
Miscellaneous DATA

Maps -

Udoris(Relief Map) Dated 18/13/1623

Udoris(Without Relief) Dated 18/13/1623

Udoris(Geopolitical Map) Dated 18/13/1623

Udoris (Geopolitical Map) ( Without Relief) Dated 18/13/1623

Udoris(Biome Map)

Udoris (Northern Algrim) Dated 18/13/1623

Udoris (Temp.) Map

Timekeeping - Proper timekeeping is one of the most important principles to adhere to in wargaming. Here are some miscellaneous data to aid with this; read at your discretion.

Distance from Faywyn to Bycrest (as the bird flies) - est. 380 miles

Dis. Faywyn to Mallowston(as the bird flies) - est. 32mi

Dis. Faywyn to Pryga(as the bird flies) - est. 137mi

Baggage Train - est. 4mph

Horseback speed(gallop) - est. 45mph

Horseback speed(light trot) - est. 6mph

Vessel(upstream tack on the Strega) - <10mph(8.5 knots)

Vessel(oars upstream on the Strega) - <5mph(4.5 knots)

Vessel (downstream on the Strega) - <18mph(15.5 knots)

Messenger bird(rock pigeons) - 93mph

Man on foot - <5mph

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