《Vritra [A Dragon Evolution LitRPG]》Prologue


"Growth at times is very limited. Though given the right work and determination, even the minimal in class and status have the potential of surpassing their predecessors."

-Rutheus Latreia

-Translated: Naria V. Kaslana


The coldness filled my entire body as the fall of raindrops brought a similar touch to the skin. Sounds diminished slow as everything heard turned heavy with very little to be understood.

The color of sirens filled my vision as I was lifted to see the outcome of our path to a theme park during the school break. My classmates all banged up in the floor, several with missing parts as per the casualties of the accident. While the others all struggled to remain attached to their life.

As for myself, I felt heavy much more than what my personal weight came to be. Dizzy with very little movement to follow but my sense of touch and movement seemed to have perished completely.

I looked down, to catch a glimpse of my own bad take on the crash. Surprised, not for something good or pleasant either. My left leg was nowhere to be found, while the other hung desperately to stay attached. My hands were soaked in blood as blood dropped out from what appeared to be my veins. As my chest had a metal rod stuck, pierced through relinquishing my blood to the world.

Tears crawled my cheeks full of sadness and distress. My life flashed before my eyes given the circumstances I faced filled with more bad than any good. My life thus far had been completely bad, with nothing good to even recall. Alone in the world, no family or friends with the constant dealings with bullies and survival.

A white orb illuminated my sight growing closer every second as the ambulance drove off from the scene. Oxygen levels were low and the many determined attempts to keep me alive ended horribly. Until the last long beep rang as the white light absorbed me away from that shattered body.


There was no heaven with god ahead after the path of life came to an abrupt end.

Silence filled my ears with not much to be heard and attained. A silent serenity that seemed boundless, keeping me locked in shackles in the space of time. No destination whatsoever to bring the darkness to an end.

Sounds were hollow, silent and rough in other corners. My body could feel the sides I find myself in, but nothing more to follow through with a affirmative answer.

I could be a lifeless corpse in a coffin deep underground living the life of undead deep in the pits of earth. Yet the area that surrounded me in the tight space proved to be something else from a wooden or metal casket.

It was round, not small but an average size almost the size of an average table. But that wasn't my size in the real world, so this should be a different sort of thing. Sight was no good, neither was smell, hearing, and taste. All that seemed to be of use was my ability of touch, but even with that things were limited to the tight and round object.

An echo, or perhaps a sort of call sounded in my head repeatedly each and every passing day. Trapped in this place with zero forms of communication, or even a glimpse into where I remain after death.

Through time, the sounds in my head increased and even became clearer. They were cries, not human as they were deep and in its own form monstrous and sinister. it wasn't of laughter for sure, but more of infancy which only felt odd to me.


The more time moved along, the more I was able to feel around me and myself. What I touched was nothing human at all, not for a male or female perspective either. It came as scales which would befit something like a lizard of any type rather than a human being. My hands weren't hands as well, which only made me question what I had grown to become.

Suddenly a warmth touched upon the shell I found myself in, as my sight slowly adjusted each passing moment. The shell was white, and a red bright color illuminated a section of the shell I was trapped in for months.

That heat intensified even further, scorching and creating little bubbles from the liquid that surrounded me. I shifted from all sides seeking an exit from the cramped space waiting for a sort of signal with none to be in reach.

The thought came from nothing, and could be the only logical explanation to the current turn of events that I find myself in. This was no regular shell, it was a large egg which would explain the bubbles that slowly formed from the flame that stood outside.

There was only one path to take from here, and my actions would need to be quick.


The cries in my head continued almost similar to telepathy since speaking from my own mouth is pointless. Could be someone related considering the unlikely body of a monster.

My instincts called to break out of the shell, and so I held my fist high and started punching my way out from the opposite side of the flame. A crack slowly appeared but very slowly as my punches were limited from strength due to the liquid of birth.

I took a quick and short break and continued once more until the last punch that created a large crack on the shell and only left with an opening of the box. Similar to a throw for a swim, I was pulled out from the liquid to a new scenery from the monthly based hell.


Unknown languages filled my ears as my eyes shut from the final impact of release of the egg. I leaned back almost in a sitting position as my tail kept me balanced and my rough arms cleared the little amount I could of the weird liquid.

Identical to a battlefield, large creatures exhaled red flames upon human figures in a battle for survival. Different humans possessing different weapons arrived from every corner striking the largest of lizard monsters that spread large and fearsome wings.

They were dragons.

[Name: NAMELESS Level: 1 Species: Dragon ]

[HP: 347/500 MP: 0/250 SP: 0/5 PP: 856/1000]


[Basic Skills]

Walk Smell Taste Touch Sight Hearing Run

[Extra Skills]

Dragon Tongue Telepathy

[Unique Skills]

Fire Manipulation

[Special Skills]

Interesting, a sort of game attributed screen. Is this some sort of game or an actual change of life?


An arrow passed beside my cheek making a rough sound dealing barely any damage to my skin and body. I turned my gaze quick to the source standing above a enormous boulder seeking immediate refuge after I caught their sight.

I wasn't in the mood to chase the one who targeted me, even more after just being born to this brand new world. My current interest is the whole status screen that had appeared before me. Yet to examine it further, I will need to search for a safe zone from all the chaos roaming around this area. A battle or war, can't really think properly into what this whole event is?


I took my first steps into the world, crawling in all four legs which came due to the whole reincarnation into a dragon. Staring deeply into my body, I am a black toned dragon, with soft white fur in several small and hidden areas, barely visible to the eye.

Now that I am speaking of my sight, it is strange as it first started with the whole area to be within my vision. But now that I find myself focusing hard into different things, all central eyes focus on a single direction providing sight into what's ahead of me rather than around. Perhaps sight around my entire body would suffice as a defensive countermeasure in a tough battle.


Perhaps a sword throw, seeing as a silver sword landed right in front of my face sticking profoundly into the ground in front of me. The precision and attempt of a throw was to accurate to be some misguided land, considering it almost took my life failing only a few centimeters. Of course I turned desperately liberating my focus to the entire area before me.

There was a single man, standing in fear hesitating and trembling rapidly at the mere glare of an infant dragon. My instincts were rushing, not of my own personal take but most likely that related to my dragon form.


I did not understand a thing it spoke, but I unleashed the ferocious teeth hidden under the small mouth I came to possess. From his perspective it is probably something scary to the point of instant panic, but from my own I am merely yawning from tiredness.

He fell right the next moment, very hard onto the rocky ground of the dark cave taking a leak from the privates zone and passing out right after. His body laid empty, completely dead from movement and breathing.

[XP Gained: 100]


[Level 1 --> Level 3]

[Skill Points Gained: 15]

Hold up a damn minute! I barely touched the guy who just randomly passed away from shock. Why would I be the one to attain such experience without much of a proper fight to be given. Isn't that just unfair!

Nothing but a sigh exerted from me, and a corpse laid in front of me fresh and without one to reach for help.

A growl unleashed from my central body, as the examination of the human body filled me with hunger. it was bound to happen, considering my birth just moments ago which only had the idea of hunger coming to get me at some point very soon. Though why with the human corpse that laid ahead of me, am I some malicious carnivore now?

I only glared with hesitation, as drool formed relinquishing from the corpse that awaited to be devoured. The foul smell started to drift into my nose as it slowly started the process of decay.

I am very sorry, rest peacefully inside me for the foreseeable future.

A final prayer for the first one to approach from close distance in annihilating me from existence only followed by demise of sudden and unforeseen death. I took things slow at the start from small nibbles that slowly extended to larger portions, Vomit rose from inside, and often escaped my mouth, but as my hunger remained I had to endure the feast I was gifted this early.

The aftermath laid like a work of art. Nothing to be compared with the work of modern sculptures either wood or plastic. Though to see the actual skeletal body at first glance feels amazing but scary altogether. After all, I had just devoured that lying corpse.

Maybe I should’ve withstood the hunger or my abdomen and moved on, potentially finding a better first source of nutrition. That’s would’ve been the safest and more tasteful outcome of a feast, though the human meat didn’t taste half bad. Probably due to the carnivore predator I have reincarnated to be.

After all, don’t dragons take pride on devouring and destroying humans? Isn’t that whole previous battle caused by that same reason. At the same time, dragon skin came serve for weapons and armory at this point in time, perhaps an expedition escorted by a noble hero of sorts.

That’s scary!

Perhaps I should leave this area immediately now that I’ve finished my food. Wouldn’t want to be killed off right after being born now.

Hmm? Wonder what sort of fruit this world has, would it still be the same as that from my former world? Wait, former world?

It just came to me out of the blue, I keep on talking of another world but I have zero to no recollection of such thing. No, I had definitely come from somewhere, much more I remembered several events when I had awakened here! But how and why would I suddenly forget those memories so quick? Even I was a human once right?

My mind wouldn’t function to the past from before I came out of the shell. Instead all I manage to recall was the events that folded from coming out of the shell and experiencing a climatic war between dragons and humans.


Thudding footsteps overshadowed my train of thought liberating me back to reality. They were coming, the humans were in a wild search now for the missing hatchling that managed to escape with ease.

A narrow corridor, leading to direct locations that could be an exit to the outside world or a passage further inside the cave. It was hard to tell considering the darkness around with very little to luminate from light. Not even a signal of sunlight to be spotted from above or the sides.

I started moving forward, as to not be killed off so soon. My destination from this was unknown and filled with trouble considering what I am. Which brings me to the one question, why is my sight wildly scanning every corner after all dragons only have two eyes which mean to pupils to help see things. Yet I seem to possess six pupils for both eyes, as the total to my sights lead to signify twelve total pupils.


I wasn't anticipating any sort of thing to be different in comparison to different dragons. Yet the screen that once established itself appeared once more, with an answer to my current question to break the ice of the short lived mystery. The twelve pupils served its case, alongside the cause for the wording "Hybrid" next to the text "Dragon."

Majority of my existence relies in the foundation of the dragon cycle of life, but a different part: most likely a small or equal portion, has my entity in two different races. In which both were indeed monstrous in their own ways and forms.

Dragon Hybrid...

[Dragon Hybrid]

... Spider.. Dragon?

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