: Orion as it is, is already a possessive and obsessive dude with serious issues. He's been subjected to the cultures and mindset of how high and mighty the pure blood heritage is compared to the other types of heritage and he's developed a strong dislike to every muggle, you know...your typical pure blood values and morals. He wants everything to be perfect and he's a bit of a perfectionist, he has a hissy fit when things don't really go his way and as intended but that doesn't stop him from getting what he wants. Look, the man might be an overbearing pure blood muggle born disliker but you can't deny that he doesn't have the passion for what he believes in. And when that passion gets ignited in him and when he gets the determination to do something, he'll achieve it either by hook or crook one way or another
You'll either be acquainted with him during your time with him at Hogwarts when the two of you were students. However it wouldn't really matter if you were a half blood or a pure blood or a muggle born anyway because he had no intention of falling in love since he viewed it as a waste of time. Then you came into his life and he's suddenly at his wits end on how he needs to be noticed by you. It'll drive him insane to the core even more if you're a muggle born and he'll hate himself for even thinking about you, he just can't seem to understand and comprehend why he's suddenly interested in you, a muggle born. He hates the way you laugh and talk with the others around you, he WANTS to hate you but somehow, his heart seemed to be malfunctioning because he just couldn't bring himself to hate you for some reason
Sooner or later it'll finally dawn upon him that he's starting to fall in love with you and that's something he's not too affected by which is quite surprising. By now his views and opinions about you have changed, he sees you in a different light. He needs to have you, he WANTS you. But he isn't going to stoop so low and ask you out in front of the others, there's a matter of his reputation being at stake. Again, your typical slytherin pure blood problems. Don't be too surprised when he ends up cornering you after a class or something and pinning your hands against your head and demanding that you go out with him unless you want to be the target of some nasty and unpleasant consequences
You weren't really fond of him from the start so you just straight up refused to go out with him. You couldn't help but get the chills when he smirked at you and said that you'd be sorry for refusing him. Sure enough, with his influence and connections he made sure people avoided you, even your best friends. Worst of all, he just wouldn't stop following you and stalking you like some creep and being overly touchy and extra close to you, like some kind of shadow you're unable to get rid of. It doesn't matter if you're into him or not, he's pretty sure you'll learn to love him anyway else he'll make sure you learn to love him one way or another. Again, with his connections he'll arrange for a marriage between the two of you, which you won't be able to get a say in because your parents can't afford to disappoint and refuse the Black family. So, you're now stuck with an obsessive and possessive control freak for a husband but the good thing is, he's quite gentlemanly. He doesn't raise his hands at you nor does he yell at you, and he does like spoiling you with affection in private of course. Married life with him is a challenge for sure
: Another typical Black subjected to the ideologies of how the pure bloods are better than the rest and all that nonsense. He's a man of a few words but when he talks, people listen for a reason. He can be straight up terrifying at times because he's known to be ruthless when it comes to him getting whatever he wants whenever he wants. It doesn't matter what the consequences are, once he decides on something he'll act on it with no regard for everything else. As a yandere, he's calculating and observant, he also has a great eye for detail and can and will use underhanded means to get what he wants. Again, you'll be introduced to him when the two of you are at Hogwarts or you could be a writer in the Wizarding World, he does have a fondness for books and when he reads your phenomenal immaculate writing, he's enthralled by it so much that he feels the compulsive and obsessive need to send you a letter, praising you for your writing
There are 2 scenarios to be considered to meet him, so let's dive in to you guys meeting each other at Hogwarts when the two of you were students. It was a regular day for you and it was currently the Potions class that was going on. Cygnus has noticed you a few times before, he couldn't help but think that there was something rather... enchanting and special about you to capture his attention. At first he literally thought you've put him and captured him under some secret spell that he didn't know about but you were just being yourself. Which he liked, you weren't like the rest of the fakers and scumbags with fake personalities who only wanted to use him just because he was a member of one of the most prominent families in the Wizarding World. To him, you stood out like a lotus in a murky pond
You were having trouble with your Potion and you looked like you needed some help. Normally he doesn't go around offering his free services but for you for some reason, he was willing to make an exception. "Need some help there?" a voice suddenly asked you to your right as you looked at Cygnus in surprise for a few moments as you muttered "If it's not too much of a hassle... thanks" He surveyed your Potion bubbling in the cauldron and when your voice faltered "I just don't understand what I'm doing wrong. The Potion was supposed to be acid green and yet I'm getting an orange color instead" "You forgot to add a few ingredients, are you sure you've noted everything down from the board?" he asked you as you realized your silly mistake and you apologized as he replied "Don't worry about it" However secretly he was glad that he was able to help you out and get to you before someone else could. It's become like a bonding moment between the two of you after that incident, after class was done you thanked him for his help with that bright and gracious smile of yours and he could have sworn, he felt his heart skip a beat and that's when the whole problem started
Soon enough, the two of you started spending time with each other and even though he was in the Slytherin house and you in another house, he didn't really mind it too much as long as he got to spend time with you. However he despised it from the very bottom of his heart when he saw you talking to someone else other than him. You're supposed to be thinking only about HIM and not anyone else, he sees the two of you as a married couple already. So, in order to make sure you don't stray away from him, he'll start spreading nasty lies and rumors about that particular person. He's known to be a hard worker after all and a person with great determination, why would someone like him do something like that?
You'll avoid talking with that person which makes him satisfied and he'll grow closer to you than ever. Now, sooner or later he'll ask you out and it doesn't matter what your answer is, he'll still end up kidnapping you anyway. He thinks that people are out to get you and corrupt you, he needs to save you and be your protector so he'll take you for himself. It's not really kidnapping according to him, it's more like safeguarding the love of his life and that's a good thing
Then there's also the scenario of you being an author or a writer of his favorite book and he likes your work so much he decides to send you a letter. When he sends you a letter, he expects one to be sent back but was disappointed when you didn't send one back. He felt himself growing a bit pissed off, he put his heart and feelings into the letter and you don't even bother sending him one back? You're ignoring one of the most prominent members of the Black family and that isn't such a good idea for you. He makes an appearance to where you live after finding out your address one way or another but he won't confront you about it. He'll start stalking the living daylights out of you to find out why you didn't send him a letter till he finds out about your stressful schedule. As much as he feels bad for you, he's also a bit gleeful about the whole thing because now he could swoop in your life like some sort of hero or saving grace and rescue you
Again, he's a very territorial and possessive person. He thinks your works are amazing and enriching, but if he hears someone else daring to say anything else about it he'll make sure they'll disappear off the face of the planet for good. One shouldn't underestimate a member of the Black family. Recently one of your publishers told you something mean about your works and surprise surprise, that moron went missing the next day. No one dares to insult the love of his life and expects to get the hell away with it. Pretty soon he'll end up kidnapping you and taking you for himself again because he doesn't want undeserving people reading your works. Your works and writing were meant for him and only him. Don't worry, he'll be your biggest and greatest supporter, all you need to do is promise to never leave him. He'll make sure you'll never leave him by subtly putting you under the Imperius curse and making you make the unbreakable vow with him. At least this way you won't be able to leave him...
: He's a bit different from the rest of the Black family members. While most of them were exposed and followed the same ideologies that only the pure bloods were the better kind in the Wizarding World, Alphard here had different opinions about things which made him stand out from the rest of the family and stick out. He was compassionate and exceptionally kind for someone from a family like the Black family which made him stick out from his siblings, Walburga and Cygnus. He was rebellious and fearless about things and whenever he wanted something, he'd just dive straight into it without thinking about the consequences. The two of you could be acquainted with each other during your time at Hogwarts or when the two of you meet at Flourish and Blotts at Diagon Alley, looking for some new books to read. Let's consider the first scenario of you both meeting each other at Hogwarts
Alphard was known to have a sharp tongue and a sarcastic nature for people he didn't like which really helped in coming to your rescue when you were being picked on by some Ravenclaw blokes. Alphard was just minding his own business in the library when he overheard the Ravenclaw guys pestering you to go out with one of them. "For Merlin's sake what part of I don't want to go out with you do you not understand?" you exclaimed in exasperation. You were getting tired of this and you were really close to losing your patience and hexing him. His friends circled around to prevent you from leaving when things started to get physical. One of them grabbed your hands and another one snatched your wand out of your robes' pocket. That's when Alphard realized he had to step in. "Hey, she can make her own decisions. Screw off unless you want me to lose my patience" said Alphard and they just sneered and taunted him. He pinched the bridge of his nose exasperatedly and spoke "All right, you gits asked for this. Don't cry later on saying that I didn't warn you" Within a matter of a few moments, they immediately went flying back into the shelves as a bright jet of light hit them against the chests. They all let groans of pain and clutched at their chests and when they felt their faces and took a good look at them, they were replaced by troll faces instead which made them yell indignantly and scramble out
"HEY, WHAT ABOUT MY WAND!?" You screamed after them and Alphard shot you a wink and muttered "Accio wand" bringing your wand back to you. You felt thankful for him stepping in the situation in the nick of time to save you and since then, the two of you became good friends. He didn't care that he was in Slytherin or about you being in another house, he genuinely loved spending time with you. He was kind, compassionate and also really witty and charismatic with a fondness for books. However what you didn't know was that he harbored less than savory and pleasant feelings towards you in the terms of love. His feelings of love drifted far away from the line between right and wrong as they kept spiraling into an obsession for you every second he got the chance to spend with you
You were perfect in his eyes, a true angel. He felt like you were a gift from the heavens above solely for him and who was he to refuse such a fine gift from the heavens? He felt like the other people around you didn't deserve to be in your presence, they were all just parasites who wanted to bask only in your name and fame, they didn't see you as YOU, they didn't see you by your personality. He can proudly say that he knows you better than you know yourself because of all the time he's spent discreetly following you around. He knows what he's doing isn't morally correct but he just can't help it. Hogwarts isn't really that safe anyways with its mysterious creatures and beasts lurking around at every nook and corner of the castle according to them, he'd never forgive himself if anything happened to you
Don't mistaken his kind and charming nature to be a weakness of his, it's a fully fledged power of his along with manipulation and twisting and distorting the truth here and there. Remember that guy from your Transfiguration class you were supposed to go with to Hogsmeade? Yeah well, surprise surprise he ended up ditching you because Alphard threatened him to stay away from you. He also started spreading rumors about him to make sure his reputation was literally in the mud and pretty soon, he was expelled for helping dark wizards. Alphard won't harm you though but he will definitely kidnap you for the fear of losing you to someone else. He NEEDS you, like a dying man needing air. You'll of course be distraught when he kidnaps you but he'll brush your tears away lightly with his palms and softly kiss your cheeks and assure you that he'll always take care of you and won't allow any harm to befall upon you
The second case of you meeting him is at Flourish and Blotts when the two of you reach for the same book. He wanted you to have it despite it being the last book in the store and you agreed to lend it to him after you were done with it. That's when the two of you started a relationship and grew closer to each other. Alphard as a husband is kind of like a blessing, he's really caring and loving always concerned for your well being and will even worship the ground you walk on. Just promise to stick by his side at all times and you won't be on the receiving end of his sharp tongue and words
: For meeting him, you'd have an arranged marriage sort of scenario set up by your parents and his. It was a normal day for you and you were returning back from your workplace. You were a special correspondent for the Daily Prophet, the Wizarding World newspaper along with being an author. It was an exhausting day for you because you had to edit and look over 25 drafts. It was exhausting being an author and editor, your hand was aching like hell and you really needed some comfort. You were heading back to your house thinking that maybe you'd have your dinner under the stars with some light jazz tunes playing in the background. However fate had other plans for you when you were greeted with a huge surprise as soon as you entered your house. You saw your parents and a few of your relatives and some unknown people who you haven't really seen before sitting at the coffee table as everyone's eyes turned to you as soon as you entered the room
You recognized Pollux Black from your school days at Hogwarts, you've never really interacted with him but you knew of his existence. "What's going on?" you asked your parents confusedly as your mother walked towards you with a smile on her face and she spoke "Honey, it's your marriage proposal we're discussing about. You're getting married to the Black family, to Pollux Black" "WHAT?!" you exclaimed in surprise and indignation. You were looking for a relaxing time after a day of hard work, not worry about how you'd look like and what you'd have to make for your future spouse. Besides, you were never really that keen upon the idea and thought of marriage anyway, the thought of marrying someone made you a bit scared and nervous. It wasn't that you had commitment issues, people told you that you were quite loyal but you had doubts about the other person's loyalty and commitment. You also had a hard time coming to terms that someone could accept you for the way you were, overlooking your flaws. You were scared that you'd be alone after your so called partner would leave you for someone else eventually and your feelings would all be in vain and taken for a ride
"Mom, can I please talk with you and dad in private?" you hissed at your parents. You led them both to the kitchen and you rubbed your temples annoyedly and started "How could you two do this without even asking me about my opinion on this? Do I not have a say in my own life?" "Dear, we just want what's best for you. It's high time you start thinking about your future. You need someone to take care of you, we can't always be there for you throughout your life" your father spoke but you just shot him a sharp glare and answered "I can take care of myself well enough, thank you very much. Wasn't I taking care of myself after I moved out of this house?" "You need a companion in your life. That's all, you can't just spend your life alone. I will admit it was a bit surprising when they showed up at our doorstep with a marriage proposal but it turned out to be a nice surprise" your mother said and you grumbled under your breath and muttered "Nice for you maybe, not for me..." The three of you went out and you were supposed to have a talk with Pollux and you asked him why in the name of Merlin would he choose to marry you
"You might not know this but I've always been around you... You're different from the others. I've heard and witnessed your kind and caring personality, you might have forgotten this but the first time you've helped me with that blasted Charms assignment in the library, 2 days before Christmas was the day my heart kept yearning for you. You were constantly on my mind... I had no intention of letting you get away from me and witn great difficulty I've managed to track you down at long last... I should have just made you mine when we were at Hogwarts" "What do you mean?" you asked him, your voice filled with uncertainty as his eyes glinted with a hint of amusement. "Why else do you think that idiot from your Defence against the Dark arts class didn't meet you after he dared to ask you out to Hogsmeade? Why else did everyone stay away from you after they had the audacity to confess their disgusting feelings for you?" That's when it occurred to you that he'd been threatening them despite you not even knowing him that well, but he somehow knew everything about you. "You're insane.." you breathed softly with fear as he smirked and pulled you closer to him, despite your indignant and small protests
- In Serial34 Chapters
Bronze Sun: The Red Smith (LitRPG + Crafting)
Adrian had never started a fight in his life, but then his best friend stole his girlfriend. He knew it would be trouble when he tried to get her back, but he didn’t expect it would get him killed. He woke up in a bronze-age world full of magic, with a blacksmith’s hammer in one hand, and a pickaxe in the other. The higher-dimensional beings that sent him here have told him to break the world of Antium. It’s forbidden for anyone outside of the guilds to learn magic, so what better way to break everything than to use forbidden Red Magic to craft armor and weapons more powerful than Antium has ever seen? But before he can even craft his first piece of armor, he’ll have to fight his way out of the infested forest with nothing but a rusty sword and his smithing tools. He’s one of many that has been sent in to shake things up and breathe new life into a dying world. If the others are sent to shatter the world, then Adrian will be the one to build it back up to something glorious, even if he has to do it one bronze ingot at a time.UPDATE SCHEDULE:New Chapters are released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
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Fire in the Blood
The story of a man who is struck by tragedy and embarks on a journey of vengeance. But in seeking the blood of the monster or monsters who've wronged him, he himself is forced to do villainous things.
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Pokemon Master In An Anime World
Pokemon X Classroom Of The Elite X Some Other Anime____________________________Hikaru Akiyama, a normal 16-year old boy has been enrolled into the Advance Nurturing Highschool, which he absolutely isn't happy with.Bunking the entrance examination wasn't a good decision on his part too and trying to kill the interviewer certainly wasn't.The protagonist although may seem like a genius, will have many flaws. He too at the end of the day is a human and we humans will always make mistakes, though he will learn from them and correct himself. His strength won't be supernatural and will be within a human's limits.I am trying to make this Fiction as wholesome as possible so that the people who read this, including me, can have a sense of happiness and can just relax while reading it.Although plots and schemes can't be just discarded due to the nature of the fic, I'll try my best to create something which will let you relax and get away from all the accumulated stress.Although it's a Harem Fic, there will be romance. I have learned from my previous fic and I won't be committing the same mistake again.So, yup, I'll try to create something which will be akin to a roller coaster of emotions, hope you like it!The updates will be regular/daily [1/day]I'll be releasing 3-4 chapters/day before I hit Ch 15 after which one could expect some Mass Releases.______________________________Discord: N/A (Not allowed to be posted in the synopsis.)I'll upload the pics there.______________________________The anime worlds introduced so far.-Pokemon-Classroom Of The Elite______________________________Leave a review if you like it, it helps me grow.If you don't give me your power stone, I'll kidnap your favourite pokemon.______________________________Pokemon, Classroom Of The Elite and the anime introduced in this fic do not belong to me and under no circumstance do I claim any ownership over it.The Artwork isn't owned by me, the artist may contact me if he/she wants it to be removed. (Good Job btw.)
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Rookie Sequel
Merry Christmas!Thanks for supporting me and my writing, here is an early Christmas present to end 2020 on a happy note and to say thank you!Enjoy the sequel to Rookie, hope you enjoy x
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Lisa was a mentor who almost spent her youth in New York. She never thought that one day, she'll comeback to Korea just to be a manager of a top idol from their entertainment company. Who would think that their cat fights would make them slowly develop something that is both new to them?
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SECRET - soogyu ✔️
a secret relationship between prince choi beomgyu and his guard, choi soobin. highest rankings ;- 1 ,, #soogyu- 1 ,, #beombin- 1 ,, #choibeomgyu
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