
{ after that time stop was released everything goes back to normal }

[ Aiden ] who is it, ooh it's you mihari so you had fun?

{But this time the question Aiden asked, was giving both mihari and Eimi chills, they thought for a second that he knows who Eimi is, and then it will cause trouble for his work.}

[ Mihari in shaking voice ] w-w-what is brother, I mean why you asked me that?

{ Eimi from the side just thinking that if he knows that secret or not, but little do they know that Aiden got a glimpse of time stopped before they come back to the real world }

[ Aiden ] Nothing, I was just asking if you had fun alone today, I mean you were alone today so I thought you were bored due to being alone ]


[ Mihari ] ooh about that, don't worry I went to the park and sightseeing near the river to remove my boredom.

[ Hana ] aahh you guys let's get inside the house and we will talk later about this stuff.

{ They all went inside the house and rested for the time being while Aiden was thinking why the author is a moron is adding only girls, I mean I am okay but this looks like I am the protagonist of a rom-com show, he at least need to add some male character too }.

{ Inside the house at 7:10 pm }

[ Aiden ] *lying on the bed* why did mihari stop the time the bigger coincidence was that Luna called me at the same time too, could there be something hidden from me? Or it was just pure coincidence, wait, Luna said that my mind space is not connected to my world, and if she stopped time so how I was able to still go inside my mind space? I need to find out about this.


[ Hana shouts Aiden's name from the kitchen] hey Aiden dinner is ready to come down to eat or it will get cold.

[ Aiden ] commmmmingggggg, Aaahh I better sort this out.

{ At dinner table }

[ Hana ] you know Aiden Eimi helped me so much in preparing the dinner and she also knows what I like to cook for you.

[ Aiden ] ohh, thank you for helping her Eimi,

[Eimi ] ooh no-no I must help you guys for letting me stay in your house.

[ Aiden ] yeah no problem with that if you ever need help you can ask any of us.

[ Eimi ] thank you for that. I will remember that.

[ Hana ] enough talking you guys, let's eat dinner is getting cold.

[ Everyone ] ITADAKIMASU!


[ At guest room ]

[ Aiden ] "intense thinking" why ....why. didn't I think about it earlier? I can use my "divine eye" for that way I can know what happened while I was in my dream space but Luna said that time in dream space doesn't work like the real so if I were to leave my consciousness from a particular time and come back after some time from my dream space it will get me to the same time when I leave so there's no possibility that something happens in that mere fraction of second. But still, why do I feel so uneasy about this as something did happen at that time? So I will just ask my divine eye if there is something hidden.

{ At that moment Aiden used his divine that let his consciousness to that particular moment when he went into dream space }


My divine eye sure is come in handy in situations like these, who would have thought I can send my consciousness to past time while I still am in the present? that's it I was just going to open the door and at the same time, Luna called me so I thought I imagined that there was someone's voice came from behind and looks like I was right. Mihari stopped the time. And not just everyone is frozen in time stop but Eimi was able to move freely, which means she has not been affected by it. And they both are talking.

" A voice suddenly comes inside my head " why are you like this Aiden didn't I tell you that everything has its own right time and the right place to happen if you use your powers like this then I will be mad.

" I was shocked that Luna was able to talk to me telepathically across space-time " hey how can you talk to me when I am not present there?

"I know what you think that how I can talk to you like this, just so you know I already knew that this was going to happen so I waited for you to come in this time to see this particular time frame" To think you would be able to guess that something happens at that time when I called you, you are right something did happen and it's not that your classmate and nihari can move in stopped time but can you just turned around and see at that telephone pole "

Huh, what's behind me? "As I turned back I was stunned to see that 2 girls whom I don't know were spying on us" wait why they are spying on us? " When I got close to them I saw they weren't frozen in time, they were able to move freely" what In the hell, how are they able to resist Mihari's time stop?

"You know when I said Everything has its own right time and the right place to happen" to you Aiden, this is the first thing which I was talking about.

"As she said those words in such a serious way, that for a moment I thought this is some serious issue" so you mean there is more to come, Luna? And I will ask you again, why do I have these powers and why are they coming to kill me?

"A serious reply came from Luna " I cannot tell you everything thing right now but one thing is that the fate of this world depends on you, I can see every possibility, what had happened, what is happening & what is going to happen, but this single universe future I can't see the ending of this universe "

"I was shocked after hearing Luna's words and also a bit confused" hey what do you mean by possibilities? And how my universe's fate depends on me.

"You remember Aiden when I told you about your mind space?it's similar to that your mind space is like fifth-dimensional space which can hold a fourth-dimensional object which is what we call universes and that space can hold infinite of that universe. But you know your universe is just different from another universe, that's all I can say now. And try to figure out what those girls are up to.

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