《A Broken Alpha Series 1 (BxB)》* NEW Edit, new content - Chapter 3 Aiden
** Trigger warning, abuse, sexual assault in this chapter. **
Third Person's POV
Aiden was taken in by Alpha Maxwell, of the Blood Moon Pack, when he was found wandering their border at the age of 6.
He was kept locked in the basement for the first 2 years, never allowed to come out.
He was practically starved, hardly allowed anything to eat or drink. Only getting a small plate of scraps and a glass of water 1 or 2 times a week.
But at least he didn't get hurt during that time. The Alpha never laid a finger on him those first 2 years.
When he turned 8, the Alpha made him a slave. He was forced to clean the pack house and learn to cook for everyone who lived in the pack house.
When he was 13 he shifted for the first time, alone in the basement.
Normally you don't shift for the first time until you're 16, but for some reason he shifted early.
Because he shifted so young and all alone, with no one to guide him through it, his shift was more painful and gruesome than normal.
A first shift is normally painful, but not like this. What usually only takes about 15 to 20 minutes to complete, took Aiden close to 3 hours.
His first shift was in a cold, dark, dimly lit, damp basement all alone.
Because he didn't understand how the process worked, his bones would break, rearrange to their new position, just to go back because he was fighting it. His skin would tear, bleed, heal and start all over again... this went on for 3 hours.
After all the screaming, bleeding, and painful agony, his shift was finally complete.
His wolf was all white and the brightest, most striking blue eyes.
Exhausted and unable to move, he laid there in his wolf form until sleep took over.
Aiden never told anyone he got his wolf and shifted. He kept it a secret, afraid of what his Alpha, and everyone would think and do to him. He didn't want to give them another reason to hurt him.
The pack house was average size, with 30 pack members living there, including the Alpha and his family.
Aiden had to wake up every morning before everyone else, to cook and have breakfast ready before the Alpha came down.
After breakfast he had to clean the whole pack house daily. When he wasn't cooking or cleaning, he had to stay in the basement. He was never allowed outside, nor was he ever allowed to attend school.
Current age 21
I woke up this morning at 4:30am when my alarm went off. I crawled out of my old torn sleeping bag, that I'd managed to sneak out of the garbage when someone threw it out.
As I bent over to get out of my sleeping bag, I winced from the pain in my ribs. My ribs still hurt from the beating I received last night, from the Alpha.
I knew the Alpha was in a bad mood last night. He kept glaring at me as he stuffed his fat face. It always grossed me out to see him eat. He almost looked like a wild animal, slurping and biting into his food, then seeing it drip down his face and not even bother to wipe it up at times.
There was just an aura about him that day, I tried to steer clear of him the whole day, and successfully managed not to screw up, that was until dinner time.
I could feel the tension, it was so thick you could cut it with a knife. Even the pack members seemed to notice and kept their distance.
Unfortunately, as I was clearing the table, I accidentally dropped a plate on my way back to the kitchen.
My stomach dropped, because I knew he had been waiting for me to mess up, and there it was.
In the blink of an eye he had me by the hair, and began dragging me toward the basement. I grabbed my hair, trying to lessen the pain since it felt like he was going to rip clear out of my scalp. I cried out as he dragged my body that was already sore, down the basement stairs.
He threw me onto the floor, the same area he always beats me or chains me up. It's the area past my sleeping bag, against the wall. It's the only spot in the whole basement that has a light, which hangs right in front of the chains so he could see his work of art when he makes my body bleed.
He threw me onto the floor before kicking me in the stomach. I curled forward, grabbing my stomach as the wind was knocked out of me. That was my biggest mistake since I left my face open. I felt the painful sensation as his foot connected with my face and blood instantly gushed everywhere.
He beat me last night until I fell unconscious...
He uses me to take his frustrations out on. When he's like this, his beatings are worse. Although surprisingly, this wasn't as bad as some of the others. At least he didn't hang me from the ceiling in chains this time, and leave me there for days.
I woke in the middle of the night in pain, with dried blood caked to my face. I could barely move, and it hurt to breathe. I cleaned up as best as I could, then bandaged myself with rags and a few band-aids I managed to sneak down here for times like this.
I then crawled into my sleeping bag and quickly fell asleep, too exhausted to even cry this time.
As I stood up this morning, I stumbled from being so weak and sore. I haven't eaten anything in a week. Nowadays, I only get to eat a small plate of scraps and a glass of water once a week if I'm lucky.
I can't sneak food because the Alpha will be able to smell it on me and know that I've stolen food. I've learned that lesson the hard way and woke up days later.
I grabbed my bucket of water and rag, then cleaned myself up, and changed one of my bandages that was soaked through. I'm not allowed to use the bathrooms upstairs to shower or clean up. But at least I can use this to get somewhat clean.
Unable to wear the same clothes I was wearing yesterday, since they were now covered in blood, I dug through the few clothes I had until I found something to wear. Everything I have is old, worn, and torn. One's that I managed to find in the garbage when others throw out their old clothes. They're so worn out now they look like rags.
But I smile at the outfit I'm going to wear today. I know it doesn't look like much, but it's actually my favorite outfit. These are the only pair of pants that actually fit me, and don't need to be held up by a string. And the green color in the shirt is my favorite!
I look at the rest of my clothes and realize I really need to find some thread soon, they are really starting to fall apart. I don't know how I'm going to get new clothes once they completely fall apart. I can't remember the last time I found clothes in the garbage.
I think the Alpha found out I was taking clothes from the garbage. They must be disposing of them some other way now.
I let out a breath, then ran my fingers through my hair, before grabbing my two buckets so I could dump them out upstairs.
After dumping my buckets, I head to the kitchen and start preparing food before the first set of people come back from training.
The first round of people usually come back around 7am, but the Alpha sometimes comes down around 6am. So I make sure to have breakfast ready by then, since I never know when he's going to be down that early. If I don't have food ready, that's an excuse for the Alpha to hurt me.
I begin making breakfast for the morning, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage and pancakes with fresh squeezed orange juice.
After everything is set out, I wait in the corner of the kitchen, and put my head down as I try to be invisible and hide from everyone. I have a spot I hide in every day. It's in the back right corner, where the garbage can used to be before the bigger one was put near the front of the kitchen.
None of the pack members like me, I'm always getting called names, and teased. They even push and trip me if I'm walking by. But at least that's the worst I received from pack members, with the exception of the Alpha and his younger son.
The Alpha has two sons, Matthew is the oldest by 1 year at 25, and Jackson is the youngest at 24.
Jackson can sometimes be worse than his father. Jackson's beatings aren't as bad, but his other treatment is worse. He hates me and always calls me names, telling me I'm gay or calls me a fag.
He acts like he's homophobic, but at the same time when he catches me alone he'll force me to do things.
He's never raped me because he says that's gay. He says he'll only stick his dick in pussy, not a guys ass. But he always makes me suck him off if he catches me alone. If I try to refuse he'll beat me, so I try to stay as far away from him as I can.
Once everyone's done eating I clean up then start my daily chores.
I like to start with Jackson's bedroom first because he works on the training field right after breakfast. This is my best chance of cleaning his room and not running into him.
I had already cleaned the bathroom, and was on my hands and knees cleaning the floor, when Jackson walked in behind me.
My stomach dropped as I looked over my shoulder at him. 'What is he doing back already? He should be at the training field!' I thought to myself, as my heart began to pound in my chest.
He chuckled darkly.
"Just the perfect position I want you in." he said, as he walked toward me then roughly grabbed my hair and yanked my head back.
My body trembled, and I whimpered as he pulled my hair harder. With his other hand he pulled his zipper down and pulled out his cock, then slapped me in the face with it.
I knew there was no getting out of it, there never is.
"Open wide!" he said.
Tears slid down my face as I trembled. I wanted to say no, but my body was already hurt. I knew if I tried to fight back, I would end up even more hurt than I already was.
With tears running down my face, I did as I was told.
As soon as I opened my mouth he instantly jammed his dick down my throat. I gagged and started choking as more tears sprung from my eyes.
He was so rough with me this time, he choked and gagged me the whole time as he rammed into my throat, over and over while grunting.
"That's it, you suck that cock you fucking fag!" he growled.
He held onto my head as he fucked my face, thrusting in and out of my mouth, as the spit ran down my face and his cock.
I knew he was close, I could feel his cock getting bigger and harder as he pumped in and out of my mouth.
He grabbed the back of my head harder as he came, and jammed his dick even further down my throat.
I could feel each disgusting hot jet hit the back of my throat, and feel his cock pulse in my mouth as he grunts and growls.
He finally pulls his cock out of my mouth, and looks at me as he tries to catch his breath.
"swallow, and don't you dare spill a drop of it!"
He said angrily as he finally let go of me, shoving my head backwards and I fall into the floor.
After swallowing, I coughed and took a sharp breath in, finally filling my lungs with air they desperately needed.
After he fixed himself, he reached down and pats my head.
"Good boy!" He said. Then turned and left.
I laid there crying for a bit then finally collected myself and finished all the rooms on that floor. After that, it was time to make lunch so I headed downstairs.
I ignored the painful ache in my stomach, as it grinded on itself while I cooked everyone's lunch.
After everyone was done, I cleaned the kitchen then went upstairs to finish cleaning the rooms on the third floor.
It was almost time to start dinner and I was finishing my last room, which was the Alpha's.
Bathrooms are not a lucky place for me to be today apparently. As I was coming out of the bathroom with the dirty mop water, I ran right into the Alpha and spilled the dirty water all over him and the carpet.
My heart sank instantly, he was enraged. Before I could do anything, I felt an excruciating pain in my face as he punched me and sent me flying backwards. Blood instantly gushed from my mouth and nose. Everything had a muffled sound, and my sight was blurry.
He grabbed me by the hair and dragged me all the way down the stairs, from the third floor, to the basement where he hung me from the ceiling with chains, then he beat and tortured me.
I cried when I watched the Alpha pull out the whip.
With each lash, it felt like it was tearing the skin from my back. I screamed so loud I was sure the whole pack heard me.
I could feel the blood running down my body and legs. My clothes that were already torn before, were shredded apart with each lash, and barely hanging from my body. I could see blood pooling on the floor below me.
I'm not sure how many lashes I lasted before I passed out from the pain, and loss of blood. I woke several hours later when he let me down, and I hit the ground with a hard thud.
I laid there crying for quite a long time. The pain was unbearable, and I just couldn't figure out why everyone hated me so bad. Why was life so hard?... What did I do to deserve this?
Is this really how my life is going to be until I die?
When I finally had the strength to get up, I knew I needed to get out of here, or I was going to die here. I just knew there had to be something else out there for me, something more than this.
The Alpha keeps getting worse and worse with me. I know if I stay, he's going to eventually kill me. I'd rather die out there, trying to find something more than this.
After pushing myself off the floor, I snuck up the stairs as quietly as I could.
Each step was so hard, but I pushed myself. I needed to see if it was day, or night time.
My clock broke when he dragged my body down the stairs, and passed my makeshift bed. So I wasn't able to tell what time it was, especially since there's no windows in the basement.
I listened when I reached the top of the stairs, trying to see if I could hear anyone.
When I didn't hear anyone I opened the door and peeked out. I didn't see anyone so I slowly crept out until I saw a window.
I sighed a breath of relief when I saw it was dark outside. And the fact that it was so quiet in the house, let's me know everyone is sleeping.
'This is my only chance!' I thought to myself, and took it.
I left the pack house as fast as I could and took off into the woods. Once in the woods I shifted and took off running. I was thankful winter had enough strength to shift and run.
I ran as fast as I could, which really wasn't that fast because I was hurt, weak, and hungry, but I was still faster than I would be in human form.
I was almost to the edge of our border, when patrol spotted me and gave chase. The only thing I had going for myself was the fact that they were still quite a ways away. Otherwise they would have caught me before I even made it to the border.
I thought they were going to stop once I passed out of our territory, but they didn't, and kept chasing me.
I managed to lose one of them by zigzagging through the trees, but the other one I didn't, and was tackled to the ground. I tried to fight him off, he was really doing some damage, but I got lucky and managed to knock him unconscious when I shoved him off, and his head hit a rock.
The other one was quickly approaching, so I took off towards the sound of running water. I made it to a cliff and came to an abrupt halt. I looked down and my stomach dropped.
It was such a long way down and the river was raging below. I wasn't sure I would survive if I jumped.
But if I stayed, I would surely die, being torn apart piece by piece from the wolf quickly approaching.
I glanced back at the wolf running full speed at me, and instantly knew I'd rather die jumping, than mauled apart by him.
So without another thought I jumped. I hit the water and that was the last thing I felt before everything went dark.
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