《The Falcon And The Winter Soldier: Made This Way》AKA It's Called Whiskey


Hot Dog Stand

No one POV

Gabby walked up to Luke and Jessica who were eating hot dogs and Luke said "Wait,wait, your an Avenger."

Gabby said "I hate the news, yes I'm an Avenger, I also have a name that everyone knows, Gabby Anderson, nice to meet you."

Luke said "Luke Cage, you know Avengers"and Jessica said "Just her, she's been helping me" and Luke said "Must go really well to know someone who can read minds and control minds."

Jessica looked away and Gabby said "I don't use my powers that much, only you know when I need to, Like when fighting robots and threats and stuff like that."

Luke said "Huh, so how were you able to help" and Gabby said "I'm really good with computers."

Jessica said "She's right, she's got a talent" and Gabby sat down and Jessica said "Here, have a hot dog."

Gabby said "I have to go home, for Dinner, and if I'm late, Hannah will be really mad, so what's up."

Luke said "Well" and they explained about Luke's ability of how he was unbrekable and Gabby looked at him in shock and said "Okay, so wait I have so many questions."

Luke said "Ask away, only if I can ask some" and Gabby said "Deal."

Luke said "So, how strong are your sonic blasts" and Gabby said "Pretty strong, I can actually use it to fly."

Luke said "So you can read minds" and Gabby said"Yeah, that's not as fun as everyone thinks it is, it is very hard to control."

Luke said "Oh, what about, can you do a sonic scream" and Gabby said "Yeah, very loud, I can also move things using sound."

Luke said "How heavy?" and Gabby said "My sound blasts once destroyed robots, made of Vibranium, so."

Jessica said "Look who's bragging" and Gabby smiled and Luke said "Okay, there's you two, me, the green guy, that Thor guy, Captain America, You think there's more of our kind out there?".

Gabby and Jessica looked at each other and Luke said "What?" and Jessica said "Nothing."

Gabby said "I knew two other people, Wanda and Pietro" and Luke said "Yeah, I heard about that, you knew them."

Gabby said "For a little bit" and Luke said "I'm sorry about Pietro."

Luke said "What about you? You know somebody else like us?" and Jessica said "No, not like us."

Luke said "Well, you two are the first I've met. Were you born this way?" and Jessica said" Nope. Accident. You?".

Luke said "Experiment. You?" and Gabby said "Forced Experiment" and Luke said "I'm sorry, Does anyone else know about your abilities?".

Jessica said "A couple. I'm not hiding, but I'm not advertising."

She looked at Gabby and Gabby said"Hey, it's not my fault, my name is all over the internet, I was just trying to help people."

Luke said "Well, People find out, they either come at you with a noose or their hands out. I got no use for either."

Gabby looked at them and Jessica said " So what, you just don't use it?" and Luke said "I protect myself and what's mine. But that's it. Being a hero just puts a target on your back."

Gabby looked down and Luke said "No offence" and Gabby said "No, I only use my powers for hero avenger stuff."

Luke said "You never use it at home, your a teenager, you never use it for selfish reasons."


Gabby said "No, I never use my abilities for stuff like that, I didn't want them in the first place, and I don't know using them feels like I wanted that to happen. It's complicated, Look when I became an Avenger, I, One of them, Steve Rogers, He saved me he got me out. People were in danger, there was an evil Robot, I wasn't just going to let that happen."

Luke said "You have a costume" and Gabby said "It's purple, yeah, I do" and Luke smiled and said"Oh I need to see you in that."

Gabby said "Ha ha very funny, look um thanks for this, but I gotta go home for dinner" and Luke got up and said "It was nice meeting you, Gabby."

Gabby said "Thank you" and Luke said "And by the way, most people your age didn't save multiple lives. It's nice to meet a hero. You probably have a lot of points."

Gabby said "Yeah, well the world is a terrible place, and being good it doesn't save you from it.Now if you excuse me, it's Lasagna night and I have to get home before my brother eats all the good parts."

Gabby walked away.

Gabby's House

Gabby walked in and Kilgrave was gone and Gabby walked up to Hannah and Gabby said "Hey, Hannah, sorry I'm late."

Hannah said "It's okay" and Oliver said "Let's eat Lasagna" and they all sat down and were eating and Gabby said "Everything okay?".

Hannah said "Yeah, everything's fine. Did you find anything" and Gabby said "Okay, turns out I found something in my past that can help, I found a way to weaken him, I just need to find it. Is my dad's things still in the basement."

Hannah said "Yeah, why?" and Gabby said"Well, he's a scienctist, and I remembered he used to work with doctors, right Surgeons, He was looking for a way to detect diseases. And he was looking into medication that comes during surgery, and I think that can help."

Hannah said "I can take you to your dad's old office" and Gabby said "Great" and Oliver walked back with the plates and they started to cut into the Lasagna.

Oliver said "Guess what, I helped make this, I used the really good noodles, the ones you picked are so gross."

Gabby said "Oh, mine are gross, look at you the noodles expert" and Oliver said "Yeah, I know all of it."

Gabby smiled.

The Next Morning

Gabby was on the computer and she was listening to the podcast on the headphones and she heard one of those callers say "Ever since those guys quote save the city and quote save Sokovia while creating destruction, People have been making up stories of more super folk out there. Like we should want more, they're dangerous. Now some kid is pinning her murder on one."

Gabby took off her headphones and sighed and Hannah walked up and said "Kiddo, what's up" and Gabby said "It's that stupid podcast, I spend hours saving people, stopping robots from destroying the world,and this is how people react."

Hannah said "Well, people always are afraid of what they can't understand, Fear can make people do terrible things."

Gabby said "Yeah, Mom always say that sometimes bad things can make people turn into something even uglier."

Hannah looked at her and said "Did your mom ever talk to your about her family" and Gabby said "No. She said that her parents weren't like her and my dad, they weren't like parents should be. I don't know I asked her about it when I was 6. I didn't ask again, I didn't want to make her sad. Why?".


Hannah said "Nothing."

Hannah who was being mind controlled by Kilgrave couldn't tell Gabby the truth, but was trying to get Gabby to figure it out herself.

At The Basement

Gabby was looking over the boxes and Oliver said "What about this one" and he held up the box and Gabby said "I don't think so."

Oliver said "Is this superhero stuff" and Gabby said "Kinda, there's this really bad guy out there, and he's hurting people."

Oliver said "Your going to stop him like you did Ultron" and Gabby said "Well, that was a team effort" and Oliver said "Well,you can do this too, so dad can help you stop him."

Gabby said "Yeah, I just need to find some of dad's stuff from work, and then Aunt Hannah is taking me to Dad's old office."

Oliver said "I wish I could know more of him" and Gabby bent down in front of him and said "Well, Dad was the best dancer ever, every time we were feeling sad, we had to dance it out, it was a tradition, An Anderson Tradition."

Oliver said "Is that why we always dance, on Saturdays" and Gabby said "Morning Dance Party"

Oliver smiled.

Gabby looked at one of the boxes and Oliver said "Is it this one" and Gabby opened the box and said "Oh my god, it is, and files of it. Thanks, Ollie."

Oliver said "Your welcome" and Oliver said "I have to get my backpack" and Oliver ran upstairs and Gabby looked inside the box and the radio came on and it was the Podcast.

Gabby found a list of Drugs that were used for Anasthesia and Gabby said "Thanks, Dad."

The podcast came on and the Podcast Host said "It's not the first time we've seen a vicious killer lay the blames of their actions on someone else. Remember Son of Sam said he was taking orders from his neighbors dog. We laughed at him through our tears, and we should laugh at Hope Shlotman."

Gabby looked at it annoyed and the radio turned purple and it switched.

Gabby said "Not again."

Gabby got up.

Dr. Anderson's Office

Gabby was looking at a few boxes and she found a photo of her and Oliver and her mom and dad.

She smiled at it and Jessica walked in and said "I got your text, what's up, why are we at a very old labatory."

Gabby said "It was my dad's, He has Anasthesia here, that we can use, no else is using it, and it was only his, It passes to me."

Jessica said "We don't have to steal any" and Gabby said "No, how's everything with Hope? I heard the podcast."

Jessica said "Those people are just" and Gabby said "Yeah, I know, they don't get it, you save the world, and all you get called is dangerous. It doesn't matter how good of a person you are, crappy things still happen to you."

Jessica said"Yeah, I know, but I have good news, kind of, Trish is going to do a live remote with Hope from Prison."

Gabby said "Oh, I know this is a bad idea, won't he be" and Jessica said "Listening, yeah, but maybe this could help, We could get people believing in this."

Gabby said "Maybe, but what happens when there is a trial" and Jessica said "I think we can get more people who suffered at his hand, He once told me that he had a sister. We could start there."

Gabby said "Yeah, we could."

Upstairs, Hannah was talking with Kilgrave on the phone and Hannah said "They're looking at it, right now trying to find it, she knows it can stop you."

Kilgrave said "Good, get rid of it" and Hannah said "Fine" and Kilgrave said "Make sure she doesn't find out, Now hang up."

Hannah hanged up the phone.

She looked at downstairs and they walked upstairs and Gabby said "Are you okay, Hannah?".

Hannah said "Yeah, everything's fine, that was just Ollie's school."

In Prison, Hope and Hogarth are on the phone with Trish in her talk show,In The Studio Jessica was next to Gabby with Trish.

Jessica said "Can you really protect her from the mind control even over the phone" and Gabby said "He tries anything, I can take it out."

Hope on the phone said "It was my mother's birthday. He made me call her because she'd have known something was wrong if I didn't. And I wanted to tell her that I was in trouble, and that he was holding me prisoner. And making me do things that I've never done, that I never would do. I wanted to tell her and my dad to come and get me."

Trish said "But you didn't" and Hope said "The words were in my head, but way in the back, like this tiny echo."

Trish said " What was happening? Can you describe it?" and Hope said "All I could feel was this need. He said, 'Wish her a happy birthday,' and that was suddenly the only thing that I wanted to say. That was the last time I spoke to her before she and my dad came to find me, to rescue me."

Trist said "And the whole time you were with Kilgrave, you were aware you were being controlled."

Hope said "Not at first, but then I'd get these glimpses of myself. And I'd try to hold onto them, but... I wasn't strong enough. But when he told me to do that to my parents... I fought so hard. But I couldn't...".

Trish said " Hope, did you love your parents?" and Hope said "Yes, so much!" and Trish said "Did you want to shoot them?" and Hope said "No!".

Trish said "Then why did you do it?" and Hope said "Because Kilgrave wanted me to. Because he made me."

Hogarth stands up and takes the phone and said "As you can see, Trish, my client's delusion is quite fully formed."

Trish said " Wait, you're dismissing the possibility that Hope is telling the truth?" and Hogarth said " That she was telepathically compelled to kill her own parents? It's unprecedented to say the least."

Hogarth said "Well, certainly, if there are other people who feel they have been controlled by this Kilgrave character, they are more than welcome to contact my office, but it is more likely that my client experienced a psychotic break."

Gabby sighed and said "For god's" and Jessica said "Was she like this when you were her client" and Gabby said "No, she can be, oh my god, she's doing something else."

Trish said " Hope has no history of mental illness, has shown no evidence since -" and Hogarth said "Trish, sounds like you believe that Kilgrave is real."

Trish said "I believe it's naive to assume he isn't. So yes, I think he's out there. This sick, perverted man -".

Jessica gets up to protest and Gabby said "Trish" and Jessica said " No, Trish! Trish, shut up!" and Trish said " - he is preying on the hopeless so he can feel powerful, probably terrified of his own weakness, which suggest impotence -".

Jessica said "You need to cut her mic right now."

The Assistant said " We're in the middle of a broadcast."

Jessica said "Cut it" and Trish said "Probably suggest some opedial issues" and Gabby looked worried and said "Sorry about this."

Gabby used her sound powers to turn off the mic and Trish said " What the hell are you doing?".

Gabby said "I'm sorry, but that psycho your talking about, he can hear you, and provoking a lunatic psychopath isn't always the best idea."

Trish said "You wouldn't do that"and Gabby said "Not without a backup."

Trish said "He'll hear the truth" and Jessica said "He doesn't want the truth!" and Assistant said "We've got a few calls coming in. Let's start with Susan in Vinegar Hill."

Susan said "Hey, Trish. Thanks" and Jessica smashes the speaker and Jessica said "Trish. You're gonna piss him off, Trish."

Trish said "Good."

Jessica said "No, not good" and Trish said " So he gets to run around, destroying lives, destroying your life, and I have to just sit here and shut up?".

Gabby said "Look, I know I don't know you but, Look I get it, I don't want this person doing what's he's doing hurting people, but we cannot attack without a plan, it doesn't go well, especially with people like that. He can control you from the."

The Assistant said "Next Caller" and it was Kilgrave and He said"First time caller, long time listener. Trish, I want to applaud your courage. You've always been a hero to the downtrodden. Self-preservation be damned. It's admirable. But my question is, if there really is a man with the abilities you've described, someone who could make anyone, anywhere, do whatever he wanted them to do, seems to me that insulting him would be wildly dangerous. Or, let's just say it, stupid in the extreme. Everyone has feelings, even, um, how did you put it? Sadistic, corrosive men?".

Hope said "No" and Hope starts freaking out and screaming and Hope said "No!."

Kilgrave said "Are you worried he might, I don't know, make you kill yourself? Or worse? I'll take my answer off the air."

Later , Outside

Gabby was with Trish and Trish said "It was nice to meet you" and Gabby said "You too" and Trish said "So you've found something that can stop him."

Gabby said "I did, Look he doesn't know who I am, so I can keep it at home, most likely because no one will doubt that, I have some things from my dad, so I can hide them there, until it's ready."

Jessica said "Okay, great, be careful" and Gabby said "I'll be fine, I'll see you later."

Gabby walked away.

At Gabby's House

Gabby was looking through the box but didn't find them and Gabby said "What? Could she have put them downstairs. Hey, Ollie, you didn't move the things that were in this box, right."

Oliver said "No, but I saw Aunt Hannah taking them out" and Gabby said "Taking them out" and Oliver said "Maybe they're in the basement."

Gabby said "I'll check" and Gabby walked downstairs and Gabby said "Please be here, Please be here."

Gabby looked at the boxes and said "Come on come on" and she looked through the boxes and Gabby said "Why would she move it?".

Gabby accidentally dropped a box and Gabby said "Damn it" and she was cleaning it up when she saw a photo on the ground and she picked it up, it was a photo of her mom and dad on their wedding day and she smiled at it.

Gabby kept looking through the photos and found one of her mom when she was a teenager, and she looked at it, and it showed her name Kendra Thompson.

Gabby said "Kendra Thompson" and Gabby found a tape on the floor and she grabbed it and put it in the computer and played it and it showed a teenage Kendra around 15 to 16 years old.

It also showed a 19 Year Old Kilgrave and it was them fighting and Kendra said "I don't want to do this, I was only gone for a little."

Kilgrave said "It doesn't matter I told you to stay here, and yet you left, you left, you know that your not supposed to walk out."

The 15 year old Kendra walked back afraid and Kilgrave said "But this is for your own good" and Kendra said "No no no."

He said "If your not going to listen, I asked and you didn't listen, so do not leave this apartment, you do nothing without my permission. And if you try to escape again, grab this."

He handed her a knife and said "You know what to do. Don't you" and Kendra said "Yes, I'll never leave, and if I think about it, I'll use the knife."

He hugged her and said "See, I'm your brother, I will always protect you."

Gabby gasped in shock and said "Wait, that voice, no no no" and Gabby grabbed the computer and typed up the audio from Kilgrave's call to the radio show.

Gabby compared it to the audio from the footage and she gasped as it sounded that it was from the same person.

Gabby said "No no no" and Gabby looked up in shock and said "Oh my god , Oh my god."

She gasped in shock and fear.

She ran up the stairs.

Gabby said "Ollie, hey what do you think about me taking you on a fly ride" and Oliver said "Yeah."

Gabby said "Yeah,come on let's go" and Oliver said"Was the guy here" and Gabby said"What guy".

Oliver said "The one on the radio, He was here the other day" and Gabby said "What?" and Gabby looked inside Oliver's mind out of concern and saw Kilgrave controlling Oliver and Hannah.

Gabby gasped and said "Come on , let's go fly."

Trish Apartment

The doorbell rings. Hannah was outside and Trish addresses her through the P.A System and Trish said"Hannah, how can I help you?".

Hannah said "Trish, I need to talk to you, face to face I'm here on business" and Trish said "How can I help you?".

Hannah said "I need to ask you some questions about an alleged assault that happened outside station WNEX."

Trish said "Why would the FBI take an interest in it" and Hannah said "Um, can you open the door? You know, I'd prefer to talk with you in person."

Trish said " I'm sorry, uh, can I see some identification, please?" and Hannah said "Really?".

Trish said "Yes."

Hannah held up her FBI badge and Trish said " That's you, all right."

Hannah said " You know, the guy that was assaulted ended up in the hospital. He says that you attacked him. We might know each other, but a crime is still a crime."

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