing a mask, only his eyes were seen to her.

“The TV network is making a documentary here. If you don’t want your face to be seen, please tell me.”

Stunned, she began combing her hair.

Kim took a shot of her.

“You must feel good as you’re being discharged today. What are you going to do first thing when you go out?”


She stroked her face as if she felt rather awkward.

“Well, I think I have to finish up my backlogged homework… I also want to have some delicious food… May I, doctor?”

Suhyuk nodded his head.

“Of course. Congrats on your discharge today! Don’t come back to the hospital!”

That’s the typical greeting Suhyuk says to a discharged patient.

“Do you have anything to say about Dr. Lee?”

At the cameraman’s asking, she made a smile and said,

“He’s been so nice and kind to me while I’m here. Even at a late hour he would come and check my condition…”

One day she was about to sleep after tossing and turning, when Suhyuk stopped by and pulled the blanket over her quietly.

‘I wish I had a boyfriend like him.’

She would think like that several times whenever she looked at him walking out of the room quietly.

“Ah! And my friends say he saved a person’s life by applying CPR…”


Suddenly Suhyuk made a big laugh, and opened his mouth,

“Congrats on your discharge today from the bottom of my heart!”

Astonished by his big laughing, Kim fixed his camera again at her.

“What did you say a moment ago?”


“Hahaha! Come with me. Let me help you get discharged.”

“Oh, yes…”

With a blush on her face, she pushed back her long hair to her ears.

‘Dr. Lee is helping me with my discharge directly? Does he like me by any chance? Will he ask for my contact details’

She could have a little hope like that is what she thought, however, it never happened like that. All he did was help her with the discharge process.

“Thank you.”

After saying such and bowing her head, she left the lobby.

Though she wanted to see his face, he did not remove his mask even to the end.


Suhyuk let out a sigh of relief. He could not lower his guard for even a moment.

“Oh, are you seeing a patient off like this?”

At Kim’s asking, Suhyuk said shortly, “Yes.”

He usually accompanied the discharged patient to the lobby.

Of course, when he was busy, he could not.

Kim was thinking the opposite, though.

“By the way, if you don’t remove the mask, your face might not appear on TV.”

“I don’t care at all. I can’t pass on my cold to the patients.”

Kim nodded at Suhyuk’s reply.

He was supposed to follow him for the whole week.

He would certainly take off his mask during that period.

Thinking so, Kim followed Suhyuk.


Making the rounds of the patients, Suhyuk checked and recorded their condition one by one.

Dressing after disinfection was basic practice to him.

There was nothing particular and no emergency patients.

Kim’s shooting continued into the afternoon.

While Suhyuk was turning over the chart, Kim paid attention to his stiff neck.

Even though he was not busy, Suhyuk never had a break time.

Was it because he was in front of the camera? Kim thought so.

Approaching Suhyuk, Kim said, putting his camera down on the chair,

“Dr. Lee, would you like coffee? Let me treat you.”

“It’s still business hour.”

Kim scratched his cheek, and felt embarrassed at Suhyuk’s stern tone.

“Ok, sir. I won’t shoot the film. So, take it easy. I’m afraid you’ll be out of sorts if you keep working everyday.”

Suhyuk smiled at his expression of concern.

“I’m fine. If you’re tired, please take a break and come back later.”


Shaking his head, Kim grabbed the camera again.

Then a phone placed before the PC buzzed. A nurse sitting nearby picked it up.

And she looked at Suhyuk.

“Sir, an emergency patient is being transported here.”

“What kind of patient are they?”

“I hear that they fell down the stairs…”

“Got it.”

Suhyuk raced toward the elevator and pressed all the buttons.

Still, the elevator was very slow.

Looking at the floor that the elevator stopped on, he called somewhere.

It was Prof. Han he called.

“Prof. Han, we’re having a heavy injury patient come in. Let me see him.”

Han quickly said, “Ok, let me come down in a minute. First, have him get the necessary tests.”

Suhyuk hung up the phone and moved.

Instead of waiting for the slow elevator, he was walking down the emergency exit stairs.

“Sir! Go with me!”

Walking down the stairs, Suhyuk moved more quickly.

He paid no attention to the cameraman, which was only natural.

For he did not feel it necessary to move with the cameraman.

The patient, who already arrived, was lying with pads on his chest.

A resident in his second year was checking the vital signs of the patient, when Suhyuk approached.

“I hurried here because of the call.”


Making a frown, the resident stepped back, and Suhyuk took his place.

The patient, moaning now, was bleeding. 

His front teeth were broken. Besides, there were small and large bruises all over his body.

It was certain that he fell down the stairs.

Now he began to scream, “It hurts!”

His mouth smelled strongly of alcohol. 

“Where do you feel hurt the most?”

“My chest hurts! My chest!”

Suhyuk cast his eyes at his chest. It was reddish as if his chest was hit by some object while he was falling down the stairs. Fortunately he was normal mentally.

Then Kim Woojin came up to him.

“What kind of patient is he?”

Did he not hear Kim?

Suhyuk was pushing the stretcher carrying the patient to the heavy injury unit.

“This really drives me crazy..”

Steaming with sweat, Kim followed him quickly.

Suhyuk’s response was swift, as usual.

Still, it took him as much as 30 minutes to perform tests on the patient, even though he acted very quickly.

First he collected blood from the patient, and then other tests were done.

From head to toe the patient was scanned.

Looking at the monitor, Suhyuk murmured.

“Liver laceration.”

Kim Woojin, who was taking a shot of the patient’s CT of his chest, asked what that meant.

Someone replied from behind.

“It means his liver was ruptured.”

He was Prof. Han. When he approached, Suhyuk opened his mouth,

“His vital sign isn’t improving, even with blood profusions. I think we need to start surgery.”

Han was looking at the CT carefully.

The black shade that should not be between the diaphragm and liver was caught in his eye.

It was a sign that there was internal bleeding.

“When did he begin receiving blood profusions?”

“More than 30 minutes ago.”

“Get ready for surgery.”

At Han’s order, the medical staff began moving the patient.

“I don’t want surgery! No.”

The patient, smelling strongly of alcohol, shouted suddenly.

The cameraman shooting Han asked, “Looks like he is an emergency patient.”

Han, nodding his head, opened his mouth,

“As for a patient with liver laceration, if their blood pressure and pulse can be maintained by appropriate conservative therapy, then you do not have to perform surgery. But I think he needs surgery.”

The blood was pooling in the diaphragm, and the pulse and blood pressure were dropping without improving for over 30 minutes. 

Blood transfusion and medication would be enough. 

There was no other choice but to open his belly and give a direct hemostasis.

Han headed for the operating room directly.

Han opened his mouth, washing his forearm with a disinfection brush,

“Looks like the patient has plenty of go in him.”

Suhyuk nodded his head. Intoxication made him dumb.

“Let’s go.”

Nodding, Suhyuk changed into an operating gown.

He also wore a new mask, and he turned back quickly with an eerie feeling. 

Chapter 106

The cameraman, who covered his camera with a disinfected germ-free sheet, also followed.

Though Suhyuk covered his face with a surgery cap and mask, he still could be identified.

For Kim was taking a shot of him.

Was it possible for his face to have been shot?

Perhaps not. Suhyuk changed his mask with his back to Kim. 


The automatic door opened and Suhyuk went in along with three cameramen.

Fortunately they did not get close to the operating bed. Perhaps they were instructed not to.

They just took a shot of various stuff in the room.

Kim, who was taking a shot of Suhyuk, walked to the side, and filmed the doctor looking squarely into the patient’s eyes. He was standing there as still as a stone statue.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m keeping an eye on this patient who is under anesthesia, as he might fall from the bed if we aren’t careful.”

‘Is he an intern?’

An icy voice came into Kim’s ear, who had been thinking like that.

“Don’t move carelessly.”

It was Suhyuk’s voice.

Kim took wavering steps back before he knew it. 

Though only one day passed since he started to follow Lee, it was the first time Kim saw such an icy look.

‘Is it because of this?’

He heard that doctors tended to be very sensitive when they went into the operating room.

Kim Woojin took a little more distance from the operating table to take a shot of Suhyuk.

So, the three cameramen were intensively taking a shot of the doctors assigned to them.

And as they installed a camera on the ceiling, they did not have to move to take a speedy shot from a different angle.

The filmed material would be edited and then processed in black and white for broadcast purposes.

The medical staff, busy preparing the surgery, now went back to their place, and the patient closed his eyes under the influence of the anesthesia. 


At Han’s words, the surgery began.

The patient’s belly was opened with the smell of burning flesh.

“Pull it!”

The two interns pulled the patient’s abdominal wall on both sides using a retractor, and the heart stained with blood was seen pounding. And a reddish blood was coming out of the liver next to the heart. 


At the professor’s order, the surgical nurse handed the saline solution to him.

On such occasions, the organs surfaced as they were.

“Unexpectedly, the damage is not that severe. So, we can finish the surgery quickly. Suction!”

The intern, who was monitoring the anesthetized patient, inserted a suction device inside the belly. It sucked in the blood mixed with saline solution.

At that moment, the suction device made a fluttering noise as it it was pulling away something strange.


Han shouted at him.

Stunned, the intern pulled out the suction device as if he was burnt by something.

Not knowing what he did wrong, he opened his mouth, “Sorry, sir.”

Gushing blood spattered over Han’s loupe suddenly.

The suction device directly touched the liver, which caused more bleeding to come from it.

Han stepped back without saying anything. The nurse wiped the blood off his loupe right away.

Suhyuk on the opposite side opened his mouth,


When Suhyuk held out his hand, the assistant gave him wash fluid.

He poured it into the belly, and held out his hand to Park Sungjae to signal that Park should hand over the suction device to him.

“I’m sorry, sir.”

“Watch carefully.”

As an experienced hand, Suhyuk sucked in the blood, saying to him,

“Next time, try to think you’re alone with the patient in the room.”

Suhyuk did not say anything after that. 

Park was at a loss on how to understand what he said.

But Han was smiling as if he said that as the answer himself.

Instead of scolding and punishing him, that kind of talk was the best advice.

Of course, it would take some time for Park to fully understand it.

In no time the damaged organ began to reveal itself after Suhyuk repeatedly sucked in blood.

The liver was not crushed like a tofu, but ruptured, which meant it did not need any partial removal. 

Suhyuk opened his mouth, “Let me do it, sir.”

Han nodded his head. At his approval, the medical staff remained silent.

For they clearly knew his capabilities that they had witnessed several times.

Nothing new or strange to them, because it was Lee Suhyuk.

In sewing the ruptured liver as soft as a tofu with his blood-stained hands, Suhyuk did not show any hesitation.

Han, nodding his head, watched him quietly.

Then a cameraman spoke to him, 

“Looks like the doctor has performed surgery many times before.”

The professor said, shaking his head,

“Maybe five times?”

The cameraman was surprised a bit.

“Is this an easy surgery?”

“Not at all.”

“How come he…”

“Well, he is a doctor who thinks the world of his patients, and that’s why he is so capable.”

The cameraman who has been taking a shot of Han gestured toward Kim.

That was a signal to him that he should take a good shot of Suhyuk.


After surgery the patient could open his eyes in the recovery room.

As the surgery did go well, just as planned, the medical staff laughed.

But the patient developed a dizzy symptom.

He grabbed Suhyuk’s hair and made much ado of nothing, but the medical staff calmed him down quickly. After he took a good rest alone in the recovery room, the patient was transferred to the intensive care unit.

Confirming the patient was asleep, Suhyuk came out of the room, and he made a bitter smile, stroking his hair.

Fortunately he had thick hair.

“You must be stressed when you see a patient like him.”

Suhyuk shook his head when the cameraman asked that question.

“It’s just dizzy symptom. As he had sudden surgery, he must have been very surprised and scared.”

Kim took a close-up shot of his eyes. That glittering eyes of his. 

“Don’t you feel stuffy if you wear a mask?”

“I’m alright. Let’s go.”

Suhyuk’s gown was fluttering.

While he was taking a shot of Suhyuk’s appearance from behind, Kim thought of what the director said a moment ago, “Don’t fail to take a shot of Dr. Lee Suhyuk’s face.”

“Looks like he wouldn’t take it off, giving the excuse that he has a cold.”

“You’ve got be ready to remove it if needed.”


Three days passed since they started shooting. 

Kim Woojin felt he was going nuts because he could not see this masked doctor taking a break at all. Patient, patient, patient. Whenever he arrived at the hospital, he would make the rounds of patients. Did he sleep for only four hours a day?

Due to Suhyuk’s short sleep, Kim had to reduce his sleeping time. 

Of course he could understand that, because doctors were normally busy, but of all doctors, only Suhyuk seemed so busy in his eyes.

That’s not the point, of course. 

However he tried, Kim could not take a shot of his face.

Even when he had a meal, he put seaweed rolls into his mouth, with milk.

So Kim spent several days trying to shoot him in vain.


Kim, sweeping up his hair, headed for the conference room.

He was not going there for a break, but he had a call from the director.

“Is everybody here?”

All the staff of the camera team gathered in the conference room.

Kim Woojin was one of them.

“Mansuk, did you finish the interviews with the nurses?”

“Yes, sir!”

The director called each one of the staff to double check if there was anything missing.

“Ok, nice job! Now we have one more day to go, so let’s cheer up! Don’t make any mistakes. Dismissed!”

The camera staff began to go out one by one, and so did Kim.

Then the director approached him and said, “Did you get a shot of his face?”


The director suddenly made a frown.

“Whenever he eats or drinks, he never removes his mask.”

“Did I ask you to report about it? Did you take the shot or not?”

“No, sir…”

He came up close to Kim with big strides, demanding,

“Shoot it. Today is the last shooting day.”

“Looks like he doesn’t want to be seen on TV… what if he takes an issue of portraits right?”

“Didn’t you see the doctors sign the contract before we began the shooting? It’s all included there. So, just take a shot of him. And did you ever see anyone who didn’t want to appear on TV?”

The current documentary is to be aired as ‘Dr. Han Myungjin’s story.’

Such a famous doctor has extolled another doctor by the name of Lee Suhyuk.

Even in the operating room, Han quietly watched him performing the surgery with a proud look.

A doctor recognized by the famous doctor, Dr. Han Myungjin.

The figure of Lee Suhyuk was a very important character in the current documentary.

“I’ll get you if I don’t find Dr. Lee’s face in your shots.”


“Answer me!”

“Yes, sir. Got it!”


Tick. Tick.

The second hand pointed to 4am.

Exhausted with fatigue, Kim was sitting on the lobby bench.

At that moment Suhyuk came out of the patient’s room.

“You look very tired, so please go home and take a rest.”

“Were you done with checking the patients for the day?”

“I’ve got one more patient.”

Nodding his head slowly, Kim asked to shake hands with him.

“Ok, let me go home then. Thanks a lot for your work for the past seven days.”

Suhyuk held his hands.

“You, too, had lots of hard times, Mr. Kim.”

Suhyuk really felt relieved now. He would not do it never again.

“Though I feel it regrettable that I can’t see your face, there might be chance for me to see you on TV, or next time.”

At his words, Suhyuk nodded his head gently.

“Take care, then!”

Parting with him, Kim got on the elevator to go down, and Suhyuk was able to confirm it.

Only then could Suhyuk breathe a sigh of relief.

Still he did not remove his mask. Though he felt very stuffy because of the mask he was wearing for one week, he just put up with it with perseverance.

So, he saw the last patient of the day, and headed home.


An emergency staircase right beside the lodging that Suhyuk went into…

A door closed tightly opened slightly. And a guy came out from there quietly.

He checked the time on his cell phone.


When 30 minutes more passed, he turned off the power of his cell phone.

He grabbed the door latch cautiously, and turned it.


The door opened.

Chapter 107

The documentary ‘Noted Doctor Han Myungjin’ was broadcast nationwide.

And one day passed. 

“You must be upset, sir.”

The nurses came up to Suhyuk with a blank face for words of comfort.

Other doctors appeared on the documentary, but Suhyuk was only seen sleeping.

“I’m alright…”

Letting out a long breath, Suhyuk moved to make the rounds.

Then Park Sungjae grabbed him and said, “Did you have a good sleep, sir?”

Suhyuk made a bitter smile. Did he sleep well enough? 

“Let’s go, sir.”

When Suhyuk moved, Park followed him.

Per Im Gyongsu’s direction, he had Park take care of simple stuff such as blood collection, disinfection of a surgery area, dressing, etc.

Of course, Suhyuk watched Park carry out his duty quietly.

On such occasions, patients made some pitiful look at Suhyuk.

“What a pity he was seen only sleeping in the documentary!”

“Among other doctors Dr. Lee should have been seen most.”

Hearing such gossip, Suhyuk just came in and went out of the patient’s rooms.

But that was it. Nothing more happened.

All he could notice was another appreciation of his face by those acquaintances of his at the hospital. Suhyuk felt his uneasiness was going away for some reason.

Was it a useless worry on his end?

Making the rounds of the patient’s rooms, he gave Park the assignments of the day.

“Please get the consent for the CT from the patient with liver laceration, and let me know as soon as his CT is taken.”

Nodding his head, Park opened his mouth,

“Sir, when you want to apply a needle in the belly…”

Park suddenly took his question back, when Suhyuk was turning around to see him.

“I didn’t hear you well. Can you tell me again?”

“No, never mind it. Let me go and take the CT.”

Then Park turned back quickly to head to the imaging room.


He let out a sigh of relief before he knew it.

If he had asked him his question, he would not have breathed well, digesting his vast knowledge of that specific question. 

It would be much better for him to ask Im Gyungsu, even if he got scolded.

Park’s gait was much faster now because he was afraid he might be called back by Suhyuk. 

It was the best policy for him not to be caught by Suhyuk as much as possible. 

Suhyuk smiled at Park’s appearance from behind. 

Park had the right attitude to learn, and once given an order, he moved fast to handle it.

He felt Park would be a good doctor.

Of course, Suhyuk never knew what Park was really thinking.

Besides, he did not know either what was going on in the internet since the documentary was aired.


Suhyuk was watching the monitor quietly.

He was the patient with liver laceration. 

On the monitor there was no blood pool, no inflammation. 

Depending on his condition over the next few days, he could get discharged if he regained energy.

Suhyuk talked to Park looking at it next to him,

“What do you think about his condition?”

Park was looking into the monitor closely.

If he could not answer, he would get a good scolding.

“Looks like it’s normal, sir.”

Suhyuk smiled at his hesitant reply, saying,

“You’re right. But it’s important to keep an eye on it because…”

At that moment his cell phone buzzed.

Looking at it, he made a curious expression.

The call was from the hospital director.

“Yes, this is Lee Suhyuk, sir.”

“Long time no see. Are you busy now?”

“Not really, sir. What is it?”

“Can I see you for a moment? I’ve got a favor to ask of you.”

What could it be?

He could not figure out the reason however hard he thought of it.

“I’ll be right there, sir.”

He instantly moved, saying to Park, “Have a break here.”

Park did not respond. He waited until Suhyuk was gone, and then went to see Im.

Suhyuk headed straight to the hospital director’s office.

His secretary welcomed him, saying, “Hi, Dr. Lee. I saw you on TV.”

With a bitter smile he opened his mouth, “Is the director in?”

“Yes, wait a moment.” 

She let him know Suhyuk was here.

A middle-aged man sitting against the background of the outside landscape through a wide window. Director Jang Kitaek offered him a seat. 

“Have a seat. You want coffee or juice?”

Putting his cell phone down, Jang sat across him, saying,

“How is your life here? Can you manage it?”

“It’s fine, sir.”

Jang smiled, shaking his head as if he could not believe him.

“You must be very busy. Doctors are short-handed all the time. They should take care of their health under that kind of situation, and they should know how to take a break sometimes…”

Suhyuk nodded his head lightly, asking him, “Any reason you brought me here?”

“Oh, you must be hot-tempered… Do you know how to treat patients?”

Suhyuk made a blank expression at Jang’s question out of nowhere.

“There are so many patients in the lobby waiting for your treatment.”

Actually the hospital lobby was crowded with patients who wanted to be treated by Suhyuk.

There was no way of knowing how many more would come.

The patients would not go back even if they heard that they could not see him.

Even a certain patient shouted back when he was rejected.

Almost 30 patients had to be turned back in the morning.

Jang was afraid that the hospital’s image would get damaged because of that.

“Yes, I think I could treat them…”

Jang asked some doctors about him a moment ago, who all said Suhyuk was a competent doctor even though he was only a first-year resident.

Besides, there were lots of praises about him everywhere.

He could believe it because reliable doctors testified to it.

“After lunch, please take care of those patients.”


There took place a very unusual thing.

Daehan University Hospital belonged to the third category of places for treatment.

Without referrals from the first or second category places, it was difficult for patients to be treated at the third category place, because they did not do general practice.

Of course the patients could get the treatment there, but their paperwork is usually handled by the emergency team with no coverage of insurance. 

But a special arrangement was made today so that Daehan Hospital could provide an ad hoc office for general practice. The office in the corner of the 2nd floor was emptied, with a nameplate hung in front of the door.

Inside Suhyuk looked around, scratching his head.

When he came there right after lunch, such an office for general practice was installed immediately.

The door opened, and a nurse put down lots of paper with simple personal information about the patients. 

The paperwork of patients seeing him in order was piled up one by one on the table. 

Looking at them blankly, Suhyuk asked, “What’s all this?”

“They’re all here to see Dr. Lee.”

With a smile, the nurse opened her mouth, looking at him,

“You must feel good as you have so many patients.”

She meant it. It seems all those patients waiting came here to see him.

“As this is a makeshift office, we still can’t work electronically. As soon as you’re done treating patients, you can give it to the patient after filling out the prescription.”

“Got it.”

When she went out, Suhyuk let out a long breath, but soon brightened his expression.

Accepting new patients was always the same for him.

Then the first patient came in. Her name was Oh Jina, 20 years old.

Suhyuk said first, “How are you?”

“Wow! You look much better than on TV. You’re really handsome!”

‘Isn’t it strange that she began with talking about my appearance? Isn’t it normal she mentions her symptom first?’

“Thanks. What brought you here?”

“Oh, I have stomach ache. I had a diarrhea. Yesterday I was ‘admitted into the restroom’ all day long.”

Smiling at her witty remarks, Suhyuk opened his mouth,

“Can I touch your belly?”

“Of course.”

Suhyuk took his stethoscope to her stomach. He heard something growling inside.

Then he pressed around her navel to check if she felt any pain there.

“Do you feel any pain here?”

She shook her head. Then he put his hand on her forehead, saying, “You’ve got a fever.”

“Right, doctor?”

With a smile he nodded his head, asking, “Do you see any bloody excrement or have any dizziness?”

“No, just diarrhea.”

Suhyuk smiled as she was fortunate.

“Looks like it’s simple enteritis.”

“If it’s simple, that means I can get treated quickly, right?”

Suhyuk nodded and said, “You don’t have to get a shot. Instead let me give you a prescription.”

Writing down a prescription, he handed it to her.

“Thank you, doctor.”

“Just give it to the nurse.”

After stealing another glance at him, she was about to turn back when Suhyuk said,

“I’m not done yet…”

She sat back on the chair.

Suhyuk explained to her about her disease, so she could understand easily.

“Most enteritis is caused by harmful bacteria from foods. It is in the same category as food poisoning. You said you’ve been ‘admitted into the bathroom’ because of enteritis, so you’ll be careful next time, right?”

She nodded.

“For the time being, it is good to eat a meal that is good for digestion. Of course, you can have food with lactic acid bacteria. Lactic acid bacteria keeps down the growth of bad cells in the body. Please stay away from fatty foods, salty foods, milk, fruit and cold foods.”

Hearing his explanation, she made a big smile without realising it

She could understand exactly why he was so famous.

Even though she did not ask first or even if she was not curious enough, he initiated an explanation like this.

It was the first time she met a doctor like this.

“Thank you. Doctor.”

Rising from the seat, she cautiously opened her mouth, 

“Sir, can I take a picture with you?”

Suhyuk, scratching his head, posed with her for a picture.

Oh Jina went out and in came the next patient.


Suhyuk’s eyes opened wider.

An old woman holding a black bag.

She was that very woman who, living in the shanty town, had drunk milk mixed the seeds of Angel’s morning glory flowers at the Hannul Park. 

“Who is this? Our dear Dr. Lee, your cheeks are sunken in!”

That was just the beginning.

Chapter 108

The old woman rubbed his shoulders with her hands.

Her wrinkled eyes were as warm as ever as if she was greeting her own grandchild.

Offering her a seat, Suhyuk opened his mouth,

“How have you been?”

“I’m always doing well. Are you working without eating meals on time?”

“Oh, I’m eating well. Do you have any pain?”

“No, I don’t. I just came here to see you. I just wanted to come to see you someday, but completely forgot. Then you were suddenly on TV!”

Having said that, she offered a black bag.

“What is this?”

Looking inside it, he made a gentle smile. It was potatoes. 

“If you boil it, it tastes so good. So, put it somewhere and eat it when you’re hungry.”

Suhyuk smiled brightly after accepting them without hesitation.

“You don’t grind the seeds to mix with milk, right?”

“No. As soon as I went home, I threw them all away. I was stupid enough to have made many people worried about me for that,” answered she, as if she was sick and tired of it.

Suhyuk wore a bitter expression. Even though she was good-hearted and generous, she had no family. Her children, who contacted her on and off, lost track of her at the end of the day. 

Surely they would get punishment as they left behind such a good mother.

Suhyuk chuckled more brightly, saying, “Dont’ you feel any pain on your shoulders or pins and needles on your legs?”

“No, I’m really fine.”

Then she held his hands and stroked them cautiously, saying,

“Your hands are so cute.” 

Looking down at his hands quietly, she raised her head and said, “Thanks, thanks.”

“Is everyone doing fine there?”

He was inquiring after those old men and women in the shanty town.

“Of course, they’re doing well. Oh, dear. I think I’m holding a busy doctor for too long…”

Standing up, she said again, “Don’t skip your meals, and you have to take care of your health first and foremost. If you are sick, everything will crumble. I’ll see you later, then.”

When she turned around, he stood up quickly and opened the door.

“Please take care. And I’ll stop by someday.”

Yes, he will do so surely.

“You don’t have to, seeing as you’re busy. It would be a waste of time! Get back to work now!”

‘I’ll come and see you.’

She went back, and in came the next patient.

His name was Choi Gilsup, a 42-year-old man, and strangely enough, his name was familiar to him.

Choi, his wife, and a daughter, all came into the office.

“Hello, sir?”


With a smile, he cast his eyes toward the woman. 

When he looked at Choi, he recalled who he was.

He was the very patient whose leg had been stuck when a newly built house collapsed.

“How have you been, doctor?”

At Choi’s asking, Suhyuk made a gentle smile, “Good, of course.”

Suhyuk looked at his wife and child, with Choi standing next to them.

Without succumbing to the accident, Choi stood up on his own to support his family.

He looked to be in good condition.

“We were not sure what you liked… but this is a gift we’ve prepared.”

It was an import alcohol that seemed very expensive.

“I thought you were here because you’re sick…”

“I’m very healthy thanks to you, sir.”



The official consultation hours were over. 

Though Suhyuk said he could see more patients, his supervisors stopped him.

The makeshift office was against the regulation, and this was supposed to make those involved run into trouble. Not only protests from other hospitals but a big fuss could come out of it. 

So, the hospital set up a policy to run the makeshift office for general practice for three days only.

Though he was done with treating patients, Suhyuk was still staying in the office. 

With his eyes fixed at one corner, he scratched his head.

A lot of gifts were piled up there. 

Healthy foods ranging from potatoes and import alcohol, to ginseng and green vegetable juice. 

What should I do with all these…

His parents naturally came to his mind, and he made a smile.


It was the third day that Daehan Hospital opened a general practice office. Time passed fast, and Suhyuk was hectically busy treating the patients.

Sometimes he would pose with patients, and he felt much relieved to think of it as an extra service to them.

“Thank you.”

When the patient stood up, Suhyuk opened his mouth, “For the time being, stay away from drinking alcohol.” 

Another patient quickly came in. Park Chanhee, a 37-year-old man.

He was in a neat suit, and sat on the chair with a smile.

Suhyuk asked softly, “Are you here due to any pain?”

“Hello, Dr. Lee. I’m not here due to being sick. I’m from Cheil Hospital.”

Suhyuk’s eyes became wider at his reply. Cheil Hospital was called a top hospital along with Daehan Hospital in Korea. 

“Why are you here, by the way?”

“I just wanted to see you. Unless I come to see you like this, I was afraid I couldn’t meet you, as you’re quite busy.”

“Is that all you’re here for?”

Suhyuk’s tone changed. As he was not a patient, it’s better to get him out of the office quickly.

For the next patient was waiting.

“Here’s my business card.”

Suhyuk looked at the card. He was a general surgeon.

When he looked at him again, Park opened his mouth.

“Frankly speaking, our hospital would like to scout you. Of course, we’ll pay you more than Daehan Hospital.”

Having said that, Park read his countenance. 

Generally speaking, a hospital needs famous doctors.

For they bring in lots of patients, and the prestige of the hospital is supposed to go up.

So, Cheil Hospital staff conducted a secret investigation into Dr. Lee Suhyuk.

Thought he just became a resident, there was universal praise of him at Daehan Hospital.

In short, he was a doctor with immense potential.

That was enough. 

Taking his eyes off the card, Lee said,

“Thanks for giving me such high praise.”

Park rose from his seat, saying, “You don’t have to reply right now. Please give it some thought and let us know.”

Park headed to the door, and when he grabbed the door latch, he turned back,

“I want you to know this, though. If you come over to our hospital, we’ll offer you the best compensation in terms of benefits and pay. Goodbye, then.”

He soon went out of the hospital. 

‘Cheil Hospital…’

When he was looking at the card, another patient came in.

Suhyuk smiled at the patient, “Come in!”

One more day passed and the temporary general practice was now over.

The hospital director let him take a day off, with words of appreciation.

As Suhyuk thought of taking a day off too, he felt good about it.

Getting up early in the morning, Suhyuk was moving some packages to a truck.

A one-ton truck was parked in front of Daehan Hospital.

All the packages were already loaded, which were the gifts he had received from the patients.

“This is the last package. Let’s go.”

Suhyuk got in the truck, along with the driver.

“What are all those packages?”

At his asking, Suhyuk just smiled, saying, “I just want to give them to my parents.”

“Wow! I’ve never seen such a huge number of gifts like this.”

The driver, feeling envious about his parents, thought of his son who went to college.

He did not have any expectations of him. The one thing he wished for, was for him to be a good doctor like Suhyuk sitting next to him.

He wanted to brag about his son proudly to others. Yes, bragging about his son.


The truck drove for about one hour, and arrived at his house.

His mother, who had a day off only one day of the week, came out to greet Suhyuk.

“Come on in, my son!”

When she reached out her hands, he hugged her with a smile.

She said, while hugging him, “What are all those things?”

“They’re gifts I received.”

The driver, who was watching the mother and son with a satisfactory look, smiled greatly.

“He is a devoted son. I envy you.”

Her warm smile brightened more. She said, stroking his shoulder, “You’re such a cute boy!”

“Let’s go in, mom.”

Suhyuk began moving the packages with the driver.

She also helped them, although Suhyuk asked her to stay away.

Soon all the packages were moved inside the house.

She began to lift the gift boxes one by one that were piled up high in the living room.

All sorts of gifts, ranging from ginseng and black onions, to wine, etc, which all were reputed to be good for the health.

“Who gave you all these gifts?”

“I received them from the patients.”

“All of them?”

He nodded his head.

“How thankful they are! This import alcohol seems to be very expensive. Let me give it to your daddy.” 

Suhyuk smiled at that. 

“Oh, do you want lunch? Did you have breakfast?”

He shook his head and said, “I’m hungry.”

Rising from the floor, he dusted off his hands.

“Wait a moment. Let me prepare lunch for you.”

Then his cell phone buzzed. 

“Hey, Dongsu.”

“Oh, you take my call right away. Are you not busy now?”

“Looks like you’re not either.”

“Are you busy? I finish work a bit early today for the first time in a long time.”

“Well, I’m at home now as I have a day off today.”

“Great. How about soju with grilled pork belly at a nearby restaurant?”

“Ok, give me a call when you’re done.”

Hanging up the phone, he dined with his mother, and ate the delicious fruits that she peeled for him. 

His happy time with his mom passed quickly, and it was already the evening.

His father was pop-eyed at the many gift boxes. 

“What are all those boxes?”


Going out, Suhyuk moved to the place he was supposed to meet Dongsu.

The weather was good, and the occasional wind made him feel cool.

Soon, Suhyuk arrived at the restaurant and went inside.

As it was the weekend, it was crowded with customers.

He took a seat, when Dongsu opened the door.

“Hey, Lee Suhyuk!”

Suhyuk smiled at him. Though he saw Dongsu after such a long time, he felt just congenial to him as if he was a friend he met only yesterday. 

“Didn’t you order yet? Auntie!”

Soon, side dishes and grilled pork belly were served.

When the meat was getting cooked well, Dongsu raised his soju cup.

“Today, soju feels sweet.”

“Hey, slow down, man. You might completely black out.”

“You’re supposed to drink soju quick from the beginning, man.”

Their drinking time was not short. They consumed as many as six bottles of soju.

Dongsu rested his chin on his hands, which suggested he was drunk, given his drinking pattern.

He was murmuring incomprehensible words.

Suhyuk drank up some more soju.


When he let out a little breath, Suhyuk thought of one thing on his mind.

“We’ll give you better compensation than Daehan Hospital.”

At the same time he thought of his mother preparing food in the kitchen and the dust on his father’s clothes after he returned home from work.

While Dongsu was murmuring alone, he refilled his own cup and drank it up.

Suhyuk took out the business card from his wallet and looked at it quietly.

How much time passed?

“Yes, this is Park Heechan.”

“Hi, this is Lee Suhyuk.”

Chapter 109

“Thanks for calling me. I’ve been waiting for your call.”

Suhyuk smiled at his bright voice.

“Hello? I can’t hear you well because it’s noisy around you there.”

“Wait a moment.”

Suhyuk went out of the restaurant.

Left alone, Dongsu was dozing off at the table and murmuring.

“Yes, it’s you, man… I’ve got this evidence against you. If you keep making excuses, I’ll get you…”

Though the grilled pork belly restaurant was crowded, Dongsu’s closed eyes would not open.

How long passed?

Suhyuk, coming back from outside, paid the bill and came back to the table.

And he filled his cup with soju. Looking at it quietly, he then drank it all up. He did so several times.

Wiping off his lips wet with soju, Suhyuk smiled at his friend, saying

“Dongsu, let’s go home.”

But he would not move, with his face down on the table.

Then Suhyuk rose from the seat, but he tottered, as he was very drunk. 

Putting his hand on the table, he barely regained his balance.

At the same time a bottle of soju fell onto the floor and broke.

The owner came up and said, “Are you okay?”

“Sorry, sir.” 

Suhyuk lifted up Dongsu and said, “Dongsu, let’s go home. Stand up.”

No response, just like before. After some effort, Suhyuk lifted him, holding his arm.

Only then did he half open his eyes.

“Okay, let me treat you at another place. Let’s go!”

Suhyuk took him out, feeling the cool air blowing toward him occasionally.

“Come to your senses, man!”

Still, he was tottering, leaning against Suhyuk. Suhyuk did, too.

He was just a bit less intoxicated than Dongsu.

Dongsu was closing his eyes, with his head down.

“Are you sleeping?”

Shaking his head, Suhyuk said again, “Dongsu, I’m not sure if what I said was good.”

Then, some sort of slurred words were coming out of his mouth,

“Yes, you’re my friend, man. Good job, good job.”

Having said that, he became silent.

Suhyuk chuckled.

“Do you know Cheil Hospital?”

Of course, it’s impossible he could not know such a big hospital. But no answer came from him.

Suhyuk continued, “They say they would pay me a lot if I moved there. But I rejected their offer.”

For a moment silence prevailed.

Under the streetlights there were some people passing by occasionally.

“Was it a good decision?”

Still no reply came from Dongsu.

Letting out a long breath, he looked up at the night sky.

When was the last time he looked up at the stars?

As he gazed at them for quite a long time, the stars seemed to twinkle more brightly.

It was now almost 2am.

When Dongsu became sober, Suhyuk sent him home by taxi and silently opened the door of his house. He moved quietly so as not to wake his sleeping parents.

Then he heard noise from TV in the lobby.

His mother was asleep on the sofa, holding a remote control. 

Obviously she fell asleep waiting for him. He cautiously took the remote control from her hand and turned off the TV, and he brought a blanket and covered it over her gently.

He sat on the floor, leaning against the sofa. He turned his head toward her and looked at her, saying to himself, “Mom. I’m sorry. Wait a little more… just a little more.”

He still had a lot of things to do at Daehan Hospital.

Patients looking for him.

The old woman who had milk mixed with Angel’s morning glory seeds, the little girl who he thought had been abused… He might not be able to see them again.

And when the day came when he had to leave Daehan Hospital, he would not go to Cheil Hospital. He wanted to go to a larger hospital, one which was his own decision to go to and not by someone else’s will.

Suhyuk, who was murmuring as if he was whispering to his mother, rose up.

Then she showed a smile, tossing and turning.

Suhyuk, too, smiled.

It looked as if his mother was saying something with a smile, “Cheer up, my son!”


Ding dong!

Suhyuk opened his eyes at the sound of the doorbell. 

Getting up from the bed slowly, he checked his cell phone. 

Did Dongsu return home safely?

Then the doorbell rang again. 

He went to the living room, with his buzzing cell phone left behind.

He could call Dongsu later.

“Who is it?”

Suhyuk opened the door to find that it was Dongsu.

Scrutinizing Suhyuk from head to toe, he shook his head, asking,

“Were you sleeping until now, not knowing what time it was?”

“It’s 8am.”

“Is it okay for a doctor to be so lazy?”

Having said that, he came into the living room as if it was his own house.

“Mom, dad, it’s me Dongsu.”

“They’re out for work already.”

“I see…” 

Dongsu put down a bag he was carrying on his shoulder, and sat on the sofa.

“What’s that?”

At his asking, Dongsu made an unbelievable look,

“Don’t you remember we agreed to go fishing today?”

No, he did not make that promise to him.

“Did you have a weird dream?”

Dongsu shook his head from side to side.

“You don’t remember anything as you were completely drunk yesterday.”

Suhyuk made a blank face because he never said anything about fishing.

“What’s this, anyway?”

Rising from the seat, he went to the kitchen, and took off a paper covering something.


Dongsu swallowed his saliva from seeing lots of delicious side dishes there.

“Can I eat this?”

Shaking his head, Suhyuk brought spoons and chopsticks to the dining table.

“What the hell are you talking about fishing all of a sudden?”

Eating hurriedly, Dongsu said absent-mindedly, “Any particular thing to do today?”

Suhyuk had nothing particular because he had a day off during the weekend.

“Which fishing place are you going to?”

“Just follow me. Wow! Your mother really cooks delicious food!”

Shaking his head, Suhyuk began eating.

Going out, casually dressed, Suhyuk got in Dongsu’s car.

They left in no time, and the music from the car radio made him feel drowsy.

Looking out the car window quietly, Suhyuk closed his eyes before he knew it.

Dongsu, holding the steering wheel, glanced at him.

How long did they drive for? 

“Wake up, man!”

Suhyuk woke up at his voice. 

Before their eyes there was a cool reservoir surrounded by swinging reeds.

When they got out the car, the smell from the reservoir tickled their noses.

Stretching himself, Dongsu glanced at Suhyuk, saying, “How about it? It’s cool, right?”

Suhyuk smiled, saying, “Yeah, so cool.”

“Okay, take it.”

Dongsu gave him a fishing case, and he opened it. He took out some spring water, some ramen, a burner, etc.

“Let’s go, man.”

Dongsu walked ahead, followed by Suhyuk. 

As they walked near the lake, Dongsu looked around here and there because he could not find a good place for fishing.

“How about the opposite side?” said Suhyuk.

Like he said, there were some people enjoying fishing on the other side.

Nobody was seen on their side. 

“What a bother, man! Let’s fish here,” said Dongsu.

Dongsu began treading on the rough reeds.

Seeing him, Suhyuk shook his head.

Suhyuk also began moving like Dongsu, and they soon made a fishing spot.

They opened the trunk and took out a fishing rod.

“Can you do it for me?” said Dongsu, offering a styrofoam box to Suhyuk.


Having said that, Suhyuk opened the box, and inside were lugworms wiggling in some dust.

Chuckling, Suhyuk asked, “Can’t you touch a lugworm?”

Dongsu made a frown, replying, “I hate it the most in this world.”

“Then you should have bought paste bait, man.”

“I heard that they catch a lot of fish using lugworms in this place though.”

“Give it to me.”

Dongsu moved his fishing rod to Suhyuk’s place. Suhyuk held a fish hook and put a lugwork on it carefully. Then, Dongsu threw it into the water, and so did Suhyuk.

Sitting on the chair, Suhyuk was looking at the float on the water. He has never done any fishing except for times when he followed Dongsu’s fishing trips. 

Dongsu took a glance at Suhyuk. He could not find any trace of agony from Suhyuk’s face.

He thought he had done the right thing when he brought Suhyuk here.

Then Dongsu’s cell phone buzzed.

“Let me come back quickly after the phone call.”

Dongsu answered the phone at a distance from Suhyuk.

“Yes, this is prosecutor Kim Dongsu.”

“Hey, didn’t I tell you to report to work today?”

“Oh, I took a vacation leave today.”

“Do you think it’s just enough if you’ve submitted a vacation request? You should get the approval before taking leave. Don’t you know we’re busy today? Where are you now? Come back now!”

“Hello, hello, I can’t hear you. I’m now in a remote place where the cellphone reception doesn’t work well. I’ll call you back later.”

Dongsu cut off the phone, and even turned it off. 

Poking it deep into his pocket, Dongsu went back to Suhyuk.

When he got back, Suhyuk was watching the bobber quietly.

Dongsu smiled at him, and thought to himself,

‘What would I be doing now if I had not met Suhyuk back then? Most likely I would have been doing manual labor or wielding my fists as a gangster. Maybe both. Lee Suhyuk, you’re really a man of blessing to me.’

Sitting on the chair, he asked like before. 

“Isn’t it cool?”

Looking at the landscape slowly, he opened his mouth,

“Yeah, it’s cool.”

Then Suhyuk’s eyes glittered because the bobber, which had no sign of moving up to now, began bouncing up and down, and then went inside the water.

Suhyuk rolled up the fishing reel quickly.

The fishing line became tense, and the hooked fish seemed to be pulling the fishing line, moving from left to right. It must be a big fish, given the heavy feel he had on his hands.

Suhyuk slowly wound the reel, when Dongsu grumbled, “Damn it…”

Turning to him, Suhyuk cast his eyes down.

He saw some bleeding on his calf, who rolled up his pants.

Suhyuk held the reel back, then looked back at him quickly.

A long, limp object was in his hand. It was a snake whose color paired with a magpie, called a Short-tailed Viper Snake.

Suhyuk threw away his fishing rod, took off his shirt and tightened his thigh with it. 

“What are you doing, man?”

Dongsu opened his mouth, looking at the snake he was holding.

“Stay quiet!”

Suhyuk turned back his head quickly, and saw a black bag containing spring water and ramen.

Chapter 110

“Tighten it like that! Call 911 now.”

Suhyuk shouted.

Dongsu gripped his thigh tightly and pressed his cell phone button.

“What bad luck..”

Suhyuk quickly grabbed the bag, and splattered the spring water over his calf.

He put the vinyl bag on his calf, and sucked the blood.

As he had his tooth cavity treated as a child, he could not do it with his bare mouth now.

If his friend poisoned, there was no way he could not do anything.

“Am I dying?”

“What the hell are you talking about? I’m here to help you out.”

Suhyuk did not stop sucking the blood. When he did blow hard, blood came out through the vinyl bag on his calf. That was about all he could do in this situation.

“Hello, I was bitten by a viper snake. My location is…”

It seemed that about five minutes passed since Dongsu was bitten, but he showed no symptoms.

It was fortunate for him.

“I feel dizzy…” said Dongsu. 

Suhyuk’s face hardened at Dongsu’s calm voice.

“Don’t make a joke,” said Suhyuk. 

Looking at Suhyuk, he smiled. Then Dongsu opened his mouth, “Let’s wait up there as the ambulance is arriving here soon.”

“You had better stay here,” replied Suhyuk.

If he was moving, it would quicken the flow of blood containing the poison, which was not good for him.

Squatting on the ground, Dongsu said, 

“What the heck are we doing here as we’re on an outing here after such a long time.”

Chuckling a bit, Dongsu looked up at the sky.

White clouds were drifting away peacefully.

He felt the pain, caused by the snake bite, was disappearing slowly.

Suhyuk put his hand on Dongsu’s chest to check his heartbeat.

Typically, a normal heart pulse for normal people is 66~85 beats per minute.

Dongsu’s pulse was must faster than that.

Though he made a comfortable look, it was the opposite in his mind.

Suhyuk put him at ease as best he could.

A cool wind was blowing through the reeds.

Dongsu said, “I feel much better now.”

Then they heard the sound of an ambulance in the distance.

Arriving at their place, the rescue crew got off.

“Here. We’re here!”

They rushed toward them.

“You said you were bitten by a snake?”

“Yes, please transport him to the nearest hospital.”

One of the crew checked his calf, and the other member asked Suhyuk.

“Did the snake flee?”

“Here it is.”

When Suhyuk moved, the crew member followed him.

There they found a limp snake on the grassy ground. Checking it, the crew member turned to Suhyuk, asking, “Didn’t you say he was bit by a short-tailed viper snake?”

“Yes, that’s what I said…”

The crew member wearing gloves tapped the snake lightly.

“Looks like you were confused because ashes were on it.”

The black and white ashes on the snake were dusted off.

“It’s possible that you were confused in an emergency situation. This is not a short-tailed viper snake, but a water snake which has no poison.

Suhyuk scratched his head, relieved.

When he looked at Dongsu, he was walking with difficulty, helped by a crew member.

Approaching Dongsu, he said, “I’m sorry, I was wrong.”

Dongsu made a curious look at his remarks.

“They say it’s not a viper snake.”

Dongsu blinked his eyes at his remarks, then turning to the crew member.

“Well, this is a water snake with no poison, called Mujachi.”

Dongsu said, “Well, I still feel dizzy.”

“Maybe it’s your own feeling.”

Then Suhyuk said, “Just disinfection, please!”

As Dongsu had a shot of tetanus about one year ago at Daehan Hospital, disinfection alone was more than enough.

So after, they resumed fishing again.


After a troublesome break at the fishing place, Suhyuk was now back home.

It was 5pm when he arrived home.

He had to come back quickly because Dongsu was busy.

As soon as he gave him a ride, Dongsu went back to the prosecutor’s office right away.

After taking a shower, he went out. Then he met his mother who just got back from work.

“Son, did you eat?”

“Yes, I just came in after dining with Dongsu.”

“Good! Why did you wash the dishes?I told you not to.”

“Well, because I felt bored.”

With a smile, she gestured toward him to sit beside her.

“I want to donate some of the gifts you brought to an orphanage. What do you think?”

Suhyuk tilted his head because the gifts were all health foods.

They were not for children.

Reading his mind, she opened her mouth,

“I hear the orphanage is opening a flea market. I hear many people are donating the kind of gifts you brought here, so they can sell them to help the orphanage…”

With a pleasant smile, he nodded his head.

“Did you put away some gifts for you and dad?”

“Sure, the very best of them.”

“Okay, mom, Just go ahead.”

Then, she called somewhere, saying, “Is this Hanmaum Orphanage? My son says he wants to donate some gifts. Yes, yes. By the way, the gifts we have are quite a few…”

Talking over the phone for a while, she hung up the phone, and patted him on the shoulder.

“How good-hearted you are, boy!”

Suhyuk felt once again how good-hearted she was.

“Son, let me come back in a minute. Take a break here.”

“Let me go with you, mom.”

In about 20 minutes, there arrived a small truck in front of the house.

There were lots of stuff on the truck, an indication that it was sent by the orphanage.

Suhyuk and his mother moved all the gifts for donation to the truck.

The driver also helped them, saying, “looks like you’re selling health foods.”

At his remarks, Suhyuk and his mother just smiled.

Soon the gifts were loaded onto the truck, and it took about 30 minutes to the orphanage.

Getting off the truck, Suhyuk looked at the open playing field of the orphanage.

Some of the children were playing soccer. 

Dingdong, dingdong…

A bell resonated at the orphanage.

Holding a package, the driver asked, with a smile, “Did you have dinner?”

It was a bell ringing for dinner time.

“Son, shall we go for dinner?”

Guided by the driver, they headed for the dining room, walking along the winding hallway.

The hallway was clamorous with the voices of children playing and running to eat first.

Suhyuk found it lively, but at the same time he felt bitter.

These children had no families.

Then, a child fell down, and got up, rubbing his knee.

“Are you okay?” said Suhyuk, checking his knee.

“I’m alright, sir.”

The child got up suddenly, and ran again.

They soon arrived at the dining room.

“Don’t cut in line!”

“Oh, we have sausage on the menu today!”

Holding a metal tray, the children were lining up.

Suhyuk also took a tray and stood in the line. 

His mother was at the office of the orphanage director.

The director wanted to treat her to coffee at her office.

Suhyuk looked around slowly. 

The children varied in their ages, ranging from elementary school kids to high school students.

The whole dining room was full of children.

Soon, it was Suhyuk’s turn to get the food.

Getting rice, side dishes and soup, he took a seat.

“Who are you?” asked a boy on the opposite side.

Suhyuk said with a smile, “Oh, I’m here because I’m hungry.”

“Do you have no mommy and daddy, uncle?”

Suhyuk smiled bitterly. How can this boy with charming eyes utter such words calmly like that?

Was it because the child’s emotion was dried up? No, he might have buried his pent-up yearning for his family deep in his heart. 

Looking at the boy quietly, Suhyuk smiled at him.

The boy was looking squarely into his metal tray.

Suhyuk pushed it toward him gently.

“You can eat it, too.”


Suhyuk nodded his head.

The boy moved his fork, picking up the sausage only.

“What’s wrong with your face?”

At his asking, the boy answered, rubbing his face with a scab on it.

“I fell over.”

“Don’t you feel any pain?”

“No, sir. Thanks.”

Eating up sausage, the boy bowed his head and then disappeared.

With a gentle smile, Suhyuk began eating.

When he stood up after eating, a girl looking like a high school student passed by him, with a frown.

‘Is she sick?’

The girl was rubbing her stomach. 

Looking at her quietly, he looked around like before.

Then he moved to someone who distributed food to the children.

“Where is the director’s office?”

“Go to the 3rd floor and turn left…”

He headed straight to the 3rd floor, and easily found it.

With a knock, he went into the office.

His mother was meeting face to face with a middle-aged woman.

“Oh, he’s my son.”

At her words, the director stood up with a bright smile.

“Thanks so much for the many gifts you’ve donated.”

Suhyuk opened his mouth, 

“I’m a doctor. Can I go see them?”

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