《•CreepyPasta X Reader Parody•》• RUN BITCH RUN •


Bro had really added me to their group chat? Wow. This was going to be interesting, I said to myself ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠° . And with this I smirked. I can catch them doing so much shi and use it as black mail hehe.

Sitting on the other side of the table was Jeff. Me and him the only people in the room. Then suddenly it popped up in my head. Why hasn't grandma called me for not being at home? I left the page and went to her profile. Then I looked at the chats and very confused.

Hey honey I'm almost home. I went to f/r and got f/f!

aw wish I could be home, I'm at my friends house rn. Can I spend the night or maybe twice? Plz

Oh.. I guess. Stay safe.

Thats the thing I liked about grandma but found it confusing. She was narcissistic but was always looking forward to "hanging out". But otherwise I hadn't remembered texting her nor getting that message. Then it all connected in my head. BEN hacked my phone while I was blacked out yesterday.

Welp looks like I'm spending the night.

I looked up at the smileing man whom I felt staring at me. "What? Like what ya see big man~?" I purred just like he would. "Who are you texting." He plainly said. Ignoring me. Bitch. "My boyfriend." I wanted to see how he would act. "What *chuckle* really? Someone liking you." He replied while grinning. I had no insult. I then just went back to my phone.

"Ha! See gotcha there y/n." Jeff said smugly while getting up from his chair. "What?" I said looking up from my phone. I played this game with a lot of people. But what about a Murderer? The smiling man kept on making insults while making his way around the table. I just ignored him.


Once he got to me he grabbed the handle to my chair and flipped it to the ground. And instantly I felt a sudden pain in my back. My stomach arched up in pain. I tried getting up but the man got on top of me.

"No" I whispered with tears forming. Trauma from Long ago and recent from him. He then grabbed his fnife out of pocket and held it to my throat. He then leaned into your ear and whispered "scared now princess? I can make you beautiful~" He purred into my ear. Damn was he still on that? I loosened up a little knowing his intentions now.

I hurrled my legs up to my stomach and kicked forward sending him flying across the table. "Fucking bitch! When the hell will you get the sign I'm already fucking gorgeous." I stated sarcastically. The killer just looked at me. Blankless. Now it started to scare me. Those eyes. Slowly turning black with white pits. He gripped his fnife. HARD.

Oh shit. He's in killing mode.

I quickly picked up the fallen chair and threw it at him causing him to fall back and giving me some time to run. I dashed out of the kitchen and into the living room. "BEN YOU LITTLE SHIT HELP!!!" I screeched when I didn't see him at the couch. I started running to the stairs and heard Jeff yell "I CAN MAKE YOU BEAUTIFUL Y/N HAHAHA" He was so close behind me. "YEA FUCK THAT" I yelled back. "Which one is BEN'S room shit shit shit" I spoke out loud while running past the doors.

There was a brown door with a Zelda poster. "YES" I yelled.

Right as I was about to turn to the door Jeff tumbled into me and pinned me to the cold, carpet floor. He was panting. Alcohol on his breathe along with cigarettes. It was such a familiar smell it was almost comforting.


Several inches from my face. I whispered "are we going to kiss or what?" I grinned. Hopefully this fucker gets off because if BEN saw this I wouldn't hear the end of it. "Scared now? You had tears back there. Got half of what I wanted I guess." He said sighing while standing back up. His eyes went back to their wide white selves. I was trying so hard not to remember what happened when I was younger.

Y/n was on the ground still. And Jeff was just staring at her, foot steps soon reached the door to BEN'S room and there was a slight creek. "The fuCk happened here?" Ben said while raising an eye brow. Blood gushing down because of the movement. "He tried mak-" y/n was soon cut off from her cocky remark with Jeff's. "We were just playing tag. You know heh" He said while scratching the back of his neck. BEN soon had a sadistic smile. "So you both are sweaty... y/n's on the ground. And what I'm hearing it wasn't just playing. A little bit of knife play too?" The boy said while handing out his hand for y/n to stand up. And soon floating up to her neck and face. She raised her hand and could feel a slight cut on her throat and side of her mouth.

"Fuck off" Jeff said while rolling his eyes then walking to his room. "Well go jerk off then" BEN shouted while laughing. Jeff just slammed his door in reply.

"So your spending the night again? Or did you not see the texts?" Ben asked y/n while the two walked into his room. "I saw the texts... And no way in hell I'm walking in the woods at night so yes." Y/n slightly smiled. Ben had a bean bag in the corner of the room and a decent size. "Well I have had enough of getting attempted murder3d today. Good night green bean. Plus if you try killing me in my sleep I will come back as a ghost either way." Y/n said while walking towards the bean bag and plopping down.

"Yea yea okay y/n, Good night b1tch." He said while getting back to GTA.

The girl silently flipped him off and layed there. Listening to the occasional *clicks* and *taps* of the crying boys controller.

Y/n layed there thinking about everything that had happened in the last three days. Occasionally shifting her position to see the T.V and what game BEN was playing. Y/n enjoyed this.

She enjoyed this part of thriller in her life.

She hated that one little slip she could land and lose that part of her life.

Her new "friends".


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