《Wake Up Δ Walker》chapter twenty-five


They rush to the hospital after Cordell and the twins found Abilene lying outside in the yard unconscious. The nurses wheel her through the halls, the four Walkers right there with them.

"What happened?" One of the nurses ask.

"Uh, we just found her outside. She was on the ground, unresponsive." Cordell informs.

"All right, was anyone with her when it happened?" The doctor asks.

"No, we just found her there. She was laying there." Cordell says.

"I need an IV, I need oxygen, I need vitals, I'm gonna start a neuro check." The doctor says as they wheel Abilene in to a room, Bonham following, but Cordell and the kids stay back.

"Wh-- wait, but--" Janie stammers.

"All right, she's gonna be all right. All right, let's go wait." Cordell tells the twins. "Let's go wait, okay?" He leads them towards the waiting room.

"No." Cordell turns when he hears his daughter whimper, seeing her glossy eyes.

"Hey. Hey, hey." Cordell goes over to her. "C'mon." He leads her around the corner, signaling August to stay back. August quietly sighs, sitting down in one of the chairs. "Okay, honey, it's okay. She's gonna be all right."

"But-- but finding people on the ground is never good. Especially not-- not awake or-or whatever the big word is." Janie says, her breathing picking up even more.

"Unresponsive?" Cordell asks.

"Whatever." She mumbles. "I-- Aunt Geri found mom on the ground and we know how that went, and-- and maybe those are terrible correlations, but-- but they both involve women and-and the ground and... and I found my hamster in the yard when I was seven -- dead."

"Okay, baby girl, hey, hey. I know I'm not your favorite person right now, but I'm also all you got right now. But ignore this whole thing with us because you need to breathe."

"I-- I can't." She says, her hands shaking.

"Yes, you can. In and out. In... and out." Cordell instructs, Janie attempting to follow, it slowly getting easier. "There you go." Cordell smooths some of her hair down. "It's gonna fine. She'll be okay." He assures. Janie shakily nods, rubbing her temples.

"C'mere." Cordell mumbles, pulling her into a hug. He kisses her on top of the head, making sure to hug her tightly.

After a little bit, Janie pulls away from the hug when she feels somewhat better. She walks around the corner and sits in one of the chairs, pulling her legs up, hugging them to her chest. Cordell sits a few seats away giving her whatever space she may want.

Cordell looks around for August, knowing this is where he's supposed to be. He looks over at shoes squeaking on the floor and August walks up. Ignoring his dad's questioning look, he pulls his hand out of his pocket, holding out a pack of M&Ms to his sister. He knows after panic attacks she either wants a nap or something to snack on.

Janie looks at the candy before looking at her brother.

"Thanks." She mumbles, taking it.

~ ~ ~

"Dad." Janie turns at her uncle's voice, him and Stella walking in.

"What happened?" Stella asks. "Is Mawline okay?" Liam hugs Bonham.

"We don't know yet, okay? She's-- she's in there with them still." Cordell informs, hugging his oldest. "Augie, Janie, hey, guys, come here." They both get up and Janie gets squished between her dad and brother as he brings the two into the hug.


"Don't worry, all right? Don't worry. She's gonna be all right." Cordell says.

"Hi, I'm Dr. Woodward. I'm treating Abilene" They turn to the doctor who walks out.

"What happened?" Liam asks.

"Abilene suffered a transient ischemic attack." The doctor informs.

"What does that mean?" Bonham asks.

"A TIA is a temporary stroke. In Abilene's case, a mild one." Woodward tells them.

"Okay, uh, so, uh... what's her prognosis moving forward?" Cordell asks.

"There's no lasting brain damage or residual symptoms. Looks like it resolved itself." Woodward says making Janie feel a little bit of the tension in her shoulders lessen. "I do recommend rest, an aspirin regimen, stress management, and a heart healthy diet. She's gonna be okay."

"Thank you." Bonham tells her.

"Yeah, thank you. Uh, can we visit?" Cordell asks.

"Absolutely. But one at a time, please." Woodward says.

"All right, all right." Bonham says.

"Go, go." Cordell ushers him, Liam motioning for his dad to go. Dr. Woodward leads Bonham off.


The three siblings are sitting in the backseat of the truck, Janie stuck between her siblings.

"Hey, y'all know that, uh, your Uncle Liam is named after my Uncle Will?" Cordell asks. "Willie. William. Liam. You know?"

"Yeah, kinda figured that out when I was 9. Pretty easy to piece together." Janie comments.

"Why would Mawline do that if they don't like each other?" August asks.

"Well, you know, they-- they were on better terms when Liam was born, so, uh..."

"Yeah, until he became the black sheep. I can relate." August says.

"All right, Augie, you're not the black sheep." Cordell says.

"Yeah, tell that to Gramps." August remarks.

"Your gramps is just hurt, okay? He's a bit more old school, you know? You-- you mess with him, he'll forget by sundown. You mess with someone my daddy loves..." Cordell chuckles. "You'll understand when you're married."

"Yeah, and if you're lucky, maybe he'll have forgiven you by then." Janie remarks.

August takes his phone out, sighing when he sees it's dead.

"Do you have your charger?" August quietly asks Janie.

"Nope." She answers, scrolling through her phone.

"Stella." August calls, but the redhead has her air pods in. "Hey. You in there?" He reaches over Janie and pulls an air pod out of Stella's ear.

"Oh! What is your problem?" Stella whines, taking the air pod back.

"Oh, my God. I'm sorry. I just need a cord so I can charge my phone." August says. "Do you have it?"

"No, I don't have it." Stella tells him.

"Okay." August mutters. "That's all you had to say. Now go back to being emo or whatever."

"We wouldn't even be on this road trip if it wasn't for you." Stella tells him.

"What does he have to do with, like, a 20 year long feud?" Janie asks.

"Ah, I forgot. You are the favorite." August says.

"I'm not sure any of us are the favorite at this point." Janie argues.

"And gramps gave you a list of things to say to remind me to hate myself?" August questions.

"Yes, actually. Number one, this is all Augie's fault." Stella states.

"Okay, I'm not huge on him either, but how is this his fault?" Janie asks.

"Guys." Cordell says.

"Number two, you are too reckless." Stella continues, ignoring her sister.

"I'm reckless?" August asks.



"Guys." Cordell tries.

"Yeah, says the one who brought her little siblings to steal dad's car." August retorts.

"Oh, come on, you practically begged me to come -- both of you." Stella says.

"She's not wrong on that." Janie says.

"That was your choice."

"No, it was not my choice."

"This is gonna be a nice trip. Guys!" Cordell calls.

"It's not like you've never made a bad choice, Stella." August states. "You almost became Mrs. Trevor West, remember that?"

"How can you even say something like that after what we went through together?" Stella asks. "This is what I am saying. You are not even hearing yourself anymore!"

"Right. I'm so sorry I forgot to run everything through the "will this upset Stella?" filter." August says. Janie can't help the small giggle that escapes her.

"I am sorry that you feel like an ass for putting Mawline in the hospital, but that is nobody's fault but yours!" Stella states.

"You're such a toad, Stella." August says.

"What did you just say?!"

"You heard me loud and clear."

"Okay, it is not his fault that Mawline tipped over on a cold night!" Janie argues.

"Tipped over? What the hell is wrong with you?" Stella asks.

"Nothing! I seem to be the only one who knows how to accept responsibility. And if we're blaming Mawline on him, maybe we should blame Uncle Liam's gunshot wound on you since you dated the son of the criminal!"

Stella smacks Janie in the shoulder who quickly smacks the redhead over her head. The two continue to slap and hit at each other while the three yell at each other.

"Okay, no, no, no, no, no, no, no." Cordell pulls off to the side of the road. The jolt from the stop gets the three in the back to still. "Okay, no. No. Out."

"Out?" Janie asks.

"Uh, dad, what-- what do you mean?" August asks.

"I mean get out of the car. Now." Cordell orders. "You're walking."

"Wh-- you realize we could get kidnapped." Janie comments as Stella gets out of the car.

"I have faith in three against one. Besides, you open your mouths, I'm sure they'll throw you back out." Cordell says.

Janie's jaw drops, glancing at August, before getting out of the truck. August slides out and stands next to his sister's.

"How long are we supposed to walk for?" Stella asks.

"Uh, well, the bed and breakfast is about three miles from here. Should be long enough for you three to get over yourselves." Cordell smiles. Stella slams the door shut and Cordell drives off.

Stella glares at her siblings.

"This is fun." Janie says, an annoyed smile on her face. "I'm having a fantastic time."

August starts walking off and Stella's glare focuses on her sister.

"Never loved life more." Janie mutters, following her brother. Stella throws her arms up and follows them.


They get to the bed and breakfast and go inside.

"Uh, where's dad?" August asks.

"I don't see him." Janie shrugs.

"Hi." Stella greets the owner as he walks out. "We're looking for--"

"No vacancy." The owner states. "Especially for you."

"Wait, what?" Stella asks.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Janie asks.

"Look, Lucy, I don't take monopoly money as payment, and I don't have time for this, whatever it is." The owner says. "So why don't you and dirty little Linus and Sally here just get out of my bed and breakfast, okay?"

"What did you just say?" Stella questions.

"You heard me. Beat it." The owner says.

"No. Who do you think you are?"

"I'm sorry." The owner says, walking over to her.

"Okay. All right, all right. Stella, let's just-- come on." August urges.

"Yeah, yeah, hey, we're fine." Janie says as August pulls Stella away from the owner. "Come on, feisty little redhead."

"Let's just go and try to find dad. It's fine." August says.

"Yeah, let's not fist fight an old dude." Janie pleads.

The twins look over when the door opens and Cordell walks in.

"Here's my dad now. He's a Texas Ranger." Stella smiles.

"He knows who I am." Cordell says. "Augie, Janie, Stella, say hello to your Granduncle Willie." The three siblings look back at the owner in shock.

"Uncle Willie." Cordell holds his hand out, but stops. "Right, right. Forgot you don't like to be touched. I'm sorry. It's been a long time."

"These are your kids?" Willie asks.

"They sure are." Cordell says.

"I'm still looking for adoption papers." Janie smiles, it only growing at Cordell's slightly annoyed expression.

"Yeah. Figures." Willie says. "Like I said, no vacancy." He says, walking back behind the counter.

"Well, would you like to know why I'm here after all these years?" Cordell asks.

"Well, Abilene's work, I'd imagine. But I don't give a darn tootin', really, so..." Willie says.

"Well, your sister had a TIA. A, uh... a mini stroke." Cordell informs and Willie's eyes widen slightly. "She's gonna be okay. She's gonna be okay. But she wants to see you. So she asked the kids and I head up this way and invite you to come back with us for a visit."

"Well, I'm, uh... I'm much too busy. So, sorry." Willie says.

"He just told you your sister is sick, and you're too busy?" Stella asks. Janie glances between her siblings, wondering if their relationship could get that bad. As much as they annoy the living daylights out of her, she doesn't know what she'd do if she didn't have either of them.

"If Abbs wants to call me, she knows the number." Willie says and Cordell scoffs.

"She has called you." He states. "Every single Thanksgiving. But you don't pick up."

"What happened between us goes back 20 years. You have no idea the kind of pain she's caused me. So don't you dare come in and--"

"I don't have any idea. I don't know. But I do know that she wants to have a relationship with you. A fresh start. If you'd like. And we actually, uh, do have a room here under-- here it is, uh..." Cordell points to a part on the page. "Stella Blue. We'll be staying the night."

Willie quietly groans.

"So, if you change your mind about wanting to come back with us for a visit, we leave in the morning." Cordell says as Willie gives him a key. "All right. Thank you." He says. "Let's get our bags." He tells the kids. "Oh, Uncle Willie. I like what you've done with Meemaw's house. Looks good."


It's the next morning and the family of four are at a table and have breakfast. Janie occasionally takes some bites, mostly just moving her food around with her fork.

"Okay, uh, all right." Cordell says. "I know things have seemed a bit, uh, heated recently, but we're family, so let's talk it out."

"Family isn't always blood. Maybe it could be better that way." Janie mutters, taking a sip of her orange juice.

"Hey, hey, no." Cordell tells her. "We're gonna talk this out. Who wants to go first?" Janie keeps her gaze on her plate, pursing her lips as the four sit in tense silence.

"Okay, I will." Cordell says.

"Why do you hate us?" Stella asks her brother.

"Oh, my God." August whispers.

"Well, that's the way that it feels, Augie, like you don't want to be a part of this family." Stella says.

"Yeah, well, you would know, right? You're the one who moved away." August says.

"Okay, no, no, no, no, no." Cordell says as the two start to argue. Cordell shushes them. "Let's-- let's not start this all over again. Especially when Janie has access to sharp objects." Janie gains a confused, slightly offended look. "So let's..." Cordell stops.

"You know what, forget it. Just... do what y'all want." Cordell says, getting up and walking out.

"Okay." Janie mumbles, popping a blueberry into her mouth.

"Way to go." August comments.

"How do you not understand that this is all your fault?" Stella asks.

"Oh, whatever, toad." August says.

"Okay, is it his fault? Sure. But 100%? Probably not. I mean, Mawline has five other family members all just as capable as stressing her the fuck out." Janie says. "And what's with the toad thing? What are you, in third grade?"

"What?" August asks, seeing Stella's look.

"Do you know why you're having such a hard time?" Stella softly asks.

"Oh, I bet you're gonna tell me." August remarks. "What is it, my aggressiveness, my recklessness? What?"

"It's because you miss mom." Stella states. "You wouldn't be acting like this if she was here."

"Okay, you know what, Stella, you could say that about anything. Do not bring mom into this." August snaps.

"She used to call you her little toad. Do you remember that?" Stella asks. "You used to make these little noises that sounded like a toad, so she started to playfully call you one." Stella recalls, smiling.

"No, I don't-- I don't remember that, Stella." August says.

"I didn't either, until you called me it. And then I realized. You said dad favors me. That's the way that I felt with you and mom. Things just seemed easier between you two. You were so close."

"Yeah. Yeah, she, uh... she made things make sense, you know?"

"Yeah, she was kind of great at that."


"What you're going through right now, I've been there. And I know that I'm not mom, but if you need to vent or just yell at someone, let me be that person. For both of you." Stella says, looking at her sister. "I'm a little less sacred than, say, Mawline." Stella says making the three laugh.

"Yeah, I really screwed up with that one, huh?" August says.

"Most definitely." Janie nods.

"Yeah, but in the grand scheme of things, I've probably done a lot worse." Stella says.

"Oh, yeah, like the time you were caught smoking weed?" August asks.

"Oh, please. Like you didn't punch a guy and start a fight." Stella retorts.

"Well, I mean, I-I ended that fight, right?" August asks as his sisters laugh.


August and Janie walk out of the bed and breakfast, the truck sitting outside with Cordell and Stella in it.

"We'll talk about that later. There's an explanation." Cordell tells Stella as he turns to the twins. "Augie, Jane, hey, bud, sweetie. Uh, any luck?"

"I knocked. No response." August says, the twins getting in the backseat.

"Okay." Cordell says. He starts to drive away.

"Hey! Hey, hold up. Hey." He stops when Willie rushes over.

"Hey. Hi." Cordell greets.

"Ah, good thing you don't drive like your mother." Willie says.

"Well, we're-- we're just heading out." Cordell says.

"Well, just hold your horses. God, y'all act like you've been mistreated or something." Willie says.

"Actually..." Stella loudly starts.

"Uh, easy there, Pippi." Willie tells her. Janie quietly laughs, sharing an amused glance with August. "I have something to say."

"Okay. We're all ears." Cordell says.

"I've been thinking about what you said yesterday, and the truth is I... I miss my sister." Willie says. Janie misses August glance between both of his sisters. "But I'm just not ready to see her yet."

"I can respect that." Cordell says. "But I will say if this past week has taught me anything, it's that we don't always have the time that we think we do."

"You have your uncle's wisdom." Willie says. "I-I was talking about me."

"I-- I know. I get that." Cordell says as his children laugh.

"Well, it was-- it was really nice meeting you three peanuts." Willie tells the siblings. "Bye." He tells them. He walks back into the bed and breakfast.

"Well... we tried, dad." August says.

"I think maybe Mawline will be happy with that." Stella says.

"Yeah. Yeah." Cordell nods, starting the car.

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