《Tower of Hell》Tower of Hell: Caged and Confused, Book 1, Chapter 132, Epilogue
The Tower of Hell consisted of six floors with similar space-time, physics, and Laws of Sin, connected by portals only accessible by True Sinners who'd met the requirements to use them. The Overworld was the most popular and talked about because it had the most extensive population and was where most people went when they died. Then there was the elusive fifth floor, Little Heaven. Hell's Commoners didn't know much about this floor; however, more information was available because some people who'd grown up there would share knowledge and wisdom passed down to them by the angels. However, the common belief was the angels had instructed those from Little Heaven on what to say when asked questions.
The sixth floor, the Underworld, was probably the most feared and dreaded. It lacked the most information because it was rare for people sentenced to this floor to make it to the Overworld to tell their tale. If stories of the elusive sixth floor ever made it to the public ear, they would describe the Torture Rooms, the demonic city of Astray, and Dragon's Roost, a mysterious floating castle where the sixth floor's Prince of Hell lived.
It was a lovely afternoon in the Underworld. Ominous dark clouds of burnt charcoal filled the atmosphere and blocked out most of the murky red sky which was hiding. It was rare for sunlight to break past the clouds, and the citizens of Astray lived under a thick overcast their entire eternity. This fact didn't bother the demon race, who occupied the middle of three layers that divided the city, as their snake-like eyes could see through terrible conditions while their skin was impervious to smog, cold, and acid rain.
Harsh weather conditions were part and parcel of everyday life in Astray. The acid rain would sting as it hit the skin of those unlucky to be working outside, the thick smog would fill lungs and send people into coughing fits, and the cold air would cause people to shiver uncontrollably and feel like there was no warmth left in the world.
The Underworld was one massive island surrounded by mother nature's worst storms, which made it impossible to leave. While each day, the city of Astray dealt with bipolar weather capable of cruel torture, physically and mentally breaking down the Commoners who lived in the third outer ring and had no wealth or protection to help themselves.
Outside the city, on the endless crimson tides of Satan's Sea, were millions of typhoons that wreaked destruction and made it impossible for ships to sail, along with endless underwater volcanoes and vicious tornadoes that would float across the ocean and shoot acidic water back into the atmosphere. Then there were the never-ending thunderstorms with lightning that stretched miles and booms of thunder that could rupture eardrums, the frozen hail which was big enough to cause concussions, and snow so bitterly-cold people would be frozen in their homes and lose their limbs.
Even worse, most of the Outer City buildings had Victorian architecture, which meant poor insulation, a lack of plumbing, little to no lighting, and no heat sources beyond some candles and fireplaces. Advanced technology was non-existent in everyday life, not just the dark, blackened buildings that resembled something from a gothic nightmare. People used candles and oil lamps, and there was no Sin-powered electricity to fuel modern technology.
Believe it or not, the bad weather conditions and terrible societal factors were the least of the Commoner's worries. Every person sentenced to the sixth floor would be homed somewhere in the outer city with a group of miserable people like themselves. Unspeakable things happened in the dark shared rooms, and there was no justice for these wicked men and women who lived existences worse than death. If they managed to ignore the biting cold, howls of wind, and screams of their roommates, they'd sleep just a few hours before they needed to wake up and visit the Torture Rooms, where every citizen was required to go. Each day, demons would randomly select a Torture Room for the Commoners, and depending on their crimes when they were alive, the time to stay inside would vary.
There were five Torture Rooms: The Shadow Caves, an endless network of caves filled with terrifying illusions, where seconds felt like hours and hours felt like days, and reality became blurred with shadows and dreams. There was also the Fire Bridge, an endless climb across molten lava. There was no end in sight, the metal floors burned the feet of whoever crossed, and the bubbling lava would spray burning, toxic gasses, hot ash which burned lungs, and terrible heat that dried out eyeballs and throats. Luckily the Commoners of Hell had such good healing because they'd often leave the Fire Bridge with second-degree burns, blackened skin, and most of their hair missing.
The Ice Coffins were preferable to most Torture Rooms, but lying in a cloudy coffin made of unbreakable ice for hours of the day wasn't a joy to those unlucky enough to have this Torture room chosen for them. Then there was what some considered the worst Torture Room, more terrible than the Fire Bridge. This room was the Poison Buffet, where demons forced Commoners to eat plates of toxic and rotting food. It didn't matter if they vomited the inedible meal because they couldn't leave until their dish was clean. Lastly, there was the Blood Sacrifice Room. This room was a place of mental anguish that forced the person inside to choose between torturing a life-like copy of someone they once loved or committing suicide. Although the people on the sixth floor were known for their cruel and unusually terrible behavior, there was a surprising number who'd choose to commit suicide. This strange event was because they had loved at least one person in their previous lifetimes and couldn't bring themselves to torture them or hear their screams and cries for mercy.
Commoners from the Outer City would spend a third of their time at home sleeping alongside their foster family, a third of their time in a designated Torture Room, and the final third working whatever job the demons gave so they could provide themselves with necessities. If the Commoners of the Overworld knew about this miserable existence, they'd probably say it was deserved and would feel much better about their afterlife.
Not including those poor souls from the Outer City, there were also the demons who ran the show and occupied the Middle City, which was just as technologically advanced as the Overworld. It was a very fulfilling place filled with luxuries those on the outside could only dream of having, and it showed how much the ruler of the sixth floor appreciated the entire race of horned, scaly-skinned beings.
Last but not least, a small society of rare but untrustworthy humans occupied the Inner City of Astray. Known as the Ultimate Sinners, or Satan's Chosen, these people were former Commoners of the Outer City who learned how to Sin and passed the Sin Assessment on the sixth floor. As a reward, they were no longer required to live in the Outer City, work terrible jobs, or have daily visits to the Torture Rooms. Instead, the demons rewarded them by giving them a home in the Inner City with other Sinners like them. The only other way to make it to the Inner City was to be born there, a birthright that allowed them the freedom to avoid most tortures and cruel measures.
It was rare, but not unusual, for someone born in the Outer City to change their fate, pass the Sin Assessment, and move to the Inner City. However, it was even more unheard of for an Inner City Sinner to catch the attention of Dragon's Roost. This mystical floating fortress was the crowning jewel of the sixth floor and was home to the sixth Prince of Hell, with a reputation as the most powerful Sinner.
No one knew her real name, so she was known as Her Highness, the Queen of Darkness, the Heaven Sealer, Mother of Demons, or the Harbinger of Chaos. It had been thousands of years since the Queen of Darkness took notice of Astray news. She was known for keeping to herself while her minions quietly influenced the events of Hell from her floating fortress, which looked like a magnificently evil castle. Its turrets were spiked, its stone gargoyles seemed alive, and the entire architecture had a twisted, cruel appearance that made it seem like something out of a nightmare.
The royal fortress floated beneath the smog-filled atmosphere and was visible anywhere in Astray. Commoners shared rumors of actual dragons living somewhere inside the castle, but the only people who could ever verify these stories were close confidants of the Queen or already dead. On the subject of rumors, one had been making its rounds for weeks, and even the emancipated, tortured Commoners couldn't stop themselves from talking about it.
According to the rumors, there was recently a Commoner from the Outer City who'd not only passed the notoriously grueling Sin Assessment with flying colors and esteemed admiration, but that individual had reportedly been one of the most talented human youths to attempt the test. Supposedly, this person was so gifted they'd even caught the attention of the Queen of Darkness. Now, if the rumor going around was crazy, more unbelievable was the part where Her Highness had taken this human as her disciple, which could only mean one thing: a new Sin Lord.
The Queen of Darkness was known to be husbandless, childless, loveless, and only occasionally taking in disciples who were the most talented youths among demons and training them in the ways of Sin beyond anything they'd learn anywhere else. When the Queen took a disciple, it was to add to her most loyal followers, a group of gifted demons known as the Sin Lords, each representing one of the Cardinal Sins. These lords possessed a house in the Middle City and had a personal army, were the most respected people in the entire dimension, and some worshiped as much as a Prince of Hell. So, the Commoners of the Outer City deeply questioned the integrity of a rumor that the Queen was training a lowly human to become a Sin Lord.
Above the miserable city of Astray, Dragon's Roost stood unmoving, terrifying, and containing a presence beyond any monster. There weren't many guards patrolling its walls, landing, or courtyards, but the few who did were some of the most elite Sinners in Hell, demons who held powers that most humans would never know.
The atmosphere of Dragon's Roost was always heavy and deathly quiet. The demons spoke in low tones because they were afraid of disrupting Her Majesty, and the mood was so cold and sour that no one else enjoyed breathing, let alone conversing or staying for long. Princes of Hell, diplomats, guards changing patrol, servants, a select few demons from Middle City, and occasionally Inner City Sinners would all come and bask in the pressuring aura of the imperial halls of Dragon's Roost. However, all seemed miserable to be there, and none could wear a smile on their face like the Sin Lords would when they visited.
On that day, a well-known Sin Lord materialized out of thin air and stepped onto the outside landing. The cold wind blew her palomino-like, long platinum hair, and the smog was subservient before her terrible gaze, with glowing violet eyes and snake-like pupils. Her pale skin was scaled and looked like it belonged to a beautiful albino dragon, and the two horns protruding from her forehead were glossy, awe-inspiring, and demonstrated to all that she was a demon of the highest order.
"Lady Shifrah," said a demon on guard, who was careful not to eye the visitor's bountiful cleavage, like two full moons nearly bursting from the leathery straps which covered her nipples and nothing else. This Sin Lord was the weakest of the seven but known to have the most vicious and unpredictable temper, and her victims were on record that ogling the Sin Lord of Lust was a one-way ticket to death or permanent blindness if she was in a good mood. It was difficult for those unaware of her reputation to sneak a peak and live to tell the tale. Those who glanced at her without suffering death or mutilation told stories of a terrifyingly divine and most beautiful creature. Lady Shifrah was a demonic woman with a body known as man's folly and a face whose beauty reached perfection. Dainty clothing covered her private parts and left everything else open to worship, but like Medusa, those who looked would rarely have the chance to look again.
"Excuse me," she spoke in a demonic tongue, but her voice sounded between a lover's song and a poisonous flower. Lady Shifrah explained her business to no one because every demon, rat, and servant knew her face, temper, and cruel nature. The guards moved aside, never looking at anything but her pale bare feet, bejeweled in platinum chains and shimmering gemstones that rattled in rhythm as she stepped beyond the gates and into the castle courtyard.
"Lady Shifrah," every single servant replied in her language, bowed, and stared at the ground as she passed, and even the courtyard crows were careful not to stare for too long. Each step the lady took contained an awe-inspiring amount of power and perfection, and she seemed to glide across the stone floors like she was skating across an ice rink. She made her way down a set of marble stairs and past many stone corridors until she reached the main entrance hall, where two massive golden doors stood proud and closed. Beyond those doors contained an ancient and terrifying monster that Lady Shifrah called teacher and Queen.
"Enter," the voice was both quiet and loud. It seemed to have power because the doors swung open as soon as the words reached Lady Shifrah's pointed ears. The beautiful Sin Lord of Lust smiled as the power radiated across her skin. Two fanged teeth protruded from her pink lips, which she licked because the force from her Queen's voice turned her on.
"My Queen," Lady Shifrah entered the dark throne room. There was nothing but exquisitely carved architecture painted black and a massive throne carved from the bone of a giant claw situated at the end of the room. However, the woman seated on the throne wasn't visible because a curtain of shadow blocked her figure from view. "I'm sorry to disturb you," Lady Shifrah bowed, and it was a mark of how much respect she had for the Queen because the Sin Lord of Lust wouldn't lower her head for anyone else in all of Hell: not the Princes of Hell, and certainly not the other Sin Lords.
"I know why you've come. I can see that you are also interested in the rumors swirling around Astray. So, ask your question, my second-youngest disciple," her words all but confirmed the rumors were true.
"My Queen. The Sin Lord of Wrath retired just last year. I can't begin to fathom how you found his replacement already, and the rumors that reached my ears suggest you chose human filth from the Outer City, no less. Please, my Queen. Enlighten me."
"I owe you no explanation," the coldness of the Queen of Darkness' voice could dim lights, snuff out flames, and freeze the Earth into an Ice age. Lady Shifrah shivered and bowed her head in subservience. She had come close to offending her monarch.
"You do not, Your Highness. I only wish to understand how you chose my newest colleague and am curious about what powers he or she possessed to impress you."
"Fear not, my dearest, Shifrah Moonskin. I shall enlighten you and answer your questions. Never mistake my love as an excuse to disrespect or question my judgment. Do you understand?"
"I do," Lady Shifrah blushed from being told the Queen loved her.
"Good. Ajaxus Blackthorn, Sin Lord of Wrath, is being replaced by a young human who recently partook in and passed the Sin Assessment. He's a late bloomer, but his gifts with Sin are elite, even by your standards. He broke your record for the fastest completion time. Though, you did it at a much younger age. Still, he's only been Sinning for less than two years, and he's discovered his Original Sin."
"Unbelievable," Lady Shifrah wasn't questioning the Queen but was open-mouthed and had trouble imagining a human youth that could break Sin Assessment records after only Sinning for a year or two. "What's his name and story?"
"His new name is Azrael Shadow, and you should already know his story. After all, you were the one who sent him to Hell."
"Azrael Shadow," the name was imposing and spectacular. The Queen of Darkness gave all her Sin Lords a new name. "I don't understand. I sent him to Hell?"
"Do not tell me your memory is already failing you. You're only twenty years old and too young to forget events from two years ago. However, I'll remind you of a mission to Earth I sent you on."
"You don't mean the black-haired boy?" Lady Shifrah recalled the youth who died in a fiery crash of her devices. She humiliated herself by going to the world of lowly humans, and she also used her powers to kill a young man, manipulate government documents, and was forced to influence a demon judge. The young man's sentence needed to be so that he'd end up in the Underworld, all this at the behest of her Queen. It was the strangest task the Queen had ever given Lady Shifrah, and the Sin Lord of Lust would've scoffed had it not come from Her Highness.
"His former identity is inconsequential and shall not be discussed. His name is Azrael Shadow, a human genius from the Outer City and heir to the Sin Lord of Wrath's title. That's all that matters and all you should ever discuss with anyone. Understood?"
"Of course, Your Majesty. Your secrets will follow me to the grave. May I ask you what's his significance?"
"You may not," The Queen's voice was definitive from behind the black mist that hid her from view. "However, I'll allow you to meet him. I'm having issues with his behavior. The boy is—unruly," if the Queen had ever described anyone else as unruly, they no longer existed. "I want him to take the Hell Challenge as part of his training. Once he's completed the first one, I'll officially bestow him with his title, inheritance, and Dragon's Wrath, just as I did for you when you passed the Overworld's Hell Challenge. However, he's uninterested in leaving his room, and I have yet to find a way to convince him to go."
"You think I can influence him?" Lady Shifrah looked confused. This human wouldn't listen to the Queen of Darkness, the Mother of Demons. How could he possibly answer to one of her loyal subjects instead?
"I don't think any man can resist Shifrah the Succubus, Sin Lord of Lust," the Queen's voice sounded amused. "You don't need to question his background. All that needs to be said is that he's a genius Sinner and handpicked by Ajaxus and me. His room is in the western tower. Go and see for yourself."
"Just over a year ago, you asked me on a mission of the utmost secrecy and importance. Go to Earth, and find a youth by the name of—"
"Don't say that filthy Commoner name!" The Queen's voice drowned Lady Shifrah and made her quiver.
"Find him," Lady Shifrah licked her lips. "Find him, kill him, and make sure he ends up in the Underworld. Leave no evidence."
"You did as I instructed, and after being sentenced by the judge, the demons brought him to the Outer City, where he received four hours of torture per day and worked in the mines. At some point, he discovered Sin, and by his first year in Hell, he could take the Sin Assessment."
"Four hours?" Shifrah narrowed her brow. "That seems a bit low," most of the people on the sixth floor endured eight hours or more a day. Sometimes the insanity was so bad that they committed suicide for release.
"Just enough to test him, but not enough to break him too early," the Queen sounded like she had some sort of plan, but Lady Shifrah had no idea what it could be.
"Why him?" Lady Shifrah crossed her arms. "You had me kill the boy and make sure he landed in the Underworld. My biggest question is, why?"
"I cannot tell you," said the Queen. "You'll have to trust me because I would never lead you astray."
"I do. I do," said Shifrah, who vehemently nodded while holding a hand over her heart. "I'd give my life for you. I trust you implicitly."
"Good, child. Then ask no more and trust my judgment. Your next mission is to convince Azrael to take the Hell Challenge. I care less about how you do it and more about the results. Do not disappoint me."
"Take care, my Queen. I'll return with good news," Lady Shifrah bowed, turned on the spot, and marched out of the throne room. Only when she was a few hallways away did she let her confusion show on her expression. Two years ago, the Queen had tasked her with killing a random human boy from Earth and sending him to the Underworld. That was enough to raise eyebrows, but she did as the Queen commanded and loyally carried out the mission. It was ridiculous to think that the same human had passed the Sin Assessment of the sixth floor and even crazier to consider he was replacing Ajaxus Blackthorn, the strongest of the Sin Lords. Just what the Hell was going on, and what was Azrael Shadow's real identity?
Shifrah mindlessly walked toward the western tower as she considered the possibilities, but none of them made sense. Then she climbed up a set of spiral stairs as she wondered how she would convince the boy to take the Hell Challenge. Seduce him? Maybe. Torture him? Probably not, though that was her preferred method. Wait. Didn't the boy have a younger brother who the demons sent to the first floor? The Sin Lord of Lust licked her lips as she formulated a plan. She snapped her fingers, and a hell phone appeared from thin air. Shifrah grabbed it and began tapping quickly at the touch screen. First, she pulled open the government database, then typed in her credentials. What was the brother's name? She recollected for a moment until a handsome youth with blonde hair and blue eyes appeared in her mind. 'Jonas Ariel,' she typed.
Shifrah stopped and quickly read over the younger brother's file. It contained all the personal information on Jonas that she could ever want to know: from his favorite color to his favorite porn. She saw nothing out of the ordinary; a fire had left him and his brother orphans, and they had rough upbringings—by Earth standards. Jonas died young, and his file was small and uninteresting. Even the blurb about his time in Hell was sad and pathetic. The boy had been captured on his first day in Hell and sold as a slave to an Outcast.
She almost stopped reading until her pupils widened when she reached the latest remarks about him, written by an official sent to investigate the boy's involvement in the birth and death of a Maldread. "Jonas' real story begins in Little Wrath City. After leaving the Glatorius household, the boy was again captured and made a slave of the Hurts Gang. There he unlocked his Cardinal Sin of Pride and became an undefeated caged fighter. After leading a prison break, witnesses last saw Jonas fighting a baby Maldread. It first appeared that Jonas died, but officials recovered the Maldread's body which had died from asphyxiation due to an enlarged heart organ in its throat—some form of True Sin. Jonas Ariel's body was missing, but we tracked his phone to a mansion belonging to Phillip Glatorius. After clarifying his identity, we followed him for one more day to learn more about how he killed the Maldread—his Original Sin revolves around controlling blood. We tracked him to a slave auction called Dark Fly, and it appears Jonas and his master, a True Sinner named Louie Darnell, code-named: The Hermit, went on a massacre and killed everyone there. After more research, Dark Fly auctions was the original group that enslaved Jonas Ariel, making the slaughter an act of revenge. Security cameras on the premises recorded bits of conversation, and we believe Jonas is on the run from a Sinner named Layne Harris, Code-named: Black Butcher, a man responsible for ten known massacres, at least five hundred people dead by his hands, and he manages multiple slave auctions in the Outlands. Jonas is currently en route to Liberty City in search of a ticket for the Sineville of the Seas. No more information is needed, and I recommend we put his case away for good. The killing of the Maldread was a lucky chance," Shifrah narrowed her eyes and smirked because she had a plan.
There were two armored demons standing guard outside Azrael's door, and they looked shocked at the sight of Shifrah but quickly looked at the ground before she could cut out their eyes.
"My Lady. Can I help you?" One of the guards sounded quite scared and timid, and he was a True Sinner that had passed a Sin Assessment.
"I have business with Azrael Shadow," her voice was cold and contained none of the politeness she showed the Queen.
"My Lady. Her Highness has instructed me to block anyone from entering this room. Perhaps—ah!" the demon was interrupted, fell to his knees, and began screaming while clutching his face.
"She already granted me permission, you useless goat," Shifrah huffed and kicked him aside. "Do you have an issue with me entering?" She stared daggers at the other guard, who shook his head and stared at the ground with his heart pounding and Death knocking at his door.
"Please, enter. My Lady," he opened the door for her and closed it behind her. With one glance, he could see his screaming partner's eyes had ruptured and were blind. "Quickly, to the infirmary. Perhaps they could save your vision."
Azrael's room was very dark and bitterly cold, and the only source of light and heat came from a majestic fireplace with a large armchair in front of a roaring flame. Shifrah wasn't sure why, but there was something gloomy and spooky about the room, and she could tell the person she was after was seated in the armchair. However, she could only see his aura of Sin, which was massive.
"Leave. I have no business with you," a deep, husky voice entered Shifrah's ears, and she thought it sounded tired and bored. For a moment, she felt irritated because never in her life had a human dared speak to her the way Azrael did.
"My name is Shifrah. I'm the Sin Lord of Lust," she used her Sin-infused voice and concentrated on winning his devotion and affection. She wanted him to become her slave and to do her bidding.
"Fuck off," Azrael swirled a glass of wine in his hand, leaned back in his chair, and stared at the flame while paying no attention to the stupefied expression on Lady Shifrah's face. "Did you think your pathetic attempts at seduction would move me? Did the Queen send you? I'm not taking the Hell Challenge. Take me back to the Inner City."
"Her Highness did say you were unruly," Shifrah would've killed anyone else for speaking to her in that tone, but she knew it wasn't an option with Azrael. She already had a devious plan to influence the young man, but she was too confident in her looks and wanted to attempt to seduce him again. There was a reason that Sinners nicknamed her the Succubus. "Would you at least look at me? I'm not leaving that easily, so you might as well say it to my face," Azrael didn't react.
"Shifrah the Succubus. I heard a story that over ten thousand men proposed marriage to you, and you maimed at least half of them," Azrael stayed seated, and there was a hint of mockery in his voice, which annoyed Shifrah.
"I lost count, but that does sound quite accurate. Why settle for scum when I can take whatever I want, have whoever I want, and never listen to anyone else?"
"Fair enough. I already said I wasn't taking the Hell Challenge. You're wasting your time. Go back and tell the Queen to let me go. I have no interest in being her Sin Lord."
"I think you'll change your mind if you face me and have a conversation," Shifrah bit her lip but stayed calm. The red Sin Scars on her pale scaled hands began to glow and were a ruby-like brilliance.
"Idiot. I already know your plot. Shifrah the Succubus is known as the most beautiful woman in existence. However, your appearance means dog shit to me. Seduction is a weak ass tactic," but the Sin Lord of Lust had finally snapped.
"Weak ass tactic? Fine, how's this for a tactic? Take the Hell Challenge, or else I'm going to find Jonas Ariel, brainwash him into becoming my slave and torture him for all eternity until he either dies or loses his mind," Azrael Shadow stood up, and the air in the room went still. He was at least six foot five, wore dark clothing, and had his long black hair tied into a loose ponytail. Shifrah saw the flaming Sin Scars on his hands glowing with such color that they lit up the entire room and illuminated every detail.
"Keep that name out of your mouth," Azrael's voice sounded extremely dangerous and testy, and his body language looked like he was seconds away from ripping Shifrah's throat out. Very slowly, he turned to face her, and she smiled because her new comrade was an absolute hunk. His black eyes were ferocious, his jaw was like steel, and his muscles bulged from beneath his shirt.
"Even more handsome than I recall. Two brothers were born with such good looks. How could I not want to taste both? I should've jumped you after I killed you and sent you packing to the sixth floor," her words caused Azrael to cease his anger, and instead, he furrowed his brow in confusion.
"Are you bullshitting? You killed us?"
"The Queen wanted you dead. Just you. As for Jonas, unfortunately, he was collateral damage. You're not still beating yourself up over what you said to him in the courtroom. Right, Drake?"
"Drake's dead. I'm Azrael Shadow, and you won't touch him," he raised a finger and pointed at Shifrah. "I'll fucking end you."
"I don't need to do anything," Shifrah was unfazed by the threat as she delightfully led Azrael by the nose. "I just got done looking up his file, and your little brother has been busy. Do you want to know what happened to him after you split?"
"He smartened up, got a job, an apartment, and is living his best afterlife," but Shifrah couldn't contain her snort of laughter.
"Try being captured as a slave for a minor gang and forced to partake in caged fighting," Azrael frowned and stared at her. He couldn't tell if she wasn't lying.
"Where is he?"
"Not telling you," Shifrah smiled, and the tone in her voice was quite playful. She was taking pleasure in the distressed look in Azrael's dark eyes, and the situation made up for the fact her appearance hadn't caused him to react in the slightest.
"Tell me what you know," he took a few steps forward until he was only feet away, and his body towered over her.
"Take the Hell Challenge, and I'll tell you everything."
"I refuse. I'll find another way to learn the truth. Other people around here will have access to the same information as you," Azrael clicked his tongue impatiently.
"What if I told you that baby brother was in danger?"
"Don't fuck with me," he growled. "This is Hell. Everyone's in danger."
"Your little brother's been busy since he got to Hell. He led a grand escape, fought and killed a baby Maldread, led a massacre on a slave auction, and now a True Sinner is hunting him. Oh, that's not to mention he's trying to take the Sin Assessment so that he can take the Hell Challenge and come find you," Shifrah saw the panic in Azrael's eyes. His moment of weakness made a beautiful smile bloom on her face until her two fangs were protruding, and her albino tail was swishing playfully behind her.
"You better not be fucking with me," but Shifrah tossed her hell phone over, and Azrael caught it. He brought it to his nose and began reading the investigation notes on Jonas Ariel. It only took him a minute to finish reading, and he tossed the phone back to her. "Stupid, lousy, little brother," he mumbled angrily. "Of course, that stubborn idiot became a Sinner."
"A pretty good one, by the sound of it. Not many Sinners could kill a baby Maldread. The power of Sin comes naturally to both of you. So, what will you do? A crazed man is after your brother, who'll probably die during his hopeless quest to find you. Are you going to sit here, brooding in your chair? Or are you going to take the Hell Challenge, go to the first floor, and check up on baby bro?" Azrael glared at her but had nothing to say. "If you finish your training as Sin Lord of Wrath, you could bring your brother to the Inner City here in the Underworld, and you'll be able to look after him. The Queen is quite generous to her followers."
"Are you serious? I could bring him here?"
"Normally, no. However, the Queen of Darkness' permission is capable of breaking any rule in Hell," it was a hook, line, and sinker.
"I'm going to kill that idiot. Goddammit, Jo."
"That's if the Black Butcher doesn't kill him first. Maybe he'll die during the Sin Assessment."
"Good luck with that," Azrael shook his head and briefly smirked. It was the first smile he had cracked in years. "Jonas is a little cockroach. You try stepping on him, and he'll just pop back up to annoy you. Fine, I'll take the goddamn Hell Challenge. Once I beat the first one, I'll find him, kick him in his ass, and after that, he's coming to live with me."
"Unfortunately, I'll be coming with you," Shifrah stuck out a slender hand, batted her eyelashes, and smiled victoriously up at Azrael.
"I don't need a sidekick," he glared at her.
"Queen's orders. I'm coming whether you like it or not. Do I need to remind you that I'm the Sin Lord of Lust and one of the most talented demons born in the Middle City?"
"Fine," Azrael's massive hand swallowed hers, and they shook rather aggressively. He was secretly impressed at her grip strength. He let go of her hand and tilted his head. "Earlier, you said you killed me on the Queen's order. Why?" Shifrah shrugged her shoulders in response.
"I've got no idea because Her Highness wouldn't tell me. I thought you'd know."
"I'm just a dude from Earth caught in some conspiracy. Even when I was sent to the Outer City and learned about Sin, I didn't brag about it. I used a pseudonym when I took the Sin Assessment, but the Queen's henchman came for me and forced me to Dragon's Roost. She told me she wanted me to replace Ajaxus or whatever his name was, but I refused. Either way, she wants me in her inner circle, and I have no idea why."
"The Queen of Darkness' inner circle is a great place to be. Trust me. Now, let's find your younger brother. The Prince of Hell of the Overworld is a bit of a dick when it comes to anyone from different floors visiting his domain, so we'll have to play by his rules. Hidden protections prevent monsters like us from traveling to the Overworld and wreaking havoc on everyday people. They just don't know it."
"Then how do we find Jonas? How do I help him? Don't waste my time."
"Easy, big boy. First, we'll head to Sin City and check in at the Sinatorial Palace, the base of government operations in the Overworld. You'll meet the Prince of Hell, and he'll give you a Hell Challenge. Now, here's the good part. When you win a Hell Challenge, you earn the right to visit or live on that floor anytime you want. However, you'll be under strict rules, and violating those rules will mean being banned from visiting. There are strong Sinners from other floors living in the Overworld but keeping quiet because they have to follow strict rules by the Prince of Hell and his government."
"So, If I pass the first Hell Challenge, I'll be allowed to visit Jonas and even live on that floor?"
"That's the idea," Shifrah nodded and blew a kiss up at Azrael, who stuck up his nose in disgust. "It's not that easy. Every challenge is different and intended to push your mental and physical limits to the edge. If the Sin Assessment is a sixty-five percent fail rate, then the Overworld's Hell Challenge is ninety-nine."
"I don't care about those failures. This conversation is over. Let's go."
- In Serial1255 Chapters
Battle Frenzy
Amidst a disaster, an orphan contracts a sickness. In his waking hours, he is tormented by his ailment, but when he slumbers, there is infinite darkness. One day, when he was five years old, a strange Fate Trickster appeared in his dreams. Ten years later, he dreams of becoming a lord. To do so, he takes a chance to trade his fate! That day, Wang Zhong once again stood at the gates of the Tianjing Heroic Soul Academy. He was about to start a brand new life.
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Roar Of Greatness - A LitRPG of Draconic Proportions
Isaac's home planet, Earth, is destroyed. These things happen, shockingly often actually. Normally, there's no loose souls floating around, needing to end up somewhere. Due to a clerical error, and a chaotic god, Isaac's next life is going to be much different to his first. Tasked with ruining the easy farming grounds of Gaia, Isaac simply decides to roll with his role for now. He wasn't an emperor in his past life or anything like that, but Without anything better to do, why not take over the world in his spare time?
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The year is 2015 and the location is Earth... Or at least it was. James has been reincarnated to one world, summoned to another, and thrown into one cliche situation after another! James absolutely loathes the cliche!Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.This work may contain mature content and may not be appropriate for all ages. Discretion is advised.
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Avalon's Shards
Roland lived with his father a hard, and yet happy life. Although he had sometimes do things he wasn't proud of to survive, he swore to in the future compensate everyone he aggravated. The problem started when a Magus, an Essence's user, came to their city and took his father as his disciple, and went to a place he can't reach. Days later when he thought it would maybe be impossible to reunite with his father, he found strange talking animals who changed his life and gave him a chance to see his father once again. If they changed his life for better or worse, nobody knows yet. But whenever they go, curses and screams can be heard. Cover of https://www.deviantart.com/design-by-humans PM me to take it off.
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Return to the Fairies
In the time when legends were reality and myths were true, the humans and fairies were at peace. When the humans sought after the fairies' longevity, they paid the price, and lost their connection to the fairy race and ultimately, magic itself. But those pure of heart can see the fairies still. Those whose eyes are clear can see the magic in the air. Those pure of heart can use magic.
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(Cover art does not belong to me.)The eldest brother disappeared for six years, and returned home with chuunibyou disease.The second brother claims that he regressed from the future.The youngest brother, who has been out of service- it causes a headache just thinking about it, so let's move on.As they each claim, they are returnees and regressors. It is a remarkable story that is not lacking even if you are active as the main character in any novel right now.In response, Lee Bobae roared as a younger sister and the head of the household."You good-for-nothing mealworms! Go out and work right now!"The girl leader holds the back of her neck again today.Note: Please do not repost anywhere.
8 157