《Particles of Paradise》⌥ Chapter 19 - Lust [Part 1]


Did you think about our question?

Or perhaps you completely forgot about it?

So let me remind you. Do you believe in god?

What? You want to know if we do?

Interesting. But we’re afraid we cannot tell you.

For you have to decide this on your own.

But let us warn you, as your choice makes the difference.

⛧ ⛧ ⛧

In the wake of the unsettling events, an awkward silence enveloped us, shrouding our thoughts in a haze of disbelief. Our steps were almost mechanical as we navigated the familiar paths back to our respective dorms. It was as though the world had shifted beneath our feet, leaving us suspended in a realm of uncertainty. The weight of what we had just experienced hung heavily in the air, rendering words unnecessary, if not impossible.

As we walked side by side, Yuki's appearance mirrored the turmoil within his mind. His normally sharp features were etched with a weariness that seemed to extend beyond physical fatigue. The gravity of the situation seemed to have taken its toll on him, each step he took was a reflection of his internal struggle. The burden of the day's revelations weighed heavily on his shoulders, and the creases on his forehead betrayed his attempts to unravel the complexities of it all.

Eventually, the heavy silence was broken by Yuki's voice, emerging tentatively as if testing the waters of conversation. "So what had actually happened?" he asked his tone a blend of curiosity and confusion.

I shifted my gaze momentarily to him, assessing his demeanour before returning my focus to the path ahead. "Well…" I began, my voice soft as I struggled to find the right words, "It seems you were hypnotized of sorts." I stumbled over the explanation, grappling with how to convey the complexity of the situation.

"Hypnotized?" Yuki echoed, his brows furrowing in further perplexity.

I let out a sigh, realizing the challenge of explaining the inexplicable. "It wasn't precisely hypnosis," I clarified, my tone reflecting my uncertainty, "From my understanding, you were, somehow, giving a command through and you were following it. Well, not you you but someone else you. Look, I'm really exhausted and you are too, so I'll just bring you up to speed later." I paused, briefly meeting his gaze before diverting my eyes back to the pavement, unsure of how he would react to the revelation.

Yuki's response was a mumbled acknowledgement, the weight of the situation clearly impacting his ability to form a coherent response. "...okay," he muttered, the word carrying a hint of resignation.

As the shadows of the evening deepened around us, a sense of unease settled in the quiet between us. The events of the day had irrevocably altered our perceptions of Avalon, unveiling layers of mystique and danger that had previously remained hidden. There were questions left unanswered, and complexities left unexplored, but for now, our shared exhaustion took precedence. In unspoken agreement, we continued on our path, both burdened by the knowledge of the enigmatic forces at play. As the last rays of the sinking sun hit our faces, we both parted ways, stating our farewells and heading toward our dorms, uncertain of what was to come.

⛧ ⛧ ⛧

28th August

As the sun once again painted the sky with its warm hues, signalling the start of a new day, Yuki regained his strength and returned to his regular routine of attending lectures. Little did he know, the currents of fate were preparing to sweep him into yet another unforeseen twist.


In the lecture hall, the topic at hand was the intricate realm of and their profound impact on those who wield them. The air was abuzz with the energy of learning, the student's curiosity piqued by the promise of unveiling the mysteries that governed their powers.

“There’s a new announcement.” reported Miss Yuan as she entered the class interrupting the lectures… once again. She was accompanied by Miss Iva who looked expended.

Just what now?

"We understand that your mission has been looming on the horizon, and your training has been ongoing," Miss Yuan began, her tone measured. "However, circumstances have shifted, and we find ourselves needing to adjust the course of events. The original timeline has been altered – your mission date has been moved up."

As if we knew when it was going to happen in the first place.

The revelation seemed to echo the sentiments of the class, with murmurs of surprise and worry rippling through the room. In the wake of this unforeseen change, the weight of uncertainty bore down on every face present.

"As a consequence of this change, we must adapt our training methods accordingly," Miss Yuan continued, her voice unwavering despite the evident tension in the room. "To ensure that each of you is fully prepared, we've decided to shift from group training to individualised sessions led by Miss Iva."

Eyebrows shot up, and the tension escalated as the realisation set in. Personal training? That meant intensified scrutiny, and individual weaknesses laid bare.

"You might feel like you're in the hot seat," Miss Yuan's voice boomed, her eyes sweeping the room with an intensity that could ignite a fire. "But that's exactly where we want you – refining your edges, making you unbreakable."

In mere moments, the entire class had gone from drowsy anticipation to alert hyperactivity. Plans had been upended, trajectories changed, and the urgency in the air was as palpable as a drumbeat.

"Time's a cruel mistress," Miss Yuan concluded, her voice dropping to a low, resolute tone. "Embrace these shifts, or get swept away. The mission waits for no one." Saying so she left the class, leaving Miss Iva leaning on the wall. She moved forward, “Y'all heard her, be prepared. Ya'll be notified when it’s ya turn.” Saying so she too left the class with heavy steps.

The students had no idea how to process this change, should they be happy about it? Or sad? Perhaps even mad. But that was not the point, it was the fact that everything just became more brutal. Yuki had just gone through a massive ordeal and was not pleased with this change, to say the least. He spent the rest of the lecture lost in his thoughts about what was to come.

After the lecture concluded, Yuki found himself summoned by Miss Iva. He made his way to the designated spot, where he spotted her with some kind of drink in hand. Eager to understand the plan, he asked her, "So what’s the plan?"

Her response was delayed until she had emptied the entire drink from the bottle. Taking a deep breath, she finally spoke with a serious tone, "The plan… the plan is to make ya the best out there, kid. Your training is going to get a lot tougher. Now buckle up."

Yuki couldn't help but comment, "Wasn’t it already?"

Miss Iva gave a slight nod, her eyes reflecting exhaustion as she replied, "No. Now we will be brutin' ya."


Confusion crept into Yuki's voice, "You will be what?"

She sighed, her weariness evident in her posture, ". It's a method to bring out yar innate ability. We'll then train ya to be the best at it."

Yuki's memory jogged, "Wait, didn’t you do that already?"

Miss Iva corrected him, "No, kid. That was different. Yar innate ability is unique to ya. Everyone has one buried deep within their unconsciousness."

Curiosity piqued, "So how does this thing work?"

"Like the name suggests, it's brute force. We're going to subject you to all sorts of stress tests until you manifest it."

"Stress tests…?"

"Yes. Be ready."

"Ready for wha-"

Before Yuki could complete his sentence, a blinding flash engulfed him, momentarily robbing him of his sight. Within that disorienting moment, he felt a barrage of punches landing on him, each blow hitting him like a wave. Regaining his vision, he found Miss Iva nowhere in sight, the blows continuing unabated. His physical resilience reached its limit, and he crumbled to the ground, clutching his stomach. A shadow loomed over him, and as he looked up, Miss Iva reappeared before him.

"Like this, I wouldn't even ask ya to fight John, let alone the mission," she remarked with a tone that combined seriousness and mockery.

Yuki's voice carried frustration, "What's that supposed to mean!? You didn't give me a chance. How do you expect me to fight?"

Miss Iva's reply was unyielding, "How do ya expect yar enemy to give ya one? Ya'll have to be vigilant, kid."

Determined to keep going, Yuki insisted, "Fine. Let's do it again."

Miss Iva raised a sceptical eyebrow, "Ya sure? Ya look pretty beat to me."

Yuki's resolve remained unwavering, "Yes. Nothing can stop me."

"We'll see."

With his determination intact, Yuki got back on his feet and assumed his stance, bracing himself for whatever challenges lay ahead.

Amid the relentless training regimen under Miss Iva's watchful eye, Yuki's inner fire blazed with a fierce intensity. With every drop of sweat that fell to the ground, his thirst for power burned hotter. The repetitive drills and punishing exercises were more than just physical challenges; they were a gateway to unlocking his hidden potential. Yuki's determination to discover his innate ability burned brighter with each passing day, propelling him forward even when his body screamed for respite. The days seemed to blur together as Yuki continued to rise to the challenge, showing a determination that impressed even Miss Iva. His heart pounded against his ribcage like a battle drum, each rapid beat echoing his unwavering resolve. He could feel his muscles protesting, aching with a raw intensity, yet he refused to yield.

The sun rose and set, marking the passage of time as Yuki's training regimen intensified. The repetitive techniques, the relentless focus on pushing his limits – all of it was shaping him into something stronger, something more attuned to his own abilities.

Amid the rigorous training sessions, he found solace in spending time with his friends, like Naomi, who he hung out with after each gruelling session. Their support and camaraderie provided him with the motivation he needed to push through the toughest moments.

By the end of the week, Yuki's body bore the marks of his training. Bruises and sore muscles were constant companions, but he welcomed them as signs of progress. With every passing day, he felt himself becoming more attuned to his own body's rhythm, his movements growing more instinctive and fluid. The innate ability he possessed was no longer a mystery; it was becoming an integral part of his combat style.

4th September

In the heart of these demanding sessions, a moment of profound revelation struck Yuki like a lightning bolt. It was during a particularly gruelling drill that he found himself lost in the rhythm of his movements. The world around him blurred as his body moved in perfect harmony with his intent. In that fleeting instant, he glimpsed a newfound power, a wellspring of potential waiting to be tapped.

With each rapid breath he took, Yuki felt a surge of energy coursing through his veins. His senses sharpened, and the air seemed to hum with anticipation. He moved with a fluidity that transcended his previous limits as if he had cast aside the shackles of his old self. Time itself seemed to warp, allowing him to navigate his surroundings with an almost preternatural awareness.

In that moment of heightened awareness, Yuki understood. He had discovered his innate ability.

Yuki stood there, his chest heaving as he caught his breath. Miss Iva's voice broke through his thoughts. "Impressive, kid. Looks like you've finally figured it out."

Yuki looked at her, a mixture of astonishment and exhilaration in his eyes. "I... What did I do?” He said, while taking pauses, “It's like everything just clicked for a second. Everything slowed down, almost as if stopping right in its path. But it was not that. I could react to it. To everything."

Miss Iva nodded, a rare glint of approval in her gaze. "Your innate ability is – . Not bad at all, kid."

As Yuki stood there, the world around him seemed to blur, his mind racing to process the monumental revelation. The weight of his sweat-soaked clothes and the ache in his muscles were replaced by a surge of exhilaration that seemed to radiate from the core of his being. His heart pounded in his chest, each beat echoing the realization that he had achieved something truly remarkable.

The smile that tugged at the corners of Yuki's lips felt like the embodiment of his triumph over countless obstacles. It was a smile that held the essence of every early morning he had dragged himself out of bed for training, every drop of sweat he had shed in the pursuit of improvement, and every moment of doubt he had overcome. It was a smile that represented not only his achievement but also his growth, resilience, and unyielding determination.

As the sun dipped lower on the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow over the training grounds, Yuki closed his eyes for a moment. He took a deep breath, savouring the sensation of the wind on his skin and the rhythm of his heartbeat. He was ready to embrace the path that lay ahead, his a testament to his unwavering dedication and his unbreakable spirit. And with that realization, he opened his eyes, ready to face the challenges and triumphs that awaited him in this new chapter of his life.

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