Golden Time (JungYong) Chapter 102


Golden Time (JungYong) Chapter 102-104

Chapter 102

“Huuuuh… Huuuuuh…”

Taking a couple of deep breaths, Suhyuk pressed the woman’s chest hard, and then he blew air into her mouth.

“Open your eyes!”

Not even a slight reaction.

The crowd gathered there around her began uttering, “Is she dead?”

Hearing them, Suhyuk acted more urgently.

Her face was becoming more and more pale.

“Don’t you think it’s just so unfair if you die like this?”

Saying that, Suhyuk once again blew air into her mouth and took his locked arms to her chest.

At that moment, “Cough! cough!”

Some coughing came out of her mouth.

“Wow! She came back to life! She’s survived!”

“It’s true, he is a doctor!”

Suhyuk, breathing a relief of sigh, squatted on the ground as if he let go of all his strength.

It lasted for only a moment, though.

Straightening himself, Suhyuk checked her condition, who was breathing hard.

“Can you see me?’

Frowning at his asking, she moaned, saying, “I feel so much pain coming from my chest.”

As her ribs were broken, it’s only natural she felt like that.

“I called 911, so bear with the pain for a moment.”

Her breathing became weaker and weaker.

She was feeling pain from here fractured ribs as her chest became bigger and then smaller with each breath she took, and she was trying to breathe instinctively even with the pain.

“Even if you feel the pain, you have to breathe properly.”

She might have a problem if her breathing became weak.

For if the lungs that always have to be inflated with air become shrunken, complications such as atelectasis and pneumonia may arise.

At that moment they heard an ambulance’s siren.

The rescue crew checked her condition.

“She has rib fractures.”

One of the crew asked, blinking his eyes, “What did you say?”

Only then did they understand Suhyuk’s words, and hardened their look.

Multiple fractures could lead to serious organ damage.

“How did she get hurt?”

“It happened while I was applying CPR. That’s not the point. Please transport her as soon as possible.”

The crew moved her to the stretcher cautiously, and Suhyuk got on the ambulance.

Whenever the ambulance trembled a bit, she moaned.

“I find it hard to breathe…”

Suhyuk held her hand tightly, saying, “You’ll be alright. So, please bear it a moment. Please put an oxygen respirator on her.”

A crew member, seated face to face with her, put the respirator into her mouth, and looked at Suhyuk pitifully.

Rib fracture could happen anytime when CPR was applied properly, but that could also pose a problem.

Even though one saves a victim’s life by applying CPR, in many cases one is accused of causing injury because of the rib fracture. The injurer has to bear not only the treatment bill but also the legal cost.

Actually there were a lot of such cases in the past.

The rescue member was more worried about Suhyuk than the woman.

However, Suhyuk was only focused on the moaning woman.

“Please try to breathe a bit more. Yes, like that. You’re doing great.”

The ambulance drove to the hospital in no time. It was not Daehan Hospital.

They took her to a nearby hospital.

Suhyuk, who came to the emergency room along with the patient carried on a stretcher, shouted, “Rib fracture patient.”

A doctor on duty came, asking, “How did she get injured?”

“Ribs were fractured while I was applying CPR.”


“Did you do it by yourself?”

“Yes, I don’t think it’s multiple fracture. I think she needs a bone scan quickly to confirm it.”

The doctor’s eyes became wider at his words.

He looked like a college student. Not only had he applied CPR, but his way of speaking was professional.

Checking the patient’s condition, the doctor caught a beginning resident passing by.

“Take a bone scan of this patient first!”

The resident came and pushed the stretcher with the patient.

Suhyuk went with him, when the doctor stopped Suhyuk and asked, “You must be her guardian, right?”

“No, I met her on the street.”

At his reply, the doctor shook his head, wearing an unpleasant look.

It was certain he, who applied CPR, would run into trouble if he met the patient’s guardian.

The doctor witnessed it several times.

“Uh? Where are you…”

The doctor could not stop him running to the emergency room.

Suhyuk could confirm the condition of the patient, who was taking bone scan, through a glass screen

“Not that serious. I don’t think there is any damage to the organs…”

Suhyuk fixed his eyes on the monitor when the doctor said that.

As he expected, it was not multiple rib fracture, but just a simple fracture.

Suhyuk looked at her who was lying in bed, with her head lifted up.

Only then could he make a smile.

She had no particular problem when she went through all the examinations.

Though she had to stay at the hospital for several days, she could get discharged after that, and it would take about four weeks for her to fully recover.

“I feel that it’s hard to breathe.”

At her words, a nurse said, “Can I put the oxygen respirator on you?”


After the nurse disappeared, Suhyuk approached her.

Looking at the name label on the bed, he opened his mouth,

“Ms. Hemi, do you still feel a lot pain?”

She nodded, with a frown, complaining in her heart, ‘It’s because of you…’

“Don’t worry too much. You’ll be able to get up soon. Excuse me for a minute.”

Getting out of the room, he went to the restroom, and took off the hospital sleeves to wash his bare feet. As he ran with bare feet, they were studded with tiny little stones.

But Suhyuk did not make any frown because he saved her life.

When he came back to the hospital, a middle-aged woman was stroking her face. She was her mother.

“She was fortunate enough.”

At Suhyuk’s words, the middle-aged woman turned her head to him, shouting “You!”

She came to him with big strides, and complained, “How could you make her injured like this? So, what would you do now?”

Suhyuk said in a calm voice, “If I had not applied CPR, her life might have been in danger.”

“Who told you to do that? Why did you break her normal ribs?”

“Rib fracture could happen frequently with CPR.”

“What are you talking about? You think you’re a doctor?”

“Yes, I am a doctor.”

The woman bullying Suhyuk now closed her mouth for a moment, but continued again,

“You are a doctor. So what? What if something went wrong with my daughter? Are you going to take responsibility for it? Yes, you should be responsible for it. How should you compensate?”

Suhyuk made a frown, but soon he was back to normal.

He could understand her who must have been surprised a lot at her daughter’s condition.


“So, what would you do with her?”

“Please calm down. Without his help, her life would have been in danger…”

The nurse standing behind her cut in.

“What? Don’t you see my daughter with an oxygen respirator right now? You’re in the same boat, right? Get ready. I’ll take action,” she threatened.

At that moment they heard a male voice outside the patient’s room.

“This is not a market. Shut your mouth!”

A man in his early 50s shouted to her.

In a suit, he seemed to have come, stopping his work at the office.

“Honey! This man broke our daughter’s ribs!”

The middle-aged man went up to his wife, and then raised his hand as if he was about to hit her.

But he did not hit her. Instead he threatened,

“What the heck are you making a fuss about here? Watching TV soap operas at home all the time, you must have gone crazy by now.”

Actually she brought in her friends everyday for a drinking party.

To make matters worse, she started gambling, losing the rent deposit.


“Don’t call me honey. How should I deal with you…”

This time, too, he did not have the heart to hit her.

Briefly looking at his daughter in bed, the man turned to Suhyuk and bowed his head politely.

“Thank you, sir. I heard from the doctor that you save my daugther’s life…”

Suhyuk said with a smile, “I’m a doctor. I just did what I should have done.”

“Honey, why are you talking to him like that?”

The man, who was bowing his head, turned back and said, with a frown,

“Be quiet!”

At her husband’s rebuking, she became dumb as an oyster.

“Let me apologize on behalf of my wife. I’m sorry, sir.”

“It’s alright. Looks like she did that because she was surprised. I fully understand.”

Suhyuk left the place without hesitation after speaking to them, and the man was looking at him with blank eyes.

He turned around and looked at his wife. Then he said, “Why did you come out and make an exhibition of yourself like this? You should have stayed home watching TV soap operas. Come with me now.”

The patient’s room was clamorous for while.


“The criminal suspect took her as hostage here. He ran away after he strangled her neck while he had been taking her as hostage. And the woman who stopped breathing…”

The alley was crowded with many people. Some of them were taking pictures, and some holding a microphone in front of the camera. They were all reporters.

And then one man shouted, “He’s that very person!”

It was the voice of a man who had seen Suhyuk applying CPR to the woman all along.

Reporters turned their heads to him suddenly.

Suhyuk was approaching, dragging his slippers.

At the slippers were large and stretched, Suhyuk found them very uncomfortable.

They scrambled to see him. Stunned, Suhyuk stepped back.

“It was a very urgent situation. Did you already know how to give CPR?”

“What is your occupation?”

They took dozens of microphones and cell phones to Suhyuk for comment.

Click! Click!

Camera flashes clicked ceaselessly.

“Please just one comment!”

“What is your occupation?”

With an embarrassed look, Suhyuk opened his mouth before he knew it,

“I’m a doctor.”

Then he suddenly came to his senses, and elbowed his way out of the crowd.

Getting the media attention was the last thing he wanted.

They chased him to his villa.

“Are you Mr. Lee Suhyuk by any chance?”

Walking up the stairs quickly, Suhyuk stopped for a moment.

Click! Click!

He began walking up quickly again.


Suhyuk closed the door quickly as soon as he arrived at the villa.

Nonetheless, they kept knocking on the door.

Shaking his head, he moved to the living room.

Then his cell phone buzzed.

Suhyuk went into the room to pick up the phone.

“This is Lee Suhyuk…”

“Suhyuk, it’s me, your sister. I just feel regretful…”

It was reporter Han Jihye.

Chapter 103

Getting up early in the morning, Suhyuk could not help but stand blankly in the lobby.

There was a news report about him on the TV.

Though it did not mention his name, the report introduced the series of things he had done before, ranging from his cutting the cricothyroid membrane at middle school to identifying the cause of death of a cadaver. And then there was additional piece about his having caught a thief who broke into empty houses and this time saving a woman’s life with CPR.

Those who had been gradually forgetting about him recalled the stories about Suhyuk once more, and those who did not know of him began to find out who he was.

Obviously it was not Han Jihye who wrote the report because he had earnestly requested her not to do so.

Probably those reporters who recognized him might have weaved the story like that.

“Isn’t he doctor Lee Suhyuk?”

Suhyuk quickly got on the elevator, hearing someone’s abrupt voice like that.

“Huuuuuh…” He let out a sigh without realising it

He just wanted to focus on the patients, but instead found himself the subject of attention and focus.

The elevator door opened, and Suhyuk moved with a bitter smile.

“Good morning!”

At Suhyuk’s greeting, Im Gyungsu nodded his head. Beside him was a man who he did not know.

He was standing still like a tree, and bowed his waist as soon as he saw Suhyuk.

And then he opened his mouth hesitantly, “How are you, sir? I’m intern Park Sungjae who has just been assigned to the cardiothoracic surgery!”

Im knitted his brows, saying, “Hey, lower your voice! Some patients passing by might have a heart attack at your loud voice.”

“Yes, sir!”

With a smile, Suhyuk asked to shake his hands.

“Nice to meet you. I’m Lee Suhyuk.”

Park’s eyes became wide. He was about reminded what they said when he was assigned here.

‘Just work as hard as Lee Suhyuk, no more or no less.’

“My service to you, sir!”

Im shook his head at that. Who is saying it to whom?

It was Im himself who would be in charge of Park.

“I don’t see the chief doctor. Something wrong with him?”

Yes, Suhyuk was right. Chief Kang was not seen there.

Im said in bitterness, “I heard his grandfather passed away. I should visit him, but I can’t find time..”

Suhyuk nodded his head.

Though lots of patients were coming in, there were not a sufficient amount of doctors.

The situation was more serious because cardiothoracic surgery was unpopular as a specialism choice.

“We’re going to collect some comfort money later. You know nurse Han Binna, right? She is supposed to collect the money, so hand the money to her today.”

Then, Prof. Han Myungjin came up. They were supposed to make the rounds in the morning.

“I told you to take a day off today…”

Han just made a perplexed smile at Suhyuk, looking at him.

The figure in question on the TV news channel… Though his name was not mentioned, Han could infer from the report that he was Suhyuk.

Even on a day off, he went around to save a person’s life.

Suhyuk slurred, scratching his head, “It happened to be that the alley was right beside my house…”

Han, shaking his head, walked ahead.


Checking the patient’s conditon, Han asked intern Park,

“This is chylothorax. What is the cause?”


Park became dumb as an oyster at that question. The moment he was asked, he just could not think of anything. However, Han made a smile, saying it’s understandable.

Now he looked at Suhyuk, who opened his mouth reflexively,

“It is the state where the chest tube which is the largest lymphatic organ is damaged and the chyle in the chest tube is accumulated into the chest cavity.”

Suhyuk explained it in a calm and orderly manner as if he wanted someone to listen to it.

“Generally speaking, there may be many causes, but it is caused by lymphoma or wounds.”

Saying that, he took a glance at Park.

Park was taking notes quickly about what he said.

“Yes, that’s right. What’s the remedy?”

Han looked at Im Gyunsu, but instantly cast his eyes to Suhyuk.

Just in case Im could not answer in front of the intern, Han was considerate enough to have Suhyuk reply instead.

Suhyuk opened his mouth, and this time his reply was not easy to deliver.

Suhyuk explained as easily as possible so Park could understand.

“There is conservative therapy first. There is a method of inserting a chest tube into the target and draining it. At the same time, the patient needs fasting, so intravenous infusion should be provided. Oral ingestion at this time is absolutely taboo. This is because it increases the amount of chyle in the chest.”

Han shook his head. Suhyuk’s explanation was easy enough that even ordinary people could understand it.

Suhyuk continued, but Han raised his hand to stop him.

He could go on and on like this. What’s important was that the patient was recovering.

Han went out of the room, and the three followed him.

Im, walking next to Han, explained about the disease of the next patient.

Then Park cautiously opened his mouth, asking Suhyuk,

“Sir, you mentioned a secondary method to treat…”

Suhyuk said with a smile, “Well, it is universal to check any damaged caused by surgery, and then sew it.”

Taking notes quickly in his notebook, he nodded.

Suhyuk made a pleasant smile as if he was proud of Park.

Then Park stopped walking, and thought to himself while looking at Suhyuk walking on.

Was there any doctor who explained to him so easily while he was leading a tough internship?

Suhyuk’s posture, walking with his gown fluttering in the air.

He looked like a real doctor.

When he made the rounds with the professor, Park asked Suhyuk question after question. There were so many things he wanted to learn.

When he asked other doctors, he would be told off, but Suhyuk was completely different from them.

His soft voice made Park relaxed, and whatever he mentioned, Park could easily digest.

He wished there were other doctors like Suhyuk at other departments.

Park thought he would just follow Suhyuk while he was having his internship at the cardiothoracic surgery department.


As soon as they were done with the rounds, it was lunch time. Suhyuk moved to the cafeteria.

Park quickly came toward him. With a doubtful look, Suhyuk asked, “Did you finish your work?”

Im was not the type of person who let the interns or residents take a break on time, especially interns. Im really gave them a hard time.

“Oh, Im told me that I should follow you for more learning.”

That was possible.

Im already recognized Suhyuk’s capabilities, but he had other motivations too, namely getting the troublesome intern to be taken care of by someone else.

Unaware of this, Park was all smiles.

Suhyuk made a bitter smile at that because he could detect Im’s such intentions.

He did not care, though. For teaching was not hard anyway, and it was neither clinical treatment nor surgery that Suhyuk ordered Park to do.

“Sir, I hope you can give me lots of teaching and scolding.”

Like he did the first time, he bent his waist to show respect.

“If you work with me, you may be tired quite a bit.”

At Suhyuk’s words, he showed some anxious look. Was he intent to give me enormous assignments? Suddenly that kind of thought came to his mind.

Then Suhyuk continued,

“Well, I often make the rounds to check the patient’s condition.”

Park welcomed it more because that was a good opportunity for him to learn while following Suhyuk.

“Let’s go.”

When Suhyuk moved to the cafeteria, Park followed him briskly.

The two went out right after lunch.

Even though it was for a moment, Park could size up Suhyuk to some degree.

He would not open his mouth unless Park talked about patients.

Park felt very awkward while eating with him.

They still had 30 more minutes of lunch time left.

“Sir, I’d like to treat you to a cup of coffee because I was so thankful to you a short while ago.”

With a smile, Suhyuk opened his mouth,

“Next time, Mr. Park. I have to see a patient now.”

Park then followed him, with a crisp reply, “Yes, sir.”

Though it was still lunchtime, Park did not have anything to complain about.

All this would be of immense help to him anyway.

He certainly could not miss the golden opportunity to learn from someone like Suhyuk.

Until then Park would not know it yet, namely that he would be destined to face many hellish days.

Chapter 104

It was 3am.

Coming out of the patient’s room, Park sat on the hallway bench feebly.

His shoulders drooped, he tried hard not to close his drooping eyelids.

Suddenly, what he had experienced at emergency medical department came to his mind.

Dressing, blood collection, CT, MRI, endoscopy tests, and getting consent forms, etc.

Besides, he had to keep a watchful eye on the patients under anesthesia to check if they were falling from the bed.

Yet it was worse at the cardiothoracic surgery department.

‘I feel like dying.’

Park thought like that. How many hours did he sleep for during the past few days?

Nine hours? Ten hours?

Though he was only an intern, he felt he was being mistreated.

He had no work to do except for following Suhyuk.

That was the problem, though.

Suhyuk kept seeing the patients as if he had an indefinite physical strength like a robot.

Also, his explanation of the diseases.

He felt he was going crazy because of Suhyuk’s outpouring explanation whenever he met patients. His explanation was easy, but it was enormous enough to have him retch.

He felt like he was being tormented.

‘I want to sleep… Just 10 minutes…’

At that moment, Suhyuk came out of the patient room that he had entered into a while ago.

He just finished checking the patient’s condition one more time.

Park sprang to his feet.

“You look tired. Go home and take a rest.”

Park, with his bloodshot eyes, shook his head.

“I’m alright, sir.”

‘Please tell me once more to take a rest.’

How can he accept big senior Suhyuk’s request right away? If Suhyuk insisted once more, then Park would be ready to go to the lodging with reluctant acceptance.

‘Please, sir…’

But his wishes did not come true, as he expected.

Suhyuk was looking at him proudly, and Park could not betray his expectation.

Turning back, Suhyuk headed back to the patient’s room.

“This is a patient with partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection. This disease is less than 1% of congenital malformation…”

Park, following him with faltering steps, wanted to shut his ears to Suhyuk’s words.

The next morning.

Im, who just came back after having been dispatched to the heavy injuries center, was stunned to see Park. His skin was rough and dry, and he looked pale as a ghost as if he did not sleep for three days straight. Im looked at Suhyuk.

“Don’t you think you’re giving Park too much of a hard time?”

Shrugging his shoulders, Suhyuk looked at Park.

“I’m in good hands, sir. He doesn’t give me any hard work…”

“Then, how come your face looks so haggard? Were you doing something else instead of sleeping at night?”

Park just felt tight in heart.

He did not work, but… He just felt crying.


“Tell me. What is it? What did you do yesterday?’

“I just followed Dr. Lee Suhyuk.”

“Just following him? Was that all? You didn’t collect blood, either?”

“Yes… but in the morning…”

Without hearing him out, Im looked at Suhyuk with a frown.

“Hey, Lee Suhyuk. Are you here to take care of a picnic boy? From now one, let Park do the chores of dressing, getting the consent forms for the patient’s examinations, etc. Don’t you think Park was just fooling around after leaving the office as you’re so nice to him?”

“Yes, sir.”

Hearing Suhyuk’s reply, Im then looked at Park and said scoldingly, “Do it right, okay?”

Park bowed his head and said, “Yes, sir. I’ll work hard.”

At the same time, Park said to himself from the bottom of his heart,

“Thank you Dr. Im. You saved me!”

He felt as if he could regain his strength because he could work independently from Suhyuk for a while.

“By the way, Lee. The professor wants to see you. Park, come and follow me.”

Park quickly followed Im.

Suhyuk felt pitiful about him because he would have to take on lots of work from now on.


Suhyuk headed for the professor’s office.

“Did you look for me, sir?”

With a soft smile, Han asked him to sit and offered him a cup of coffee.

“Is your new intern working well?”

Suhyuk nodded his head.

“Yes. He seems to have a strong determination to learn.”

“That’s good to hear. Recently I haven’t found any interns interested in cardiothoracic surgery.”

Except for Lee Suhyuk who wa right before his eyes.

“Why did you call me, sir?”

Han shook his head from side to side.’

“Well, I heard that a TV network is sending their crew here to cover our hospital in the form of a documentary.”

Suhyuk was surprised suddenly. He reacted reflexively at the word ‘broadcast.’

‘Hopefully not the cardiothoracic surgery department.’

When he sometimes watches a TV documentary, it often showed the emergency room.

“Are they coming to cover the cardiothoracic surgery department by any chance?”

Han, nodding his head, took coffee to his lips.

“Why are they covering us rather than other departments?”

“How should I know, seeing as the higher-ups made the decision?”

“Please make sure they don’t shoot me, sir.”

Other doctors are trying hard to have their faces shot on the TV screen more, and some of them pass by the shooting scene on purpose.

“I think they are coming to film me intensively.”

Suhyuk made a blank expression because he had to follow Han wherever he moved.

Whether he was moving for the patient’s examination or surgery, it did not matter.

Reading Suhyuk’s expression, Han made a feigned laugh because he had a miserable scowl on his face.

“Don’t you like it?”

“To be honest, I don’t like it, sir.”

“Any reason?”

He had only one reason. He did not want to draw any attention.

What kind of situation would develop if his face appeared on TV even for a moment?

He was not an entertainer in any way.

Firming up his mind, he said, “Well, I’m afraid it will disturb me when I see patients or when I participate in surgery.”

While having coffee, Han cleared his throat as if he got something caught in his windpipe.

How could any doctor say such a thing to the TV crew?

Clearing his throat, Han opened his mouth,

“That makes sense, but the audience watching the documentary could change their thinking a bit.”

Suhyuk made a perplexed expression.

“Do you know what they think about doctors usually? They think doctors are infected with their social status behaving high and mighty or that they treat patients roughly. Of course not all people think like that but…”

Moistening his throat with coffee, Han said again,

“That’s why doctors like you should appear on TV. There are doctors like you who don’t look at the patients as money and don’t perform difficult surgeries. We should be on TV to say that. It’s like a dagger we’re darting to those doctors without conscience, so they can feel the pang of conscience sharply.”

Suhyuk nodded at Han’s smile.

There was nothing wrong with Han’s remarks.

Though he did not want to be seen on TV, at the same time he wanted to inform the audience that there are doctors working hard, like Han said.

Of course, that type of doctor would be Prof. Han.

In his opinion, Han was the best doctor who put the patient before anything else.

All he had to do was just help the TV crew film him.

If that’s the case…

At that moment Suhyuk thought of an interesting idea.

“When do they start filming?”

Han smiled at Suhyuk’s asking.

“We’re going to have a meeting in three hours.”

Suhyuk laughed awkwardly.


While turning over a chart, Suhyuk received a call.

“What are you doing? Come here now!”

“Yes, I’m coming now.”

After he hung up the phone, he walked to the conference room reluctantly, and he opened the door.

Some strangers were talking with the professors of the cardiothoracic surgery.

“By the way, why are you wearing a mask?”

Han, talking with the TV crew, looked at him.

“I have a cough, sir.”

“You were perfectly normal a short time ago, right?”

“Looks like I have had a latent cough then.”

“That’s why you should have taken care of your body as a rule.”

After having said that, Han made a serious joke to the director of photography next to him,

“See. Doctors don’t take care of their own sickness. This is Dr. Lee Suhyuk, a very capable doctor.”

Suhyuk was surprised at his name being mentioned suddenly, and read the director’s countenance.

“Nice to meet you. I’m Han Woontaek.”

When he reached out his hand, Suhyuk could breathe a sigh of relief.

Director Han was not aware of him.

“Nice to meet you, too. My name is Lee Suhyuk.”

So, they talked with the TV crew about the documentary project.

Their discussion could be summed up like this.

Namely, just work as usual while the TV crew are filming it in a way that they would not disturb them as much as possible.

Their discussion ended soon, and Suhyuk went out of the room.

Then he heard the director directing his crew members.

“Number 2 camera, Woojin, you shoot a film of Dr. Lee Suhyuk.”

A young guy approached Suhyuk right after the director’s order.

He looked to be in his late 20s, with a round physique.

Holding his camera, he opened his mouth,

“My name is Kim Woojin. I look forward to your help for one week, sir.”

“I thought you would focus on Prof. Han. Isn’t it true?”

“You’re right. Prof. Han is our main focus, but we need to take a shot of other doctors. Our director already explained about it at the meeting.”

Suhyuk’s sigh came out his mask quietly, and he opened his mouth,

“Okay, got it. Hope I’m in good hands, too.”

Outside the conference room Suhyuk and the director were walking on the hallway.

Patients and nurses looked at them curiously because it was unusual.

“May I ask about your job title here?”

Mr. Kim Woojin, assigned to taking a shot of Suhyuk asked.

“I’m in my first year of residency. Why are you asking that?”

“Well, we have to put in the captions when we edit the filmed material. When we air the documentary, your name and job title comes in.”

Suhyuk stopped walking and slowly turned back, saying,

“Can you just take out my name and describe me as a resident?”

As he was wearing a mask, only his glittering eyes were seen.

At least it was what the cameraman could see.

“Let me ask the director then…”

He took out his cell phone and called the director,

“Sir, it looks like Dr. Lee Suhyuk doesn’t want his name and title identified.”

Kim handed his phone to Suhyuk then.

“He wanted to talk to you, sir.”

Suhyuk was handed the phone, and said, “Please respect my wish.”

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