《All I Need》40
"Merry Christmas dooda." I smiled grabbing him. I went to the bathroom placing him on the counter, I grabbed my toothbrush then his.
He had two little teeth growing in, which is why he be so fussy.
Anyways after doing our morning routine I got us both dressed in the matching pajamas i bought for all three of us.
I put him down in his play pin then i started doing my makeup and hair. While i was doing that sincere had got up and did his morning routine as well.
I looked back at dooda seeing him putting a toy in his mouth.
"No dooda stop!" I yelled making him get a little scared and put it down. I laughed cause he looked at me like "bitch yell again"
"Don't be looking at me like that." I laughed before hearing my phone ding.
🥰where y'all at w my gifts?
🔫yeah, where y'all at wit it?
💗im otw! Remy throw up ona bad bitch!
🧡im otw, almost had to knock my babymama out!
i gotta go to my mom in law house first then ima be otw.
🥰starting to think you like her more than me! She ain't no better than me!
💗 okay keisha cole😂😂
🧡hell naw😂😂😂
Da bffr😂😂😂
🥰now yk idk wtf that mean!
💗old folks🤦🏽♀️
🥰Mia shut the hell up, you bout to be 26 you old too😑.
💗dick riding atp, leave me alone! You and Draco blocked cause why he laughing? Y'all ain't getting shit either! Fuck y'all!
🔫I was laughing at you Mia wtf😑!
🧡im outside.
I put my phone down finishing the rest of my makeup.
Once i was done sincere was ready so i grabbed my purse while he got Sayvon and his diaper bag and we left.
This year i got everybody gifts and let me tell you! My pockets hurt like a mf! But we up now so it don't really matter.
I made sure to get all of my workers gifts as well and my assistant cause they is a big part in my business right now so of course i went all out for them.
They just gone have to get their gifts whenever i go back to the warehouse.
I barley be going there cause of sayvon and us moving but ima start back going atleast 3 times out the week or more.
Business be booming okay? Doing big numbers! I'm so proud of myself cause i came a long way.
Always i got my daddy a Tesla, it should be on the way to his house now cause i saw the email before we left the crib.
He's going to be so happy cause he been wanting one for a while. Even tho he could've got hisself one that's what im here for.
After a while we was finally at ms crystals crib. We got out and since the door was already unlocked we walked in.
The whole gang was in this mf, even Tink, Kody and the twins.
everybody spoke and of course ms crystal was the first to take dooda away from us but we fixed us a plate since she made breakfast and we sat down and chilled.
"Can i get my dooda please?" Dymond asked ms crystal and she eyed dymond before giving dooda to her. "Thank you." She smiled kissing dooda cheek.
"Mhm, everybody know i don't like sharing him." Ms Crystal said causing me to laugh.
"You gone act like that when i have a baby?" Khalil asked her.
"No." She said and he dropped his mouth shocked at her answer. "Im just playing." She laughed walking out the living room.
"Who tryna runnit in uno?" Bands asked and Tink, niya, woody, and sincere agreed to play.
"My husband finna tear yall ass up." Dymond laughed. No they wasn't married fr but they married in everybody else eyes.
"Tellem li mama." Woody winked at dymond.
"Im finna go smoke I'll be back." Khalil stood up causing kody to follow him.
"How the crib looking now?" Dymond asked me.
"It look good, a couple more shit gotta come but so far we almost done." I told her.
"That's good, i can't wait to move into some like that. Im working hard with this hair shit i know it'll take me far." She said and i nodded agreeing.
"Of course, you got that shit down packed!" I said.
"Shit!" SaySay said.
"No don't say that dooda." Dymond told him laughing. "He so bad, he don't repeat nun but cuss words." She added.
"Ongod." I laughed.
"Yaaa fuck nigga! Uno out!" Sincere said getting up.
"Period, don't play with my mannn." I gassed him up while dymond and woody mugged us. "Don't care bout the look on y'all face." I added laughing.
"Nigga cheated whole time." Woody shook his head.
"I could've won so i don't care." Niya said getting up coming to sit by me. "Yo hair cute."
"Thank you Niya." I laughed.
"Boy fuck you." Sincere said as him and woody argued playfully.
"Papa we gotta stop cussing, yo son gone say every bad word." I told him.
"You right."
After a while everybody gave eachother their gifts. Now it was time for sincere to tell his mom about the house he got her.
"Hmm mama." He said handing her a envelope.
"What's this?" She asked while Niya grabbed dooda away from her so that she could open it. She opened it and a key fell out.
She continued to read it until tears started coming down her eyes.
"A house!? 5 bedrooms?! Thank you so much handsome!" She yelled hugging him and kissing all over his face.
"Anything for you mama." He laughed.
"Must be nice!" Bands said causing us to laugh. "Fuck my mama tho, I'll never get her a crib." He said.
"Watch yo mouth mon'trell!" Mama yelled at him.
"Ouu i know im finna have the second biggest room in the crib, ain't I mama?" Khalil asked her and she mugged him.
"Boy one thing about it, you is not moving back in with me!" She said and we started laughing.
"Dang boy, better stay in that ugly ahh apartment you got!" Bands joked.
"Paige stop it!" Tink said picking her up. I held Payton little self, they were so beautiful. They made me want to have a little girl.
They was 2 years old and could talk a mouthful, i loved when i was around them. Paige was the bad one tho.
"She always doing some, li bad ass." Woody joked grabbing her from Tink.
Even tho dymond and Tink didn't fuck with eachother how we all used too, she cared a lot for their kids.
I was proud of how mature everybody had became and how everybody was vibing and making their own money.
How i always wanted it! Except i imagined my mama and granny here with us! Watching us grow into young adults.
" ma ma!" Dooda yelled looking at me.
"He jealous ass hell." Kody yelled as we looked at him get down from niya arms and he walked over to me without falling.
"Period that's my mf son, im proud of you dooda." I smiled putting Payton on the other side of my lap as i picked up dooda and placed him on the other side.
He sat there just mugging the fuck outta payton.
"Fight fight?" Payton asked him getting out of my lap.
"Girl get back, you not finna fight my son!" Sincere told her causing us to bust out laughing. I thought Payton was the nice one, ha li ass fooled me.
"Tell him to stop looking at my baby like that."Tink laughed.
"Tell ha to stay off his mama lap." Sincere joked.
"Y'all is a mess, do y'all want anymore food before i put it up? Y'all can take some home." Ms crystal asked.
"I want some mama, you know my girlfriend don't feed me." Khalil said standing up walking to the kitchen.
"Come here dooda." Dymond said holding her hands out and he went right to her. He loved his god mama fashooo.
"Man i can't wait to put these shoes on with a clean ass fit! Ima make sure i wear it to one of sinn shows. I just know ima get all the hoes." Bands said looking at the shoes sincere got him.
"I thought you had a girl my nigga." Woody shook his head looking at bands.
"I do, we in a open relationship. Mind yo bidness young blood." Bands told him causing us to start laughing.
"He called yo ass young blood." Kody laughed.
"Alright everybody don't gotta go home but you gotta get the fuck up outta hea." Ms crystal said.
"Ma!!" Khalil said looking at her so shocked.
"I'm fr i gotta go see this new house my son done bought me, y'all can come too but y'all can't stay here." She smiled so happily.
"You right, we been here for a while anyways." Tink said as everybody started getting up.
"Oh you got me that Tesla mf!" My dad said looking so happy causing us to start laughing.
"And did! I hope you love it cause that mf cost! Do you hear me? It cost!" I said as we looked at it.
"Do I love it? Silly you. Thank you tho foreal. I love you li girl." He hugged me and i hugged him back causing him to kiss my forehead.
"You welcome! You deserve it." I smiled.
"I gotta get me one of these." Domo said looking inside the car.
"I'll just drive pops if i was you, he ain't gone do shit." Draco said while ariel walked behind him. She got so big. My big girl was 3. Time went by so fast.
How she get 3 so quick? We was just at my dad house taking naps together.
I got my girl a doll house tho, it was big and she really loved it.
"Sayvon stop." Ariel told him.
"Come on yall it's cold ass hell." Da said picking up dooda and we walked back inside the crib. i went to the living room seeing sincere and kell playing the game.
"Shut that damn door! You know it's cold!" Granny yelled. Her and aunt Lena was in the kitchen making Christmas dinner.
"Ma stop yelling." Da told her putting sayvon down. "Dooda you better not hit my li girl either." He warned him.
"Im tired of people daughters beefing with my son." I laughed sitting down next to sincere.
"Tt can i play on your phone?" Sean asked me. He know damn well. "My phone went dead." He frowned.
"Mine dead too." I lied looking at him like what we gonna do next.
"You cap." He laughed running away causing sincere and kell to bust out laughing.
"He bad ass hell." I laughed taking snap pictures of me and sincere then i posted them.
"Y'all pajamas so cute, where you got them from?" Mia came in the living room asked me, domo and Draco followed too.
"I ordered them from Amazon, they wasn't cheap either." I frowned. Everything i damn buy ain't cheap.
"Let's go make the gingerbread houses." Mia said.
"Come on." I said and we all when into the dining room where the bread houses were. "Dooda come here." I said.
"Okay we gone do teams, me kell and remy, you sinn and dooda, domo sean and draco then daddy and Ariel." Mia spoke.
"Granny and aunt Lena gone be the judges."
after we was done making the gingerbread house, it was now time for granny and aunt Lena to tell who won.
"The winner goes to ... The Whitesss!"
"Period, lemme take a picture." I laughed as daddy nem talked shit about us winning.
"Yaaa we ate, domo y'all know damn well y'all wasn't gone win." I said looking at their house.
"You on dick bruh." Draco shook his head.
"Be fucking for real." Mia laughed.
"That shit suck." Daddy said causing us to laugh cause they dead mf wrong for doing their house like that. That ain't even no house.
i looked at remy, dooda, and Sean as they all ate the candy from the gingerbread houses.
"That's enough remy, all that sugar." Mia said grabbing her.
"Im ready to eat mama." Daddy told granny and she just mugged him before going back to the kitchen. "Heffa." He mumbled causing me to laugh.
We was now back at home and dooda went straight to sleep after he opened more of his gifts.
"Okay lemme give you your gifts first." I smiled grabbing and giving it to him.
"Ouuu." He said before unwrapping it. He opened the box and saw a diamond watch with other bracelets.
"Damn mama, you iced a young nigga out." He said causing me to laugh and put it on for him. "Shit."
"Yaaa don't play with you." I said as i took a picture once i got all of them on.
i got him some more stuff plus a Glock 47 that had his name on it. he loved it fasho.
"You went dumb, i appreciate it mama fr." He said kissing me a few times. "It's my turn tho." He smirked.
"Hmm lemme see." I said as he handed me a gift and i unwrapped it seeing a lot of chanel perfume and they all smelled good.
"You know that ain't it." He said. He got me a whole bunch of shit. Purses, stacks of money, and more designer shit.
"Thank you papa."
"One more thing." He said as music started playing in the background and he lit some candles.
Not him being romantic
" i been waiting all day to do this." He said getting on one knee.
"Noooo." I held my hand over my mouth shocked ass hell. "Papa." I pouted.
"When i told you i wanted to marry you mama, i was deadass. I never knew how much i loved you until you had my son. I appreciate you for him. That's the best gift you ever gave me. I appreciate you for being here with me through everything. Nobody ever had my back like you besides my mama nem. But you different, you special mama. And i don't ever wanna lose you."
"When we wasn't on good terms that made me realize how fucked up i would be if you ever left me. I would be down bad fr." He laughed causing me to as tears came down my face.
"I love you aries, will you marry me?" He said as i wiped my face shaking my head yes. "I can't hear you mama."
"Yes papa, I'll marry you." I cried as he placed the ring on my finger.
"This mf nice." I smiled.
"Anything for you baby." He said kissing me. Which lead to something else.
The end ...
I hoped y'all enjoyed this short story❤️, i appreciate all the votes and comments🤞🏾.
Who was your favorite character?
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