《Wasn't looking for love till I found you.》66| Dad and Uncle


I had an uneasy feeling about this.

Something didn't feel right, but I couldn't put my finger on it.

As we entered my office space, Arabella was right beside me, smiling and greeting all of her coworkers.

Nobody dared to question us when we entered together. Because they know you don't interrogate a lion in his fucking den.

We proceeded to the elevator and ascended to the auditorium. The air around us was charged with tension. Ells looked up and softly smiled at me while squeezing my hands once we were alone in the Elevator.

"It'll be fine," she assured me softly.

Bringing my hands to her lips she kissed it softly.

I really wanted to believe, fuck. But she had no idea that anything related to my father would be my ultimate downfall. Looking at my girl, I wanted to believe in her. I brought her closer by nodding, and she wrapped her hands around me, hugging me. I wrapped my arms around her and drew her close to me, as I always do.

I bury my nose in her hair, smelling Lavender and her enticing light perfume.

I still can't believe I have her. That she is in my arms, smiling and comforting me. She gives me life and makes me feel like a human being. She is my fucking light, and if anyone ever tries to take her away from me, heaven will burn.

I despise the fact that she works with Luke, but I'll put up with it for her sake. When it comes to her, my jealousy and possessiveness know no bounds; I feel like murdering anyone who even comes close to her. She is mine. My intense feelings for her frighten me because I know I'll mess it up. Fuck her and ruin her life by causing her pain. That's what I do, but God knows I'm trying my fucking hardest to be the best I can be for her. Only her. Only her. Just for Arabella.

The elevator doors open, and we exit, but not before I kiss Arabella to death. After rolling her eyes, she creates a space between us, but a small smile appears on her face.

I know how much she adores these small moments.

I glare at her for the distance she's created, but before I can stop her, she dashes to where her colleagues are, looking back and winking at me.

And then my stupid heart beats against my chest, and something in my stomach unfurls that I ignore.

I sigh and unlock my phone to send her a message.

I look up to see where she is and watch her excuse herself before checking her message. A grin spreads across her features, causing my breath to catch.

She is stunning.

Arabella looks up to find my attention already on her. She mouths "animal" to me while typing on her phone.

When my phone vibrates with her message, I check it.


My employees give me concerned looks as I begin coughing furiously.

"Would you like some water, Mr. Greyson?" One of them inquired, concerned.

"That would be preferable," I mutter.

I stare at my girl as she laughs quietly.

She really needs to be disciplined.


A hand on my shoulder stops me before I can retype.

When I turn around, I see my father. He prospered from his old age. Even though he is approaching his 60s, he appears much younger.

"Son," he says.

I greet him with a nod. I don't misbehave with him. y

You misbehave with your parents or loved ones. And he is nothing to me; our only connection is that he is my biological father. Without a single characteristic of a father.

"You look nice," he says softly.

I was surprised, but I didn't let it show on my face. Why was he even talking to me?

That's when I noticed the stares.

Anger, sadness, and despair strike through me, and despite how much I despise his attention, a glimmer of hope arises within me that maybe, just maybe, he's repenting, but no, these concerns and soft words are for a fucking show.

"Your eyes remind me of Madeline-"

I interrupted him,

"Don't take her name from your mouth," I said, lowering my voice.

His eyes had hardened.

"She was my wife," he said, his jaw clenched.

"A wife you never fucking deserved," I clench my teeth.

As he clenches his fist, his eyes are filled with rage.

"Young man, keep your words to yourself."

"Or what? Will you disown me? Come on, dad" I dryly chuckled, "to disown someone you need to own them first. Stop your nonsense, and if it's not about business, excuse me" I leave him behind, saluting him.

I choose a spot in the corner and prepare an instant coffee. Arabella is preoccupied with her coworkers, but I can see her giving me concerned looks.

My phone vibrates in my pocket, indicating a notification, and I have the distinct impression that it is her texting me.

I set my coffee on the table and take out my phone, hoping that my assumptions are correct. It had to be her.

Arabella: Are you alright?

Sebastian: Everything is fine, babe.

"What are you grinning about?" A voice inquires,

When I look up, I see uncle Terry smiling at me.

"What the hell are you doing here, old man?" I laugh and embrace him.

"I just came here to check on my big boy," he said, hugging me even tighter.

"Do you have any idea what this is all about?" After releasing him and drinking my coffee, I inquire.

"Kind of," he says, smirking.

That alone made me shit scared.

"Oh fuck," I mutter to myself.

"Don't worry, young man; you'll be fine." He pats me on the back.

"I sincerely hope so," I murmur.

Before I can ask him more about today's meeting, the room darkens as my father speaks into the microphone; the spotlight falls on him.

"Good morning, everyone, and may I please have your attention?"

The entire conference hall falls silent. Everyone stops talking and focuses solely on my father.

"You will love this, he did this for you," uncle Terry whispers beside me, sadly smiling.

And I didn't feel relieved after hearing those words; on the contrary, I could feel my stomach knot up. Because he has no idea what I like or dislike, and because knowing someone requires you to stay and learn about them at first. For God's sake, he has no idea what my favorite color is. When I look up at the stage, I hear the man I call my father say,


"Everyone is probably wondering what this is all about. I apologize for the suspense, but I really wanted to announce this in front of everyone." He is staring at me.

"There are times in our lives when we make mistakes; some of these mistakes turn out to be the best decisions we've ever made, while others turn out to be the worst. I didn't just lose the love of my life, my soulmate, when my wife died; I lost everything. Everyone has their own way of dealing with grief, and mine wasn't the best."

It's far too late for that acceptance.

I didn't want to hear any more. Tears welled up in his eyes, and despite the fact that every cell in my body despised it, my heart clenched, and I remained stiff. I turned to leave, but uncle Terry stopped me.

"Stay," he ordered.

I nodded, my jaw clenched.

"Anyway, I won't waste your time and would like to invite my younger brother, Terrivatore Luke Henderson, to the announcement," she says.

Everyone applauded, and Uncle Terry looked stunned as the spotlight shone on him.

"He was supposed to make the announcement," he grumbled.

He looks at me before he approaches the stage.

"Don't fucking leave your spot, young man," he says.

I nod.

After Uncle Terry moves away from me, Arabella joins me. She holds my hands and smiles softly.

I didn't realize I was holding my breath until she took my hand in hers and I exhaled with relief.

"Everything will be fine," she assured herself.

I really hoped so.

I couldn't say anything, so I nodded and looked up at the stage as Uncle Terry began to speak.

"Thank you to everyone, especially my dearest brother. You could have told me or warned me before summoning me to the stage" Everyone laughs as he grumbles. He goes on to say,

"Today is a significant day. Gerald, my brother, had taken over Greyson on this day."

Everyone applauded.

"When my Sebastian was pretty young, he always expressed a wish to remain in Australia. Something about it had captured his heart in there after a family vacation."

It was my very last vacation with my mother.

"I'd have no idea. Seb, my son, I'm not sure why your father wouldn't do the honors of this announcement, but first and foremost, I want you to know that you're my pride, our pride, and always will be. Keep that in mind." He gives me a sincere smile.

Luke was staring at me, clapping and smiling, but the light didn't reach his eyes. I recognized something familiar in his eyes: the feeling of not being enough.

I averted my gaze.

"With great pleasure and happiness, my sons and everyone, we would like to announce that Greysons has opened a new head office in Australia, Melbourne."

Everyone, including myself, applauded. So that's what it was all about. I breathed a sigh of relief.

"And, even though we all despise the fact that you will be further away from us, I am pleased to announce that the chairman of that office will be Sebastian Greyson!"

Everyone in the room applauded and cheered.

Arabella began to jump and drew me into a hug. My heart was racing, and despite the fact that I had desired something like this for a long time, I felt nothing but dread enveloping me.

"Congratulations!" Ells shouted in my ears, her eyes twinkling with joy and her laughter echoing in my ears. My heart clenched as I saw her smile.

When I looked up, I saw my father standing in the distance, a small smile on his face.

I clenched my teeth.

I didn't know what to think. Being in Australia meant being away from home, and Arabella was my home.

"Aren't you happy?" Arabella asked, frowning. She inquired,

She had no idea and didn't think of anything else; she was just happy for me. She was the same as she had always been. Always happy for others.

I nodded and tightened my smile.

"Congratulations, son," I tensed, he was the last person I wanted to meet right now.

"Thank you, dad," I said, trying not to lose my calm in front of Ells.

"My name is Gerald, Seb's father," he said softly to Arabella.

Arabella, on the other hand, appeared stunned, as if she had seen a ghost.

"Arabella," I called quietly, frowning, and looked at my father.

"Hello, sir. Arabella is my name. It's a pleasure to finally meet you" She shook his hand and smiled.

"The pleasure is entirely mine. Fate has a unique way of bringing people together, doesn't it?" He laughed.

What the hell is he on about?

Arabella nodded but said nothing. Perhaps she was nervous about meeting my father.

"Will be leaving, I'd like to celebrate alone," I said monotonously, pulling Ells along with me.

"I have to go to my office," she explained.

I tightened my grip on her.

"Well, the office will remain, but I will not."

"What exactly does that mean?" She inquired, her brow furrowed.

"Listen, I don't want to argue-"

"Oh, do you think I'd like to?"

I rubbed my brow as I closed my eyes.

"Congratulations, Seb," he said standing right behind me.

Fuck, I'm not going to deal with him right now. Could this day get any worse?


My darlings! I've been missing you all! I know it's been a while since I updated this book, but trust me when I say my life has been stressful. But don't worry, I didn't forget about Seb and Ells; they're constantly on my mind, and with my phone's notifications constantly vibrating, it's impossible not to. I am overjoyed and overwhelmed by the response to my book. Thank you so much for joining me on this journey. I'm not sure when the next update will be, but I'm hoping it'll be soon. I adore you all! ❤️ Don't forget to vote and comment and your thoughts!

Stay safe and drink lots of water.

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