《Azurlane: Future Prosperity》20: Sup Babe
13th of November
Classified Technology Testing Field
Project: Nanoma
The scenary was set in a highly classfied laboratory of the USA. Multiple rooms were in place with multiple researchers and engineers work day and night to come out with a new step in Kansen technology.
[Test 143, Mirai you're up.]
With an affirmative nod. Mirai step forth, she opened the door to a vacuum chamber which was there to clean any abnormalities after the test was done, upon clearance the sealed doors opened into a Test Chamber where a table is set infront of a reinforced glass.
Eyeing the otherside she saw familiar faces with the people she had worked with, mainly two people stood out. Bakunawa-class, Minokawa and Commander of the Western Fleet 5th Flotilla Ishida.
Minokawa had a thumb raised showing her support while Ishida was visibly concerned but held in his anxieties. Personaly she likes to keep distance away from the two however since the previous test resulted with the shipgirl recieving early retirement and a plastic surgery it's best to tread lightly.
With an audible sigh, Mirai salutes upon becoming the centre of attention. Waiting for the signal she looked over to the sky or in this case the cieling with hope of finaly getting a rest, eternaly.
[Begin Test Sequence at your mark.]
"I am ready. Beggining now."
By the table a prototype device by the shape of a forearm cover was present. Upon putting it on, the cover became a samurai gauntlet that covered the entire right arm of Mirai reaching to the shoulders where a Sode lined itself.
(Or what's known as the Samurai's Shoulder Armor. Yes, the big ass shield looking things on the Samurai's shoulder.)
[Link successful, Mirai try testing the Nanoma to your regular movements. Draw your sword and perform some basic techniques.]
Taking a stance for a quickdraw she pushed her speed and muscle resiliance to the limit as she unsheathed her sword at an unbelievable speed.
Her expression twitched for a moment once she layed eyes on the sword's black and red steel before turning to the glass of researchers and observers.
"No abnormalities."
[Are you sure? Your eyes twitches there for a moment.]
"... Just an old memory."
[Alright. Now I want you to think of a physical manifestation for the Nanoma to conjure into. Think of an object or a perso-.....]
Before the lead scientist finished he lost his voice. Because right infront of their eyes conjured a person almost down to perfect detail.
Former flagship, JS Hiyo of the Japan Maritime Self Defense Force, she stood there with a polite smile, eyes closed with both hands behind her back while her feet kept pushing up to tip toe like excitedly waiting for someone.
Mirai casted a gaze to the construct, there was no emotion from her part but she had the urge to touch her Sensei's face.
[... Right, we'll proceed to the final test. So far we've succeeded in what we failed to achieve last time. So, let us begin.]
Suddenly the table was moved away, from the walls multiple attack drones along with Hunter killer launchers were positioned all around Mirai.
Closing her eyes, Mirai places a bet on chance, as she was now facing a grim reminder of what many Kansens/ship girls failed to survive from.
[Are you ready?]
Even the voice of the scientist was shrouded in doubt and worry. Looking down for a moment Mirai summarises her life. Looking to see who will weep for her if she so failed.
She ordered. Because if there was one, she'll happily sneer to them while rotting hell.
Those behind the glass already prepared themselves for another death of a Kansen, while those who knew her covered their eyes to not see whatever may come next.
The First to act was, the Hunter Killer Launchers launching drones that had murdered many Kansens without mercy. Anger swelled in her body and soon the Warheads would impact.
Rushing into the festival and shouting his orders to the appropriate personel the Wolf Eyed Commander, or to better introduce him, Admiral Himari Sugawara.
"Immediately evacuate the premises! Order all ship girls to immediately sortie and defend the port!"
Then just as he approached the outer edge of the island he caught glimpse of two injured ship girls he recognized, cuddling at one another as if to comfort one another.
"Atago, Takao what happened? Did the intruders get past you?"
"No..." Takao answered. "We challenged..."
Realizing where this was gonna go Sugawara outwardly sighed. "It's fine. You two should immediately head for repairs. By the way where did that newly appointed Lieutenant General went to?"
"A red stall... by the pier."
Sugawara accepted the mysterious stranger that suddenly had barged in their offer right off the bat. It was strange why he'd do such a thing at first however, somehow he sensed a tingly sensation when he had first layed eyes on her.
Maybe his emotions are getting the better of him these days. Nevertheless he is looking forward to what the mysterious stranger can do, as she appeared to be a mysterious Kansen from god knows where that drifted here.
While there was a faint chance she'll betray them however, he looks to the bright side when whatever technology she develops became a key weapon against the sirens.
Previously he was an outspoken critic against the Orochi project for he had believed that the way they were adapting Siren Technology is a little bit suspicious than Iron blood's own advance processes.
The Project the Stranger had offered may as well be the best card they have to counter Orochi and if it was a lie and that the Stranger had duped them, then he'll have the blame for all the resources he wasted.
Catching sight of Kongou and the Mysterious stranger that had now wore the Gakuran uniform along with a service hat trying to convince Kongou for something.
He rushes over and asked what's going on. "Kongou! And Lieutenant, What's happening?"
"Don't refer to me by Rank Commander, Call me Mirai, anyway I wanted to borrow Kongou's scout plane you see..."
Mirai raised a powder that had a blue hue along with tiny wisdom cubes circling her hand. At first he was confused by such a sight but then realisation slowly sets in.
"Don't tell me..."
"Yep! It's Nanomaterials, well it's infant form. Hah... if only Kongou would actualy lend me some Wisdom cube constructs, oh well I'll just sacrifice my last aircraft."
Proceeding to reveal a strange vehicle then deconstructing it to be similar to the tiny wisdom cubes orbiting her hand. Upon combining it a great reaction from the Powdered and Construct Wisdom Cubes happens.
She looked over to Kongou who had a curious look towards her hands, Mirai orders her to,
"Kongo, the Intruders are coming for that ship."
Upon mention, Sugawara looked to the dry dock that had been covered by a large cloth. He turned back to Mirai once again and saw she had a smirk on her lips directly aimed towards him.
"You knew..."
There was a conclusion that she was working with the intruders however, that was immediately shot down for what she did next.
"They'll be here." Mirai turned her back to the admiral and faced the seas. Just then he could see the oncoming battlefield being moved. "Admiral I want you to stay and watch."
"... What is your goal...." He did not asked a question, rather he merely mumbled.
Mirai turned her head back to meet the commander's eyes then answered, "I don't know." After she said those words there was a brief moment of silence before she snickered.
Then she moved into position leaving the Admiral there alone with his thoughts to observe the battlefield.
"Haguro! There're enemies by our path!"
Steadying herself Haguro leaned closer to the ocean, from her back mechanical arms materialized holding 16 missile canisters each.
Haguro's eyes turned white before smoke rose from each canisters with the missiles flying each to their intended targets.
A Butterfly effect had began, Mirai's past action had been turned over it's head. Now that the original plan of Maya and Haguro has been successful they are met with a tough resistance trying to reunite Belfast and her ship.
Zuikaku, with her dive bombers aimed towards Belfast intending to cripple her with a bomb to the face but Haguro comes in with the save and shot down the planes using her 30mm Oerlikon.
[Black bird just in time for the fireworks! Right I spotted Belfast's Rigging just ahead of you, careful i saw two heavy cruisers and a battleship. Along with an Admiral by the coast. Expect the difficulty to be slightly higher than during Operation Lucky Nine.]
"Oi!, that operation was a disaster!"
[And so will this. Ford Explicitly said that we cannot simply sink and kill Humans and Shipgirls who look important.]
Haguro grumbles under her breath, casting her eyes to Bell, who had a scared look in her eyes while being princess carried into her ship was mumbling about something.
"Bell, I'll be fighting go and disarm the dischargers in your ship before they notice! I'll provide a distraction"
Without waiting for a reply Haguro drops Belfast down to the ocean surface and immediately went above and beyond her speed limit.
Haguro could barely hear the protest of belfast from behind but with her focus on the front she barely processed the words.
With her Aegis system she locks on the Kansens to cripple or limit them from overwhelming her. She opened fire, 3 Harpoons were released from the two Quad Canisters each locking into their separate targets.
Skimming by the surface of the sea the Harpoon that was about to make a direct hit, was suddenly disrupted with an Interception.
Seeing what had happened even though she couldn't comprehend as to why, Haguro steeled herself pausing her approach she made the wrong move as now she was surrounded out of range from cannons but enough for her enemies.
Several minutes of silence passed, before Haguro opened fire from all directions with sea skimming Missiles.
The Plan of escape had failed even though half an hour has passed there was no update from Belfast and her sister. Slowly nervousness sets in and insecurity of the only sister she has sets in.
"Sparrow, are you there?"
An Explosion then rang out in her surrounding signalling that the Missiled had hit, however a heavy cruiser immediately rushes forth.
Instinctively Haguro leaped to the sides to dodge the incoming hot head. Without hesitation she pulled out her 127mm Five seven shaped handgun.
Pulling the trigger she hits the nape of the Heavy cruiser with a non lethal round but had enough kinetic energy to knock the Kansen out.
"Good to see you friend." The voice was familiar, the tone felt like a cliche 80's villain.
Walking forward with her hands raised above her head, Maya revealed herself by the foot of Belfast's Cruiser.
".... CRIMSON!!" Realizing who held a Katana by her sister's throat Haguro flared up in rage.
"Haha, It seems... you've forgotten my name. Only what they called me. Well I'm not mad Haguro after all we're close friends aren't we?"
"Love you too."
Belfast dropped down from the Deck of her ship and used the opportunity of a Distracted Mirai to send a powerful back kick towards Mirai's calf.
"OW!! TH-?!"
Belfast followed up her initial attack with another Back kick to the face however this time Mirai dodges, but again it was a distraction, as the Kick flew passed Mirai, Belfast Immediately leaped away.
Mirai raised an eyebrow questioning the decision but she remembered that she was holding a hostage so when she had turned once again a Missile greeted her, courtesy of Maya.
Maya pulled out her gun and shot three Collars attached to Belfast's Ship. However before she could take out the last one a Full Salvo impacted her footing.
Looking towards the source she caught sight of a woman who has Blonde hair a western inspired dress and a hat with horns attached.
This woman yelled out in worry, "Mirai are you alright?" There was no answer, and immediately she focused her attention on Maya.
"What're we gonna do?" Belfast asked with worry in her face.
"I don't know. Mirai's a tough one, to think she'd side with the literal representative of our past..." Haguro grumbles in contempt.
Maya just looked worriedly to the docks where Mirai took an entire Missile Barrage. Maya was afraid of killing anyone, even in the war she hesitated to pull the trigger. While Haguro was indifferent to killing, Maya felt horror as the revelation sets in that Mirai had been killed.
Modern ships like her were never realy armored as Missiles made armor obsolete. Though that wasn't to say that they're just bare metal, they still have relative thickness to withstand small arms fire.
"An Understandable reaction, given our circumstance of being trapped in another alternate reality." Mirai says calmly, silencing the battlefield.
"Are you okay Mirai?" Kongou asked again.
Truly confirming that it was indeed Mirai, Haguro seethed with further anger which worried her sister.
Glaring with hate and malice, Haguro prepared a set of Tonfas to handle Mirai, who she belives have been gravely injured.
"Normaly no one, even the most heavily armored dreadnoughts are capable of tanking several Tomahawk Missile Hits." Mirai continues, then her footsteps rang out to the silence.
As she walked out, Haguro, Maya and Bell was shocked. With an obvious smirk, Mirai flaunted, "Is that the best you can do?"
"H-how?!" Maya asked uncertain of what had just happened.
Mirai's grin grew wider, her head turned towards Kongou who was already looking at her questioningly.
"Arrogance leads to downfall." Kongou reminds but Mirai already knew that.
"Everyone present from Sakura here, if you do not wish to get hurt or get a scratch on your pretty faces please let me deal with my friends!"
Kongou then looked at the others to get their reaction but many were indifferent and also some were curious about the newly appointed Lt. Commander.
"Do you realy think you can fight the both of us at the same time Mirai?" Maya questions taking Ninja Stars from her pouches.
"Infact I do! Well sweet bell, I won't miss this opportunity to teach you a lesson." Upon saying that, Mirai took a remote trigger from her pocket and upon interacting with it miniature bombs detonated around Bell's ship.
"What are you doing?!"
Zuikaku from the sidelines demanded an answer, though she was injured due to a sea skimming missile her pride remains unshattered.
"I'm setting the boundary of respect. Specifically the one you'll give after I defeat them."
"You truly grew Arrogant ever since I last saw you." Haguro vehemently says.
"Ahahahaha... no, it's quite the opposite!" Mirai responded. "So what's your mo-, Very Understandable."
Just now, Mirai was once again bombarded with a Volley of Missiles heading straight towards her.
Immediately explosions rang out at the docks. Zuikaku and some of the ship girls were unimpressed and immediately prepared for their attack.
"I said, I'll deal with them." Mirai reminded.
"What's happening?! Why aren't you dead!?"
"HAHAHAHA... It's Nanomachines Babe!"
To be Continued
Afterword: The Chapter had already surpassed the intended limit.
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