《Particles of Paradise》⌥ Chapter 15 - Treachery


Last month I was assigned to my first mission as a scout, the mission itself wasn't that hard, what was hard was the subject of the mission. My mission was to bring the boy named Tachibana Yuki to Avalon as he showed a lot of potential.

At first I thought it would be easy as all other scouting missions are, but I realized that won't be the case as soon as I met Yuki. He turned out to be very stubborn, fiery, and skeptical. It was very hard to convince him to come to Avalon.

And after he did come, a Domino effect of troubles kicked in, at first there were the small things like picking fights with the bullies. But now he's started to condemn the decisions made by the higher-ups. Considering his personality I knew this would happen someday or the other. But it hasn't even been a month since he's been here, this is just too early.

If this continues soon enough he would challenge the higher ups himself.

Honestly, deep down, in my heart, I want that to happen. I wish for the devastation of them, for what they had done to my father.

But I don't want Yuki to be the person who does it. It would only harm him. It might even end up killing him.

Maybe I shouldn't think about this. Maybe this won't even happen. I'm probably just being irrational. I should just end this entry here.

Naomi Chan~


⛧ ⛧ ⛧

26th August

The summoning bell just went off and the welders were summoned. Yuki was about to divulge to Naomi regarding the mission but it didn't matter anymore. The bell meant he was summoned immediately and he should leave any stuff at hand and reach the training grounds.

"What kind of summoning bell is that? I've never heard it before." Naomi queried, then took a look at Yuki's conflicted face, "Perhaps you know something about it?" She asked the latter directly.

"I have to go." Yuki stated while walking away from her hastily, "What about the very important thing you were gonna tell me about?" She questioned. "It can wait." Yuki gusted out of Naomi's sight after saying so.

⛧ ⛧ ⛧

"Y'all must be wonderin' why your lecture today was suddenly interrupted earlier and why you are now summoned out of nowhere." Said Iva, she was standing in the middle of the training grounds, her exquisite brown hair fluttering in the gusty winds while the hot sun shone down on her. Her face was stiff with determination and her eyes were lit with fire. There was a long black bag near her legs that looked like it carried something heavy. All of the welders were present there, as they were all summoned almost right after the lectures ended they were all still in their uniform, and as the strong sun was shining down on them, they all had to remove their waistcoats keeping only their white shirts on. Their sights were fixed on Miss Iva, looking at her in disarray, everyone was upset due to this call on such short notice.

"We'll be startin' special training for you guys." Everyone was shocked at Iva's declaration. "Special training? What kind of training?" "Is this for real? Will we be learning some secret techniques?" "Is this why sir's lecture was interrupted today? Because this is exclusive to us?" They started asking questions out of excitement while the likes of Kai, Lin and Yuki calmly observed.


Aren't these two an excited bunch? I didn't really get to know them did I? I don't even know their names yet.

Ignoring all of the questions those kids asked Iva spoke again, "Y'all remember what I taught ya about the relics right? Time to put that to use." She opened the bag near her leg, and to everyone's surprise, it contained weapons.

"Woah! Are these one of the you told us about ma'am?"

"Yes, they are, during this mission only you, the would be allowed to weild them, and shall receive training for the same. I'll be giving out your designated weapons. Come forth as I call out your name."

Iva handed out weapons to the kids one by one. What Yuki got was a single edged straight sword that had a golden blade and a handle that looked like it was made out of solid purple elixir. The blade was covered in an obsidian colored sheath which took a lot of force to detach from. The blade itself was something that would get hold of anyone's sight in seconds, with a highly polished surface it almost reflected the world around it but in an unperceived manner. The handle was made of an unknown solid purple rock that looked as royal as the blade. It felt as if the blade had an piercing aura to itself and gave its wielder the feeling that they can slice through any medium whether it be a piece of flesh or a block of solid steel. As Yuki swung its blade around he felt the weight cut through the space, it was heavy, but with extreme balance. The blade told a story, a story about its smith who only wanted perfection.

"The blacksmith who designed this blade aimed for perfection like Gordan Murry who broke all the rules to make his F1."ji

This was the analogy Yuki made, comparing the blade to a car, it was fast, balanced, and performed like a beast.

"Does this thing have a name?" Was the first question Yuki asked Iva in regards to the blade.

"Yes, it's dubbed the ." She replied.

⛧ ⛧ ⛧

The weapon training had started. Everyone was swinging around the neatly forged weapons they had received through Miss Iva. Everyone was wielding equally magnificent weapons or as they called them, the . Miss Iva was giving everyone personal training and while one was receiving it the others were free to train their own way.

"You are not doing it with proper posture, to master this move you have to put all the pressure at one single point." It was Yuki's turn, first in fact. Miss Iva was teaching him the "Stab" technique and Yuki… to put it politely, he was not doing it well.

"I've done the same thing at least 100 times in a row now, how can I do it any better than this, you just keep saying press all the pressure at one point and that's exactly what I'm doing." Yuki complained. For some reason he could just not warp his head around the concept. Kai took notice of this and came forward, snatching away Yuki's sword effortlessly. "Hey! Aren't you happy with your own toy?" Yuki shrieked. Kai didn't answer, he simply took a stance, and stabbed the sword through space, a stab so powerful it caused the air around it to shudder, "It's not just about letting out all the pressure at one point. You have to make this sword an extension of your body, and just like that you have to take control of every particle and its mass and velocity in it. And when you channel your energy through it you have to deal your blow on your target, which is not a person, nor their heart, it's one particle at one point. You have to combine the mass and velocity of the body to form the momentum to not hit that point but to go completely through it. Do you understand now?" Kai handed back Yuki his sword.



Yuki took back his stance and focused, channeling his energy through the sword just like Kai had said, and then pushed it, cutting through and bulldozing out every obstacle in its trajectory including space, the air around moved away violently from the momentum as if to save its own skin... He had just mastered the move, in one go, leaving everyone around him in perplexity, even Kai who just taught him the move and Lin who's mostly unfazed was now dazzled.

"Was that good?"


"Hey why aren't you all saying anything? Was it good? Or was it bad?"

"It was… MIND-TACULAR!" Iva shrieked.

"Is that an actual word? Like, really? Mind-tacular?"

"No, I just made it up."

"So that means it was good!"

"Yes, now we can move on to teach you another move, it's theー"

"Hold on, Miss Iva, before that I've to see what the others are upto."

"Oh, sure, go right ahead."

Yuki walked through the training grounds watching others train with their weapons, everyone had received weapons as good as him. First he went up to Lin, he had received a massive Double Sided Heavy Sword, which towered over the wielder himself, it's hilt was made of red brass and the steel of the thick blade had a beautiful pattern encroached over it and it looked as hard as a dragon's scales, everytime Lin swinged it around he could feel the absolute brute strength put behind it.

That blade was not made to cut, it was made to destroy.

Lin swung the sword spinning its hilt in his hands as the blades followed each other in loops, then manipulating the air using Crux he created a small tornado around its blade. Using the momentum of the weapon Lin then swinged himself advancing forward while his sword was still spinning as if to attack an invisible enemy, thrusting his weapon onto the ground he stopped right before hitting it, but the waves of the tornado did it for him anyways, obliterating all the grass below his legs.

"Looks like someone isn't practicing." As soon as Yuki heard the voice speak an arrow swept right by his ear, he was able to catch it though barely. "Looks like someone is too confident about their practice.", he said, turning back to face the source of the feminine voice. The utterer of the voice was discovered to be an African-American girl with short black-brown hair. Her face splitting smirk radiated mischievous energy while courage flowed out of her piercing misty gaze. Right below those alluring hazy eyes there was a beauty mark enhancing the luminance of the rich black. Though of a lean short stature her body was notably toned, with her hard won muscles showing out of her shirt and she wore pants unlike other girls. "Impressive, you were able to catch an arrow that fast." She remarked, in a vivacious manner, her voice somehow contradicting yet at the same time complementing her appearance. "That's because it wasn't fast, shorty." Yuki teased her, delivering it with the same vivacious manner. "You called me WHAT now!? And you say the arrow wasn't FAST enough!? Take this then!" She exclaimed contentiously while drawing out two arrows between her fingers from the quiver on her back then sending them soaring towards Yuki, "These tricks won't work on me." He said while grabbing those arrows, it was easier now as he knew where they were coming from, "Hey hey, this is child's play shor一"

Before he could finish his sentence an arrow pulled through and hit him right in the middle of his eyes sending him back flying. That arrow specifically had a rubber head, if it were like the others Yuki would probably be dead the instant it hit him. "How was that, short-for-brains!" She vehemently taunted him. "Hey! That's unfair!" He protested. "WHAT is unfair now?"

"That's enough for ya two! We're already short on time, ya can't go brawling around like that." Miss Iva interrupted, surprising the both of them. "Now introduce yarself or shall I also do that for ya?"

Yuki stood back up and put forward his hand, "Tachibana Yuki. Pleased to meet you."

"Now aren't you being a sweet boy. Tanya Pretorius. Pleased to meet you too." She greeted him while shaking his hand firmly.

"I like your weapon, what's it's name shorty?" Yuki taunted her again.

"It's called the . I'd like to see your weapon tooo." She replied while tightening her grip around Yuki's hand.

"I'll only be able to do that when you let go of my hand." Said Yuki, suppressing his pain as his face constricted and a vein popped out of the side of his forehead.

"Certainly." And she actually released his hand. As soon as she did Yuki pulled it back with a gasp.

How in devil's hell is she so strong?

Though as she released his hand she started walking off, "Anyways, it was nice meeting you, but I have to return to my practice."

"Didn't you want to see my weapon?" He inquired.

"Already did."

"Are you done yet?" Miss Iva asked Yuki.

"No, I'm yet to talk to that guy." He said, while pointing towards the last wielder present there.


Lin: [Double Sided Heavy Sword]

Yuki: [Single Edged Straight Sword]

Tanya Pretorius: [Bow and Arrow]


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