《My heart || NOTTI OSAMA》"Who is melody?"






I WAS SLEEP WHEN SUDDENLY my alarm clock went off. I was pissed because

its the weekend so I didn't have to wake up early. "Oh my God shut the fuck up" i groan hitting it as it fell to the ground broken into pieces. "Fuck..." i whispered to myself.

I got up cause at that point I wasn't even tired no more. I walked to my hygiene drawer grabbing my basket and taking it to my bathroom with me.

I grabbed the soap and the body scrub and set it on my shower shelf and placed the other items on the counter. I hop inside the shower and I wash up for a good 35 minutes then I spent 20 more minutes singing destiny's child

music as if I were Beyonce and I was on stage, then I spent 10 minutes thinking of me and Ethan.. which led me to a break down which was for another 15 minutes so I was basically on there for an hour.

I get out my shower and grab my towel off the

Door hanger. I dry off and exit my bathroom now going to my closet. "Hmmm I think I'm going to wear something simple today." I say to myself.

THE OUTFIT ^^ (you can change it)

I lotioned my body and proceeded to put my clothes on. I noticed my room needed some cleaning so I picked up all the trash and out of in my trash bin and then I made my bed, I put my clothes in the dirty clothes basket so I could wash them after I made breakfast.

I walked downstairs after cleaning up to get ready and make me a homemade sausage McGriddle. "Hey baby when did you get back?" My mom asked looking up from her computer. "Mommyyy" I say damn near jumping on her. "I missed you so much" i add on hugging her tighter. "I missed you too baby, you know that boy Ethan has been coming around here with another Chica Hija , what's in the hell is that about?" She says making me almost throw up.


"Oh that's Eva , we used to be cool but she kind of started acting funny so I don't really talk to her anymore." I say truthfully. "Oh ur friend fucking with your boy candy hija?" She asked. "No it wasn't like that , we were friends after her and Ethan mami." I reply and she just nodded, my mom tries her hardest when it comes to speaking English so when she uses full sentences it kind of surprises me still.

"Hi mami, hi nana."My brother says coming in from work. "Hi papi, how was work?" My mom asked. "It was okay mami, where is Melody at?" He asked. "who is melody?" I asked confused. "Oh shit i forgot to tell you but she's my daughter, i just found out I have a 2 year old." He replies as if it was nothing.

"I HAVE A NIECE?" I yell in excitement.

My mom and Brother laugh at my reaction.

"Yea come on , you finna meet her." he says leading me up the stairs. We walk to Nasires room and be pulled back the cover gently revealing a beautiful baby.

(She look just like Amarionna 😭)

"Hey baby, you hungry?" He says quietly to his now awoke daughter. "Daddy!!." She said in her baby voice hugging him. "Hey, it's someone you need to meet Mmk?" He says.

"This ur tete nana." He says pointing at me.

She puts her hands up indicating she wants me to pick her up, so I did.

"Hi pretty girl." I say rocking her back and forth. "Hello" she managed to get out i can tell she's new to the whole talking thing.

"I want grammaaa." She whined a little pouting at the door. I walk with her downstairs and she hops out my arms and waddles to my mom. "Is that my tinka buttt." My mom says picking her up and swinging her back and forth. "GRAMMAAA" she says as her baby laughs feel the room.


5 hours later.

It was now 11:09 am and me and melody were on the couch watching encamto.

"WAITIN ON A MIRACALEE" Me and Melody sung together as we danced around the living room.

We laughed and continued watching the movie then there was a few knocks on the door. I got up and opened it revealing Ethan and David. "what y'all here for?" I asked confused. "You nigga, why you go so hard on that song , you blowing up real shit." DD said making me jerk my head back cause what he mean I'm blowing up. "What the fuck is y'all talking about?" I asked confused.

"man look." Dd said showing me how many views i got on my last song. "Am i tweakin or is that a million ?" I said about to lose my shit.

"na mh you got it frl" Notti said making me laugh a little. "E-TANN" Melody came running to the door seeing him.

"Hi mel mel." Notti and DD said in sync.

Notti picked her up and she laid her head in his neck. "How y'all knew my niece before me ?what the fuck." I asked. "Cause I still look out and visit ur family..so I'm always here" Notti replied making me mug him playfully.

Maybe we better off as friends ..cause talking to him friendly wise feels better than not at all.



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