《Dig a Little Deeper》42 A Questing We Go
Ax followed their sisters and the 2 strange elves. Una, the leader of the kobolds, strongest creation of the Maker, had Arizo, companion of the Maker riding on her head. Ax wasn’t sure why the Maker had chosen her instead of Shovel. Going on this quest was an honor. Protecting Arizo outside the Dungeon was the greatest task any of them had been given.
She didn’t feel deserving of such a task. She wasn’t like her sisters, both headstrong, powerful and protective. Neither was she like her brothers. They liked to joke and fight whenever there was a moment of peace. Ax wasn’t headstrong, she didn’t like fighting and wrestling. She was pretty sure her blueprint was broken.
Maybe the Maker saw her as expendable, an acceptable loss and buffer between Una, Saw and the daggers they would face. She shook her head. Even if she was broken she would still do her best, fight her hardest and bring honor and glory to the Maker. Blessed be Their name.
The kobolds didn’t need to carry anything; the elves both had massive dimensional bags. All 3 looked at the bags with want. How much easier would it be to bring back trophies for the Maker with a bag that could hold anything? They could bring Them the world.
Even with only the vine bags the Maker had crafted for each of them the elves had to slow their pace several times for the much shorter and lower leveled kobolds. Neither elf made a comment as they followed Una’s directions toward the miasma.
Ax shivered. Each morning since the Maker requested that Una check their surroundings she has reported the miasma getting closer and closer. Left and Shovel said that the night after the elves entered the dungeon the miasma reached the treeline just outside the Maker’s domain. Tightening her grip on her ax. Ax would face this threat for the Maker, even if it meant her end.
Arizo gripped onto Una’s left horn. She was standing on the kobold’s head, looking around this forest for the first time. In all her 218 years she has never explored the world of Wisry. She’d seen wonders and magic of all kinds from adventurers and the dungeons they delve. Dungeon made versions of plants and beasts but never those found in the wild.
She was equal parts terrified and excited.
The group traveled for the better part of the day without incident. The light that shone between the trees was growing dimmer when they were attacked by a massive twig blight.
Arizo had seen many kinds of blights; twig, needle, vine, branch, cone, tree and elder. This was twig blight from the shape and color of it, but was twice the size it should be and looked almost armored like a branch or tree blight.
The little fairy let go of Una’s horn to fly into a nearby tree. She was sure that nothing besides the kobolds could see her and she didn’t want to get in the way or distract them in a fight. Her training against the shadow had helped her confidence. If there was an emergency she could shoot small electrical bolts and wind darts. But attacking would make her visible to everyone. That was too risky. Getting captured and experimented on by some unknown mage or being used as potion ingredients. She shivered in fear and revulsion.
Once the fighting was over, Arizo was glad to see Olive and the others that had been to the dungeon before. Having more people determined to see them home safe was a blessing.
“Grab that elf.” Arizo ordered Una.
Said Kobold reached out and tugged Remina’s arm.
“Get the blight’s body. Any bodies or really interesting Items they can carry back to the dungeon for us.” She explained.
Una motioned to the body on the ground and Ax used her weapon to quarter it so it could be placed into the dimensional bag. As the elf was complying with Una’s mimed request, Arizo thought about whether the blight would be enough to give the dungeon the blueprint. Normally she’d say no for such a complex creature that was killed outside the dungeon. But the blight was larger than normal and the core had unlocked blueprints for the dire bear and deer with just 1 example.
As they made their way to the camp for the evening Arizo thought about why the dungeon unlocked blueprints so quickly. More so to distract herself from the threatening quest they had all accepted than looking for any real answer.
Watch was set for the night. Teams of natives and outsiders, to watch each other's backs. Those from the region had more experience with this place and the others had more battle experience. They balanced each other out, or so everyone hoped.
The first attack came before it was even fully dark. Just after the purple miasma had filled the space between the trees. As if it was taunting them.
A big cat leapt out of a tree right on top of an adventurer. The man was knocked to the ground by the bulk and surprise.
Few of them kept their heads and watched the rest of the treeline, most turning toward the commotion. Which is why while the cat was quickly dealt with another adventurer was grabbed by a vine and dragged into the shadow of the trees. The creature that took them was out of sight but it killed the healer quick enough that they didn’t have time to scream.
After a few rounds of attacks, the forest seemed to calm. Everyone had started to relax and yawn. Minds turned to rest after a long day of stress. Arizo saved Rose’s life, though the swordswoman would attribute the save to Una. The fairy was able to see and sense the wisps hidden by the miasma.
Una was too short and light to stop the SS ranked woman but she let out a shout. To most of the adventurers it sounded like a dragon's roar, breaking them all out of their calm state as well as breaking Rose from the wisp’s grasp.
Shaking her head in shame and rage the swordswoman slashed her shining saber into the trees where she had been headed. A bright attack left the blade sailing into the darkness, lighting the purple miasma in strange and eerie ways. Just after the radiant attack passed the treeline there was a shout of fear and pain.
Rose smiled viciously hearing the scream.
From that opening volley until hours after sunrise when the mist started to recede there was little rest for the group. The forest didn’t attack in predictable waves or intervals. But with random bursts. The only thing they could predict was not to look toward the first attack.
A large beast would hit hard and fast from the shadows and mist. Once attention was on that fight some other type of being would hit anyone distracted.
Once the miasma started to recede and the forest lightened everyone in the group sighed. They didn’t relax until the system message popped up before them.
Quest “Survive the Night” Complete
4 Healing Potions
1 Poison of Life
As soon as the completion box was acknowledged and the items received another quest appeared.
Into the Ruins
Enter “The Ruins” Hidden in “The Lost Forest”
2 hours of necrotic immunity
300 experience
“How many of us made it?” Marius asked. He was still panting from the night's exertion.
Various groans answered him.
“There are only 18 of us left.” Typha stated. “We lost 6 to that hell.” She gave a sighing hiss. “We should gather what bodies we can find and get some rest in shifts.”
“Necrotic immunity and Life poison.” Feta said with slumped shoulders. “What necromantic hell are we facing?”
“Nothing good or easy that’s for sure.” Cynthia the paladin replied. She then flopped back in full armor planning to sleep a couple hours.
“You should all rest.” Marius the brawler told the group. “I’ve not got any mana to recover and have the constitution to stay up for days. I’ll keep watch.”
Another fighter joined him for watch and no one else argued. They were all dead tired.
“Wake us at noon. The coming battle will be brutal but shouldn’t take long. I don’t want to suffer another night like that.” Rose ordered. Marius gave her a sloppy salute in jest before starting to scan the treeline.
The four hours of rest passed without incident. Once everyone was up and packing what little camp things were taken out before the attacks Typha asked for a report.
“Nothing came close, but….” Marius rubbed the back of his head, “I know it was silent yesterday and that was weird enough but it almost feels more silent… If that makes any sense.”
“Like the forest, or maybe the world is holding its breath.” The other fighter chimed in rubbing their arms as if they were cold.
The naga sighed. “Alright. Everyone make sure your poison and healing potions are easy to access. Drink plenty of water and prepare yourselves for the fight of your life.”
Ten people nodded back to her. All with looks of determination and/or pissed off, and varying amounts of apprehension.
The teens all stood near the front. They stood tall and none of them looked 15 at that moment.
Olive led them deeper into the trees. Her head held high in confidence that was only half fake. She has faith that whatever deity is giving these quests wants to stack the odds in their favor, and that the dungeon wouldn’t risk Una for nothing.
As the first of the crumbling walls came into view the tension in the group grew. Tuck tightened the grip on his spear. Myra knocked an arrow and many of the others unsheathed their blades. Everyone coated their weapons in the Light poison. It would last for 25 hits before wearing off.
Feta and Olive kept their heads on a swivel as they neared the stones. There was too much debris and half fallen walls to get a clear line of sight to the center of the ruins.
Only a few feet from the wall Cynthia called out. “Stop.” The rogues looked back at her wondering why they were stopping so close to their next objective. “I sense something. It’s making my skin crawl. Let us paladins lead.”
They nodded and the 2 remaining paladins stepped forward. The gap in the crumbling wall was wide enough for both to enter at once. Cynthia and the last paladin in full plate with tower shields took the lead.
Right as they passed the entry everyone in the group got a cascade of notifications.
You Have Entered “The Ruins” Anomaly
High Extraplanar Contamination
Chance of Dead Rising 10% Per Hour of Exposure
Mana Ability Miscast 70%
Quest “Into the Ruins” Complete
2 hours of necrotic immunity
300 experience
Dead Heart
Find the center of The Ruins
2 hour immunity to insanity and mental attacks
500 experience
Thin the Herd
Kill all extraplanar entities
500 experience
3 tungsten square
2 demonic scrolls
(2 extraplanar blueprints)
( ) only seen by the 4 from the dungeon
Una had a toothy smile on her face seeing the blueprint rewards. She didn’t care about levels as much as she cared about empowering the Maker. She quickly accepted both quests. A counter appeared at the edge of her vision 0/41. Una assumed that was the number for extraplanar beings they had to kill.
The rest of the group also quickly accepted to get the boxes out of their vision. Unfortunately it wasn’t fast enough because there were 2 undead already swinging hammers at the chests of the paladin’s before they crossed the threshold.
Ringing of their tower shields nearly drew everyone’s attention.
“Remember the night!” Feta shouted. “Don’t stop watching our surroundings.”
Almost before she finished an arrow from Myra struck an imp out of the air.
The siege was on. The group of sixteen began slogging their way deeper into the ruins.
They hadn’t made it far when Rioux had to fall back and use one of his bardic skills to break Marius out of a status condition from the demons. Before the first hour was up Remina had to take over for him as the bard was out of mana so he used his sword to reenter the melee and the healer began freeing anyone that fell under their spells.
Rose’s prediction was wrong. It took hours trying to navigate the maze-like ruins all the while being attacked by undead of all shapes and sizes along with various low level demons. Most of the demons were imps that could swoop down and attack from above. The misshapen monsters also took 2-3 times as many hits to kill due to their damage resistance.
The kobolds were doing a much better job than any of them thought they would. Both being only level 2, half the level of the teens, but they had the advantage of being dungeon born so doing more damage to the demons.
None of the group were taking much physical damage, but the mana and stamina strain was setting in. They couldn’t help being shocked and disheartened each time one of their spells failed, backfire or misfire. Using those was an ingrained habit at this point for the trained adventurers. They were also thrown off by each skill using twice as much stamina.
They could tell they were getting closer to the center due to the miasma starting to curl around their feet as they traveled deeper.
After almost three hours of fighting and navigation the ruins the group received a message.
Quest “Thin the Herd” Complete
500 experience
3 tungsten square
Scroll of Aberration
Scroll of Extraplanar Immunity
(2 extraplanar blueprints)
The group paused and took a rest. “Well at least there are no more demons.” Rioux stated, lightly panting. Bottoming out your stamina felt like running a marathon at top speed, muscle cramps and spasms included.
“Let’s take half an hour to recover and then continue. The undead aren’t nearly as dangerous.” Rose added. Putting words to action she sat down right where she was standing and pulled out a snack.
“Cascading, fucking conditions.” Marius groused, hopping up on one of the walls to fit and eat. Being a brawler with the lowest mental resistance meant he’d been affected most often.
“Why didn’t we feel any effects?” Ax asked, looking between Arizo and Una.
The little fairy replied, “Dungeon spawn are immune to effects from extraplanar creatures. That includes demons like these and celestials.”
Ax nodded. She didn’t know what a celestial was but being immune meant she had better chances of protecting the Maker.
The rest of the group sat and rested. Most of them pull out food and have a late lunch. Eating is one of the best ways to recover stamina and mana, it also speeds up health recovery.
“I can’t wait to get this task done so I can use my freaking spells again.” The other paladin complained.
“Agreed,” Hashira chimed in, “This forest has shown a grave weakness. I have become far too reliant on spells and healers. It will be hard to change for someone our age.”
Rose nodded her head. “When I get home I’m also going to look for training in skills that reduce my stamina use. Double stamina for every skill makes me feel like a level 10 again. I haven’t been in this much pain in years. At least not without massive blood loss.”
There was agreement from all the adults in the group.
“Even I am feeling the effects.” Typha added. “Most of my adventuring is done in the bay or our aquatic dungeons. My stamina is dropping about 30% faster than normal. If I had known how hard it would be I would have used this forest for resistance training.”
“You probably still can.” Kevin said then took a long drink before explaining, “With the quests we have been given and the demons we have fought, I believe there to be a rift at the center. Even closing the rift today, it will take years, if not decades for the land to recover. It will be a slow process.”
“A rift. Like a hole in this plane?” Myra asked in shock. He nodded. “I thought you said the ruins looked like necromancy?”
“They do.” Kevin pulled up a map of the ruins that he’d been drawing as they explored. “We’ve been through almost a third of these ruins. I can say this was a necromantic summoning circle. Likely built 900 to 1300 years ago based on the runes being used here and here.”
“Wow, that’s amazing. But how does that cause a rift?” She questioned looking at the map more critically.
“It doesn’t but a summoning this large, or a failed summoning this large would cause the fabric of the plane to weaken. Making it easier for demons from the void to break in. If the ritual failed there would be abundant magical energy with nowhere to go making it even easier for them.” The potion master explained.
“If this thing opened 1000 years ago, why haven’t bigger demons made it through?” Marius asked.
“I don’t know. Does the dungeon know anything?” He asked Una
“How do you know about the dungeon?” Hashira answered defensively.
“Kevin was on the team sent from Eslan to find the dungeon.” Olive replied. “Everyone here except him,” she motioned to the other paladin, “and Typha, were on teams searching for it. Us three, plus Mika and Feta were part of the team that found the dungeon and explored its first level.”
Hashira looked at her sister then back to the group. Before asking for the date. “When you found the dungeon, less than a week ago it only had one floor.” After Olive nodded she continued. “It has at least three floors now. We were on the second floor and the core wasn’t there.”
“That growth is impressive.” Rose said. “After this is taken care of, my team has been assigned to map the dungeon and give it a proper evaluation. So it can be announced and opened.”
“Please tell the dungeon that when you arrive and ask it to try and kill you.” Remina chimed in. “The core is wonderful and I doubt it would try to do much harm unless asked, or angered. And it would be best if you don’t under-rate a core. It would get a bad reputation.”
“I’ll be sure to do that.” Rose vowed.
“Let’s get this over with and we can stop in at the dungeon before heading home.” Olive advised, getting to her feet.
The others slowly joined her stretching for the well earned rest.
They had to fight through over a dozen more undead as they neared the center. Finally four and a half hours after entering the ruins there was a gap in the wall that didn’t lead to more of a maze.
Before the group was a large open circle with runes and sigils made of stone. At the center stood a tower that looked in much better condition than the rest of the ruins.The whole area was covered in nearly knee high miasma. It was flowing out of the upper windows at the top of the four story tower, seeming to run down the sides before joining the purple fog at their feet.
Once the group stepped away from the wall and into the center more notifications appeared.
Quest “Dead Heart” Complete
2 hour immunity to insanity and mental attacks
500 experience
Kill the Beast
Kill the Demon in the Tower
1000 experience
Tungsten orb
Weapon by Class
The Tower
Close the Gate, Seal the Gate, Destroy the Tower
“Before we get started.” Myra spoke up. “What do those mean? ‘Weapon by Class’, and ‘Varies’?”
“A weapon by class, is a reward that gives you the most traditional weapon a person with your class uses. I will get a spear as I’m a Piker class.” Typha explained. “The three of you should have leveled by now and can pick a class before we go in.”
“You… you three aren’t even level 5? And you’re the experts?” Rioux all but shouted.
“Yeah. Most of my experience is from making potions with my mom. Tuck’s from fishing and Myra’s from working at the mayor’s office.” Olive replied. “Do you expect 15 year old kids to be out slaying monsters for the X P?”
“No…. It’s just… Usually experts have high levels.” He stammered a reply. Not used to being caught so wrong footed.
“What my sister means is we use our knowledge of the woods to sneak past most fights. We can usually tell what’s around us and when we are alone we get a bonus to stealth.” Tuck added.
“Ah.” Mika said with a smile. “That’s a twin thing. Most twins get some kind of boost when they work together. Our younger brothers fly 10% faster when they are within fifty feet of each other.”
Myra narrowed her eyes at the twins. “This isn’t the time or place but I will be telling Hamish about you obviously cheating at hide and seek.”
Olive giggled at her friend. “You caught us.”
Tuck shook his head. “Be serious. Myra, did you make it to five?”
After a pause to look at her status she nodded. “Just barely. Let’s take a sec and pick a class so we get any bonuses before this fight.”
The adults waited while the kids made their choices.
“I went with Scout.” Olive announced.
Tuck shrugged. “Fisher. But it looks like my bonus applies to my spear.”
“Spearfishing is possible, just not really in our bay.” Myra replied. “I chose Archer.”
“I thought you would take Diplomat?” Mika questioned.
“I was planning to be a diplomat, but the class bonuses weren’t great and I already have the two skills I would have gotten for the class. For the next several years the dungeon is going to be a huge focus. Being able to hold my ground with combat classes will do me more good than the Diplomat class.” She explained
Olive gave her a look and a cat with the canary grin. “Oh really?”
Myra blushed a dark red.
“I think that’s enough girls. We should finish this before nightfall.” Typha refocused the group.
“Right.” Myra and Olive said in tandem with firm nods.
Cynthia rolled her shoulder and readied her shield. “I’ll take point. You should take the rear.” She motioned to Typha. “Your tail will block people from joining combat and your weight may be too much for this place.”
The naga nodded. “If anything feels or sounds like it’s crumbling I’ll come back down and wait for everyone.”
With them all in agreement they headed to the base of the tower.
There was no door in the frame, so they moved right in. Like most towers or lighthouses there was little inside except the stairs. Not seeing or sensing anything out of the ordinary Cynthia began the climb. Each one of them looked up the tower before joining her in climbing. To Typha’s pleasure the stairs stood firm under her bulk. She hated the idea of children going into a deadly battle while she’s on the sidelines. The teens had been kept to the middle of the group when fighting. Thankfully they were all mid and long range fighters.
At the top of the stairs there was a landing that wasn’t big enough for everyone and a closed door. Miasma also seeped around the door and they could hear struggling on the other side.
“Everyone ready?” Cynthia asked. Getting nods from everyone she threw open the door and rushed in shield first.
After the initial rush in there was a lull due to no one attacking. This gave them time to look around the room. It looked like an ancient mage’s study… that had been blown to smithereens and consumed by fire.
What was once a loft room with a large work table covered in glassware, a twin bed and a sturdy chest, was now a mess of charred wood and broken glass. In the middle of the room was another runic circle, nearly identical to the massive one made of walls outside. Across the middle of the circle was what looked like a jagged purple tear in the fabric of reality.
Stuck inside the rift was a much larger and higher class demon.
“This dumb ass is saving the world from a demon invasion.” Marius said with a chuckle.
The large demon had gotten stuck in the rift unable to get out or go back. It struggled harder and roared in angry frustration. Unfortunately the demon’s back was to the group so when it tried to attack with a ball of dark purple magic it was only able to lobe it over its shoulder in their direction.
Splitting the group was able to side step the attack. “1000 experience for this thing? I wish all my days were this easy.” Cynthia said with a smirk stepping forward and smashing her mace into its head.
“NO!” Rose shouted trying to stop her attack but it was already too late.
The silvered mace powered by level 39 paladin was far stronger than the stuck demon. Her strike forced the demon back through the rift. Almost immediately a wave of extraplanar energy surged out of the rift and riding that wave were dozens of smaller demons.
Overwhelming Extraplanar Energy! Mana use Unadvised
All Dead Will Rise Within One Hour of Death or Exposure
Mana Ability Miscast 90%
Quest “Kill the Beast” Fail
Survive the Horde
Kill All Extraplanar Entities
700 experience
Tungsten orb
Everyone quickly accepted and shoved the boxes away to deal with the threat.
“Oops.” She lamely said as they poured out of the rift and began swarming the party.
“Forget fighting them!” Keith shouted, while attacking with his staff. “Use your shield to block the hole.”
“Oh! Right! Fuck! Yes!” she dropped the mace she’d been batting the demons out of the air with and dove onto the hole with her tower shield.
“Let me hold it. You do more damage.” Myra said coming over to where Cythia was prone blocking more demons from entering their plane.
“Ready?” After getting a nod she counted. “3… 2… 1!” She rolled off the shield as the archer stood in her place planting her feet wide.
Cynthia looked to make sure the teen was able to hold the shield in place. Seeing that she seemed fine and was already firing arrows at the flying demons, the paladin took a second to grab a backup shield from her bag of holding and scoop up her mace. She joined the battle with a war cry that dazed the beasts.
The battle wasn’t quick but it was one sided. The demons didn’t attempt to escape, too frenzied at getting to this plane. Almost a hundred of them had made it out of the rift in those few seconds but they were eventually all slane.
“Anyone need healing?” Olive asked as the mass of dead demons began dissolving into black sludge.
Keith and Rioux both needed healing. They weren’t usually front liners but with a swarm there is no back line. She pulled out her potions and pastes. She had specifically packed for high leveled people being injured so she had items that would heal them quickly.
“How are you holding them?” Marius looked at Myra curiously. “You’re a tiny girl.”
Myra chuckled. “I’m also a Selike. I likely weigh more than you do.”
“Ah.” Kevin said. “Your kind weighs two to three times what a normal human would weigh. I had been wondering if you were human with your solid black eyes.”
“Kevin, can you close and seal this?” Rose asked.
He studied the floor for long minutes and pulled out a large tome before answering.
“I…” He sighed and scrubbed his hair. “This array is a master work. I’m not a sealing master so I’m unsure if it will interfere with…”
There was a heavy thump on the floor. Myra and the shield rocked slightly.
“I will do my best but some prayer may help.” Kevin nervously said. Looking at the paladins.
“We will pray to Siec and Piec and ask the twins to lend their strength.” Cynthia replied, sounding far more noble than usual.
“And I will send prayers to Alphriya so that a solution will bloom.” Mika added.
“Show us the spell and we will cast it with you.” Remina offered for her and her sister.
The three kobolds sent prayers for aid to the dungeon core. Arizo prayed to both Life and the dungeon core.
Rioux didn’t say anything but pulled out an extremely fancy lyre and began to play. The strings glowed with mana infused music.
The air in the room began to feel charged with energy from the prayers. You could almost see wisps of divine mana coming from Mika and the paladins. As they swirled with the nearly tangible music. There was an even weaker mist forming around the kobolds.
Seeing and feeling the power Kevin prepared to cast. He clutched his staff, the tome opened and began floating so he could read it. Remina was now holding a wand and Hashira had a fang as long as her forearm. He looked at the elves on either side and received a nod from each. Together they began chanting.
Another thud against the shield nearly threw Myra off balance. After the hit there was a roar of frustration. She decided it was safer to sit than try to remain standing. Tuck and Olive joined her standing on the shield and holding her shoulders to stay balanced.
He was tempted to read faster but knew that would likely lead to disaster. Those that were praying sharpened their will and tried to pray hardener. The battle music rose in tempo and volume.
The edge of the shield lifted, nearly throwing the teens off. Tuck planted one foot on the side of the shield and SLAMMED his other foot onto the edge that tried to lift.
A shrieking squeal came from an imp that was smashed by the stomp.
Olive took the same stance in the opposite direction of her twin. Where his foot was on one side of the shield and he was putting most of his weight on it but using the other the foot on the floor to brace. Olive placed her foot bracing opposite of his pushing down on the other side of the shield to keep anything from lifting either side.
The chanting began to rise in volume and everyone could feel the weight of the magic in the air.
Begin more graphic scenes
“Undead are coming in from behind!” Typha called to the room. “I’ve got them!” She coiled around her tail to face the undead coming up the stairs.
Just before the first one was within Typha’s reach there was another slam into the shield followed by Myra screaming in pain.
Kevin only paused a moment in his casting to look at the teen. Neither elf sister allowed anything to distract them.
A demon’s claws had sliced through the shield and into Myra’s thigh. The twins had quickly pulled her off before the claws raked through the shield to grip the edge of the rift. Its other arm grabbed onto the edge as well. And began dragging itself out of the rift.
Another system box popped up and everyone accepted the reissued quest.
Kill the Beast
Kill the Demon in the Tower
500 experience
Weapon by Class
“Keep Praying!” Rose ordered. “Keep Casting! We have this.” She unsheathed her rapier and stabbed into the beast's right shoulder.
Olive and Tuck propped Myra against the wall and drew their weapons.
The beast swung at Rose as she danced back after her attack. Tuck waited for the demon to pull its shoulders out of the rift before stabbing his spear right under the left shoulder blade.
Marius shook the room as he activated his transformation turning into an eight foot tall bear with razor sharp claws. He dropped onto all fours and grabbed the demon by the throat pulling it up until it became lodged in the rift again. Marius then shoved the demon backwards so that it couldn’t slip back into the hole and let more demons out. Holding it down by the throat back flat on the side of the rift.
The chant seemed to be reaching a crescendo as Olive stabbed one of her now poisoned daggers in between the demon’s ribs.
The beast roared out in pain and rage, clawing at Marius’s back trying to get free. It bit down on the were-bear’s neck but wasn’t able to do any damage because of the thick skin folds around his neck.
Marius lifted the demon by the throat and slammed it back to the floor. Using his other hand to swipe at its stretched out stomach.
Rose stabbed under Marius’s arm, into the demon’s chest hoping to find the heart in its misshapen body.
The chant peaked causing the beast to let out a pained noise. The rift opening grew noticeably smaller. They didn’t pause beginning the next round of chanting
The rest of the group heard a war cry from Typha as she fought off the undead.
Tuck moved around the grappling pair and straddled the were-bear. “Make space between you.” He called out. Marius sucked in his stomach and arched his back to leave a gap between the demon and himself.
Tuck pulled back his spear and activated a skill causing the coral head to glow blue. “[Multi Strike]!!” He shouted. Tuck seemed to blur as his spear stabbed into the demon’s gut four times in as many seconds.
“My turn.” Olive said bending low and splashing the demon’s chest and stomach with the rest of her Life poison.
As the poison hit the open wounds they began to smoke and sizzle. The demon screamed and thrashed in agony. Managing to unbalance Marius causing him and Tuck to fall away.
The moment they were clear, Myra began rapid firing arrows into the demon. Each one re-coated in Life poison. She hit it three times before needing to pause as the others closed in again.
Feta stepped forward and kicked the demon in the gut with all her might. When she pulled back they could all see the three inch blade sticking out of the toes of her boot. The area around the puncture almost immediately began turning black.
Rose exchanged her rapier for a saber and slashed across the beast's neck as it was trying to wipe the poison off its middle. The head wasn’t severed but it was partially separated. Black tar like goo oozed from its many wounds.
“We’ve almost got it!” Rose called out, using her [Rallying Cry]. She then had to put her hands on her knees and heave breaths due to stamina over use.
The rest of the group all felt invigorated by her skill. Giving them a temporary boost in stamina and mana.
Olive’s twin blades cut deep into the flesh of the beast’s neck where it was still attached. As she was finishing her move and drawing back Marius caught the clawed arm it was going to slash at her and broke the elbow over his knee.
Tuck shouted as he stabbed the demon as hard as he could in the chest with his spear. It slid through the beast and the tip was sticking out its back.
As he wrenched his weapon back out of the demon it gurgled in pain before slumping over. A system message appeared.
End of gory stuff
Quest “Kill the Beast” Complete
500 experience
Weapon by Class
Those fighting the demon sighed in relief and tried to catch their breath.
The chant reached its peak again causing the rift to shrink. It was now half the size it started, just two more rounds and they will have it closed.
“A little help.” Typha sounded winded.
All but Myra moved over to assist.
“They just keep getting back up.” Her voice was strained.
They saw what she meant when one of the undead bodies she’s already killed began standing up again.
“Typha can you make room so Maius can charge and shove them off the landing and down the steps?” Olive asked
“Fuck!” She cursed. “I hadn’t even thought of that.”
She flexed her massive tail and threw several undead off the landing. This also made an opening for Marius to charge and throw even more off.
“Take a rest.” Tuck instructed. “I can use my spear to bat them off the stairs for a while.” He moved over to stand at the top of the steps so he could shove them over the side before they gained a foothold.
“Be careful.” Olive told him, squeezing his shoulder before turning to the rest of the group. “I’m going to heal Myra’s leg and help her get her arrows out of that thing.”
“I’ll rest here and get a drink.” Typha said, reaching into her pack for water.
Marius sat in bear form at Tuck’s side to help the teen keep knocking the dead back.
“I’m going to check the window and see just how many undead there are.” Rose informed them. “Looks like the denser energy just extends to a quarter of the ruins. They are all headed our way. Once the rift is sealed we can carry the bodies out of the higher energy at least.”
“Can anyone fit them in their bags?” Myra asked.
“What are you talking about?” Rose enquired
“If you kill the undead and put them in a dimensional bag they can’t rise again. Nothing living can go in one right?”
Rose shook her head. “You kids are geniuses.” Rose took off her own bag and began unloading stuff from it. Camping gear, backup weapons, armor, rations, potions and a dozen of really nice ball gowns. She then headed to the landing and told them to let the undead up.
Marius heard her and smashed the undead that came onto the landing then stuffed it in her bag. Tuck took the bag and started stuffing it for her while Marius used his bulk to kill them.
Thankfully their chant was rising again. Everyone praying, playing and chanting looked exhausted. They were going to need a long rest. Here if the tower withstands the rift closing.
As the final round of the chant begins Tuck informs them that Rose’s bag is full. Without pausing, Hashira throws her bag at Rose.
“Thanks.” She catches the bag and takes it to Tuck. The number of undead coming up the steps has dwindled. There were still at least thirty more but the boys looked to have it well in hand.
Rose attached her now full bag back to her waist. She nearly stumbled as Remina’s bag came flying at her. She looked at the elf questioningly. Remina pointed at Rose’s things. “Thank you. She began storing her items in the bag she’d been loaned and attached it to her belt as well.
She couldn’t help but smile at how bright red Myra was blushing as she stood in her underwear so Olive could have access to the back of her upper thigh.
“Wounds from demons will heal slower than usual.” Rose warned her. “In such high contamination it will slow the healing even more.”
“How do you know that?” Olive asked. Her curious eyes leave her work to get a good look at the sword woman.
“I’ve fought demons and helped close rifts before. Usually we know it’s a rift beforehand and can bring the proper mages. If we had known the king could have sent ritual mages and extraplanar experts that would have this closed already. But we had no idea there were demons in these woods.”
“Neither did we.” Olive replied. “I’ve never seen anything like them. And how they melt into sludge after they die is so gross.” She made a disgusted face.
“Why isn't this one turning into a puddle like the others?” Myra questioned.
Rose looked at the demon. Myra was right, it was still a body, but obviously dead. “I’ve never encountered a demon this big or seen one stuck in a rift.” She honestly answered.
“So it could be that it’s still partially in it’s plane that is keeping it solid or it could be that it’s a larger demon and maybe they don’t…” She made a hand motion
“Liquify?” Olive suggested.
Myra shivered. “As disgusting as that sounds it’s the best term I can think of.”
“I guess it doesn’t really matter why. I’m just glad it’s still plugging the hole so no more of those little ones can swarm us.” Olive returned.
Everyone nodded.
The chant crested for the final time and they watched as the rift closed, cutting the demon in half. Almost as soon as it closed the demon began to dissolve into the same black goo as the smaller ones had. Only this one had three fist sized lumps in it.
“Is it done?” Tuck asked from the door. All the undead were re-dead and stuffed into bags.
“It’s done.” Kevin’s voice was weak and thready. The sisters on either side of him helped him sit and sat beside him.
“We don’t get a prize for that?” Olive asked.
Cynthia shook her head. “Not until the whole ‘Tower’ quest has been done or failed. We’ve just finished part one. We still have to seal this thing and destroy the tower.”
Marius came in and picked up his things to go change out on the landing. Unfortunately he’d never unlocked a skill that let him keep his clothes on while shifted.
“Does anyone know any cleansing spells?” Remina asked. “Hashira and I have some. If we can lower the contamination some, those bodies can be put to rest.”
Una hissed at her. She growled and clicked in her kobold language.
“You want the bones to be given to the dungeon?” Tuck asked. He understood a bit of kobold but it was a very different dialect than she was using.
Una gave a firm nod.
“I don’t see why not.” Olive interjected. “Any human or humanoid that died in this forest has already been mourned.”
“We should look them over and see if any died recently, or if they are from the elven team.” Rose reposed
“That’s fair right?” Myra looked at Una. She nodded in agreement.
Ax moved over to the jagged purple scar that was left from the rift closing. Unbeknownst to anyone but the kobolds, Arizo had moved from Una’s head to hers telling Ax to go there and instructed her on what to draw.
She used her sharp claw to carve the symbols Arizo projected into her mind. Kevin and the elves came and watched her work.
“Yes, that's perfect!” Remina exclaimed, going to the other end of the scar and carving the same symbols with a knife. “It’s the runes for mending. Healers use it when we work on souls. To magic the soul is considered an object so healing won’t work but repair and mending do.”
“Really?” Kevin asked, pulling out his giant book for the first time and writing that fact down. “I think I’ve seen something like this used in self healing constructs.”
“That could make perfect sense. What separates a construct from a golem is that constructs have soul gems.” Hashira replied. “I’ve always been more focused on shape changing than druid skills that make pets, golems and eventually constructs.”
“Would a construct even work in these conditions?” Cynthia asked.
“I’m not sure but it would be an interesting experiment.” Kevin replied jotting down the idea.
“So… for those of us that don’t know. What are you doing?” Olive asked
Remina “Sorry, I should have explained better. This rather simple runic pattern acts like a stronger, more permanent version of the spell [Mending]. It basically fixes something that is ripped or torn. When there is damage to the soul it must be mended back to the body instead of using regular healing magic.”
“Oh.” Marius said. “I thought since [Mending] fixes cloth and it’s called a tear in the fabric of the plane that’s why it’s working.”
Kevin and Remina both looked at him long and hard. “That is either the dumbest or most genius thing I have ever heard.” Kevin finally said as the brawler was starting to sweet.
“The soul is called the fabric of life.” Remina added with a shrug.
“My father always says the simplest answer is usually the best.” Rose chimed in.
Rioux laughed, “I’m going to make sure you get credit for your ground breaking insight.”
Cynthia joined his laughter. “Can you imagine the chaos? Scholars are gonna be pissed.”
He gave her a mischievous grin.
Kevin shook his head. He knew his friend loved sowing chaos as long as it didn't cause too much suffering. It wouldn’t surprise him if the bard was secretly a devotee of Sarina, goddess of mischief.
As the kobold and elf worked the others noticed that the scar was shrinking. Once the repeating runes spanned the whole scar they shimmered for several seconds before the scar vanished as if it was never there.
Rose took the lumps and placed them in Remina’s bag to clean and look at later.
“One last job to do for the big reward.” Cynthia said. She put her damaged shield in her bag and headed toward the door.
“Let’s bring the house down.” Olive giggled.
Tuck sighed. “You packed explosives didn’t you?”
“Mom and I may have included alchemical reagents that are rapidly exothermic.” Her grin wasn’t fooling anyone.
“I guess that will make this easy.” Marius added.
Once they were all back outside Olive began placing what looked like cubes of gelatin around the tower's base.
“Got any…”
“Yes I have a fire arrow.” Myra interrupted, pulling out a special arrow and lighting it. She had helped Olive with these explosives before so knew just how to light them. “You owe me an arrow you know.” Myra told her just before releasing.
Everyone was impressed by the fiery detonation that caused the tower to fold like a house of cards. There wasn’t a loud boom, but after the explosion you could hear the fire roaring as it consumed the tower and everything inside.
After several minutes of burning the fire started to take on a deeper red, then shifted to a poison purple.
High Extraplanar Contamination
Chance of Dead Rising 10% Per Hour of Exposure
Mana Ability Miscast 70%
It burned purple for a long while before the flames turned back to ordinary red flames that were crackling happily.
“No, we are not starting a forest fire to try and lower the contamination.” Tuck told his sister as she opened her mouth.
Olive gave an over exaggerated pout.
“However,” Kevin spoke up. “If fire can lower the contamination in an area, we could come back with teams and set controlled fires in and around these ruins to speed up the process.”
“We can always ask.” Rose replied.
“As soon as we get the quest completion we can put the fire out and head to the dungeon.” Cynthia said with excitement. “I love exploring new dungeons.”
“That’s going to have to wait a few days.” Rose burst her bubble. “We will return the kobolds to the dungeon but then we have to leave. We don’t want anyone worrying about us and there are still eight people missing or dead to be looked for.”
Olive sobered up and sighed. “Once we have reported back in at Riverside the search crews can be made and we can comb the forest. We still have to check those bodies to see if they are any of the missing people. We can have some of the people you brought along help comb the woods with our teams. While other teams are combing the woods Tuck and I will lead you to the dungeon for your evaluation then check that area ourselves.”
“That’s assuming there were no attacks on the towns while we’ve been in here.” Added Myra.
“I think what we should do first is set up camp.” Suggested Tuck. “I don’t know if anyone else has noticed but it’s after dark. Not a time to be wandering the forest.”
“It should be safe now that the thing is closed. Right?” Marius asked.
Remina shook her head. “No, the contamination is still too high. Creatures and animals are still corrupted and more aggressive. They may not have a mastermind controlling them now but that doesn’t make this land safe.”
“Might as well sort the bodies now.” Rioux suggested.
Rose handed Hashira her bag back and they started pulling out the undead. Once they were all pulled out and sorted there were 92 bodies; 50 humanoids, 35 small animals and 7 large animals.
“They are all too old to have gone missing in the last week.” Cynthia declared and the others agreed.
“I can carry them all.” Hashira told her. “My bag has the room and I have other items the kobolds collected for the dungeon.”
Quest “The Tower” Complete
“Close the Gate” Complete
“Seal the Gate” Complete
“Destroy the Tower” Complete
Hidden: “Lower the Contamination” Complete
1500 experience
Dagger of Returning
Potion of Healing
Potion of Fortitude
Potion of Experience
Scroll of Banishment
Staff of the Dead
3 Tungsten orb
(3 Dungeon Blueprints)
“Let’s look at our loot before we put out the fire.” Olive suggested. Trying to lighten the mood.
“Sure, look at this!” Tuck pulled out a sea green fishing pole from where he usually stores his spear. “It says it’s a ‘Pole of Greater Casting.’ It’s supposed to help me cast farther and increase my chances of catching rare fish.”
Myra and Olive chuckled. “You and your fish.” Myra said, shaking her head. “I received these.” She pulled out a dark brown leather bag and spilled some of the contents into her hand. “They’re arrow heads that do extra damage and cause a massive bleed effect if they are ripped out.”
“Shiny.” Olive commented with a smile. “I got this.” She pulled out a long solid black skinning knife. “It causes extra damage against non-humanoids and increases the chance of harvesting higher quality meat and hides.”
“That is perfect for you.” Tuck said, smiling proudly at his sister.
“That’s what usually happens when you get a quest that says item by class. It is something that works with your build and will help you grow.” Hashira explained.
“Can any of you tell us what these magic scrolls do?” Myra asked. They had all received the same three scrolls from the different quests.
“I can.” The other paladin spoke up. When they all turned to them, they blushed. “My sister is a wizard. I’ve learned a few things.”
“Alright, what did we get?” Olive asked while rubbing her hands together and getting everyone's attention off the embarrassed paladin.
“This is a scroll of aberration. It is used to summon a low level aberration. The creature will be under your control for 1 hour. If it’s still alive after that the creature can act on its own free will. The scroll of banishment, teleports a creature or being a random distance, in a random direction no less than 1000 miles from their current location. The last one, the scroll of extraplanar immunity, I will have to study for a bit. I’ve never seen it before.” They explained
“Let’s setup camp while you study that.” Rose instructed.
Everyone vaguely nodded in agreement and started setting up tents and a campfire. No one said anything but none of them trust cooking over the burning magic tower.
“Ok. Everyone,” The paladin called out as they were waiting on dinner. “I think I understand the scrolls. You may want an expert to double check. It looks like extraplanar immunity gives you resistance to mental and psionic attacks along with the same damage resistance demons have.”
“That’s pretty impressive for a two day’s labor.” Marius replied.
“Well we are S to SSS ranked and other than the kobolds and children we are all over level thirty. We have expert guides and some ideas of what we were facing.” Roce summarized.
“Kids, That’s the difference between a quest and a well planned mission.” Typha added. “Knowledge is power. Now we should put the wreckage out, eat and get some rest.”
With nods and murmurs of agreement they all set to dampening the flames.
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