《My Love (A Xianwang FF )》Chapter 21.


The king was sitting on his seat and studying some important paper when his daughter intered in the chamber. King look at her face and asked " what happened dear. You said that you want to talk with me."

"Yes father" she replied and went towards her father and sit beside him.

"Then tell me what is the matter?" King asked patting her head with affection.

"Actually father.. I.. i like someone." She said.

"Ohh.. And who is the lucky man" king asked with a smile.

"General jiang's adopted son Tang San" she said.

"Ok i will talk with Jiang fengmian about it" king said.

"Thanks father" meilen said and leave the chamber happily.

King was looking at his beloved daughter and smiling for her happiness but suddenly that smile turn into a dark smirk.

Yun was in his room and doing some work. When a paper man come infront of him. Yun become shocked for few seconds but smile after some time. That paper man sit on his shoulder and slowly started to climb on his head taking help of his long hairs.

Yun was enjoying this all when that paper man come to his cheeks and kiss on it. Yun become shocked but giggled after some time.

Then again that paper man come infront of him and sign him to follow him and yun started to following him. That paper man stopped infront of a open window. Yun was standing there when someone come infront of him.

"Haaaaaa...." Yun shouted but not so loudly.

"What are you doing here" yun asked with a shocked expression, looking at the person in front of him.

"I am here to take you with me" san said with a smiling face.

"How can i come now" yun said.

"From this window. Let me help you" san said and put his hand on Yun's tiny waist.

"Wait.. what are you doing" yun said and stopped san.

"What are you saying if I will come with you from this window, mother will be tensed about me." Yun said with pout.


"Then go and asked to mother." San said.

"And when she will ask me that where am i going then what would I say." Yun replied.

"If she will ask then say that you are going out with me" san said.

"Are you crazy" yun said making a face.

"Wait a minute i will ask to her" san said and started to climb the window.

"What are you doing, you can get hurt" yun said. But san jump inside his room.

"Where is your mother" san asked.

"In kitchen, but you are not going to do anything" yun said.

"Let's go" san said and walk towards the kitchen. Yun tried to stop him but he didn't stopped.

San intered the kitchen. He saw Yun's mother was making something. He said, "good morning aunty."

Xie Yun's mother look back at san and smiled "good morning son, you here did you have any work" she said.

"Yes aunty, actually i have some work here but I don't know many places here" san said.

"So, can you allow yun to came with me in market" san said. yun's mother look at Yun and then san smiled.

"Yes ofcourse you can take him with you" she said.

"Yun, go with san and take care of him and if he want or need anything so don't fight with him okay. You are my good boy hmm.." she said to yun.

Yun nodded his head and san smirked while looking at him. But yun was no aware of that mischievous smirk. They both bid good bye to Yun's mother and left from there. Yun's mother smile while looking at both of their fadding figure and her eyes was now full of satisfaction.

King was sitting on his throne and court was proceeding it's work. And now it's time to end to court. Everyone bow to their king and started to go from there. It was weird for everyone because the rule was king will leave first and then all ministers can go but today it was opposite.


Jiang fengmian also bow to king and was about to leave but king stopped him and said "general Jiang, are a trust worthy person and also a very brave worrier."

"Many times in war you save my life and your son is also very brave as you" he added. Fengmian smiled and nodded his head.

"I heard that he is the best swordman in the nightless city and also know about black magic" he again said with a smile.

"My lord, i don't know very much but some people say that he use all his magic to help then and citizens of our kingdom, also praises him for his good works" fengmian said.

"Ohh.. that's good so i am saying directly what i want" king said.

"I want your son to marry my princess and be the king of this city" king said.

Fengmian was surprised. He never thought that his son will marry to princess one day. He was happy.

"My king, it's a big honour you are giving as but before I accept it. I want to ask San about his opinion because it's his and princess life." Fengmian said.

"My princess is agree and she was the one who said to me that she likes him." King said.

"Ohh.. it's great and i also think that san will never refuse to such a beautiful princess." Fengmian said.

"One more thing i want san and my princess should meet once before marriage." King said.

"Of course my king, i will talk to San. Now allow me to go." Fengmian greet king and left.

A cute pretty lion cub was roaming here and there with a big bunny. Yun was very happy and excited and roaming every shop and San was following him happily.

Yun went to a shop and stopped there and San also stand beside him.

"Do you want something." San asked looking at Yun whose eyes was searching for something.

"Yes..." Yun said and then pick a red hair ribbon in his hand.

"What is the price of this ribbon." Yun asked to the shop owner.

"Two silver coin." He replied . And San was about to pay but Yun stopped him.

"Wait... Let me pay this time" yun said and stopped him.

"But why" san asked.

"Just let me pay this time" yun said with puppy eyes.

"Okay" san said and pay the price happily.

"This is for you." Yun said and give the ribbon to him.

"For me but why " San asked with curiosity.

"Um.. because when I saw this. your face come in front of my eyes." Yun replied while giggling.

San accept that ribbon and smile. Yun again start to roam around. After sometime San saw some crowd on a side of Street.

San and yun go there and they saw a man was showing a play drama with his hand made dolls. Those dolls were a couple and they had a small lovey dovey fight. Female doll was angry and male was trying to persuade her.

"Look that doll is you and that one is me." San said first he pointed towards female doll and then male. Yun giggled at his statement.

"Why are you angry with me." San said in dramatically tone and look at Yun.

"You make me angry and now asking me why. Now it's your responsibility to make me happy." Yun replied with same tone as San.

"Ohh... So now what i have to do to make you happy." San asked and smile.

They both laugh and again look at the play where thier dolls were still fighting. Yun was about to say something more when the male doll kiss female doll and that angry doll started to being shy.

"Oh, so i have to kiss you" San wishper in Yun's ear.

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