《BakuTodo OneShots》Hockey Player and Figure Skater
"Yo, did you hear?! We have to share the ice rink now!." Kirishima screamed across the rink, skating towards his blonde friend.
Bakugou turned his head over to his bestfriend as he was against the wall, finishing to assemble the rest of his gear, both realizing that the red head is skating a bit faster than he should and wouldn't be able to stop himself in time. Bakugou backed up and let his friend hit the wall with full force, hearing his friend groan as he fell onto the cold ground.
"Watch out." Bakugou smirked sarcastically, knowing damn well he warned him too late.
Kirishima flipped off the blonde, Bakugou chuckling.
"What were you saying," Bakugou paused, continuing to put his gloves on, "something about sharing the rink?"
Kirishima dusted off his pants, putting himself back together, "Yeah! There's going to be new figure skaters apparently, I heard Mina and Kaminari are joining."
"Nice, but, figure skaters for what?" Bakugou mumbled, focusing on adjusting his gear for practice.
"I'm not one hundred percent sure but I did hear that our school decided to join for figure skaitung competitions with other schools and districts, I think it's cool." Kirishima smiled.
"I guess that sounds cool, are we sharing the rink starting today or..."
"Yes we are, I heard coach say so, so we have to be a bit less aggressive for practice unfortunately." Kirishima smile started to fade.
"That's fine, I can work with that, do the others know?" Bakugou asked.
"I'm not sure-."
"Okay! I want everyone to get in a line, skates on or not I don't care I need to share something important!" The coach shouted across the rink.
The team started getting into one line, noticing another staff member coming into the arena but staying away from the rink.
Bakugou noticed a few other people peak their heads from the door way across the room, not sure if they were students or not.
"Okay so, not sure if you guys heard or not, either way, there is going to be a new figure skating team at our school, now, figure skaters need ice to skate on, and this is the only arena where there is ice so we will have to share with the other students." The coach announced, looking at each and every-one of the hockey players.
"You all have to be less aggressive than you normally are, especially you two." The coach said, looking at Bakugou and Shinsou.
Bakugou nodded, understanding completely, Shinsou, however rolled his eyes.
"Anyways, warm up a bit more and let the figure skaters get comfortable." The coach said he final words, leaving the ice rink and back to where the other staff member was waiting.
"Now be honest, did you join 'cuz you actually like figure skating or did you just wanna see Bakugou in action." Yaoyorozu smirked, leaning on one hip and playing her hand on her hip.
Todoroki's face flushed, "what the hell are you talking about, I-, ofcourse I joined cuz I like skating." But he really hated the uniform for said sport. Too tight on him, he felt that it was revealing his body too much even though not one peice of skin was showing (other than his face and hands of course).
"Right." Yaoyorozu rolled her eyes, smiling.
"and to see him in action..." Todoroki whispered, looking at the ground.
"Yeah I thought so, you do know that you won't be able to doze off during practice right?" Yaoyorozu mentioned, giving the other male a side eye.
"I know I know." Todoroki rolled his eyes, watching as the hockey coach skated his way out of the rink, letting the figure skaters know that they're able to go onto the ice.
Todoroki was very lucky he already knew how to skate on ice, easing his way onto the rink, noticing some of the hockey players eyeing him and the rest of the skaters.
"Oh wow you actually know how to do this then..." Yaoyorozu exclaimed.
The heterochromatic male nodded, glancing over to the other side of the ice rink to find the one and only, Bakugou Katsuki.
"Hey isn't that the new student? The one who transferred here? 'Think his name is Todoroki Shotou." Kirishima asked, bumping the blonde's shoulder.
Bakugou looked over to the figure skaters, and he could not lie, Todoroki was one of most attractive human beings he has ever layed eyes on. Checking him out from head to toe.
"Okay man no need to go all googley eyes on him, we have to practice." The red head smiled.
"I'm not I'm not, I just-,,, never mind, yeah let's just start practicing." Bakugou stuttered, his ears turning a light shade of pink.
Kirishima smiled, he decided to have fun with this.
Bakugou skated close to the other side of where the figure skaters were practicing, some other teammate (opponent in this case) had bumped into him to get him out of the way, making the blonde step right into where the figure skaters were practicing.
They all looked at him suprised, a bit scared by his intimidating aura, he silently apologized and and glanced over at Todoroki.
"Oh my god he definitely checked you out." Yaoyorozu exaggerated.
"He literally only looked at me, he was looking at everyone, stop trying to make me feel like he likes me-, he doesn't even know me." Todoroki exclaimed.
"He doesn't need to know you to think you're cute though, you fancy him and you've never spoken a word to him." Yaoyorozu teased.
"C'mon man, what's gotten into you? Is it that new transfer student?" Kirishima smirked.
Bakugou's ears turned pink immediately, "No I'm just a bit tired that's all."
"Do you check people out when you're tired." The red head smirked, crossing his arms.
Bakugou rolled his eyes.
Now, here's the thing.
Bakugou's friends don't even know that he's attracted to guys as wells as girls, they always joke around with each other 'that way.'
The way a group of friends joke about their guy friend 'liking' a girl for simply glancing at her. Or vice versa.
But with Bakugou's group of friends, they joked with Bakugou about him liking a boy for giving him directions to the bathroom or the library, and Bakugou himself doesn't even know why they all assume that he isn't straight, oblivious to his own actions around guys he finds attractive.
The blonde himself is aware of his own sexuality though, just not the people he hangs out with.
Enough of that backstory, the team captain had called everyone to huddle around...that team captain being Shinsou.
"Now I know coach said to be gentle this time around since we have a stupid figure skating team, but let's be rough, otherwise,,,how else would we get good practice." Shinsou smirked, obviously having bad intentions with his 'plan.'
Some team members seemed a bit hesitant to agree with the idea while others were all for it, definitely shows the true colors of the team.
Bakugou was most definitely not for it, neither was Kirishima.
"Are you stupid, the skaters could get hurt like that, we would most likely have to pay for any possible injury they get." Bakugou spat, glaring at the team captain.
"Yeah well I'm captain so you technically have to listen to me." Shinsou smirked, looking a little irritated with the blonde.
"yEaH wElL you're not my fucken mom so I really don't." Bakugou mocked, growing more disgusted with the 'captain.'
"Listen man I don't know when the hell you became so soft but I'm just tryna make my team better, so quit your bitchin'." Shinsou muttered, looking back at the benches to see their coach filling out some papers.
"No, if we go with this little plan of yours, one or even most of the skaters can get hurt, hell even one of us can get injured as well." Bakugou fired back.
"Whatever, let's continue practice everyone." Shinsou shouted, everyone getting in formation.
In the middle of the game, Bakugou had noticed Shinsou and a few other players started to get into it, and playing more rough and skating a little faster than they should.
As Bakugou was skating over the the captain, he noticed the captain losing control, and slipping into the figure skater's territory. The blonde saw the heterochromatic male fixing his skates, not noticing the hockey skater slipping towards him.
"Shinsou! Slow the fuck down!" Bakugou shouted, everyone's attention going to them.
Bakugou hurried over to Shinsou as right as he was about to hit Todoroki, Bakugou managed to shove the captain away with full force, making Shinsou hit the wall pretty hard while the blonde stumbled a little, readjusting himself.
The figure skaters gasped at the loud thud, the hockey skaters skating their way towards the commotion.
"Fucken idiot, this is why I said to not play too rough!" Bakugou shouted, standing right next to Todoroki but facing his captain.
Todoroki was still squatting, looking up at the blonde and nearly blushing furiously.
Bakugou looked down, holding out his hand, and Todoroki took it, balancing on the ice again.
"Are you good?" the blonde asked.
Todoroki nodded, not being able to make eye contact with the other male but still blushing. He noticed Bakugou's large hands in contest with his own, disappointed as soon as the blonde pulled his hand away.
"Shotou! Are you okay?! Did this bastard hurt you?!" Yauyorozu shouted, bringing Todoroki closer to her, glaring at the blonde.
"I'm fine, and no he didn't hurt me, he helped me." Todoroki mumbled, still shy in front of Bakugou.
Bakugou was taken back by what Yaoyorozu had called him but didn't blame her for it either. The tips of his ears had turned pink at Todoroki's last comment.
"Yo Bakugou you good bro?!" Kirishima had shouted, skating towards his bestfriend.
"Yeah, what about that dumbass is he okay? I might get in trouble, shit." Bakugou asked, gesturing over to Shinsou.
"Wow you almost knocked him out and you still care, he's fine though, coach is gonna send him to the nurse." Kirishima smiled.
"What the hell happened anyways." Yaoyorozu asked.
"O-oh, our captain wanted to play rough when we're not supposed to since we're sharing the rink with you guys, and even after I had said it's a bad idea he still played rough and well, he almost hurt someone so, I had to make sure that didn't happen..." Bakugou explained, glancing over to Todoroki.
"What a captain you guys have." Yaoyorozu joked, sounding disgusted.
"Right?! I was telling our coach that Bakugou should be captain since he's way more responsible but I guess he has favorites." Kirishima beemed, patting Bakugou's back.
'Oh that's hot.' Todoroki thought, a man who is responsible is attractive to him.
In the midst of the conversation, Todoroki was looking at the blonde's face, not so much his body since his gear was in the way of all of it. The blonde had caught him staring and smiled softly, making the other male's insides combust.
"Bakugou Katsuki, come over here." Their coach shouted.
"Shit." Bakugou whispered.
Bakugou skated over to his coach.
"Mind telling me what in the world happened out there, I'm aware that you and Shinsou are not fond of eachother but there is no need for unnecessary roughness." The coach exclaimed, glaring down at the blonde.
Bakugou had explained the situation over again to his coach.
"Okay well, I appreciate you trying to save a friend of yours but a little shove will the trick next time, it is ice after all, and I'll have a talk to Shinsou tomorrow."
Bakugou nodded, heading back to where Kirishima was.
"What did he tell you?" Kirishima asked, pausing his conversation with Yaoyorozu.
"Ehh, just that he's gonna have a talk with Shinsou." Bakugou shrugged.
"Cool! Yaoyorozu invited us to see a movie with them, we should go!" Kirishima smiled.
Bakugou looked over to Yaoyorozu.
"Yeah I have two spare tickets, you should come with." She smirked, knowing damn well what she was doing.
"Um, I don't know I have homework to do and I gotta shower." Bakugou muttered, rubbing the back of his head.
'Yeah that's hot.' Todoroki thought, not many guys have this kind of mindset, and it makes Bakugou much more attractive.
"Well the movie starts at eight anyways so I'll just give you the tickets when practice is over and you can think about it." Yaoyorozu offered.
Bakugou nodded.
"Here have my number, text me when you made up your mind so I can pick ya'll up." Yaoyorozu gave the tickets to Kirishima and her number to Bakugou.
"Oh you don't have to do that I have my own car." Bakugou reassured.
"Okaayy he's got his license already, impressive." Yaoyorozu teased.
"Sick, I get to watch a movie for free." Kirishima mentioned.
"Hey Todoroki are you ready to go?" Yaoyorozu asked, looking over to her side.
"Yeah I'm ready."
Bakugou looked over to the other male, if he wasn't already pretty in the figure skating uniform then he sure as hell looks cute as hell in his outfit at that moment.
Todoroki was wearing an oversized hoodie with baggy pants and it made him look cute. Something so simple yet so beautiful.
Todoroki had thought the same thing. Bakugou was wearing his average black tank-top with his baggy pants and it almost left Todoroki with a nosebleed.
The two made eye contact with each other after checking out every part of their body, and looked away quickly, trying to focus on the conversation Kirishima and Yaoyorozu were having, but couldn't help think about how fine the other looked.
"Okay well we gotta get going, see you later,,, maybe..." Yaoyorozu waved smiling.
Todoroki waved cutely at the blonde looking away not a second later.
Bakugou smirked, well until-.
"So,,, Todoroki, what do you think." Kirishima joked, placing his arm on the blonde's shoulder.
Bakugou rolled his eyes and started walking away.
"Hey hey I'm just joking, I know you don't swing that way anyways." Kirishima laughed light heartedly, not expecting Bakugou's response.
"...I do,,, actually..."
Great way to come out to your friend, a school hallway.
"Oh, well that's okay, shoot your shot." Kirishima smiled, patting Bakugou's back.
Bakugou smiled, looking down while walking out of the school with Kirishima.
"Why are you following me home?" Bakugou asked, the two already on the blonde's driveway.
"What do you mean? We're going to the movies with Momo and Todoroki!" Kirishima yelled, already his way inside of his bestfriend's house as if he lived there.
"I still don't know about that though." The blonde sighed to himself.
The two took off their shoes before stepping entirely into the house, being greeted by Bakugou's mother.
"Hi sweetie! Oh! Kirishima good to see you darling!" Bakugou's mother cheered, huggin the two.
"Hey mom, did you cook?" Bakugou asked, pecking his mother's cheek, not giving a fuck if his bestfriend found it funny or not.
"Ah no I'm sorry baby, is it okay if you guys order some take out tonight? My friends and I are going out, I'll leave money on the kitchen table." Bakugou's mother rambled, searching for her purse.
"No mom it's fine I'll use my money instead, you go get ready." Bakugou smiled sweetly at his mother.
"Oh okay then! I'll be in my room, call me if you need anything." His mother exclaimed, rushing to her room to get ready for her night out.
"Your mom is so nice." Kirishima smiled, the two walking to Bakugou's room.
"I know." The blonde smiled.
Bakugou loved his mom so dearly, he'd do anything for her, she was his first priority, and he would do anything to see his mom happy.
"Shotou! You better ask for his number if he tags along tonight I swear to god." Yaoyorozu mentioned while fixing her hair.
Todoroki laughed a little, hiding his face into his arms which were sitting on top of his knees, which were against his chest, sitting on Yaororozu's bed.
"Wow, you've never got like this over some other guy, why is this blondy so different hm?" She smirked, setting down her hairbrush, attention full on the male.
"I don't know, I guess he's just better looking, and,,, nice." He blushed.
"Yeah he seems like he has good intentions, but if he does you wrong I will fucken hire people to-."
"Hey hey don't do that, I don't even think we'll date anyways, you know I don't have time for it." Todoroki interrupted .
"Well, you never know, maybe he'll put just as much effort as you would, unlike those other douchebags," Yaoyorozu spat, "well anyways, let's get you fixed up, you wanna impress this boy right?" She teased.
"Yeah whatever."
Both Kirishima and Bakugou were in the blonde's room, Bakugou finishing up some work while Kirishima was scrolling through social media.
While the two were sat in peacefulness, music playing in the background, a thought had wondered in the redhead's ,,,well,,, head.
"Hey, does your mom know?" Kirishima asked.
"Know about what..." Bakugou asked, though, he had an idea on what his bestfriend was talking about.
"Your sexuality..."
"Oh, yeah she does,,, she was the one who made me realize I was also into guys." Bakugou mentioned, speaking as if he's told this story thousands of times already.
"Really,,, how, if you don't mind me asking..." the red head asked.
"Hey hon' how was school." Bakugou's mother asked, preparing some homemade juice.
"It was alright, same as usual but,,, I guess something a little different." Bakugou mumbled, the tips of his ears turning a light shade of pink.
His mother went silent, smirking slightly.
"Which special girl - or boy- asked you 'directions to the library' this time?" She asked sarcastically.
The blonde walked to the kitchen counter.
"Why do you always say 'or boy' whenevever you mention my love life."
"Well, who am I to assume my son's interests." She smirked.
"But, you know I don't swing that way..." Bakugou mumbled, not making eye contact with his mother.
"Never said you did, but, most people don't know until they try either." His mother smiled mischievously.
"M-Mom! What the hell-." Bakugou stammered, blushing furiously at the thought of whatever his mother was thinking.
His mother laughed, "I'm only joking sweetheart, I just want you to know that I'll love you no matter what."
"I know mom I love you too." Bakugou muttered, serving himself some juice his mother had made and walked to his room.
That whole night, the blonde was left wondering whether he actually was into boys or not, and well, curiosity killed the cat.
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