《Lone Wolf (Tails x Male Reader)》B-be Mine for V-valentines...
(Ignore the fact that I posted this WEEKS after Valentines.. mb yall I'm kinda busy lmao) y'all this chapter gon' be mad chismoso and juicy as hell, trust me y'all gon' realize how good this is around the end.
It's that day... Love it or hate it... It's for sure awkward. Especially when that certain somebody is so close yet so far.
Who's talking right now? Me, Lane...
Yup... I've celebrated practically the same thing back home, so I should know what I'm talking about...
But I'm here to tell a special somebody about how much they matter to me! Wish me luck or don't..
Cut to Morning, Green Hills.
Third person Pov:
Y/n: "So what exactly is this day?"
Tom: "It's like a day focused around love?"
Y/n: "So like... love-love, or like just 'I care about you' type of love?"
Tom: "It could be both, but people usually make it about romantic love..."
Y/n: "So what are you getting for Maddie?"
Tom: "You just had to bring that stress onto me... Probably just some flowers or something... Y'know, since you're making me worry about Valentines Day. What about you? What are you getting for, you know who?"
Y/n: -sweating- "Pfft, look a bird!"
Tom turned around and you ran... but tripped as soon as you tried to run.
Tom just raised an eyebrow at you sarcasticly as to which you also sarcasticly laughed at him, like when you say "ha-ha, real funny..."
You stood up, fixed yourself, fixed your hat. And walked out of the room with Tom just smiling at the mess.
Cut to Sonic and Tails
Sonic Pov:
I was in Tails and Knuckles' room at the moment. Knuckles was somewhere else, but I was talking to Tails about Valentines Day, because what did you expect me to do?
Sonic: "So now that you know a lot about Valentines Day, what are your plans?"
Tails: -slight blush- "Oh... Um..."
Sonic: "It's alright! You don't gotta tell me."
Tails: "W-what. ?"
Sonic: "I know what's going on... But I'll try my best to not tease you about it.!"
Tails: "Thanks? I-..." -sigh-
Sonic: "Whats wrong?"
Tails: "I'm kind of nervous... anxious, and scared."
Sonic: "Why is that?"
Tails: "I dunno know... I know that he's got feelings for me... But you know how those things can easily be blocked or changed in just a few days by spending time with somebody else. What if that changes? What if he just decides no?"
Sonic: "Trust me... He's loved you since the first day he's laid eyes on you."
Tails: "You think so?"
Sonic: "I know so."
Tails: "Just to be clear... We're not talking about you, right?"
Sonic: "What? No!"
Tails: "Alright... I just had to be sure, heh."
Cut to Y/n
Y/n Pov:
AAHHH! What do I do? Fancy chocolates? Puffy flowers? Expensive gift? I don't know anymore!
I'm not just stressed about Valentines day... but recently I've been having dreams where I'm other people, amd they have not been helping me with my stress!
....Maybe just a nice little chat will do.
I polished my hat, put on a new pair of black shoes, and lastly a small bow-tie around my neck to spice things up.
Gah- Should I really go the extra mile for this? Of course! I'd do just about anything for the yellow-orange fox.
I went to a mirror and practiced talking to myself...
Y/n: "Uhh- G'day kind gentlemen-"
The hell am I? The royal british family?
Y/n: "Hey, Tails... I wanted to tell you that you've been a really great friend! I hope that we can continue it."
Yeah! Except it needs to be a bit more romantic... but I can't exactly rush things.
I turned around and saw my revolver, holsters, and belt begging me to equip them...
Y/n: "Not now, boys... Not now. I hope y'all understand?"
Of course I'm talking to my stuff! They're valuable, and important! You probably understand! At this point I should practically marry my tools...
I looked around and saw my satchel and journey... It's been a while since I've checked on them. Y'know, I haven't updated the journal in months...
Maybe I should start doing that again.
I stood up and shot somsme criminal lawyer finger guns at myself in the mirror!
As soon as I was about take a step... I randomly felt- tense. As if the air around me was pressing up against my body tightly.
I thought it was just me being nervous. But then...
Y/n: -cough- "Am I sick?"
My eyes widened as I started choking on air. I tried to breath, nothing worked.
I was on the ground begging for air, but nothing worked.
I passed out and woke up on a stretcher on the ground.
???: "Bloody hell! The boy lives!"
Medic: "It's... a miracle! He wasn't breathing... You hear that boy?! God saved you, and god shall save the kingdom come!"
Y/n: "What?"
Out of nowhere a huge burst of soarness went throughout your entire body. It was more surprising than it was painful.
Y/n: "Who are you? Where am I?"
Medic: "Ah... Still a bit dazed ain't ya? It'll wear off in a couple o' hours. Go back with your platoon, I'm sure they'll be happy to see that you're well!"
Y/n: "Wai- what?"
Medic: "Ah. Right. Your platoon number and station is on your dogtag."
I stood up and- OH MY GOD! I'M A HUMAN!
Y/n: "a...AAAAH!"
Medic: "Are you shell shocked?"
Y/n: "What? No? Where's Sonic at?"
Medic: "Uhhh... We don't have any .22 Sonic ammunition... We only got 9mm and rifle ammunition."
Y/n: "What? No. The blue hedgehog!"
Medic: "You're speaking nonsense boy. You'll be fine, god saved you once and he will save you twice! Hurry, get moving!"
I shook my head at him and stood up to go to my "platoon"
As I was confused, and slightly limping due to being a HUMAN, I was slowly making my way to my platoon.
I slowly pieced everything together... Platoon. Soldiers. Medic. Oh my god, I'm in a goddamn war! But which war? And could I die?
Sergeant: "Brandon! My god... are you a ghost?"
Y/n: "Uhhh..." I looked at my little patch that said Brandon Linton... Must be my name.
Everybody stood up and cheered
I kinda felt appreciated and smiled, although still confused.
Y/n: "Yeah.. The medic patched me up!"
A soldier came up to you, his patch read the name Trent.
Trent: "Brandon! I thought you were a goner, lad! Boy... Don't scare me like that, y'hear!"
Y/n: -sweating- "Right."
Another one came up, his read Ryan.
Ryan: "Haha! I never gave up on you! Good to see ya, Brandon!"
As he aggressively shook your shoulder.
You, your Sergeant, Trent, and Ryan were probably your platoon.
You were extremely confused. Practically lost at this point.
Y/n (Brandon): "Uhhh.. What's going o-"
Out of nowhere a grenade fell into the trench you guys were at.
Soldiers: "All down! It's the jerries!"
You all got down and quickly got armed.
You were scared... What the hell is going on? Why the hell are you here? Who are you?!
You stood up and immediately got hit in the head by a bullet. At the same time that a mortar landed next to you.
You woke up gasping for air.
Y/n: "Sergea- What the hell... Why am I- I died? Right..."
I was scared... Frightened. I'm a dead man right? I'm a dead soldier right? My name's Brandon... right?
I was shell shocked, my right hand was shaking on it's own, and I was antsy.
Sonic walked in.
Sonic: "Hey! It's been around four hours- Tails is alone in the living room- it's your cha- Whoa... You looked- tossed up."
You just stared at him with silent eyes.
Sonic: "Uhh.. Earth to Y/n? Y/n the Wolf! You alright?"
Right... I'm Y/n. Y/n the wolf. Not Brandon. Not a soldier. Just a wolf kid...
Y/n: -shaking- "S-sorry! I didn't hear you the f-first time...!"
Sonic: -teasingly- "What's with the stutter. What's wrong you got a crush on me or something? Lighten up bro!" (I'm just here to clarify, Sonic meant it in a "Oh no damsal in distress" jokingly type of way.)
Y/n: "Ha... Haha. I'm fine."
I said as I stood up. I forgot about my promise before I passed out and took my belt, holsters, and revolvers.
Sonic: "Oooh- Looking fresh there little Y/n! Go get 'em brother!"
Y/n: -smiling- "For sure!"
Lane Pov:
I held a big bunch of roses in my hand and stared at myself in a mirror. I wore my left gauntlet just to remind that special someone of who I am.
I walked around looking for my future lover.
I just saw Tails sitting on the couch alone watching a weird cartoon, what a cute fox! And I mean it in general.... But then I turned to the left and saw Cadet alone in the kitchen watching something on a tablet.
I hid the roses behind my back and said...
Lane: "Hey! Cadet...!"
Cadet: "Huh? Oh... G'day to you too Lane. What's up?"
Lane: "Look. Listen. I know that we've been friends for practically our entire lives. And we've left our Knight-Hood to come here to find Y/n and Sonic. But can we just make this about us for today?"
Cadet: -confused- "What do you mean?"
Lane: "Look. I've liked you for a while now. Please, be with me!"
As I went on my knee and held out my big bunch of roses. This is totally gonna work! I mean how could she say no? We've known each other for a really long time. There's no way she could refuse-
Cadet: "Ah... Um. Look. Listen, Lane. I too do agree that we're really close. But I don't think that now's the right time. I'm confused, scared, and I can't let a relationship bother my life at this current moment."
Lane: "What! I- What...? How- Why not?"
Cadet: "Well... We're so close to achieving the reason as to why we came here. Remember? Y/n's gonna help me control my weird Dead-Eye visions. And then we'll go back home!"
Lane: "But... I-
Cadet: "Not now... Sorry-
Lane just stormed off and walked to wherever his cloudy mind took him.
Lane Pov:
Goddamn it! I'm so stupid...! Why did I even try that? Did she reject me because of my attitude now... I mean. -sigh-
I sat down right outside the living room and started bursting into tears.
Worthless they said. The knight-hood never really liked me. Yet I still became a part of it. There goes that stupid little Lynx they said.
I was just mumbling to myself... Until I felt somebody looking down on me as I had my head between my knees.
Lane: "Go away! I don't care as to who it is... Just piss off!"
Tails: "I-... Are you sure? You don't seem alright... Lane."
I raised my head to look at the fox. I- I don't have a reason to put my anger out on him. Although as much as I want to- he's alright. He's nice, he didn't do anything wrong. It's just these stupid emotions!
Lane: "...What did I do to deserve this?"
Tails: "...What happened?"
Lane: "It's- Cadet."
Tails looked to his side and saw the roses in his hand, he slowly pieced it together.. and.
Tails: "Oh- Ohh... I'm sorry Lane. But-
Lane: "I thought she loved me as much as I loved her."
Tails: "Here."
As he held is hand out and lead him back to the living room couch.
Tails: "Listen... I'm not really an expert in much about love. I'm more of a gadget loving science whiz. But- It's alright. I'm sure you'll be fine."
Tails is trying the best he can. He wasn't just gonna leave him there alone to cry- Tails is perfect. He's nice. He won't leave a comrade to be on his own, and he never will.
Lane: "What am I supposed to do now! I messed it up. She probably doesn't even want to talk to me anymore..."
Tails: -Soft yet comforting- "That's not true.. She probably still wants to be friends with you. I know that I would still wanna talk to a friend even after... a few differences."
Lane: "You mean it?"
Tails: "Of course.!"
Y/n Pov:
I tightened the bow tie a bit. I snapped on my belt, I was still a bit frightened. My hand is shellshocked, it's shaking violently on it's own.
Althought what happened was probably just a bad dream, I'm determined to get Tails' heart!
One more time I thought to rehearse to myself.
Y/n: "Hey Tails... So, yeah. It's me, Brandon..."
But I'm Y/n... I'm Y/n right!?
I shook it off and went downstairs to confront Tails about Valentines day.
As I went to the living room where Sonic said he was at. I was met with a sight. Lane hugging Tails, with roses in his hand.
I- It's.
No? Right. This-
My name is Brandon. And I am a british Soldier, right?
My revolver! Wait- what?
I'm not thinking that- that's not me.
I cocked back the hammer of the revolver and... Goddamn it.
I punched myself and ran back to my room.
I threw my hat across the room, took off the stupid bow tie, and my shoes. And started crying my lungs out, straight uo bawling my eyes out...
Arthur Pov:
... I- Poor Boy. He's- Should I intervene?
Goddamn it. He's crying, he'll be mad if I do.
What a mess. Did you think it was gonna end up like this? Nobody did. But Y/n's little flashbacks are slowly starting to get into play. Is being a soldier really that mentally damaging?
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