《Smash Gal & Esvanir》Issue #54: I Don’t Think We Have a Choice
=== Curt ===
Smash Gal looked hurt when I pulled away. I guess she wears her heart on her sleeve no matter what reality we’re in. I took several deep breaths. I tried counting to ten, but that had never helped me much. My mind was moving a mile a minute. It constantly moved too fast. So, I started talking. I couldn’t stand the silence. I couldn’t stand that pained look on her face. So, I did what I always did when I got in over my head. I pushed forward, trying to figure everything out. “You said that stuff like this happens to you all the time? Has this ever happened?”
“Has my husband ever forgotten that we were married and acted scared of me?” She didn’t even try to hide the pain in her voice. “No, Curt. This has never happened. At least, I don’t think so. I don’t even really know what’s happening.”
“I . . . haven’t forgotten anything. It never happened to me. This is going to sound a little nuts. I think I’m from a parallel universe. A different reality where . . . we still exist, but . . . not like this. Not . . . together.”
“Not together? I can’t imagine a world where we didn’t end up together, Curteh,” she muttered softly.
“Yeah, well. It didn’t happen where I’m from. It couldn’t. Not after everything.”
“You . . .” I paused, trying to suppress all of the emotions that were running over me. The pain of all of Kari’s attacks on me. On Cindi. How angry she made me feel all the time. “When you came back into my life, you were already Smash Gal in my world. And you almost killed me. A lot. You . . . you almost killed my wife. Twice.”
“Wife?” She muttered. “When I came back into your life . . . Ten years is a long time, but we’re tighter than that. We could’ve survived that.”
“Ten years? Well, that explains one aspect.”
“That’s about when I met Cindi. You didn’t even come back for another four years after that.”
“Four years can make that much of a difference?”
“I don’t know if it was just the time.”
“What do you mean?” Kari asked. This still feels so fucking weird. I’m just talking to her. Like she’s a person. Like she hasn’t been trying to ruin my life for a year now. Another voice in my head countered; she didn’t. That was your Kari. You brought that out of her. Because you ruin everything. I pushed my self-hatred to the side. I don’t have time for that right now. I also didn’t have time for every doubt I’ve ever had about Smash Gal to bubble to the surface, but there wasn’t anything I could do about that.
“I got involved with the World’s Greatest Thief. And I am the third greatest. Cin encouraged me to be a better thief. And I use that to help the world.”
“Yeah, that’s what my Curteh thought too. But I showed him a better way.”
“A better way?” I scoffed. “What, Esvanir, Inc.?”
“Yeah,” Smash Gal straightened her back a little. “You were just a petty criminal stealing stuff from WanEn, EnGin, and whoever else when I first caught you. You were trying to help people, but you were alone and weren’t doing it in a way that would ever mean anything. You were breaking the law for a good reason, but you were still breaking the law.”
“I’ll never let myself be bound by unjust laws,” I muttered under my breath, unable to keep the heat out of it. Kari watched me.
“You really are just like him from all those years ago. But I showed him a better way. You go through the right channels; you help people get their stolen items back, and they pay you for it. And you buy things the world needs and donate them to those in need. You have a network of people worldwide to help manage your donations, ensuring the right people get what they need. You’ve even partnered with Bion. Well, before Professor Mind . . .”
“Bion . . .” My voice trailed off. Did they know? Could they possibly? It was Kari’s stupidity and my dickishness that got him caught. “When was the last Grignau attack?”
“Last year. But what does that have to do with anything?”
“In my world, Bion is behind those attacks. And I bet that’s still true here. If I partnered with him, I’m culpable for not stopping the greatest mass murderer ever.”
“That’s crazy. Why would Bion use the Grignau to stage an attack? You’re nuts.”
“He didn’t. He just did what capitalists do. He invaded their world for resources, consequences be damned, and everyone else had to pay the price.” Kari sighed. I glanced over at her. She was frowning at me, disappointment evident on her face. “Whatever. Not my world, not my problem. But after we get this resolved, maybe look into it.”
=== Kari ===
“Um. C-Curt,” I said tentatively. I’d closed the distance between us. I think this is the closest I’ve been to him without attacking since . . . we were fourteen. Even on our little coffee date when I first came to Avalare, he’d kept his distance. He’s closed off to everyone. An image of Buck Cherry wrapped around him forced itself up from my memories. But I ignored it, looking down at my old friend. This . . . It’s almost like old times. At least a little. He looked up at me with his piercing blue eyes. They weren’t contorted in rage. He wasn’t screaming at me. Something settled in me for the first time since I found out who he was. What he was. I don’t want to fight him anymore. “We’ll figure it out. I’ll help you. Just like when we were kids. What’s the last thing you remember?”
“You and I were fighting Buck Cherry and . . .” He trailed off, looking up at Chuck, who frowned down at him.
“So, you were fighting me in your parallel world. Did anything weird happen during that fight?”
“No,” Curt said, his face screwing up in concentration. “Well, no weirder than normal. I mean, I am a guy with a fancy pair of contacts and a piece of tech straight from Aperture fighting the most powerful psychic and the greatest thief in the world. Cherry had me pinned and did that weird nerve thing.” He gestured to Chuck and continued. “You blasted me with something, and I must’ve passed out. Fortunately, Kari was there. She must’ve done something. Unless . . . you killed her. Killed me.”
“Chuck would never do that!” I insisted. Chuck shook his head.
“That’s not . . . I can, Kari. It would be easy in a lot of cases.” I watched him. He wasn’t looking at either of us. Instead, eyes were glued to his feet. His mouth was stuck somewhere between a pout and a frown.
“Yeah, you’ve proved that time and time again. Especially against Bion.”
“Bion?” I asked. Even thinking about the man filled me with rage. Curt must’ve noticed that because he looked at me curiously. “What happened to Bion?”
“Yeah, Brain boy here tore his mind out. Left him a vegetable. He’s still in a coma.” PM shifted uncomfortably beside me, and I considered him for a moment. I didn’t need to be a telepath to know that his mind was on Scott and Blanca. I wrapped an arm around him. Then Curt looked away, gritting his teeth. I can’t believe Curt is jealous of Chuck. That’s. . . almost cute. Chuck cleared his throat, forcing a subject change. For a therapist, he sure avoids his own issues a lot. Though, right now is hardly the time.
“Mister . . . Stewart. I think that my other self was doing an Ego Drain, and it interacted weird with Miss Drei’s powers, which caused the predicament that you’re in currently. Do you know how her powers work?”
“No,” Curt said quickly, considering. “What exactly is an Ego Drain?”
“It’s a little hard to explain, but if I am inclined to, basically, I can take the whole of someone’s persona, their memories, their personality, their essence, and strip it from their body. It’s. . . not a pleasant experience, but if . . . I’ve gone bad in this other world, then I may be more. . willing to use it.” My boyfriend physically shuddered as he thought about it.
“Does it always send people to a dystopian mirror of your life where everything is worse?” Curt asked bitterly.
“I don’t think so. I think we have to call in your wife.”
“My wife’s right there. With her arm around you,” he muttered softly.
“I mean-”
“I know what you meant. I’m from out of town, but that doesn’t make me a moron. I just don’t want to call another supervillain.”
“I don’t think we have a choice, Curt.”
=== Don ===
Through a series of couriers, I managed to get a message over to Rawlins written in an old cipher the cops had cracked a while back. They hadn’t used it in years, but I was confident he’d still remember it. They had used it for ten years. I had been vague enough to give plausible deniability if he decided to flip on me. But I think my offer was enticing enough to pique his interest. In the meantime, Alexander had mass-produced some of the cures they had been testing at Bellemere. It had proven fatal, and Alexander wasn’t sure about it. Still, I insisted we have some as a backup since, undoubtedly, the filth would fight back. I watched Alan Crane, the senior District Attorney walk by my office. He looked exhausted and utterly defeated.
I leaned back in my office chair, smoking a Cuban cigar. Today was good. Everything was falling into place. I couldn’t help but have idle fantasies about what Curatio would accomplish next. We were gearing up and on the cusp of our first big move. I received a call from a police station. Not exactly uncommon, I thought. I answered it and started to speak but was cut off by an automated voice. “This is a collect call coming from Avalare Police Department from-” another voice cut in, “Johnny Rolls-” the robotic agent cut back in, “Please press 1 to accept the charges.” I did so.
“Mister Rawlins, to what do I owe this honor?”
“Well, Mister Assistant District Attorney, I have really seen the error of my ways, and I wanted to talk to you about how I may make things right. With society, you see. I’ve been doing a lot of reflection, and I think about the big man himself and really want to do right by him.” The way he emphasized big man was all that I needed to hear. I felt my lips spread into a rare smile.
“That’s good to hear. I get down there so that we can talk in person.”
A few hours later, I was at the jail he was being held in. He was brought in, chained at the wrists. The cop escorting him chained him to the table. I had already been in the other room and had turned off the cameras and microphones. I couldn’t guarantee that no one was listening on the other side, but at least nothing would be on the record. I gave my best grin up to the cop. “Please, leave the keys. We’re here to have a nice conversation.”
“Are you sure?” The cop asked, looking between the two of us. Rawlins was a big guy. He was not as big as Marcelli, but he still outweighed me by probably a hundred and fifty pounds. I nodded.
“Yes, I’m quite sure. Thank you.” I said, putting a note of finality in it.”
“Do you want me to stay, just in case?” He asked, putting the keys on the table.
“No, that’s quite alright, officer. As I stated, this will just be a nice conversation while we iron out some details.” The cop looked unsure but left the room hesitantly. Rawlins considered me for a moment as I undid his shackles.
“You know, I was shocked to get that little message from you. Especially when I confirmed it was you. So, I’m a bit curious. What’s all this about?”
“I want to talk to Vincent Marcelli,” I said in an even voice. Despite this being necessary, I did feel a little sick working with criminals like this man.
“I don’t think Mister Marcelli wants to talk to you. He’s. . comfortable where he is.”
“I think he would be very interested in what I have to say.”
“And what exactly is that? So that I can tell him.”
“He and I have a common interest.” Rawlins raised an eyebrow at me.
“No offense, Mister Assistant District Attorney,” he began. The way he said my title made my skin crawl. He put so much condescension in it. I fought back a grimace and settled for a deep frown. “But I don’t think that you and he have much in the way of mutual interests.”
“We have one. I am working to . . . deal with the degeneracy that has befallen our society. Mister Marcelli has expressed a similar attitude several times in the past. In fact, he has something of a reputation.” Rawlins’ brow furrowed as he considered my words. Then his eyes widened.
“Oh. You and he, uh, don’t like the same kinds of people. I see. And you’re looking to do something about that. I don’t have so much of a problem with that sort. So, I know what’s in it for you, and I know what’s in it for him. But what’s in it for me?” The criminal asked, examining his nails nonchalantly.
“Plea deal. 3 years, minimum security. A nice place. Lots of free time, lots of exercise.”
“I was thinking that, as the facilitator of this little meet-cute, I walk.” He sounded almost bored. I growled in annoyance.
“Rawlins, you have a record a mile long.”
“I’ve never done a hard time.”
“No, but you’re suspected in every part of Marcelli’s business.”
“I walk.” I watched the man for a long moment, gritting my teeth. I hate the idea of putting this scum going free. But I can deal with him later. I pictured him when the day came. He’s a blood traitor. He’ll hang like the rest of them. And that thought managed to bring a smile to my face.
“You walk. But you have to convince Marcelli to hear me out. Fully.”
“Of course, Mister Assistant Distri-”
“And if he doesn’t, you’ll get life. I’ll make sure of it.”
=== Kari ===
I watched the man in my husband’s body. He moved like a skittish cat, jumpy and over-aware of everything around me. My heart panged to see it. Curt’s always been a little like this. But this is the worst I’ve ever seen. His words played back in my head; After everything you’ve done to me. I took a deep breath, trying to banish his accusation. If this wasn’t some mind trick played on us by Professor Mind and Buck Cherry, then there was a universe out there where Curt is afraid of me. I swallowed hard, my mouth dry. “Wh-what is the other Kari like?”
“I don’t know if I can answer that fairly,” Curt said. So, that’s still the same. A desire for infinite nuance and carefully dodging every question. I rolled my eyes. “It’s pretty complicated. She does what she thinks is right. But she’s myopic and dangerous.”
“Dangerous?” I asked.
“She started off her career as green as hell. Couldn’t control her strength or speed worth shit. That was pretty bad, but ultimately kind of forgivable. She wanted to help people.”
“And now?”
“She’s better at controlling her powers. But as she’s gained that control, she’s become more lethal. She’s almost killed my wife, me, and several other theoretical villains.”
“Theoretical?” I asked.
“It’s not the framework I operate in. Technically, I’m a villain. I hit the FBI’s Most Wanted List, but when you get down to it, I’m just a thief and an activist.”
“That doesn’t sound like the whole story,” I replied. Curt stared at me for a long moment.
“People have taken my ideas and hurt people. I didn’t do it. But I’m still responsible. And I’m handling it.”
“And how exactly is a thief going to fix anything?”
“Hostile takeover and dissolution of the group of people using my name to hurt people.”
“You really think that will work? That you just can tell them not to meet anymore, and that’s the end of it? I’m pretty sure my Curt is smarter.”
“And what am I supposed to do? Take a bunch of terrorists and make them into activists?”
“Aren’t you also just a terrorist? You call yourself an activist, but you steal from whoever you want to and try to force everyone to live by your morals.”
“I think you’re smarter than the Kari I deal with.”
“I really doubt that. I bet we’re exactly as smart as each other, and you just don’t listen to me. I mean to her, the other me. This is so confusing! But my point stands. You never give her a chance.”
“I gave her a chance. She burned that bridge. Not me.” His voice was harsh, leaving no room for argument. But I’m the most powerful woman in the world. If I can’t find space, I can make space.
“Yeah, right. Did you ever talk to her? Or did you just cut and run when she confronted you?”
“You know, I wasn’t in the mood to talk after she had flown me into the stratosphere and broken my ribs. Or when she almost strangled my then-fiance to death. Or when she crashed my wedding and did that again. Or broke into her hospital room, broke my hand, and sent me to another goddamn planet.”
“If you’re anything like my Curt, you escalated just as much as she did. Every step of the way.”
“This is pointless. Arguing with you is like arguing with a less articulate brick wall,” This other Esvanir growled. “What’s the last thing that this Curt did before I woke up in his body?”
“We fought Professor Mind and Buck Cherry. He was knocked unconscious. I didn’t think anything of it. I chased them off and then laid you down in our bed.”
“Did they hit me in the head or anything?”
“No, they both attacked you. BC did that shock-y nerve thing, and Professor Mind was probably trying to hit you like he did Bion.”
“And you didn’t take this body to get checked on?”
“No. Curt’d be pissed if I took him to a doctor. He hates them.” The imposter laughed softly, shaking his head.
“They can be pretty annoying, sometimes.” He sobered some. I recognized the face he was making. He was thinking through the problem. “I don’t know much about how Mind’s powers actually work. But it might be an interaction between the two of them doing whatever they’re doing.”
“You know Buck Cherry’s powers?”
“Yeah. Well, I have hypotheses. They’re kind of hard to test. Or were. I think this answers some questions. I read that they’re a team. Do you know where they stay?”
“If I knew where they were, they’d be in jail.”
“Point.” He sobered some. “They wouldn’t have the same phone numbers. Mind wouldn’t have the same private persona. I don’t remember all of Cin’s aliases off the top of my head. This version of Mind. Why did he lobotomize Bion?”
“He was in the way. Mind’s a psycho.” Curt sighed angrily, shaking his head. “What?”
“This is my problem with you supposed heroes. You never think to look at why someone does something. Professor Mind is the most powerful psychic in the world. In my world, he can keep up with Smash Gal on several fronts. And you think that he’d just wipe someone because they were in the way? I don’t buy it. There’s got to be another reason.”
“Bion kept challenging him. Chased him all across the planet.”
“Challenged him?”
“Yeah. Wan promised to catch Mind and Cherry, lock them up and throw away the key. Forever.”
“Have we ever done that?”
“I mean, we boast sometimes. But we’ve never done a full media campaign about it.”
“Did I boast during this fight?”
“You promised to get him for what he did to Bion. And you had BC on the ropes.”
“Okay. I think I have a plan.”
Curt made some coffee. His version took it black. It’s definitely not my version, then. My Curt risks diabetes every time he has a cup. I smiled to myself, despite the pain wrapping around my heart. “What are you doing?”
“Studying your husband’s UI. Trying to understand some of the decisions he made.”
“It’s elegant. I hate it.”
“Because it’s better designed than yours.”
“In some ways, certainly.”
“And how is yours any better?”
“Oh, my range is way larger. I can be anywhere on the same hemisphere in an instant.”
“He doesn’t need to run like you did. He’s not a criminal.”
“Yeah. He’s managed to do some of what I want to through legitimate means. I hate that, too.”
“Because it leaves the structures that cause these problems untouched. It legitimizes them.”
“The system is good! It’s what keeps us from devolving into anarchy.”
“God, you really are just like her,” he said, hatred filling his tone. He handed me Curt’s phone. “Record this.” I got him centered in the frame. It’s so strange, watching this body snatcher in my husband’s body. Curt was normally relaxed and easy going. Both of them were quick on their feet, but this one held himself in a constant hunch, almost threatening to devolve into a question mark. It made me sick to look at. He started talking. “Yesterday, Smash Gal and I fought Professor Mind and Buck Cherry. Professor Mind tried to strip me of my mind, just as he did with Wa- Bion. But he failed. And his failure just shows the bankruptcy of his ideology and capabilities as a villain. I’m here to say that we will take both of them in and have a plan to do so now.” I gaped at him. What does he think he’s doing? Mocking our greatest villains? The greatest meta threat in all of Avalare. In the world.
I stopped the recording and watched him for a moment before I grabbed him by his collar and hefted him up, shaking him. My Curt would’ve been surprised; he would’ve cried out, demanding I let him go. This Curt just glared down at me, his hand twitching. Rage boiled in my chest. “What are you doing?”
“Setting out some bait.”
“Bait!?” I spat back at him. “You’re using my husband as bait!?”
“Yes. We don’t know where they hide. So, I’m going to bait them out. And I will get that condescending prick to send me back to my world.” His voice was neutral. Cold. He didn’t even let the strain of being lifted up in the air play on his face. I dropped him, and he stumbled.
“And what if he just wipes you out? Or even if you get back, what about my Curt?”
“I don’t care about your Curt. He’s a tool.” I tensed and almost swung at him. I wanted to. I wanted to so badly. But it was still my husband’s body.
“You are evil!” I exclaimed.
“You think your Curt is different? You think he would give a damn if my consciousness faded if it meant he could get back?”
“I . . . You’re a villain.”
“And thus, my life is forfeit in your eyes. You are exactly like the Smash Gal of my world. Shortsighted and selfish.”
“I’m not the one willing to sacrifice an innocent man for my own goals.”
“Yeah. Only the guilty ones. Or at least the ones you’ve deemed guilty.” I stood there, clenching my jaw. He has a smart-ass response to everything! I paused for a moment. Just like my Curt. They are the same person. Just . . . one’s more jaded and hates me. “Anyway. Now, there’s nothing to do but wait for the fallout.”
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