《Rating Warrior Cats OCs!》Spiderpurr


Name: Spiderpurr.

Past names: Spider, Spiderpaw.

Clan: Skyclan(perfect name for Skyclan because spiders are technically climbers)

Past clans: none; he was a former rogue though.

Gender: tom

Sexuality: Bisexual(preference to toms)

Appearance/desc.: A tall, sleek-furred black Bengal with coppery-red eyes and a lanky build. He has soft-leathery paw pads and a nose which are brownish coloured in sunlight. He has a long, slim tail that is slightly crooked from an angle(something to do with birth problems I guess not every cat looks perfect!). He also has a few criss-cross scars on his front right paw from an accident while doing apprentice training.

Personality: A bright-eyed, bold tom with a flirtatious demeanour that is quite witty and confident. At first, when joining Skyclan he was more meek and reserved but he slowly opened up during his apprenticeship. He sounds sweet and all but he is just a sarcastic, typical warrior underneath all that sugar coating.

Mate: Minkferret (fluffy large brown tom with slightly darker swirls and lime green eyes.)

Kits(the kits are adopted because toms can't produce kits..): Spirekit(a sickly, small calico tom with hazel eyes that have green specks) and Hemlockkit (an elegant, long-limbed brown tom with darker and lighter dapples on his back and legs. He has pale green eyes.

Other Family/kin: Father-Arachnid(a black Egyptian mau tom with copper-gold eyes) Mother-Sahara (a leopard-like **ok she may be an Asian leopard cat** she with bold green eyes with small pupils) Brother(s)-Desert(a stock brown Egyptian mau with green eyes) Unnamed brother(a Bengal tom with unknown eye colour; was a stillborn) Sister-Spice (A cream Egyptian mau with an incredibly fluffy tail and pale copper eyes.)

Cause of future death: while the camp was being raided he died by accidentally breaking his neck at a great height; he tried to climb a tree and fell to his death, he was found a few sunrises later. (maybe he tried to evacuate the camp and get help?)


Rank at death: Elder.

Past ranks: rogue, apprentice, warrior, senior warrior, deputy (he retired)

Good traits: affectionate, loyal, high stamina, obedient.

Bad traits: He gets VERY moody when waking up early for dawn patrols, he's too clingy, and he isn't that brave..

Hunting:6/10 (From time to time he catches good prey like a plump rabbit or a big sparrow but most of the time he catches small voles and scrawny mouses.



Climbing:9/10 (he's a Skyclan cat and he's got long legs so he would be good at that obviously)

Leadership skills:7/10


Likes: cuddling, teasing, playing games, specific instructions, pretty views, his family (talking about the Skyclan one he and mink made)

Dislikes: rain, too much fog, getting lost, slugs and worms, blood, and death. .

Scars/injuries: he gained the criss-cross scar on his front right foot as an apprentice(gonna explain in backstory).and he gained a small nick in his left ear from a battle as a senior warrior with a few rogues.

Backstory: Spider and his siblings were initially born in a den that was somewhat near Skyclan's borders. His father died about a moon or a half due to a thunderstorm before they were born which didn't make anything better for his mother, Sahara who was struggling to cope with her mate's death. after being born, Spider was named Spider for his black pelt and in honour of his father. His siblings were named desert and spice leaving the last kit who was stillborn to be buried, his mother always said that she would've named the kit jade or ocean depending on its eye colour. Tragedy struck a few moons after when his mother died due to a fox attack(was gonna make it a badger but foxes would be good enough)he and his siblings parted ways in grief, and he eventually taught himself how to 'fight' and 'hunt' and occasionally he would steal bites out of kittypet food as the instinct of trying to survive.

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