《Soulmates (Damian x Reader)》Chapter 10


"we will call for our scientist tomorrow" Cobra and Lina walked away and Jordan came to me and kissed my knuckles and smiled "glad your ok" then ran off. I felt Damian's grip get tighter but then calmed I turned to him "my words get through to you" he nodded. "Now that they are out of earshot..." we all looked at each other and walked to the throne room not saying a word until we arrived

"Don't trust them one bit...they are here for something" Ra's spoke, "the question is, what?"

We all sat in the Throne room and they were discussing Cobra and his motives. "What could they benefit from helping us out" I looked at Ra's and then Damian who answered, "should we even let them give us this antidote". Talia was standing across from us "It is risky right now since we don't know their motives but we also don't know what this toxin could do to our assassins in the infirmary" I looked at Talia before looking down at my feet. I went silent for a while and I felt Damian's hand in mine so I looked up to find them looking at me, "what". Ra's chuckled "you are free to speak with us Y/N, your input would be the most beneficial".

Talia spoke after that "Y/N you are practically family at this point, we don't need to tell you when to speak your opinion". I nod "I haven't figured out what they could benefit from helping us yet, and right now since I don't know the full chemical mix-up of this chemical affecting the guys in the infirmary If you would let me I could dig deeper and also take a look at whatever antidote they mix up".

I hear Damian chuckle so I look at him "you really are a genius, you sat there taking everything in like a sponge and already planning a move" I tried to keep my blush down " I wouldn't consider myself a genius...I just am a .. I've always had a knack for strategizing" I looked at all of them they all had small smiles "guess we will put you in charge of some missions, that skill could come in handy" I look at Ra's a little shocked.

"You can study them closer to figure out this toxin and when they make that antidote it would be best if you stick close to their scientist and also Cobra, Linda, and Jordan without it seeming suspicious" I nod "so I'm practically an undercover spy now" Talia and Ra's laughed a little "you have the most experience, so it would be best if you do the job".

I turn to Damian and see him looking to the other side so I squeeze his hand a little to turn his attention to me "تذكر ما قلته لك ... اعتقدت أننا كنا جيدين الآن "( Remember what I told you...I thought we were good now). He looked at me and nodded "أنا أعرف "( I know) "Sorry" I smiled at him "we have every reason to believe he's fishy and here to betray us and you still believe I'm gonna tell him all my secrets, do you not even know the basic about me" he chuckled and turned to face me and leaned his head into my shoulder "your right, I'm sorry".


I clench up when I realize Talia and Ra's are still in the room "relax Y/N, besides there still is the problem of your interesting memories sharing a connection that we have to solve, you should get used to being close to him when we are near" I stay silent after her comment but feel Damian pick up his head "if it really makes you uncomfortable I'll try not to stick so close, sorry" I sigh and relax my shoulders "it's fine... I'm just getting used to it...no one has ever really wanted to be this close to me, I'll try and relax" I felt him lean back into me "I guess I know why I hated Jordan now" I rolled my eyes "which mystery should we deal with first".

Talia looked over at Ra's "their situation shouldn't be something we put off for so long, we don't know what else they can do" Ra's nodded "We shouldn't start spying on our guest so soon after this attack, but while we solve your guy's special circumstances, Y/N you should at least look further into the toxin" I nod "let's get somewhere in what you both can do though"

They lead both me and Damian outside near the little lake where our waterfall runs into "this should be a comforting atmosphere for you both to relax" I twidle my thumbs, then feel a hand on my shoulder and look to see Talia "this is to help you guys control it, not a chance for us to open your past" I look at all of them "we already know you have powers, we won't care what may come out of this however dark it is" I nod "I don't want the dark experiences to come out yet, my powers are one thing".

Damian stepped up and took both of my hands in his "try focusing on some things you won't care to share with me and maybe that is what you will reveal when we connect" I smile and nod "ready" we both leaned in and connected our foreheads. We remained eye contact until I felt my vision fade.

I find myself looking in an alleyway and see Y/N but she's a small girl and she tunes to face the opening of the alley when there are two guys and I see her back up. They rush and attack her, she tries to put up a fight but they are too strong for her. They beat on her for a while until a force of red shows up and knocks both of them back, she slowly looks up but sees nothing and begins to get up and goes to leave the alleyway but looks down at her clothes to see them dirty and torn but goes out anyway. I pull back from Y/N and see my surrounding and look at the current her standing in front of me "you aren't panicking about what I saw, that's a good sign" she shook her head very slowly but looked very tense. I gave both her hands a small squeeze "I promise I'm not going anywhere" she nodded again before asking "what did you see".


"I saw you, a younger you in an alleyway...you were getting beaten by two guys and something knocked them away from you, it almost looked like your magic" she didn't say anything just kept her eyes anyway but mine "will you please say something to me, we can stop this if you don't want to go any further" she finally looked up at me "it- it's fine, I think thinking about what I want to share helped" I looked at her shocked.

"you choose to share that with me" she shrugged so I pulled her closer and moved my hands to her shoulders "I knew what I didn't want you to see and I think that helped" I shook my head "and you think I wanted to see you get beat up and not be able to do anything" she chuckled "you wouldn't have been able to anyway it's just a memory".

He nods and his hands go back to holding mine but we are much closer than before so I avert my eyes "Damian try and think of a memory you wish to share with her and see if maybe that works for you as well". I look over at Ra's and Talia then back and Damian, he nodded and turned back to me "you ready" I bit my lip but nodded. He leaned forward and we connected our foreheads once again and everything went black. I was watching Damian in the throne room staring into space until Talia and Ra's came in and told him something. They lead him to the training space where it was full, they looked like they introduced him and had him spare with a few assassins until a girl who looked very familiar came to spar with him but she was knocked down pretty fast by Damian, Talia pulled him back and everyone in the room did a slight bow of their heads and carried on with training.

I felt my eyes adjust to being back from the memories "are you ok" I look at him "I'm perfectly fine" he nodded Talia came over to us "did it work" we both nodded "I think thinking about what we might want to show is the answer" she nodded "this could be useful, I wonder if you guys can do more than just share memories" I look at her then towards Damian "mother do you think we can talk to each other" she nods.

"Its a possibility, but without knowing why you guys can even share memories in the first place we can't know for sure". Ra's came closer to us now "you guys should practice this sharing" I looked down at my feet "Talia is correct when she says this could be useful in the future" I stayed silent.

I felt Damian pull me closer to him "if you want you can just share the same memories, you don't have to reveal anything new" I looked up at him my mouth slightly parted in shock "but your gonna share new memories" he nodded "I trust you fully" I sigh "it's not that I don't trust you...I just" I heard him chuckle before he took my chin making me look at him.

"You already made it clear what would happen if I leave you, understand and trust me when I say I'm not going anywhere, not now and not ever. It may seem like empty words to you but I mean them, I've never felt a connection with someone like I do with you..so I'm staying until I figure out why" I stare at him trying to keep tears at bay "I can tell you being truthful just bare with me.." he smiled and pulled me into a hug which I relaxed into "..if we're being honest...I know I said I never opened up to someone before, but there was one person and they didn't betray me ...".

He hummed into my shoulder "they are a smart person" I let out a soft laugh "yea...I suppose you'll be the second person" I heard him gasp and pull away making me look away "are you serious" I avoided eye contact but nodded "just..please be patient I am not just gonna throw my whole life story in one sitting but I will be more open to sharing" I felt his head drop into my neck and his arms go around me so I looked down at him and smiled "thank you", "your welcome Damian".

I turned to Talia and Ra's to find them both with small smiles and Talia mouthed 'thank you' so I nodded. After a few seconds, footsteps were coming our way so we all looked to see Jordan running to us with a smile. When he finally reached us he stopped at me and I felt Damian pull away but still kept a hold on my hand, "Y/N do you think we can do that raining now" he seemed all excited so I looked and Ra's and Talia who both gave me a slit nod, I turned to Damian and he sighed but smiled and let go of my hand...

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