《Part II》Chapter twenty
😗sorry for any mistakes
Houston, Tx
September 1st
🎶Do you mean it when you say (say) my name (my name)?
'Cause, lately all this (all this) bullshit (bullshit)🎶
Constant B******t By Summer Walker played from the speaker of Caydence's room. The light from the sun shining outside was spilling through her transparent gray curtains. Caydence sat in the middle of her queen size bed with two black duffel bags of money sitting on the side of her and three stacks of cash on the other side of her.
Slightly moving her head to the music playing while she concentrated on counting the twenties and tens in her hand.
"Bubbles!" A voice broke her out of her concentration and made her lose the number she had in her head. "Syncere! I kno' you hear me girl,'' Quincy continued to yell throughout the house and she heard the alarm being turned off.
"She's in her room, daddy. Sissy doesn't like yellin' in the house," She heard Kory's little voice say. Caydence chuckled slightly, going back to counting the money in her hand. She sure didn't like yelling in her house, she will ignore you until you talk to her with your inside voice.
"You supposed to be on my side Pumpkin, not sissies," Quincy's voice gradually got closer to her room. "You right daddy, lemme do all the talking," Kory said before she pushed Caydence's door which was already cracked open, fully open.
"Sissy! Where have you been?!" Kory bucked her eyes at her, with her little hands on her hips. "Daddy, Granny, and I have been worried sick about you. And you can't answer the phone?!" She fussed, looking at her crazily, waiting for Caydence to give her a response. Caydence held a blank expression on her face and Quincy laughed lowly at his youngest daughter.
"Aight Pumpkin, don't hurt ha' now," He joked, placing his hand down on her small shoulder.
Kory rolled her eyes at her sister "You talk to her daddy, I have to pee," She spoke annoyingly, walking towards Caydence's bathroom connected to her room. An emotionless expression remained on Caydence's face, hearing Kory close the bathroom door "She acts too grown for me," She spoke, going back to counting the money in her hand. She was glad she had the pink color gloves on her hands, they were starting to turn black.
"Answer the question Syncere and I'm not playin'. Why didn't you answer your phone last night?" He asked with seriousness laced in his voice and walking deeper inside her room "We heard someone was shooting at the club last night," He said, sitting at the bottom of her bed.
Caydence nodded, finishing counting the money in her hand first. She didn't want to lose count again "Yeah. These drunk dudes got into it over who was paying the tab for the night. You know how people get nowadays, they rather shoot instead of actually fighting or talking the situation out," She explained, putting the tan color rubber band around the three hundred dollars she just counted out "Some of the dancers and people around got caught in the crossfire but I don't think anyone died. Just in critical condition," She shook her head, thinking about it again.
Trey was so pissed, fighting has happened in his establishment but never a full shootout. He had to shut down because of it now, so many things had to be replaced.
Quincy shook his head in disappointment "The wrong niggas are able to get guns. It wasn't that serious. Risked their freedom over dumb shit," He frowned while she picked up the shoe box full of money that BJ gifted her last night.
"That's what I said. Their bill was one grand but they should've established who was paying for what before ordering everything they ordered." She started to take the money out of the box as Quincy's eyes scanned all over the money on her bed. "I see other than that shoot out, you had a good night," He chuckled, looking back at her.
A sly smile grew on her face "Yep, now it's over. I can quit my other job at Burlington, work as a bottle girl and focus on my business," She did a mini dance before going back to counting the money. At first, she wasn't going to quit her job at Burlington but the people got on her nerves way too much there. It didn't pay as much either to stay, working like an unpaid slave.
She counted the money, already at five hundred dollars while trying to ignore Quincy staring at her face "Bubbles, when was the last time you got some sleep?" He wondered, not liking seeing all the dark bags hanging under her eyes. She shrugged her shoulders carelessly "Three days maybe? I'on know," She replied honestly as she put the rubber band over one grand she just counted.
Caydence's eyes remained on the box of money, avoiding looking at him. She knew he had a hard mugging expression on his face, she was starting to take back telling him the truth."You need to go see a doctor, that isn't okay Caydence," He lectured, snatching the money from her hands that she was using as a distraction.
Her head dropped backward, trying not to hear him fussing at her right now. "You think someone is playin' wit' you Caydence? Dat no sleep shit isn't healthy, when you pass out from overworking your body and brain, then what? Huh?" He continued to fuss, only ignoring her. She was tired of hearing the same thing over and over again. She understood where he was coming from because it was the truth but he didn't understand she had no control over it.
"Okay Daddy, I hear you," She huffed, picking her head back straight while he held the same frustrated expression on his face. "I will go to the doctor, Okay?" She lied, hoping to end this conversation faster than it started.
Quincy eyed her closely, simultaneously shaking his head at how hard-headed she was being. She frustrated everyone with the no caring and wanting to do everything herself attitude, she never wanted to ask for help. "Mhm," He only hummed, giving her the money back.
"Bookie! You better not be in their playin' with my tissue!" Caydence shouted after remembering Kory has been in her bathroom for a while now. She was always playing in the tissue as if it was cheap.
"Sorry sissy!" She answered back, making Caydence shake her head. She was going to start taking the tissue money out of her piggy bank.
"Girl no. He was so pissed after we got hold late this morning. When I woke up, he wasn't in his room. I tried callin' him but he didn't answer," Kambree informed Caydence after she asked about Trey while they sat in the living room of Caydence's house.
Caydence chose to text him later, she knew he was too upset right now to speak to anyone. She just prayed he didn't go out and do something stupid. To anyone else, they'll think Trey was doing too much for being heated right now with him being rich and able to fix all the damages to the club.
This was the first business Trey has opened himself without anyone's help. He put his all into his club, trying to run a better establishment than other clubs around. Not wanting the reputation of shootouts happening.
"That was too damn much, gave me a freakin' headache," Caydence rolled her eyes, she was mad for her best friend.
"Girl me too, I almost got hit wit' one of those damn bullets. If Trey didn't shove me down quick enough, I probably wouldn't be here," Bree huffed, typing at her computer. "Then my professor pissed me off, wanting me to rewrite my paper when I bet his old ass ain' even read it," She went on with her rant.
Kambree was in school to become an Architect. With her graduating earlier than expected next May, she was under a lot of pressure with the final classes she was taking this semester. Next semester was going to be even more stressful since those were the last classes she would be taking.
"He told you to write it over? He would've had to kiss my ass, that shit takes so much time and effort," Caydence frowned, laying her head on Bree's shoulder.
Although Caydence was an all-star student back in high school, she knew even if she went to college, more than likely she would've dropped out. From what Bree tells her, some professors didn't even care about your education really. She'll be damned if she was paying all of that money just to not be getting her full education.
"Exactly wit' his fat neck-stupid ass," Bree frowned, and Caydence started laughing while hearing little footsteps coming down the stairs.
"Cay, can you do my hair like yours?" Paris asked, flopping down on the couch beside Caydence. Caydence leaned her head off of Kambree's shoulder and looked over at Paris. "Like mine? Are you talkin' bout my skunk stripe?" She pointed her finger at her head. She just recently dyed the front part of her head, on the side blonde.
"No, I want locs like you. They're so pretty and long when you wear your hair down," She said, looking at Caydence's hair which was done in a top ponytail right now.
Kambree leaned her body up, looking over at her little sister "Since when did you want locs," She genuinely wondered.
"Since I saw Cay's hair and the twins. It's so nice," She simultaneously nodded her head while a small smile grew on her pretty dark skin tone face. Caydence smiled at her, she thought Paris is so adorable, she had a big gap in her teeth and Caydence thought it fit her so well. She and the whole group always complimented her on her gap, they all knew how little kids could get.
"Do you think they will look cute on me?" She questioned, looking between Kambree and Caydence.
"Duhhh, pretty girls look good in anything babe," Bree answered, snapping her fingers while gesturing in a circle.
"And do," Caydence co-signed. "I can do it if you really want to. Locs are a lot of commitment though so I want you to think a little more about it, okay?" Caydence reached her hand up to Paris's thick, dark brown 4c hair.
Paris nodded her head fastly "Okay,"
"Sissy!" They heard Kory yell from upstairs. Caydence shook her head, "Yes?" She replied shouting back at her and she heard music playing along with little feet running down the stairs.
"Kacey said can you please come outside," Kory said, walking into the living room with a grin on her face. Caydence could hear music coming from her Ipad, she knew it was Kacey on the other side.
Caydence stared blankly at her, trying to think of whether she really wanted to go outside to speak to him. One side of her wanted him out of her life after he said she hoe herself out.
That hurt deeper than she truly expected.
Another part of her wanted to talk just to apologize for being petty last night. She saw him walking out in the middle of her performance, she knew she hurt his feelings. Even though they aren't technically together, she still cared in a way.
"Why didn't he just call you?" Bree chuckled. Not responding, Caydence pushed up from the couch, deciding to just go speak to him or he was going to keep harassing Kory about it.
Caydence knew her friends, just like she didn't play about them, it was the same energy for her. They all had this rule that they set maybe a month ago, not to tell certain things that happen with the couple in a fight. Not because they didn't trust each other but because once you tell them, they're just going to be as mad or more. Unless it was cheating, they didn't say when it was a big argument like the one Caydence is currently in with Kacey.
It was better that way, when you have genuine friends, they will have your back on whatever relationship problem it is. Unless they're the ones in the wrong.
"Tell him here I come," She muttered, walking towards the front door. She slipped her Yeezy Slides 'Azure' on her feet before unlocking the front door. Closing the front door behind her, she spotted Kacey's 2022 blackout Ford Mustang GT parked across the street on the side.
"I'm probably so stupid for talking to him so soon," She grumbled to herself as she walked down the short driveway of her townhouse while seeing Kacey starting to get out the driver's side door.
Her face remained blank expression, walking towards the back of the car where he was standing with yellow sunflower bouquets in his hands. Those were her favorite flowers, she just wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of getting a smile out of her right now.
"Hey Mami," He slightly smiled, leaned down towards her, and tried to place a kiss on her lips but moved her head before he could. He sighed "I got you these. I'm really sorry about what I said," He spoke, giving her the flowers.
"A sorry and some flowers aren't going to fix this Ace," She smelled the flowers, these will always be her favorite.
Kacey groaned lightly, pulling his gray Nike short up since they were sagging "You actin' like you weren't in the wrong either," He furrowed his eyebrows making a frown growing on her face "I'm not the only one wrong here. You didn't even let me explain before you blew up on me," He stated.
Caydence looked at him funnily "Yes I did. All you kept saying was it wasn't like that. But wasn't explaining what it was like, "She spoke, "Yes the way my tone started was wrong, and yes I was being very petty at the club during my performance, I can admit and take accountability for that but you..." She shook her head, looking at him, seeming annoyed.
"You're wrong as hell. If it was the other way around, you would be heated if I didn't tell you my ex was hitting me up and popping up on me at my job. You held that in for two weeks then you had the opportunity to tell me she popped up at your job and you didn't,"
"Aight and I hear you but you only understand it from yo' side," He spoke, only confusing her because she didn't think it was any other side to the situation. "You not seein' it from how confused I was about someone almost killin' me popping back up in my life. Fuck you wanted me ta' say when I barely understood how I felt and about what I wanted to do," He put his hands out, holding a straight face.
"Even if you didn't feel comfortable wit' comin' to me about it, it's still ain' no reason that bitch shouldn't have been blocked," She raised her voice sem-loudly. She took a deep breath, trying to calm herself, she knew there wasn't a reason to be yelling when their voices were at a normal tone.
"Forget it this," She shook her head, placing the flowers on the car. She was about to turn around to walk back into the house until Kacey gently grabbed her forearm.
"Where are you goin'? We aren't goin' to get nowhere without talkin' this out Mami," He stated and she rolled her eyes "I'm trying to understand your view just like I want you to understand mines," He added.
Caydence only snatched her arm away from him "Let's be real right now Ace. This is not even mainly about you not blocking her or speaking up. I understand your view and I still stand on you should've blocked her the minute she got in contact with you. This is mainly about how you disrespected me, how you dead ass said I ho myself out when you know I did what I had to do to provide for my sister," Her voice finally cracked and his facial expression softened.
"Mami, I didn't mean it," He reached out to touch her but she backed up before his hands could touch her.
"Yes, you did. You have been waiting for the moment to say it and you got it," Tears welled up in her eyes, she wished his words didn't affect her so much. "I put so much time into you Kacey, so much effort and making life changes. Planning my life with you but-but all you see me as in some ho stripper," She finally let the tears escape her eyes for the first time since she heard those words.
That's all she replaced in her head.
Kacey pulled her into a tight hug "I'm not just some ho Kacey. I-I tried my best, I did what I thought was best for my sister," She broke down in his arms. "I just always wanted to keep a smile on her face and give her a happy childhood while our parents were absent. Why would you throw that in my face when you know that," She kept going and Kacey put his chin on top of her head, letting her get everything off her chest.
"I-I thought you were different," She tried to push him away from her but he held her even tighter to her chest. "I'm not just some ho stripper and I thought you were the only person that saw but-but you were so quick to throw it in my face because what? You-you said you loved me," She stopped fighting to get out of his arms.
Caydence couldn't help but look at him in a different light now. She's been judged a lot but never thought the man she was so in love with would judge her.
"I do!" He quickly replied, pulling back from the hug "I love you so fuckin' much Caydence. What I said was stupid and-and I was just trying to flip it on you but I didn't mean it. I swear to God I didn't mean it," He held her face in his large hands.
"I know you are so much more than a stripper and I know you stopped your bread for me. You are so much more to me than a stripper," He said genuinely, looking into her watery eyes. "You are so big-hearted and caring. You are smart as hell, you can do whatever you put your mind to. You're beautiful, not just your body but your soul baby. I love everything about you baby, I swear I do. I'm so sorry, I was fucked up to say that to you," He wiped the hot tears streaming down her face.
This was the first time she ever seriously cried in front of him, you could see the guilt in his eyes.
Caydence remained quiet, she wanted to forgive and forget but she didn't think it would be this easy. "Give me one opportunity to fix it, I promise I can show you I ain' mean nun of dat I said," He quickly pecked her lips "Lemme fix it, baby, please," He practically begged with his mouth inches close from hers.
Caydence sniffed, softly grabbing his wrist and moving his hands from her face. She stared back into his watery eyes, this man had so much control over her mentally and emotionally. Her soft spot for Kacey will always be strong than her other thoughts.
"Okay," She mumbled, wiping her face with the back of her hands. "We can be on a break instead of breaking up but I just still need some space Kacey," She rubbed her nose, sensing the headache growing stronger than before.
Kacey kissed her lips again "Thank you, I promise I'ma fix this, " He sighed.
Caydence only nodded, hoping he did. He was the only person she will ever want to be with. She didn't think she would ever love another person harder than she loves Kacey. "I'ma go now," She grabbed the flowers from the car.
"Hol' up first," He said, reaching into his pocket. He pulled his key fob out of his car before popping the trunk. Caydence furrowed her eyebrows a bit, seeing a giant tan-colored teddy bear in his trunk. "I know you need some space but please, get some sleep Caydence. I'on like seeing you exhausted like this," He spoke, giving her the giant bear that was bigger than her.
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