《An Ode To Fallen Nemo - Tales from the UnderCurrent (Short Story Series)》Vijaik Rookie
Act 1 - Scene 1
Pilot A: Una? Una you there?
The room has a low ceiling and a cramped feel, more than a dozen beds with little space between them fill it - The young woman of 17 sits on one of these beds, looking up at the calling voice, her eyes sleepy and her hair a mess.
Una: I'm h-here.
Pilot A: Jeez Una look at you! Come on girl, you gotta be less of a space cadet ya know.
Una: Heh-heh, sorry.
Pilot A: Ya well anyways, your turn on guard duty - I'm going for shower k.
Una: Right, thanks - Ummmm.... Any-more word about the attack?
Pilot A: Oh that? Ya the captain is still just saying not worry, our guys in space will stop it for sure ya know! Though on this one I'm with ya, everyone's a bit nervous about it.
Una: Ya....
Act 1 - Scene 2
Una makes her way down a narrow corridor, short walls made of cheap metal - Porthole windows reveal the outside, an endless rocky-grey expanse of the moon.
She pass's through the door at the end of the corridor into a long rectangular room - Half the room is divided by a glass wall, behind which lay three cells each containing basic furniture and each with a large metal door in-between the glass.
On the side opposite are some lockers, a small round table with two chairs and an old school physical computer - Una takes a seat at the table and lays down a book on its surface.
An almost immature voice calls out to her from the only occupied cell;
POW: Hey its you again! What's this the fourth time?
POW: Oh come on, what have I got to do for some conversation around here hey?
POW: Don't you atleast want to ask about how I ended up in here? I'm a pilot you know, been on lots of awesome adventures - Much better than being a prisoner guard for IAFS. For all you know I could be a Casnel pilot!
Una: T-That's not true, you're an Ogre pilot - You got beat during a skirmish, left abandoned by your allies until our ships picked you up - And anyway I'm a pilot too so there!
POW: Eh? So you can talk, I just gotta pick factual errors huh? Ok then I also happen to be a prince, bet you didn't know that!
POW: No good huh? Darn.
The young man leans back against the wall of his cell - He looks to be in his twenties, short for his age but of a lean build with long moppy brown hair and a cheeky grin.
Una: .....Why are you with TSU-s? You're not what I imaged TSU-s people to look like....
POW: Huh? I mean why not right?
Una: That doesn't sound like a very good reason to be in an extremist military...
POW: Pah! That's just propaganda talk, TSU-s is just a branch of regular TSU, The States Union, the guys who've kept us all safe for literal centuries - Who wouldn't want to work with them?
Una: You're kidding! Whatever about the goverment part of TSU, everyone knows you speical forces guys are bad, you've been killing civilians and all sorts!
POW: Tch, god you really buy into all to that? Load of rubbish, like I said, States Union have been around since the Second Age!
I think I'll keep putting my trust in them thanks.
Una: Bu-But, they're saying a nation-state is going to be dropped out of the sky, any day now!!
POW: Pftttt, ha-ha, that's a good one that is.
Una Stands up shakily, the chair falling away behind her and fists clenched slightly as she steps closer to the glass of the prison cell.
Una: Wh-What about Station 5! You've seen the picture and heard the story right!
POW: Oh come on girl, everyone knows that's the biggest hoax of them all - You guys faked those photos, station 5-5 is totally fine. TSU-s went in and handled some violent protestors, I'll admit things got a little messy sure, but when people are throwing house bricks and brandishing fire axes, even soldiers get a little nervous - All this talk of wiping out the whole station though? Pure BS, the picture of the perfectly normal station 5 are available all over ya know. Personally I think those fake IAFS photos are really bad taste.
Una: You-y-m.... My parents were killed at station 5!
POW:..... Hmmmm well that ain't fun - Look I don't mean to be insensitive or nothing kid, sorry for your loss and all but if they were violent protestors, they must of known the risk.
Una: Violent--?! There were no violent protests, you people made that up!! And even if there had been, my parents never attended any of the protests, they were no where near protests!!
POW: Look I don't know what to tell ya, if that's true and they died in an accident or something - Look I just don't think its very mature to blame that on TSU-s now is it.
Una:.......... My baby-sister died there too, she was 13.......
POW: Oof, now that sucks, I always think kids shouldn't be allowed attend protests, not that that's an excuse - I'm sure it must of been a stray bullet - Really bad luck, sorry for your loss.
Una: Bad Luck?! There was no violet protest you twat! They killed every last person in the city!
POW: Oh ya? Then what about you? You seem pretty alive.
Una: Yo-You piece of shit!
Una, tears in her eyes, walks to the computer, fumbles with the switches for a moment before muting the cell.
The prisoner signs, shrugging before crossing his arms behind his head and laying down on the narrow cell-bed.
Act 1 - Scene 3
A siren echoes throughout the building, the lights have been dimmed and swirling red lamps flash periodically along the walls. The sound of people shouting orders and running is all around - Una is making her way down a corridor, surrounded by others doing the same - One larger man jostles against her, causing her to stumble - A familiar woman comes up behind her and takes Una by the shoulder.
Pilot A: Hey Una, you alright?
Una: Ya fine, thanks.
Pilot A: That's good, come on we gotta head for the shuttle.
Pilot A: Seriously I can't believe they're actually going to bomb us using a whole nation-satellite!
Una: Not just us, we're too close to the city, it'll be wiped out too.
Pilot A: Well ya, 'secret' or not the city is allied with us, 'course TSU-s would want rid of it too.
Una: All those people, normal people....
They continue making their way through the base, the loudspeaker repeating its warning at nauseum - Una suddenly stops at a corridor intersection, staring at a tablet embedded into the wall, the other pilot turns around to cheek on her;
Pilot A: Yo what's up, we've got to hurry ya know.
Una: Oh ya... just, this says the prisoner is still in there and no ones been assigned to get him - I think they might of forgotten him.
Pilot A: You mean that guy huh? Wait didn't he like, mock your whole family a couple days ago?
Una nods sullenly, her fellow pilot grins - It isn't quiet crooked, but there is an uneasy edge to the smile.
Pilot A: Ha! This is exactly what he deserves then right, it's like ironic!? Now come on already.
Una follows on for a few steps before stopping still - This time the other pilot doesn't notice and keeps walking with the rest of the crowd until after a minute it is only Una left behind in the narrow space.
Una: Can we really just leave him like that?
Una: Are we really any better then them if we do?
Una: Those things he said were terrible, so terrible but.... Its not like he was the one who killed them-- No that's not it, I mean he could, go on to do something just as bad.
Una: It's more like, like, if we leave him someone out there will lose a loved one - So maybe they'll lash out at us and that means we'll be sad and angry and, and.... And it'll just keep happening forever right?
Una: Can I really just leave him there all alone?
Act 2 - Scene 1
Una runs into the jail room again, making her way straight over to the prisoner's cell door - The prisoner themself looks surprisingly relaxed, Una moves a hand to unbuckle her pistol at her side, making sure he can see it's presence.
Una: Just... just don't be an ass and come along quietly ok? We're evacuating.
POW: Pah, Ha-ha! This really is something else, I'll give you that, talk about a great prank, using the loudspeaker like this.
Una: Oh no.... They've reduced the power, this, this door won't open without it.
POW: Huh, ya I had noticed the lights were a bit dimmer, now that you've had your fun, would ya mind turning them back on?
Una: Y-Y-YOU! Just shut up for a minute!
POW: Sheesh alright.
Una: I.... There's nothing I can do, even if I try call for help by the time someone turns the power back on it'll be too late - I, I am really sorry.
POW: Dang I underestimated you, you're a pretty good actor - Was all that stuff about your folks and sister just a skit too? Man you IAFS people really like to sell it hard, you guys really that desperate to get me to switch sides or leak secrets?
Una face darkens and she gradually turns, leaving the room.
Some moments pass, the prisoner begins to grow a little uncomfortable, his cell bathed in the flashing red of an emergence light and the count down of the intercom getting lower.
He sighs, putting on the space suit provided in the cell;
POW: Better safe then sorry I suppose.
Suddenly a loud, dense thud echoes throughout the cell, causing the prisoner to jump - A moment later the sound of a contacting link between his cell and the exterior of the building echoes through;
Una Over Contact Link; Put on your space suit and step away from the wall, I'm not kidding.
With a bemused gulp, the prisoner does as he is told - A few moments pass before suddenly the wall begins to crack, then crumble as slowly a grey fist presses its way through - Another few seconds and the hole is large enough to show the face and torso of Vijaik, of a green & blue coloured Nemo, its cockpit door slid open and Una sat inside.
Following her directions, the prisoner makes his way up the arm and into the cabin, standing in the space behind Una's chair as the door closes and they both take off their helmets;
POW: If this is a prank, you're going way too far kid.
Una: Oh shut up!
Act 2 - Scene 2
The Nemo is stumbling across the rocky grey of the moon's surface, doing its best to run in the direction of small oblong shuttle - The prisoners eyes however are more firmly fixed on a monitor screen pointing to the west, it displays a small city in the distance, little more then hexagonal dome-silhouettes from so far way, and above them high in the sky - Is a massive rectangle, it is falling, a gigantic sheet of glass and metal larger then the city beneath is falling through the atmosphere - All around it pin-pricks of light cross back and fourth, fireworks of battle as TSU-s and IAFS warships fight it out, one in the hopes of stopping this disaster, the other trying to ensure it happens.
Una: Oh no...
POW: What's wrong kid?
Una: Just look....
The prisoner turns his attention back to the main monitor, the small escape shuffle is moving, it has left the ground, left them behind.
POW: Shit... Guess that it then, man that sucks - Can't believe IAFS would really drop a nation-satellite like this.
Una: What did you just say?
POW: Hmmmm? Oh the ruse is up, I'm not dim - This is you guys right?
You drop that satellite on your now empty base and claim TSU-s did it, use it as proof of how 'terrible' we are - Pretty clever I guess, pretty sick too - And you well, I guess you just had the conscious to come back for me, so really thanks - Sorry your gonna die with me now...
Una: Y-you, You're insane! You'll twist anything to work for you won't ya? Thousands of people are about to die in that city and you're still spewing nonsense!! Where would IAFS even get the resources to pull something like that off huh?!
POW: Eh, eh, calm it already - We are about to die you know, might as well not argue for the final moments. Whoa, what are doing?!!
Una has leant forward and grabbed her mech's controls, turning it in the opposite direction to the city and the falling skyline - She sets her machine to begin sprinting as best it can in the opposite direction.
POW: Oh come on kid, there's no way we can out run that thing, its the mother of all bombs!
Una: You don't know that for sure, and stop calling me 'kid', I'm not that much younger then you.
POW: I'm 26.
Una: No way!!
POW: Heh, I don't know what's funnier, you worrying about my age or actually thinking we can out run this.
Una: We're not dead.
POW: We are very much so about to be.
Una: Ya well until we are, we keep trying.
The Cabin of The Nemo is jittering, its two inhabitants being rocked about in the cramped space as the machine continues to desperately run - On the rear camera's monitor, the Nation-Satellite can be seen getting ever closer to the ground.
A massive shock-wave envelopes the moon's surface, its sheer forces slams into the Nemo's back causing the machine to be sent sprawling violently against the floor - The prisoner and Una both thrown about inside.
Slowly they manage to get the Nemo back on its feet, the dust laden machine gradually turns its yellow visor towards the city.
POW: No way....
Una: They missed?! They Missed, THEY MISSED!!!!
The Nation-Satellite, no longer square but rather a massive crumbling triangle sticking out of the moon's surface, has created an almighty crater some miles away from the city and the IAFS base. The site is awestriking even at the Nemo's far off distance, the dust swirling all around it in a massive storm, the nearby city coloured grey by the shock-wave - But undeniably, the target of the attack was missed.
Una lurches at the Prisoner, wrapping her arms around his neck in a delighted embrace;
Una: It Missed!!!! I'm so glad I don't know what to say! Hey, hey actually, I never got your name Mr.'Wanna-be Casnel Pilot' who is apparently 26?
POW: Helt.
Una: Helt huh, that's nice. Oh errr, sorry about hugging you like that - I'll just set a distress beacon - I'm so happy we're saved!!
POW-Helt: Step away from that switch please.
Una: Huh?
Helt holds up Una's pistol, she had unknowingly provided quite a few opportunities for him to snatch it - Slowly the young man puts on his helmet, gun permanently trained on the girl.
POW-Helt: That's right, now put on your helmet and open the door, nice and slowly - Oh now come on, don't give me that look, it was you who said it right? I'm alive right?
I got left behind by my comrades and then by my captors, well I ain't about to go back to being a prisoner again and that means I'll need this machine - Might be mad to try walk all the way to the nearest friendly settlement but it's like you showed me right?
Silently the door opens and now helmeted, Una floats back out of it never breaking eye contact.
Still holding the pistol, Helt shuffles around before tossing a grey cylinder at Una which she gingerly catches - He sits into the control chair and the hatch begins to close.
POW-Helt: Hey really though, thanks for the save, you're a good kid - You ever want to join us good-guys in TSU-s I'd be happy to vouch for ya.
The door closes, the Nemo turns and begins to half-float, half-march away into the endless grey-desert - Una is left floating a few feet above the ground, cylinder with the white letters 'S-O-S' etched into to it, clutched tightly to her chest.
Footsteps patter against half-decayed floorboards;
Soldier A: Hey Una, Oi Una O' Conchabhair?
Una: Yes Sir, I'm here!
Soldier: Ah there ya are, right - Well, Commander wants to see ya.
Una: Oh, er, ok, Sir.
Una makes her way up a rickety half-flight of stairs - The building is run down, layered in thick red dust that has made it in from the red planet outside - She makes her way into a small box office.
A large and intimidating man with a bushy moustache and twitching left eye sits behind an unsuitably ornate table, fingering a half-crumbled letter in his hand.
Commander: Damn that woman.
Una: Ummm, Sir? You asked for me?
Commander: I can't imagine, absolutely just can't think of any possible reason why they would want you, why anyone would want a useless girl like you - Nonetheless, orders are orders.
He beckons for Una to take the letter - A moment later Una's eyes go wide.
Commander: Be gone from here in a hour you understand me? Honestly I can't believe this, I still say a traitor like you should be court-martialled! Seems those people from the Fluchtig have forgotten that you let a prisoner run free eh!?
Una: But, errr Sir, this says the shuttle doesn't arrive for another 3 days....
Commander: Yes well, a brave young pilot like you will work something out eh!
Una:..... Ummm Yes-sir, th-thank you for looking after me these last couple months.
Commander: Pah, get out'ta my site woman.
Una complied with a polite bow, making her way back out of the office and quickly down the stairs, letter held gently in her hand. She was quick to pack her bag and set out in search of a hotel room - Ready to see what awaited her next.
"Crewmen Una O' Conchabhair will henceforth transfer out from confinement to barracks, into the Am-Fluchtig Vijaik-Squadron, her new CO is Lt.Commander Emilia Von Sheen - A Shuttle will leave from Bannerman Port 3 at 0600 on the 01/09/Ta424 - This is Communique is by order of Commander Nate Novel, seconded by 1st Lt.Kolme Nilas. This letter should be held as proof of identity."
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