《Mahabharat Time Travel (Under Heavy Editing)》Bonus


In hastinapur

It was the time of winters when sona was taking a stroll in the garden, admiring the beauty of some rare to find flowers planted. It still made her curious on how was it possible to grow these kind in such a place.

It has been a couple months now since she and her sisters landed in this era.

It amazed her on how fast the time went by and she didn't even notice.

Sona along with the rest five started wearing the clothes of the time a few weeks after their arrival.

Heavy dresses with enchanting pairs of jewellery made her feel much more confident and less insecure than what she did while living in the modern world.

A lot changed not only in her looks or style but also personality and liking wise.

Sona never had a liking towards the men who were arrogant neither the ones who loved taking risks nor the ones who treated her like a fragile flower.

But now she did start to have a small attraction towards a particular archer who was arrogant, played with weapons and treated her like glass who would shatter any moment.

A small smile played on her lips just by the thought of a certain black haired man with long lashes and lips which seemed to have a gloss on.

Sona laughed at the thought of him wearing a lipstick, when her mind punched in an image of him wearing a saree making her cackle like a maniac.

But see the twist of destiny, while she was busy wheezing on the floor like crazy, the man from her thoughts appeared in front of her.

Just returning from his archery practice, Karn was surprised to hear the sweet melody of someone Humming.

He would have ignored the sound and make his way inside the castle, was it not for the Humming to turn into a non stop laugh.


Confused he started walking towards the sound trying to figure out what made the person laugh.

By the sound of the shrill voice, it was easy for the Prince to guess on how it was a female, which confused him even more.

Curiosity flamed in his chest even more when he saw the posture of his guest on the ground.

She has tears in her closed eyes, while her hands clutched her thin figure trying to control in the laughter which only seemed to grow by each passing second.

Quietly he made his way towards the figure before clearing his throat and opening his mouth to let the gentle voice out.

"What got you laughing so hard, my goddess?"

Sona slowly opened her eyes at the husky sound and tried to control her laughter while getting up. She took the prince's help he offered while small chuckles still escaped her mouth.

Once steady she took a good look at the man in front of her when the image of him in girly clothes and makeup came into her mind one again making her burst out.

Her head fell back while her hand clamped over mouth trying to appear a bit lady like while in the moment.

Karn gave her a questioning look while she just shook her head still laughing.

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