Assassinating the Demon Lord
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Back when the world was still whole there dwelled a multitude of species on its surface, all intelligent and sensible, some even loving. Though no matter what they tried, the inevitable could only be delayed, not stopped: Soon enough a time came when the eternal flames of war were born to blaze and rage. All places one used to call ´safe´ perished and instead filled out with a vile stench of death. Where once was happiness only hatred remained, what was once beautiful became a void. The killing was unbearable, merciless and gruesome, yet living in this charred hell some came to see death as salvation.
Once they realized that all life might perish if this bloodshed were to continue, it was decided to split the world into several realms. The clashing was torn apart, sealed away. For each species, a realm was created. And each realm was meant for the species alone, destined to live among themselves until the end of days. Thus, peace returned.
Or so it was believed. Because many, many years later a way to cross realms was discovered.
Allow me to tell you more closely about one of the realms that resulted from the war. This excuse of a dwelling is known as the Demonic Domicile: A sky ever-clouded in dark and a never-setting bloodred sun, its soil so dead that even the most persistent of plants would suffocate, and the land full of amalgamate monsters that have fought for as long as they can remember to survive yet another day.
Though, it fitted the Demonic volk and their extreme aggressiveness.
Demons. Though gifted with near endless lifespans, their numbers are low compared to other species. But not because of their reproduction rate, but because of their recklessness, because of their bloodthirst. Only the upper echelon, the truly strong survive. The rest simply die on the way there.
A Demon who lived for as long as a Human would need to become an adult would already be considered rare, a 1 in 100. A Demon older than that is easily able to take on a platoon of soldiers alone.
For this reason, a myth came into being about a Demon´s age being proportional to their strength. It wasn´t wrong per se, but it would be more accurate to say that an elder Demon was more powerful due to all the battles it survived.
However, now that the life-demanding war has been banished, the number of Demons dying has somewhat decreased. Right? Wrong. Demons continued their daily life of killing, using their realm to the fullest and fighting every creature they happened to encounter. Though in the end, the abundance of monsters turned out a blessing in disguise: It served as a never-ending source of food and a fast way of gaining strength by Leveling Up. Furthermore, it was enough to sate their maniac urge for blood which helped internal conflicts to stay low.
But even with all these conditions met, Demons living together and acting in unity would still be a distant dream. That is, if it weren´t for a single individual. He was the only Demon who had watched his enemies in the war, who had learned from them and who was fascinated by the efficiency of coordination. And now, he had acquired the power to force his realization on the rest of the Demon race. After many years of development and progress, they eventually began calling him Leader, then King
And currently he´s known as The Demon Lord
-- -- --
Amid this very same realm of Demons, unnoticed by any form of life, suddenly a single Human appears. Or more precisely one of the strongest Humans. Codename Golden Rose, an [Assassin].
Humans. Humans are far inferior to other species in raw battle prowess, especially to Demons. Due to this immovable fact, Humans were forced to their absolute limits in the war. Their sacrifices were astronomical, but so was their will to live. They persevered: Fleeing, hiding, praying… The method didn´t matter if it meant seeing the light of tomorrow. In a sense, Humans can probably be compared to charcoal. Initially a common and ugly mineral, but with enough pressure, it transforms into diamond.
Humans found their way of fighting back in |Artifacts|, or |Magic Devices| as they call them. Being underestimated, not even seen as a threat by other species, their first real impact on the war turned out to be a huge success. Even now, in this specialized field of |Magicology|, they stand second to none. And the gap only keeps increasing as time passes.
Equipped with a recently developed |Artifact| which disguises her as a Demon, the [Level ??? – Assassin] infiltrated the Demon ranks, starting as a foot soldier and slowly climbing her way into the royal castle. She was ordered to do so by the most influential Nation of the Human realm: The Nikites Alliance.
Her mission? – Dispose of the Demon Lord.
The [Assassin] doesn´t know why Humans want to involve themselves with the Demon realm now after all this time. Does the upper echelon stride for glory? For revenge after what had happened in the past? Or was the job assigned out of fear? The [Assassin] can only speculate, but the lack of knowledge doesn´t bother her, it never does when she´s assigned a job.
Years have passed since the first day she started as a mere knight. In the beginning, a few ´mishaps´ happened and the [Assassin] was forced to dispose of some witnesses, but she had learned her lesson after that, accustomed herself more to the Demons´ nature
Not long and her achievements caught even the Demon Lord´s eyes. Her ability to make a calm judgment in any given situation, her keen instincts, her unwavering aura. Her first major promotion followed after a grave fight against a flock of monsters. After their leader had fallen to the beasts, she took command of the team and led everybody to the best possible victory. In Human rankings, she´s now something akin to a [Knight Commander] under the royal family´s employ. Though that doesn´t mean she can get close to her actual target yet. Her main task still consists of what she was promoted for: Leading large squads to exterminate monsters.
Still, she gained at least some influence in political affairs. The [Assassin] was slightly taken aback in her first ´gathering of leaders´ as the only conversation she could easily follow was about the progress of |Artifacts| that Demons tried to recreate from Humans. But again, she wasn´t a top-notch for nothing, most people who worked with her would consider her nothing less than a ´genius´. She quickly adapted to the Demons´ ways and shortly after was the one others looked up to for advice and discussion.
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Exactly at six in the morning the [Assassin] opens her eyes. Stretching her arms, she gets out of bed and retrieves a |Communication Orb| out of a hidden pocket beneath the floor. Finishing her daily report to the authorities of the Nikites Alliance, the [Assassin] is overcome with a feeling of unease. She dresses in high-quality |Draugnir Robes| and accordingly dons her |Dragon-scale plate| of superior quality, but instead of leaving immediately she sits on her bed and stares at the floor, biting her fingernails. Suddenly, a sharp sound comes from a skull hanging on her wall. She looks at it and sees a faint light from the ruby in its left eye. She releases a shaky sigh before finally leaving her dorm. At the door, she slightly bends her body forward to not hit the horns she gained from her disguise against the frame.
Making sure that nobody is around with her Skill [Detecting Aura], she carefully locks her room and casts the sub-spells [Notify] and [Record] on the door. She wipes her sweaty hands on her legs and makes her way through the vast hallways: “Good morning, Sergeant Major!” a number of Demons salute her on the way. She gives them a quick glance and returns a stern nod, then hastily continues to her office. Today she feels it´s more difficult to hide her emotions from them. Arriving and closing the door behind her, she casts [Hearing Disruption] on the room.
“God fucking Dammit!” she smashes her fists into her desk, almost breaking it. The woman confidently believes in her [Skill] to not let any of the noise escape. “What do you mean I have to finish the job by today?! This fucking bastard! He wouldn´t survive a single moment here! And yet… Urgh! He knows I need more time to investigate the Demon Lord, so why?! Does he want me to just throw all these years of work out the window?!”
Her anger snowballs out of control
“Why does it have to be now anyways?! Only because the princess was born? Even the Demon Lord´s Daughter won´t just turn into a calamity-designated threat in a day, fucking stupid!” She plumps down into her cushioned personal chair and starts massaging her temples. She finally manages to get a grip on herself again. She feels a little better, refreshed from letting all that out.
“But I can´t delay any further. Even though they know I keep information about Demons to myself as a lifeline, they won´t bite anymore. I miscalculated. They´ll probably drop my support… hell even stop contacting me. I´m done for if they stop powering the |Demon Disguise Artifact| … fuck”. The [Assassin] notices her finger´s aggressive tapping on the desk in front of her. How long has it been doing that? She takes control of her hand again and decides to attend to her workload for the day first. She needs to distract herself a little, to keep cool.
A few hours pass as the [Assassin] finishes her paperwork. She leans back in her chair and turns to the ´one-way window´ in her room that reaches all the way from the roof to the ground and from left to right. She sees a river of Demons outside that flows into the castle, but for them, the window just looks like a black wall. ´Right, the Classification Ceremony´ she thinks to herself ´That´s why everybody is so excited today´.
Today’s main event – The Classification Ceremony: A ritual performed for newly born Demons with high expectations or noble heritage. Although powerful Demons can assert their kin´s ´potential´ with their naked eye to some degree, if their powers are too strong, it will be imperceivable even to them. In those cases the ceremony shows its true worth; no matter how immense one´s talent is, or how absurd one´s abilities are, the Classification Ceremony will with utmost precision reveal everything. Well, at least that´s what´s believed by Demons as there are no records of the ceremony failing even once.
´I´ve heard not even the Demon Lord could sense his daughter´s innate talents. Maybe that´s one reason for the geezer´s rash decision? Well, it doesn´t justify it in the least. Whatever, I don´t have time for that, I need to finish preparing now.´ The [Assassin] mumbles.
Her long-term assassination will end by today, at the ceremony. It´s a rare opportunity because the Demon Lord will show up in public. Furthermore, his attention will be focused on his daughter. Diverted by her evaluation and the crowd, when his guard is down, that´s when to strike. All it takes is a mere moment. Afterward, using the confusion and chaos, she´ll easily end the princess and escape. It´s risky, very so, but by far her best bet.
Demons of all sorts have gathered in the ballroom of the castle, excitedly chatting and awaiting the announcement of the main event. They´re loud. A gigantic clock installed at the top strikes midday, but its reverberations go under in the noise. Soon it will start.
The [Assassin] is in the ballroom too, though nobody noticed her so far. It took her an exerting amount of practice, but now she can go completely unnoticed by utilizing the ´legendary grade´ Artifact |Cloak of Time| correctly. Cowering near the altar where the ritual is held in the vast room´s corner, her guts begin to twist. Or at least it feels like it as with every passing second it becomes more difficult to breathe.
Suddenly, the large doors, which look more like ornamented gates than anything, swing open. The room falls dead silent, all heads turn to the mighty figure standing at the ballroom´s entrance who is escorted by two guards in full-clad black armor on each side.
´Is that the Demon Lord?´ ´His grace has arrived´ ´This is my first time seeing him´ ´So that´s him?´ ´Of course! Don´t you feel the immense pressure?´ ´He sure is scarier than any monster I´ve fought´ ´I´ve heard no matter what don´t get on his bad side´
Such and similar whispers start to arise from the quiet, but while every Demon has something to say about their ruler, be it words of admiration or not, the [Assassin] only manages to gulp.
Gazing down on his vassals, the Demon Lord frowns. He begins moving. All eyes follow him treading down to the altar at the other side of the long room, trying to guess his mood, hoping it´s not too bad. The [Assassin] feels chills running down her spine as the aura emanating from him hits her. If even she´s influenced to this extent, how do the other Demons feel who are inferior to her in [Levels]?
By now, the Demon Lord has reached the stairs that lead up to the altar. He ascends and stops right in front of it, then runs his hand over the inscribed stone plate as if to dust it. He rubs his fingers and furrows his brows, taking his time before looking up and letting his gaze wander around the room. He puts his not dusty hand on his red beard as if finally aware of just how many Demons are watching, waiting for him. Then, to everyone´s surprise, he begins to loudly laugh:
“GAHAHAHAHA! What´s with all your serious faces? Today is a joyous occasion! The Classification Ceremony of my very own daughter, my pride whose potential not even I can descry, my Vienessa!” The Demon Lord gestures to his side. There, a female Demon holds a sleeping baby, with two tiny horns protruding its forehead. Their presence was so minuscule that nobody noticed them walking beside the Demon Lord until now. Or maybe it´s just that his presence was too much?
A moment of silence, of confusion follows.
The Demon Lord audibly sighs, then snaps his fingers to which luxurious glasses filled with the finest alcoholic brew appear floating in front of everyone gathered. “For one afternoon, forget your duties and attend this festivity as one that will be remembered in history! Cheers and glory to my daughter!”
With these opening words, the Demon Lord grabs his own glass out of the air. It takes a moment, but the previous tension eventually turns into cheers filling the room. Glasses are snatched in rejoicing, the buffet is officially opened, the party is now in full motion. Nobles – [High Demons], [Arch Demons], even [Aeria Demons] – casually talk to each other, forget manners and eat together.
´Demons being so relaxed around each other, I didn´t even dream of such a scene… Even after being here for years. Even the Demon Lord´s laughing together with some of the other nobles. I have a bad feeling about this…´ the [Assassin] thinks to herself. For her, this situation is far from relaxing, it´s unexpected, out of hand. Although she performed thousands of assassinations in her life before, this one is different. Everything needs to be perfect for it to succeed.
A good time into the party passed as a clinging sound interrupts the carefree conversations and partying. All attention quickly gathers at its source; The Demon Lord tapping a small spoon against a now empty glass.
“My dear guests, my vassals” he announces in a loud voice “I am pleased with the festive mood you have provided, and for that I praise you. I understand some of you might be in conversation, however, I plan to advance the event now.” Heads nod approvingly, not daring to object to their lord´s decision “Let the Classification Ceremony begin!”
The Demon Lord turns to the female Demon who carefully watched over her daughter the entire time. He takes her hand and guides her to the altar. Once again loud cheers erupt from the crowd. The excitement is evident, no wonder as everyone can´t wait to see the might of their Princess revealed.
Five Demons from the crowd, clothed in beauteous robes finely decorated with golden strings and patterns that are honestly unfit for a Demon’s image, step up to the altar as well. Three of them are [Arch Demons] while the other two achieved the [Aeria Demon] realm. The mother carefully strokes her sleeping baby, smiles and lies her in a circle that is drawn in the middle of the stone plate. The Demon Lord and the five others place each one hand on the circle´s edge. Shortly, the altar begins glowing in a blue shimmer. The Demon Lord grins, expectation and greed in his eyes.
´Now!´ The [Assassin] rushes forward. Mid-sprint she pulls her |Phantasmal Dagger|, another ´legendary´ grade |Artifact|, from her [Interdimensional Storage] and simultaneously activates three [Skills]. She´s just about to strike, but… then founds herself on her knees?
Huh? Did she fall? Why? She tries everything to get her legs moving again, or any part of her body, but it´s futile. The baby on the altar wakes and begins crying. “What… is the meaning of this?” The Demon Lord says in an almost incomprehensible low voice.
Instead of moving, her body begins trembling.
“There´s nothing… NOTHING!!”
The Demon Lord swings his arm, hitting one of the five Demons who assisted with the ceremony. The Demon flies into a wall, cracks form, he barely survives. The whole room doesn´t know what to think. Some are quick-witted, recognize the danger and flee immediately, the others find themselves frozen. A few guards step forward to find out what´s wrong, only they die without having accomplished anything. The Demon Lord´s mood just did a full turnaround. The [Assassin] can hear the gritting of his teeth as he turns around and looks directly at her. ´H-How is he looking at me? Can he see me?´. Due to her panicking, she couldn´t maintain the Mana-flow of |Cloak of Time| properly and thus weakened its effect. Though the Demon Lord could see through the |Artifact| from the beginning.
In the blink of an eye, he´s in front of her. The next she finds herself in the air, a heavy grip crushing her neck.
“A-gh...aa” the [Assassin] squeals while dangling around helplessly
“And what do you think you´re doing?! I chose to let you be since you didn´t disrupt me, but… Wait” He pulls the [Assassin] closer to his face and squints his eyes. “Ah, it´s you… the Human”. For a moment, all muscles in her body stop moving, she even forgets that she can´t breathe. Her reaction makes the Demon Lord´s tone suddenly change to one of amusement: “What do you look so surprised for? Did you really think I wouldn´t notice a Human among my ranks? Who do you take me for? I know that you Humans are more advanced in |Magicology| thanks to your daily reports to the dogs back in your realm, so tell me, do you have any explanation for how a Demon with my blood running through its veins turned out to be utterly incompetent?” He waits for a few seconds, but receives nothing in return. “I see I don´t need you anymore” He pulls her even closer and…grins “Well then, as thanks for all your hard work I´ll use you mutts to take some stress out, to have some fun, just like the good old days. Do you understand? Your friends are next”. The [Assassin] turns blue as his grip tightens even more around her life ´He knew… all… along – fucking Monster´. In a last stand of resistance, she gathers the remaining moisture in her mouth and uses up the rest of her strength to spit in his face. Then, she hears the cracking sound of her neck before lifelessly falling to the floor.
“You´ve got guts for an inferior race”
Turning around, the Demon Lord walks back to the altar. The Demons take a few steps back as he reaches out his hands to yank the still-crying baby lying in the middle. Only the mother doesn´t retreat, although she wants to. Mustering all her courage, she raps her arms around his outstretched hand before he can get a grip of their child. She then stammers in a panicked voice:
“N-No, Please! Don´t do it! Don´t hurt her!”
The Demon Lord slowly turns his head and looks her in the eyes. “Marilena, release my hand.”
“I´m begging you, please don´t do anything rash!” she cries in distress
“Release. My. Hand.” He repeats in a grim voice
“I´ll do anything… Anything! She´s just a baby, our baby!”
This wasn´t the reply he wanted to hear.
Many guards´ lives pass while protecting the queen. In the end, they´ve achieved their goal as the Demon Lord seems slightly out of breath. Marilena is on her knees, her gaze on the ground. She´s only slightly hurt. Nonetheless, she´s crying, but not due to the pain of her wounds.
“Fine, I won´t be taking its life.” The Demon Lord then speaks. For a moment the queen looks up, a glimmer of hope in her eyes. But then he raises his hand and points at the baby “Banish this garbage from my realm. If anyone dares to bring it back to the Demons´ Domicile, both die. Send her to the Humans´ Habitat, it will be destroyed soon enough anyways.”
The hope in her eyes goes as quickly as it came: “That is killing her!” The mother of the soon-to-be banished Demon squeals
“Silence! I´ll get to you later for dirtying my bloodline! Lock her into her room!” The Demon Lord´s words resound with finality throughout the now red-colored ballroom.
“No! Please, don´t!” The woman cries, tears streaming down her face as she is dragged away by five guards. She tries to free herself from their grip, but however strong she may be, she can´t compete against five elites. Their whispers of ´Sorry´ give the final blow to her strength.
Two of the Demons who helped in the Classification Ritual survived the havoc. They nod at each other and press their hands together, their bodies begin glowing. The Demon Lord turns around and heads to exit the ballroom.
“No…” is the Queen´s last whisper. The baby begins glowing as well, and disappears together with the two [Aeria Demons] into thin air.
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