In Serial

A World With or Without Aliens

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Author: Type:Male

Nothing matters. It's not my opinion, it's a scientific fact.

This is neither good nor bad, it just... is. I watched my entire country burn, fried on a patriotic pan after some jerk fired a bunch of nukes at the docile fleet of alien ships hovering over us. Who gave this moron such power? I don't know. Everyone involved is most likely dead by now.

As for me, I can't die. I feel pain like a normal person would (I think), but no matter how terrible the conditions, I will never die or pass out. Fortunately, a lot of alien technology survived its crash to Earth, so I get to spend some time playing with it until Mr. Author gets bored and decides to screw up my life.

Beware, this has a "harem" tag. If you haven't figured it out yet, I'm the main character and am therefore subject to this novel's timeline. While this bars me from the sweet ignorance of Chapter 1's me, it does have other perks... for example, I can tell you that heroine number one is personally responsible for kil-!? H-hey, back off! I'm your character, so if you didn't want me to be like this, then you should've written me differently!

Randomguy here! In all seriousness, this novel is meant to explore the concept of nihilism as a post-apocalyptic/supernatural-scifi/satire told from a nihilistic introvert's first-person perspective. As you heard from my unsettled main character, each heroine is going to be a different type of horrifying socio/psychopath with dark motives and dangerous abilities (most of which are psychological).

Why would I do something like this? Because I am, in reality, a nihilist who is often frustrated by weird things, like unrealistically dramatic stories, the industrialization of art (specifically music), and people who think swimming in brown creekwater for five hours is a "fun" activity. Don't get me wrong, neither me nor my character are depressed, we're just malcontents who make a lot of nerd references.

I feel like the true essence of an "everything is worthless" perspective is lost on most pop-culture figures. The closest character I can think of at the moment is Rick from Rick and Morty, who is a drunk, angry nihilist that experienced tremendous loss. I, personally, find this belligerent state of mind to be very relatable, and have incorperated it into every chapter's introduction. Here, the main character talks directly to the reader (and me), shamelessly complaining about some semi-relevant facet of society, which probably doesn't make much sense... it's not really supposed to, though.

These "angry nihilist" moments are just a peak into the main character's everyday existence, and also act as miniature rage-journals for me. It will sometimes take a subjectively 'positive' turn, but not very often. This is because reality isn't good or bad, "it just... is". I will eventually bring it full-circle to optimistic nihilism, since that seems to be a more practical way to live (and by "practical", I mean "doesn't create mental health issues").

It is, of course, a satire. I did this because most unnecessarily emotional moments or people usually make me feel kind of awkward, so I decided to mock them. That is, I plan to mock the characteristics about them I don't like in characters based solely off said characteristics.

Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy my story!

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