《•CreepyPasta X Reader Parody•》•Somethings in the air•


I made my way quickly up the stairs. Toby and the two masked men were staring at me. I had my back to them but I could feel it. And they could feel I was going to do something bad. But they didn't know. I chuckled at this remark.

steps from his door. steps from his door.

I was inches away from the smiling man's door. The shadows watching me. Urging me to do it. I put my hand around the door handle, feeling the cold dented metal on my palm. The knife was glued to my skin due to the sweat of my hand.

I turned the handle and slowly walked in.

Seeing a figure on the bed it was him. It was Jeff.

I walked closer and closer to his alive body. Soon to be ripped to shreds. At least as I hoped. I heard talking out side the now shut door. No one was going to stop me.

I raised my knife high above my head. The adrenaline rush. The emotions. The revenge.

I soon heard a chuckle below me. "You think I can't tell when someone enters room y/n?I ran from Jane in the city for five years and I live in a house of literal monsters. Do better." The smiled boy said while turning to me.

His eyes.

That's what they saw last.

I dropped the knife.


I fell to my knees. Besides his bed. Waiting for him to kill me. I heard the blanket move as if he was sitting up. "Y'know, kinda wanted you to stab me. But never mind then." The emotions of internalized hatred soon developed into sadness.

"I have no one left." I replied strongly while standing up, along with the knife.

"Not my problem" Jeff said lightly. Never mind I'm getting this bitch right here, right now. I turned around and jumped on him with full force. I stabbed him multiple times in the arms and his sides. Places that wouldn't kill him. Just teach him. I picked up the knife and licked it.


I soon slid off and stood Infront of my master piece. Jeff sat up against the wall stunned. "H-holy shit man. Y-ou did it." He said while grabbing his side. "I'm not a fucking man." I shouted at him and then slammed the door on the way out. I front of me was Jane and Toby. What the hell do they want.

"What" I huffed. "Did you finish the job? Kinda wishing I was the one to do it." Jane said smugly. "Nah just taught him a few. He's still yours" I smirked. "Hopefully the boss doesn't find out. Or he will have your a-" Toby was cut short of his sentence and the tall slender being appeared I front of us.

Jane slowly walked away to her room I assumed and Toby waved goodbye to head to the proxy quarters.

Those asswholes just leave me to get eaten. I thought to myself.

"Normally when a resident of this manner attacks or even harms another resident they get a painful punishment. But due to you coming to your true proxy self I will just give you a mild punishment." Slenders words said booming in my head.

"And what is tha-" I was cut off with a slap to the face. Bro had really just slapped me with his tentacle. Damn b I ain't into hentai sorry. I thought amusing myself. "Now your second punishment would be starvation or lack of hygiene uses. I have a feeling you don't want to here the rest." He said while gliding away.

"Great start to the night" I said giving myself a thumbs up. I turned around and looked at Jeff's door. I walked up to it and slightly swung it open. He was at his desk bandaging himself. "Get out." He said frustrated. I continued to walk in.


I sat on his bed near his desk and watched him closely. "Your lucky you didn't come in when I was plesu-" I stopped him with his sentence. He made eye contact while grinning. It took me second. Oh what the actual fuck. "Yea I'm pretty fucking lucky, but when your hear your best friend gets killed you don't really care about that." I replied to his comment. I felt my face red. Omg y/n fucking stop. Bro is a literal killer and offed your best friend.

"Who else is here in this manner?" I questioned. He took a moment to respond because he was busy with stitching his arms. "Some live in here, and some hide in the barn. Lesser known in barn and famous in manner. E.j along with l.J and BEN...Sally...puppeteer... Smile dog... glitchy red...Nina and bitchy Jane live in the manner. Toy maker and judge angels in the barn along with bloody painter. But he hangs out in here. And you can already guess where the proxies stay." He huffed at the Long sentence and went back to getting his arm stitched.

I had met most of the people here and most of their names were in the Ew. For the rest of the night I helped Jeff with stitching his side and surprisingly didn't try killing him and he doing the same.

"Go to sleep hoe." Jeff smiled as I waved goodbye. The guy could be pissed one minute and then funny asf the other minute. This guy reminded me a lot of my mom. And me.

It was comforting.

I made my why back to BENs room and lay down on the bean bag.

Ben was slightly awake saying shi to me which really creeped me out, so guess what? I recorded it. (Audio or sum shi to the vid.)

BEN looked to his wall in horror. And then started screaming and ran out of the room swinging the door open. I then heard E.J loudly growling from down the hall.

These people were complete weirdos. I soon got the video and sent I to the group chat.

These people are weirdos.

Just like me.


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