《An Ode To Fallen Nemo - Tales from the UnderCurrent (Short Story Series)》'Family' - Part 3 - 'Aile And The Giant'


Chapter 3

The next week passed by with myself, Sarge and Aila being lauded as heroes.

 Every day drinks were bought for us (Though Sarge seemed to buy more than anyone - Rather defeating the point) - In fact I don't believe I bought a single drink that week. Heck even Father 'graced' us with his presence on a couple of nights.

This lead up to the next Drinking Day, a week later - Which also happens to be my birthday...

 The last few hours were spent as one would expect, the pub is more lively than ever tonight - And that's in-spite of the rationing on alcohol owing to the war slowing trade with the continent - I think at one point Sarge actually maxed out his tab.

 Dad chose not to come today which suits me fine and just about everyone else in the village seems to be here in the tiny pub.

Honestly speaking I'm not much of a fan for mass-gatherings like this but I appreciate the sentiment, still as I felt a smooth hand pulling at my sleeve and a soft voice whispering in my ear, I was more than happy to follow Aila out of the packed room - It was to be fair getting pretty late.

 She bundled me into her car and only a few minutes later here we are, at the old airfield.

I say 'airfield', these days its just a long strip of roughly tended land - Used for festivals like St.Aardig's day and by the few people in town who still fly planes as a hobby.

 As I step out of Aila's car, she skips far too girlishly around the vehicle and places her hands over my eyes.

"No peaking!" She proclaims.

It must be more then a decade since she last acted like this, and I have to wonder if it is excitement or all the drinking.

 We're not drunk mind you, having celebrated for the better part of a week most people in the pub tonight were discreetly substituting every-second drink with something less 'potent'.

Aila walks me a few steps over the familiar ground before letting her hands drop to her side.

 In front of us is the Setsuna, that little white racing plane with it's long fixed wing and two stubby little wheels beneath the chassis.

"Sun above Ai, you haven't gone and stolen McGuire's plane again have you? We'll never hear the end of this."

 Ai lightly punches me in the shoulder, borderline pouting at my statement;

 "Don't be ridiculous Lucky, that's not his plane anymore its yours. Well yours again I guess."

"Mine? What, why?"

She smiles, that silly, slightly mischievous but oh so kind grin of hers - "Eh, he kept badgering Sarge about us using it to rescue Timmy last week and so I kinda though it would be best for everyone to just buy it back. Never did feel right that old-miser having our girl."

"But Ai you already have Father's old prop plane for you to practise in, what do we need something like this for?"

 I knew it was a losing battle but I still had to ask.

She frowned 'cheerfully', if that makes any sense;

 "Its not for me silly, you should fly again Luke. You proved it last week, that you're still the best in the whole town. And besides all week I've caught you looking up - At the sky."

 I stared at my fiancée, at the woman with the strawberry blond hair past her shoulders.

The woman with the blue eyes and red slender lips. We had been childhood sweethearts or so our parents said but then there had been the Incident and I'd left the village.


Then there was her veterinary training and she had been away more often then not.

When we had both returned the handful of years between us in age seemed so minor. The incident was over and I was ready to buy a part of Father's holdings to be my own, the time had been right.

 I'd run out of excuses and proposed.

And now years later I stood there wondering why I'd ever been foolish enough to hesitate.

"Come on silly, have a look!"

 She beckoned, skipping forwards like a girl 15 years younger might.

I followed after her and climbed up the short steps of the plane, pulling back the canopy to look in on the cockpit.

 When I'd flown it last week I had been in a hurry, barely having time to really 'think' about the plane. Now I looked in at what had once been my pride & joy.

 The first big purchase I ever made. The vehicle I used to take Aila into the sky with when we were young and stupid.

Trust me when I say that in a village with nothing more exciting than the average pub or a pretty view - A plane trip through the skies makes for one heck of a date.

 Suddenly I felt a soft pressing on my back and the instant vertigo sensation of tumbling forward. A moment later I was sprawled out on the comfy, if a little worn, pilot's chair - Staring out at a laughing Aila.

I grinned back in turn, lounging forward and grabbing her dainty wrist. With a yelp I returned the favour of being pushed.

Her embrace is warm, her blush soft.

 It's not the blush of a young girl but rather the flush that comes from someone you've loved for many years, the sort of blush that's far less vibrant than that of fresh love, but instead comes from true affection.

I needn't explain the following few minutes - My 'second birthday present'.


We soon sat staring up at the stars with the canopy of our little plane thrown back. It was full dark now as we looked at that clear starry sky, Aila snuggled in close to me on that same chair, my hand around her shoulder.

 I was hard to remember when we had last stopped to simply stare up at the stars together in each other's embrace.


"Yes Lucky."

"Stop playing father's game..."

She craned her neck to look up at me, a look of sadness on her shapely face;

 "Luke, it's not a game you know that."

"That's exactly what worries me, that it isn't just a game, that this 'war' really will come here and he really will try to use you as a 'mascot'..."

 I said back, averting my gaze from hers.

"Don't you see though Luke? Its closer than everyone thinks. Your Fathers been contacted by the self-defence forces, they're talking about making him commander of a new southern force. But the people still aren't sure Luke, they need convincing that we should fight for ourselves and well...."

"And your the one for it, huh? The legend of 'Aile & the Giant'. It's a load of crap Ai, just 'cause your name is similar and you can predict the weather - That doesn't make you some sort of legend."

"The people, they'll rally around it - like tradit--"

"--'like tradition'. That's all this poxy little country cares about, tradition!"

 I interrupted, voice raising a little.


"Why us Ai? Its just the old man's delusions, not our problem what he believes in.


 Heck if the war comes then it comes, we can't stop that. We're normal Ai, just nice normal people in a quiet village, what's wrong with that life?"

She brushed one hand across my face gently;

 "Lucky, it's ok to want more you know. You've always been the strongest, smartest person I've ever known. All the other boys, even as kids used to shy away from me - Afraid of how I knew when the bus would arrive or how I could tell what grown-ups were really feeling when they lied - But not you, never you."

She paused a moment brushing the hair from her own eyes, "The legend isn't just one giant and one hero ya know? Its two giants, 'Aile' only kills one of them and she does it with the help of her brave and loyal Knight."

"And then she dies" I said back flatly - Aile pulled back a little at that announcement.

 "She dies Aila, I've tracked down every copy and commentary on the story I could find and in nine out ta' ten of them she dies after beating the gaint and saving the kingdom."

"Then we believe in the one where she doesn't Luke, with you by my side--"

 She protested, her voice only a little shaken by my findings.

"The one?! The one's were all children's books or versions that leave the ending ambiguous - Fairy-Tales nothing more!

 For Sun's sake Aila, I ain't a Knight, I don't want to be speical. I don't want you to be that kind of speical. And it's not what the old man says, I don't want to clip your wings - I just want us to be happy, together Ai."

She smiled again;

 "Oh Luke, I know you aren't trying to control me, I know you better than anyone, you know that. Fly for me Luke, right now. Like we used to." She finished, placing her hands to my chest and staring right into my eyes.

I smiled back as best I could, forcing back the deep feeling of pain I felt knowing how set in her course she was on becoming the 'Aile' of prophecy.

 "How about I start flying full time again, go back to contracting to make a little more money - Peterson's getting too old, the town needs a new Vet."

"I quit vetting to be with you more Luke, not your father."

 Aila said back.

"I know but maybe that was wrong. You're good at it Aila, you saved little Tim as much as anyone else did, imagine what you could do for animals. Or to convince people like the Boer family to be more careful of getting the Herd's Bane vaccine. Your power, whatever it is - Wouldn't it be better healing people, rather than fighting giants?"

"Fly for me Luke." She simply repeated.

Despite myself, in a single scoping motion that I could of sworn would break my back - I lifted Ai into the back chair, the one behind the pilot's seat.

 A startled look on her face, I reached over and took the engagement finger from her finger.

She looked ready to protest but I quickly silenced her by droping to one knee;

 "Aila stop all this, lets settle down properly as nice normal people. May-.. Maybe even think about kids.

Aila won't you marry me?"

She blushed again and then grinned as she looked down at the plain but pretty silver band in my hand - "You silly old fool, I said it before didn't I? Of course I will and I still will every other time you ask me you block head."

 She half stood up, lent over the back of the chair and closed in for the kiss - Warmth.


It really is a beautifully clear night, not a cloud or raindrop as we soar through the sky - A small white speck on the glorious black night's sky.

We're wearing goggles now as Aila insists on opening windows - I hardly complain, the sight of her long hair blowing in the breeze is both wonderful and nostalgic - It takes me right back to those days of our youth, as does her angelic smile and childish whoops when I bank the plane into some dynamic manoeuvre or other - I'd be lying if I said I wasn't showing off, atleast a little.

 It's truly amazing how quickly it comes back to you. Carrying Timmy to hospital had been an onslaught on the senses, a cacophony of deep concentration and panic to save a young boy's life - But now we soar through that space like a beautiful bird, the two of us as one with the sky and air.

I glance back with a smile at Aila only to find her grinning back with something of a giggle or maybe evil laugh. On her lap lay a cardboard box filled with sparklers and a single large firework.

"The heck are those!"

 I laughed not even bothering to argue.

"One more birthday surprise!"

 I needn't tell you that sparklers don't work when placed out the window of an airplane and the bucket of water she had also brought along did little to alleviate the fear my newly re-gifted plane was going to get singe-marks.

And yet we laughed as the silly things lit up our plane's small cabin.

 Finally she came to the one proper firework, one of those pinstriped rocket shaped ones.

"Hey now, you ain't letting that one off inside the plane!"

 I laughed, a real laugh mind you - I don't mind admitting that this is the most fun birthday in years.


I didn't hear it but that's the sound that crossed my mind when I saw it. Still looking over my shoulder at Aila I spotted it, only a spec in the distance really but my face must of changed to one of distraught or disgust, as Aila turned to look at it too.

 I fumbled around for a pair of old binoculars that Mr.McGuire clearly hadn't removed after buying the plane. Taking off my goggles (The windows having all been shut to allow Aila to light the sparklers) I looked through them at what I spotted.

The world looks different from a height, especially on a cloudless night when there is a full moon out.

 The greens of the land turn a murkier shade, as does the blue of the river Styx - But nonetheless the massive line of the gigantic river could still be made out, cutting its massive swarth through the landscape.

 And there on the old stone-worked bridge, a mighty construction created generations ago to bridge the most dangerous of rivers - At it's far side stood two 15 metre tall or more, humans. Two massive metal giants.

I was at a loss for words as I absentmindedly handed Aila the binoculars and set the Setsuna to circle in the air high above.

She mumbled something I didn't quite make out under her breath before turning back to me;

"I-i, I count 2 mecha, 3 armoured cars and maybe a dozen people? There are bit hard to see. The umm, the mecha, it's like Sarge keeps saying - They're taking off their armour to cross the bridge, they'r--"

"I know, I see it too Ai."

 I said finally finding my voice.

I shook my head in disbelief before turning back to the controls;

 "We had better get back home quick than eh? Father can call one of his buddies and finally be useful for himself. The army could be here by daybreak if we're quick enough."

"Luke, what are you talking about? We can't leave we have to do something, they'll be over that bridge in minutes not hours!"

"Do something? Have you gone mad. Like what, kamikaze this plane into the bridge?

 Hate to tell you but we ain't got parachutes, dear!"

 I shot back, a genuinely hurt look coming over Aila's face;

"You know I'd never ask you to do something like that..."

 She half-mumbled.

"Good I should hope not! We get back, tell the army and round everyone up - We can have the village evacuated in no time."

 I said back to her.

"It'll be destroyed, all of it and that's only if the mechs don't kill everyone before they can escape..."

"Better to lose bricks and mortar then our lives Ai. There's nothing else we can do, legend or no there's nothing else to be done."

 I finished firmly, trying my best to make it sound final.

She smiled, the same old smile as always but now it struck me more as ninety percent mischief and only ten parts kindness. No maybe not mischief but something - darker;

 "But we can stop it, right here--" She pointed emphatically at the firework still on her lap, "-- The Captain and Sarge showed me the latest schematics, when that mech thing's armour is off it'll be exposed!"

I nearly laughed in disbelief;

 "So? It's a bloody firework Ai, not a rocket. That thing would bounce off a' rock, never mind the inner armour of a tank. Don't be ridiculous for Sun's sake and besides we'd never hit it with something like th-"

"--Yes we would, I can do it. if I cut the string to the right length and with you piloting. All we need is to hit the exposed engine, apparently they get really hot from being in atmosphere or something. So the firework would be like a match to gasoline!

 Blow up the mech and destroy the bridge in the process - That would give the army plenty time to get here before they could even hope to bridge the gap we would make, heck they might even get scared off and run away!"

 She chattered excitedly.

I just stared at her for a few moments - This isn't real, this sort of thing doesn't happen in real life; 

 "It's a bloody firework Aila! They go up not down!"

"They go sideways and you know it, remember the fete back when we were still in primary school, that time you knocked over a row for the display and they all shot off across the grass like a massive skid-mark."

 Aila said back with genuine excitement plastered all over her face.

"I remember you knocking them over and blaming it all on me."

 I retorted.

'This is wrong, she's talking too much like Sarge. I raise a problem and she answers it. This is wrong, we are not doing this, for Sun's sake, we aren't.'

"Details, details. But you get my point? We time it right and we can destroy the mech, break the bridge and get home to warn the army.

 We can save everyone Lucky, your Dad, the Sarge, Tim's family, The Roink's, Old-man Peterson, even grumpy old McGuire - Everyone!" - Her eyes seem to glow red rather then blue, a trick of the light in the small cabin of-course - But for a moment they looked ablaze with life.

I looked to my instruments, ever more aware the petrol gauge was getting gradually lower with every loop we made - 'Maybe I'm simply trying to time it out, who knows';

 "No." I said flatly.


"NO Damn it! This whole conversation is insane. It's one thing trying to inspire people with an old legend but this is completely reckless and you know it!"

"We won't know if we don't try. You have to have confidence in yourself, your the best pilot I've ev--"

 Aila spoke more softly now.

"No, no I am'nt. I'm the best in the incredibly small pond that is our tiny little village, I am not and never will be anywhere near the best Aila.

 Don't Say It - I'm not being self-deprecating or whatever you want to call it, it's just the truth and that's ok.

It's ok to know your limit, to know when you've reached your peak - That's not a bad thing Aila, knowing I'm not some destined hero, not the son Father wanted, is OK."

Her hands are soft, maybe not as soft as a city girls but softer than anything I could ever ask for as they sling around my neck.

 Her face is smooth, as it brushes lovingly against the grizzle on my own cheeks.

Her voice is kind as she whispers in my ear;

"Please Luke, we have to try. We do this and after I'll go back to being a vet, we can go home.

Your Father will have plenty a' legend to rally troops if we pull this off - We do our part now and then we can go home for good, proud knowing we did the Right Thing and protected our home.

 Fly for me, right now Luke, please."


The small white shape of the Setsuna plane coursed through the air like a glowing hot arrow.

 Inside the sound of the struggling piston engine being pushed to it's max and the rattling as every fixture & bolt shook in place was near deafening.

 There was also a terrible smell of fuel being shunted around the machine at freighting speeds.

'Insanity' - "This Is Pure Insanity!!"

 I shouted trying to be heard over the roar of sounds around us.

Aila replied back in kind, her voice excited or maybe just adrenaline fueld - "Hell ya it is!!"

And then we are going down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down.

The small figurines below us are rushing closer, matched only by the on-coming ground beneath us. Aila's guess had been pretty good, about 12 guys, two armoured cars and a truck with a mounted crane - Along with the two 'mechs' of course.

 On the truck's back lay the removed armour from one of the two hulking machines, clearly the truck would drive it over and remount the armour once the mech was safety on the far side of the river-bridge.

 Said Mech really was exposed, painted in a camo shade of emerald-greens and browns.

It was humanoid in the sense it had two arms and legs but with the armour removed (including the one eyed head piece), it now looked rather like the skeleton of a torso, atop a pair of chunky legs.

 Not that I had much time to admire it. We had to be fast, The Gods only know what migth happen if we weren't fast.

'They all have guns, this is insane.'

Our little plane made its move, swooping through the air like a heron or an eagle might in order to grab prey.

 We levelled out only a dozen or so metres above the ground.

It was too loud to hear but I could faintly see the now much closer figures of the soldiers shouting and pointing at us with what might of been panic or surprise.

 Then I felt it, tasted it to for that matter. A faint tinge of electricity on my tounge, as all my skin seemed to feel a prick of static electricity at once.

I don't know how best to describe it, it's almost like the very atoms around me moved ever so slightly - As impossible as that sounds.

We breezed along over the grassy fields, over the heads of the witless soldiers, and then she fired.

 'Whiz', would be putting it lightly.

The colourful projectile soared out the window of the Setsuna, covering Aila's goggles in soot, before coursing through the air at a frightening pace accompanied by a terrific whistle.

It hit the exposed back of the metal gaint, whom itself was standing almost perfectly at the centre of the bridge. No normal person could of made that shot - But then again my Aila isn't exactly normal - No she's the best person in the world in my opinion.

The explosion as the Abhailien 'Enemy Machine' catching ablaze was more than loud enough for us to hear even as we soared away.

It was over in seconds all told.

 Swopping down, Aila firing the fireworks rocket and the Thunderclap to best all Thunderclaps as the entire two-legged machine erupted into an unholy ball of bright red and orange before shattering complete and eviscerating the bridge beneath it.

The light from it lit up the night more brightly then any fireworks display I'd ever seen before, like the sun had suddenly rose right below us.

'We... we actually pulled it off!!!!'

I banked the plane into a diagonal maneuver, pulling her up back into the air just short of a forest we had been heading inadvertently towards. I could of sworn we scraped the undercarriage off the tree tops but I really couldn't care less.

 The little plane circled back around as it spiralled back into the sky. Looking down below I can just make out the now ever diminishing figures below. Some had rose rifles, petite muzzle flashes give away their vain attempts to try shoot us.

The other armoured vehicles seem to be simply pushing back, getting away from the blast zone - Maybe afraid of secondary attacks from our 'unseen weapon'.


It was a faint noise underneath the struggling engine and air pressure outside, but it scared the crap out of me;

 "Aila! Aila you ok?"

"I'm fine.. silly, that was kinda scary though right ha-ha."

 Her voice was quieter than before but hearing it at all filled me with relief. We were through now, back up high in the air safe from any rifle and on our way back home.

I glanced at my instruments to see the fuel gauge rapidly declining.

 "Heck of a shot from you and them it seems, looks like they damage the damn fuel tank, what are the chances of that!"

I half laughed, relief and disbelief ingulfing me at once.

I stared out ahead at the clear night-sky, it didn't feel real that we, us two, could of just destroyed a machine of war and protected our whole village with a ridiculous firework.

"E-enough...left to get home...Darling?" Aila asked, her voice even more subdued and barely audible over the raucous sounds of the plane.

I nodded, "We can glide most of the way, heck landing this after what we just did will be a piece of cake. Ha! Can you believe it Ai? We, actually did it"


"Hey you are alright back there? A bullet didn't get through did it?!"

She chuckled lightly, coughing part ways through;

 "I'm fine, just tired is all - My power, it takes it out of me, you know that."

I sat back relieved once more. It was true, I had seen her do similarly improbably feats in the past (though in far less serious situations) and it had drained her then too.

But it wasn't the whole truth, Aila's shot was perfect, beyond all human ability - My piloting was not.


"I don't believe she knew Mr Ni--"

 A man dressed in white said to my Father as I entered the small hospital room.

"Knew what? The hell you talking to him for before me, she was my fiancée - My wife!"

 I half-spluttered as I rammed my way through the door, half-delirious.

Father - 'Because of-course he's here' - Catches me as I nearly fall over;

 "Not now lad, head back to bed. I will explain it all tomorrow."

"Screw that!" I snapped pushing him off me and glaring at the man across from me - Next to the bed, her bed - Wearing the white doctor's coat;

 "Tell me already doc. Tell Me!!"

The small man shuffles uneasily before glancing at my father who partially shrugs,

 "The child was only around 3 or 4 weeks, I believe the Mother was unware or only suspected it. It may not be much but I hope atleast you'll get something from knowing neither of you willingly put the child in danger."

................"What Child?"

"He was unaware of the child--" My father began from next to me, "He has only just awoken, we're lucky he even remembers that his partner is dead."

The doctor's face falls and he begins apologising profusely but it just washes over me.

 As does Father's words and later Sarge's.

It all seeps atop me as we make our way back to another small room, as I'm laid into a cot.

 I don't even know where I am, I don't recognise this building.

What does it matter where I am? Blood pouring from her side - A stray bullet through Our plane - Blood the same colour as her beautiful hair.

 What Child? Did a child sneak aboard the plane? Did we hit a child when we landed?

What child, Aila....

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