《The War of Two Kinds》Logbook #051 - The Fallout
A static grinds through the speakers of the AV-Comm. It left off a sickening and painful sling towards the ears who wore it.
"St....don...eave!" The sound replies as the boy who have embraced his violent side listened to the sound of solidarity that braced his face as he walked through the hallways that are infested with strange shiny and slimy black roots of sorts. "I...Dan..ro..s"
"Huh-..what? I can't hear you!" The blasted noise returned as William replies back as he held the earpiece partially hard. "Wait, don't tell me..."
He shifts his views towards the staircase he came up from. "Shit... Did I let my emotions get ahead of me again?"
As he turns his body, he swears softly to his mouth and but his lips as he reached towards the staircase.
However, he wasn't concentrative enough on his environment. Pebbles and rubble of ruins layed about the place. Considering that, he messed up and tripped onto it mistakenly.
Causing him to fall down on his knees and hit his right shoulder onto the bender rails of the staircase. He collapsed and murmured in pain, laying flatly on the trippy floor. "F~fwagh....Agh.." He squeaked out from his exhausted lungs as he tries to pick himself up.
"Idiot." A feminine yet mascular voice replied back as the subtle sounds of footsteps head towards him. "Didn't the millitary ever told you to not ever abandon your squad?"
"Hauh ha~" A grudged sound of pain and laughter left out from William as he suddenly felt a feeling of gentle and soft lifting.
"They told me you shouldn't leave. Theres something wrong. You know it." The voice replied as the glowing purplish eyes glowed as the boy was turned and adjusted up properly. "Relax your body, nothing is wrong with you, so thats good. Only a sprained muscle. A few war wounds is fine and dandy though. Makes you look pretty badass, I say."
"Fuck you, Sae-Yong. Heh." He said playfully in return of the passive aggresive joke she made. "How..ow, how's the situation?"
Her ears fluttered and flicked as she makes a small smile. Rubbing the dirt off her uniform, she adjusts her vest and looks at him. "What do you think bud? I am not a phone."
"Huh? You said they said I shouldn't leave, why's that?" He aks in a rather confused way. "Bruh, just tell me. It ain't wasting time."
"Alright alright...let me tell you." Sae-Yong sighs as she pulls out her Auric Crystal. Blowing on it, a holographic screen pulls up and partially covers her face with a bunch of white edges and tabs, similar to a computer.
"Some dumbass in Germany, somehow wandered into a secret nuclear warhold and switched on its system." She reads out. "Now everyone is being forced to head into safety bunkers and being secured incase the warhead actually launches."
"How the hell is that even possible? Dont they have guards or something? Like shouldn't they have like multiple security procedures and some identity to prove access?" Dumbfounded by the situation, he scratches his head and imagines the situation in his head.
"How the heck?" He asks slightly agitated."
I mean, consider this. Most of the Male Population have died out. Most locations were probably not taken care of or publicly located. Only people who will have access to it are those with the coordinates or some sort of private share tell."
"It is possible when that happened, a bunch of youngsters or explorers went out their way to snatch or encounter this secrets and end up looking up this areas, assuming there is some secret technology or space-age weirdness they can think of."
William raised his eyebrow and made a slight awkward funny face that was hard to discern. "Hah, wha? Mate, you serious? As if Guardians weren't already a biggggg discovery?"
"Yeah Bro." Sae-Yong answers very clearly and calmly as she scrolls down through the glowing purple rectangle screen.
"So, get this. Some random doomsday prepper went insane and decided to barge into one of this private nuclear areas near Schleswig-Holstein. She thought it was a good idea to randomly stroll about into nuclear powered machines and randomly pressed some buttons, which caused the alarms to ring. Which alerted the other facilities that are actually being manned and taken care by some of the remaining millitary, scientists and volunteering guardians."
"I can't believe this. You are telling me all the other facilities are manned and secured but not that one?" William spastically muttered out in a shock.
"Yep, no worries, a security team from a PMC have been hired and taken care of the problem. But because, they do not know which buttom was pressed, they are just not bothering to assist any further until some professional from another state arrive."
William smirks. "And where is that person coming from?"
"From the south, all the way down. No worries, they can teleport their way to Schleswig if they manage through with Guardians."
"Thank goodness for that." William sighs out in relief.
"Yeah, but.. theres a catch."
"What is it now?"
"The PMC wants to have control over the facility. Make it as one of their bases."
"What, now they want to give a random private millitary access to nuclear warheads?"
"They are still negotiating." Sae-Yong waves her hand as her huge earpiece on the side of her foxy ears glows, someone was calling her.
She taps the receiving button and replies back. "Yeah, what's up, Doc?"
"Is William with you?" A vibration echoed through the hallways and entered into William's weak ears as Sae-Yong listens in.
"Yeah, yeah, he is Miss General. He just hurt his leg, also telling him about our current situation." She replies back as she puts back her crystal into his vest's left pocket and the screen dissapears instantly.
"Alright them, just stay there you two. We will be coming up soon, just don't exit the building." The voice behind the earpiece orders as stepping and metallic sounds crept out.
"On it. Anything else Miss General?" Sae-Yong asks towards assumedly the General of Continuum, General Shriway.
"No, just make sure the place is safe and the boy isn't doing anything stupid again."
"Roger." Sae-Yong replies and shuts off her earpiece.
William fumbled out to himself and plays about with the strange ooze that lingered about the walls while waiting for Sae-Yong's call to end.
"The hell is this suppose to be? Its disgusting... Uugh." Regardless of saying that, he continued playing with it as if it was some sort of playing slime or tar.
"Hello, Will? You there?" Sae-Yong whispered into his ears softly and seductively to gain his attention as she quietly walked towards him as he played with the strange liquid.
"Ah!?" Suprised, he plunged his face headfirst into the roots of the liquid and got himself stuck. Pushing himself out, he faces towards Sae-Yong and wipes his face. "What the fuck? Don't ever do that again man."
"Me? You're the one getting so concentrative onto stupid old blood and playing around with it!" Sae-Yong shouted back as she slowly realises his face being smudged with the ooze and couldn't resist to chuckle. "Haha ha, look at you your face. You look like shit, seriously."
"Fuck off!" He flusters before using his sleeve and wiping the dirt off him as hard as he could before it dried out.
"Goddamn it, its like tar. Its so weirdly sticky!"
"Dude, relax, let me clean it, jeez..." Raising her right hand, she points her index finger to his forehead and taps it lightly. A strange white glow resonated off her finger tips, then quickly surrounded William's whole body, which causes it to mystically clean himself spick and span as if nothing happened.
"There, done." She shrugs her shoulders and grins.
"Huh? What was that? It felt like nothing happened." He looks at his sleeves and body and realises all the dirt, smudge and blood that was on him dissapear as if nothing. "Thats outworldly."
"Alright, lets just head towards the centre of the entrance. The others will head there soon. Meanwhile, I am gonna call up mum and Shin-ae here. Tell them you are safe."
"How about my mother and sister? Could you call them up too? I want to know if they are safe." William asks kindly as he follows Sae-Yong from behind as she casually walks straight. Her ears twitched to his direction and she nods her head.
"Sure, no probs."
"You know what to do Sir. You always did." The echoing voice replied to the inside of the head of the only man in the limited space.
"I have to stop her?" He replies to the voice as he stood in the strange astral planes. Floating about in nothingness as his eyes sees none. "Right?"
"Correct...what a good guy you are." The Hosstess replied as her laugther echoes into many different pitches and tones. "So, are you ready yet? Your friends are already there. They have been lured into the false world and are trapped. The voices of fate guides you, sir."
"I have to stop her. I have to stop the silly girl, Mary." He grinds his teeth in pain as he realises who he was technically stopping. "I have to stop the clone of my sister."
"Correct sir." As the voice silences, his body started to glow suddenly, his tips of his feet started to dissapear slowly, as the light slowly swallowed him up.
"But, what if I fail to stop her, what then!?" He asks in a stuttered way as he looks at his body slowly dissapearing.
"You will know sir...you will know."
"That's not enou-" As he shouts, he suddenly opens his eyes and raises his body. He felt a pinching hot pain hit his face as he suddenly felt an urge for the need of water.
"Ughh, Water..." He stutters as he fumbles about on his waterskin that he holstered along his shoulders and takes a sip off it.
He looks straight and notices he is again in the desert, the false desert that was once a beautiful city, now crumbled and destroyed by the power of time and the artifical weapons of mankind.
"Mary, the ladies.... Fuck, darling too. I have to go get them!" As he picks himself up, he heard the innards and his bone make a creaking sound as he pulls himself back together.
"Goddamit, I forgotten. I am too old for this shit." He sighs out as he endured the pain of age that suddenly struck him.
As he stumbles on the sand that was everywhere, he followed the stream of metallic crumbs left behind by old buildings and remained ruins of once populated areas as he heads towards the New Continuum Base. The place where they took place as shelter, before everything was taken from them, from him. From William.
"So hot, holy shit... This isn't normal. Is this radiation or natural heat?" He asks himself as he wipes the sweat off his face and pulls out a headdress from his dismantled vests pocket.
Putting it on his head, he tightens the knot and pushes through the heavy winds that was slowly succumbing from the north of him. A probable sign of a radioactive sandstorm.
"Have to get there quick... The stupid storm is coming soon. I keep forgetting this place is a shitty radioactive place."
As he pushes through, he notices some bandits scattering about as they plunged themselves into safety by entering makeshift buildings.
He pulled out his gun and softly and quietly prayed under his breath to hope they won't disturb him as he passes by their territory. Looking eyes emerged but they didn't bother to strike. They were more worried about the destructive danger that was incoming rather than one person who could be both easy prey but with bare rewards minimum.
"Come on, hurry up..." He mutters as he sees the building that houses the bunker, he needs to get there soon. He can't rely on his Guardian Friends anymore for now.
They are still recovering from their old corruptive state that he was trying over and over again to stop. Only that one time, he managed to reverse their state back to normal, but he still blames himself for their turning.
They are not powerful anymore. Well, not yet. They still need time to recover. Some time, any but now is needed but it is worrisome to ask for them for help once more. They aren't the way they used to be.
They weren't the smiling, chill and playful self they were once. They are now full fledge adults, ones with priorities and motives. Powers godlike and can not only doom humanity but also the environment itself if they weren't careful enough.
There was a reason why he kept them locked up in their bubbles. Their so called safe zone. Their pocket dimensions.
Ending up near the entrance of the base, he pushes off some planks of wood that were covering the place, no clue how they ended up there. It was probably from the strong winds.
Chucking it away, he ended into the old store and in the darkness, looked for the switch that opened the basement he wished to enter.
Seeing a red beeping light that interested his eyes, he slowly walks and carefully threads about the old broken remains that strewn the place about.
"That's it." He places his thumb on a strange ribbed switch and flicks it with his remaining strength.
Hearing a strange mechanical crack a noise, he heads back outside and sees the opening slide back and reveal a flight of staircases.
"Well, back to hell, I suppose." He mutters to himself as he walks down carefully with his weak legs.
"Remember, No Guardians. Will. They aren't the same anymore. They need to recover. Just use my normal gun, yeah. Drag them out, save the silly girl and just save the world as always."
As he reached the last hundredth step of stairs, he is greeted by the door opening slowly. Inviting him in.
Entering the room, he sees a bunch of guardians and scientists working together to stop the situation that was happening. The civillians were nowhere in sight. They were probably bunkered in somewhere safe.
"What happened here?" He muttered to himself as he sees a Guardian in Scientist Scrubs run past him in utter stress and sweat.
The scientist sensitive to sound, turned towards William and notices his presence. "Mr. Hhugh~ Endicrite, Nice to see you... You need to help us."
"I know. Mary did something wrong, right?"
"Yes, Mr.Endicrite. Could you help us? The field of dimensions is rupturing."
"Sure, I know what to do." He confidently said it as he followed the Scientist who was sprinting, yet he was slowly walking behind.
Understanding he is old, she waited it out for him as she reached into the testing facility and pulls the shoulder of her superior and points out to William as he closes the door behind him.
"He will do it. I think he can stop the dimension rift field and stop it from rupturing." She shouts as a strange wave of wind pushes everywhere and causes a strange echo of sounds and strange anomalies happening about.
"Mr. Endicrite, you sure about this?" The Main Scientist shouted to him as she holds into a folder of papers tightly to avoid it from flying away.
"Yeah..." He shouts out before walking towards the rift.
"Careful! You don't know what will happen!" The Main Scientist shouted out. "It could probably tear you up and end your body in different times. Are you sure about this?!"
"Yes, I am sure. Its already too late anyway. All the others are in there right!?"
"Yes, but we have no idea which place they are in, even the Guardians do not know with their remaining availability. All we know is that they are in different dimensions, different timelines, different areas. You may end up in the world Mary is currently in or end up in another plane of state. Maybe even the end of the universe."
As the sound of the scientist shrivelled up, William ignored her theories and hyperboles as he sighs to himself. "Time to be young again, I suppose. Like a game, comic book or anime character I suppose."
Raising his hand, he pushes forward and enters the rift. Placing his palm towards his face as he felt a sudden shift of colours. It was black for a few seconds.
But he suddenly felt a bright shiny light hit him, as he covers his eyes from it, shading himself with the headdress and the palm of his hand.
As he relaxes his eyes to get used to the new place, he felt a familiar feeling. Not too otherworldly and not too unknown.
Looking left and right, he felt a soft and calm breeze of air hit him. Cold but naturally normal.
A forest? He asks himself as he sees ropes of roots and trunks pile everywhere as greenery painted his view with beautiful specks of multicoloured hues. Flowers, oh how beautiful they were.
"Is this...no, this can't be." He confirms himself.
"This must be another dimension."
Calming himself, he pulls up his waterskin and takes another sip of water. "I should keep this bit left, just incase theres no source of water nearby."
Walking around, he realised something.
He was lost.
He didn't know where he was. He didn't know if this was even Germany or England, to be fair. If his place used to be a Brimming and Hectic City turned into a nuclear wasteland, then this place must be either a timeline where humanity never existed, probably a time lag of humanity not knowing architect and engineering advancements or probably a future time where the fallout never existed and time recovered mother nature.
Or better, another world where humans and guardians co-existed and made either made things good together or just killed themselves.
As he made theories and thoughts in his head, he walked through the strange forest and tries to find the exit. Following the spherical orb of the sun, he thought of it as the North Star and followed it forward.
"I wonder if the Hosstess is within me. The supposed goddess. If she can control anything, I am sure she can just give me simple info of this place."
He talked to himself as he continued walking. Removing the Headdress, he crumbled it into a ball and zipped it up into the vest pocket of his.
As he wandered about the place following the place, he felt something off.
He felt as he was being watched.
Calm and collected, he relaxed and hid his weapons to make sure he can come off as a passive and peaceful character to whoever or whatever was watching him.
It could be a wild animal, but he just wasn't sure about it.
Relaxed, he continued embracing himself at the beauty of nature he missed so badly. He also realised he didnt feel heavy or pushed down anymore. He felt more mobile, more energetic.
As if he lost the feelings of pain from the radioactivity and stress that was pushing him down.
He felt relieved.
As he heard a strange trickling sound of water, he smiled and head towards the direction of the sound. "Water." He muttered as he excitedly relaxed with the sound's hits onto rocks and moss.
"A waterfall, amazing." He thought to his head before checking if it was safe to touch or taste.
As he stood closer and felt the environment, he realised the mysterious being was slowly closing onto him.
He turned around and saw nothing, just a bunch of bushes and flowers. He sighed and rubbed his head.
"Its one of those movie thropes, isn't it?" He asks himself. "People hiding in bushes then when you turn, there's nothing but if you do it again, something or someone pops up and questions you."
"Yeah, Yeah, I know that stuff." He shakes his head and looks towards the bush.
"Just come out. I bid you no harm." He spoke in English as that was his first language, he knew the beings probably wouldn't speak it, but he kindly said it in a tone that was kindly and a proposing way to showing his signs of calm and trustfulness.
"Angolish." He heard a whisper from the bush. "Ango." Another voice replied in a confirming tone.
"Angolish...English..." William replies to himself. (Am I in the 16th century? Who uses those verbs) "Don't worry, as I say thy. I mean no harm." In his modern English Dialect, he tries to put up a 16th century accent to try to not sound like some sort of weirdo in a strange place, a foreigner even if he is by blood, British.
"You, you mean no harm, really?" The universal voice replied as he tried to figure out who was owning the voices.
(Definetly not male or female, it's discernable. Is it a kid? No, maybe it's just a Guardian at Stage Two. I heard that's the time they are both everything and nothing at the same time.)
"Yes, I mean no harm. You may come out now" He calmly answers with a smile. "I just came for water." His voice cracked on the wording of water and came out in a strange way.
"Hi hi, he sounds funny." The second voice replied. "His Angolish sounds very very old."
"Little one, he may be mimicking...as a joke. Hihi~" As the sounds of the bush shuffle about.
A whitish ball of fur fumbled out as he sees two quadpedal beings hopping towards him.
Rabbits. No, it must be Bunnies. Talking Bunnies.
"Hello!" The rabbit on the left said excitedly as she hops towards the legs of William bumps her nose, a sign of greeting.
"Hello there." He crouches down and pokes the nose of the rabbit with a closed up fist and pats a knuckle on her nose.
William took care of rabbits once when they were young. He and his sister took care of them and learned the many ways of greeting and caring for them. Rabbits are known to be sociable creatures yet they are very very shy and can be easily be frightened.
A finger of a human can scare them, because they assume claws due to their nails showcasing. So by enclosing his hands into a fist, it looks like a closed up paw.
"Yeay, human is friendly, come come big sis!" The little bunny happily bounces as she sprints towards her sister and back to William in an excited playful way.
"As you always are, little one." The presumedly big sister of the bunnies hops slowly towards William and shakes her head. "Nice to meet you, Human. Do you have a name?"
"My name is William Endicrite. I am not from around here, so I am new to this forest and wish for water." He replies kindly, hoping to get a good answer from the more experienced bunny.
"William Endicrite, a peculiar Angolish Name. William is common. Andy Crate? Never heard of a family with a strange name." It or she replied back. "You may refill yourself water from that rock fountain. Mother Green says that it is safe to consume."
Mother Green who is that? What is that? Maybe it's a name of a Guardian or maybe an alternate name to the saying "Mother Nature".
"Mother Green? Is she human like me or another species of your kind?"" William asks kindly as he goes near the waterfall and fills up his waterskin fully.
"Mother Green is not Human. But she look like one. She has brown skin and have leafs growing all over her." The little one says. "Mother Green is very nice to everyone, even Humans!"
"Really, is it possible to meet Miss Mother Green?" William asks.
"Yes, you can. She likes talking. But but... Sis what did she say before?" The little one asks the bigger bunny as it looked closely at the waterskin that William was refilling with the essence of rejuvenation.
"Mother Green said, that she is sleepy today, so she wants to rest. If someone wants to come visit, they have to visit Wol and Vana."
(More different names. I suppose I must be in a weird fantasy place or they are just Guardians that are more open to people.)
"Wol, Vana... Ew, they are big and scary, big Will may get scared too." The little one mutters as she was visibly shivering.
"Well, whoever or whatever I have to meet, could you take me to them?" William asked kindly as he pats the little one. Hoping that the people they refer to will trust him.
"Sure. We will take you to them. Just one question." The Big Bunny asks as she hops towards the right of him and thumps her legs to call up the little bunny.
"What is it?" William asks while following the two.
"Can you use Magik?"
The voice resonates into the ear of his as his bracelet from Sae-Yong and the holster of Shin-ae glowed a subtle purple and pink.
"Yes, I guess." He replies to himself as he didn't understand what they mean by magic.
"You have advance items. Humans don't really use advance items. You must be from another place, aren't you?"
"Yes." He replies as he entered the Forest once more, this time. Assisted by two talking rabbits. Bunnies, Talking Bunnies.
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