《Psychic x Fantasy》World of Psychics CH 32: Surprise Over Practicality


Jeremy laid on his bed, scrolling down his phone with a bored expression.

It had been a fairly boring few days, really. School was school, obviously, and he was glad to be home again, but something felt missing.

Because she was.

And at this point, he didn’t really know what to do with himself. Playing games and watching shows had gotten boring really quickly, for some reason, and that was about all he could do.

Life without someone else there was…familiar. Not fun, though.

So, at this point, he’d begun doom scrolling.

It wasn’t long, though, before he’d found a post on social media made by Jana, which was a topic of discussion.

{I’m learning space travel for the first time!}

It was a picture of Jana standing with a broad smile in front of an array of flags, an icy waste behind her. She was in a space suit, with her helmet iconically in her arm.

“Huh…but why is this trending…” he muttered, looking at the first comment.

{Wow! I was worried about Jana after she stopped posting, but I’m happy to see you’re still doing well! You’ve been an inspiration of mine since I was a kid, so take care of yourself!}



“AHH!” Jeremy threw himself off the couch, stumbling into the coffee table as he heard two voices behind him.

Yellow and Blue stood there, Yellow having craned his neck to look at what he was doing.

“Seriously? Could you not scare me like that?”

“Get used to it,” Yellow said with a shrug.

“As if I could. And why were you all gone for so long?”

The two exchanged glances, then Blue reluctantly said, “We felt the presence of our kin.”

“Your…okay, so did you find them?”

“No, unfortunately not.”

“How did you…’feel’ their presence anyway?”

“I wonder that too,” Blue said, while Yellow leaned on the couch, as if he couldn’t fly.

Jeremy rolled his eyes, wondering if he would ever get real answers from them. “Anyway, Madam Illuma texted me saying she wanted your help.”

“Right now?” Yellow asked.

The two exchanged glances, Yellow shrugged, then they disappeared.

“Can they just teleport at will?” Jeremy muttered.

After a few more, somewhat boring hours, Jeremy heard a knock on the door.

Hoping it was a particular someone stopping by, he walked to the door and opened it.

The person standing in front of him wasn’t very familiar.

“Umm…I’m not talking to reporters, and if you’re selling girl scout cookies…I’ll buy them,” he said, raising an eyebrow.

The girl was clearly not selling girl scout cookies, though. She was around thirty years old, but relatively small. Her golden hair was long behind her shoulders, while she wore a fur cap over it, and had a heavy winter jacket and a fluffy pair of black pants that looked quite comfortable and warm.

If you like it, don’t hesitate to ask someone where they got it, Psychi’s words echoed in his head.

“Oh, and where did you get those pants?” Jeremy immediately said.

The girl tilted her head, then glanced down. “Oh, these? I got them from a friend who used to work with fashion design.”

“Oh, are there more?”

“I…think? Oh, and do you mind if I come in?” she asked.

He squinted skeptically. “Why…”

“I’m here about moving your house.”

He blinked. “My…house. I…have a few questions, so…feel free to come in, I guess.”

She looked around the house, a clipboard in her hand and a bag of supplies flying behind her through telekinesis. “Do you have any water? I’d like that.”


Jeremy wordlessly walked to his fridge and poured a glass of water.

“So…” he said, handing her the drink. She tossed the clipboard to the side, letting it hang midair as she took a sip of water, quickly alternating back to the clipboard and its pen. “You said you were moving my house? Is this some sort of forced eviction mumbo jumbo?”

She looked at him with evident confusion. “No, I don’t work with a bank or the government or anything.”


“You really don’t know? I was told that your house needed moving.”

“Right…then who said that?”

“Jana Pontoon.”

“Oh…” his eyes narrowed. “Why, though?”

“Umm…she didn’t say anything about having your house moved to you? Did you get on her bad side?”

“No, I don’t think I did.”

“Hmm…” She tapped her mouth with her finger concernedly. “I guess I did come here two days early. Maybe I wasn’t meant to. I was just in the area…” The girl quickly slipped out her phone. “Oh…I definitely wasn’t.”

“What does it say?” Jeremy asked.

“Nothing,” she said defensively. “Umm…but I guess that the secret is out and all, so…how about you pretend I’m not here while I do my inspection, and we can handle this in two days, okaykay?”

He rubbed his forehead. “Bruh…”


“Sure, sure, why not? I don’t mind,” he said, outstretching his arms before falling onto his couch. “Just don’t make a mess.”

Jana looked at her computer with a satisfied expression, snow blowing into her apartment behind her. “Moving agent: check, space flight: check, press conference: check, government stuff: check, memeing a predator: check.” She leaned back in her chair. “The wonders of a finished to-do list. I should’ve listened to dad on that one earlier. One last thing to do, then.”

She called her secretary again.

“What?” he said annoyedly. “If you’re asking about that lot you asked to buy, yeah, it’s ready. Still pissed you decided to just…abandon the apartment I’d readied for you…”

“Look, times change. Thanks,” Jana said, walking off her chair.

“How do you even plan on transiting between Montreal and that place?”

“Space, son.”

“I’m twice your-”

“Space,” Jana said smugly.

“I heard you the first time. You better not be late to meetings now.”

“I won’t be if I can. Also, I need to finish up my space training and all real quick.”

“Space Training. Whatever, just don’t fuck things up.”

“When have I ever?”

“How do I even respond to that…”

“You can stop there!” Jana heard through her receiver.

Jana was somewhere above the Mediterranean Sea, high, high above the sky. “Alright,” she said, slowing as quickly as she could. As she did, she asked, “Where am I?”

“I just need to track how quickly you come to a stop and how far that takes you, and you should be ready to use the space flight technique easily.”

“Wish I’d picked this up earlier…” Jana muttered, looking up at the sun. “Ccan’t believe she was keeping this technique from us…”

After a moment, Nala said, “I’ve got it all measured out. When you decelerate, you fly twenty kilometers forward over twenty seconds.

“Sounds good. I just need to slow down twenty kilometers from my destination.”

“Yep. And…I think you’re ready! Come back home.”

Jeremy sat on his couch, waiting.

Something was going to happen. He wasn’t sure when, or why, but it’d been two days since that girl had come to his house on Jana’s orders.


Really, now that he thought about it, Jana was a bit strange, as a person. She was surprisingly careful at times, and headstrong in others. She was cold sometimes, but also sometimes funny.

Or maybe…well, it definitely wasn’t strange. Psychi had the tendency to flip flop too.

Either way, he was more than a little curious to see what Jana was planning. He’d felt like she left too quickly, and if she’d had a plan, it made sense.

But Jeremy couldn’t help but feel uncertain as he glanced at the front door of his house, wondering if Jana really did have something planned. He knew she did, at least that blond would show up to do something, but he felt like it wasn’t going to happen until he saw someone at his front step.

As he apprehensively watched his TV, tapping his foot, afternoon came and continued until he finally heard a knock.

It resounded through the four-roomed house, and he immediately froze. After a second, he quickly paused his show and scrambled to the front door.

As he opened it, the same blond girl stood in front of him.

Not exactly who I wanted to… he thought to himself, before feeling a pang of embarrassment at the thought. “U-um…hey,” he said. “What’s up?”

“Hello again!” the woman said, sending him a thumbs up. “Has Jana arrived yet or…”

“Jana’s coming?” he asked suddenly, too quick.

She leaned back as the boy half her age startled her. “She said she’d be here before me…”

Jeremy sighed, hiding his enthusiasm. “Right, right…do you want to come in?”

“Oh, su-”

Something crashed into the ground on the other side of the street, accompanied by a sonicboom that uplifted the snow all about the street, creating a smokescreen that quickly settled.

“Ow!” A loud, familiar voice yelled from afar, rising from the rubble her body had made. “U-umm…oh shit I’m late…” she muttered as she saw the mover at the front door. Jana quickly leapfrogged to the front door. “Why, hello there, you two,” she said as she slid to a stop. She looked strange in the spacesuit, the helmet of which flew off to reveal her smiling expression. “How’s your days been?”

“Good…” Jeremy said, perplexed. “And you…?”

“Very very fine, sir,” she said in a strangely non-sardonic manner. “I see my mover has made it here already.”

“I was on time, you were…” she began to mutter, before wisely trailing off. “Umm, I just got here.”

“Right, right. So I’m sure you’re wondering what’s going on,” she said, addressing Jeremy.

“I am.”

“Cool. Can we come in and I’ll explain?”

“I guess so.”

Once Jeremy set tea for his guests, Jana sipped on it without decency, making a great racket with her slurping.

“You, uhh…” Jeremy began, “…seem pretty…energetic today, Jana.”

“Do I?” she said, changed out of her spacesuit, revealing a black tank-top that was cut just before her abdomen. She sat beside Jeremy, while the mover was comfortable with sitting on a pillow on the other side of the table.

“Yes, you definitely do,” he said matter-of-factly. “Why’s that?”

“Well, I’ve got my first few days off my very draining job since I got back from our journey, and my grand plan has finally came together, so you could say I’m a bit excited.”

“Wanna tell me what that plan is?”

She smiled smugly, “Well, you’re probably wondering why I came here in a spacesuit… and that’s bec-”

“No, it’s pretty obvious,” he interrupted her. “You’ve been testing space flight out.”

Jana froze. “U-umm…y-yes, how did you-”

“Social media. I followed you during our ‘journey’.”


He quickly added, “But I figured it wouldn’t be easy to learn. I’m surprised you’re already traveling around with it.” I’m not here to take the wind out of her sails…though it would be funny to. “I’m impressed.”

Jana looked to the side, flustered. “Y-yeah, I’m slowly expanding my…horizons.” She briefly ruminated over her failure to make a pun out of that word. “A-and, I’ve been doing other things, too. I handled the press…” Put most of my hard work onto my secretary… “trained, did more research, contacted the board about Madam Illuma having a proposition, sent a pedophile to Brazil, and…yeah.”

He raised an eyebrow in intrigue. “Yeesh, no wonder Psychi didn’t want all that responsibility. You’re not even four years older than me and that sounds like a total clusterfuck.”

“I know, right? This’d all be so much easier if I didn’t give a fuck.”

“I can imagine.” After a brief pause, he asked, “So…what’s going on?”

Jana smiled smugly over her tea, though she wasn’t much of a tea person. She preferred cold things, like popsicles. Imagine: a world where tea time was instead popsicle time! “So, you know how you’re, like, a hundred kilometers from your school?”


“Yeah, well, I was thinking I could move your house to the city.”

“Move…my…” His eyes fluttered in thought. That actually makes a lot of sense. She can do it pretty easily… “But the city was really annoyed back when we still lived in our old house,” he explained. “I don’t think they’d be happy to see my house float over a dozen others then plop in the middle of-”

“Bro.” Jana sent Jeremy a ‘are you serious?’ look, leaning in. “I don’t give a fuck about what they think.”

He nodded, tensing his neck. “Fair enough…” Especially since there won’t be random super-psychic fights anymore…he glanced at Jana. He had a feeling from her eyes that she wasn’t finished with the sort-of surprises.

“And obviously, this is your house, so if you don’t want it moved…” She shrugged, rolling her head. “That’s on you.”

“As long as my house still works, sure. I don’t like the fifty-minute rides to school at all.”

“Awesome. But there was one last thing…” she said slowly, before pointing to Jeremy. “Do you know why I learned space travel?”

“Because it could make you fast enough to change the way you interact with the world, and your entire life as a whole?”

She blinked. “O-oh, yeah, that. But, umm, one other reason. It’s kinda the same reason why I moved in with you.”

“To avoid reporters and the bustle of your job while a large incident blew over?”

“No?” Jana said questioningly. “I mean, aren’t you lonely without your sister?”

Jeremy paused, his breath catching in his throat. “I…I am…”

“Exactly! And I…” she paused, just like him. “I’m really fucking lonely too…” she said, her voice quieting a little. “So I was going to ask if I could move in.”

“You mean…for a few months or-”

“No, idiot! I said move in, indefinitely.”

“A-ah…you want to- to move in with…me.” Jeremy said, pausing between breaths. He didn’t blink as he leaned back into his seat with a dumbstruck, open mouth. “I…didn’t…I thought you were going to stay in Montreal…”

She shook her head. “Nah, fam. I…” she trailed off for a moment. “I know I haven’t talked about it but…for a long time I’ve felt…really alone. I realized when I traveled with you just how bad I’d felt, and how much I wanted to be around someone I really…trusted. And…that’s why I helped you out. Your parents…they’re gone and…Psychi…” She glanced to the side, holding her arm insecurely. “L-look, long story short, I realized that you were the same as me, and I didn’t want…don’t want to see you go through what I did.”

Jeremy stared wide-eyed at Jana, unsure how to respond.

“U-uhh, Jeremy, you’re…” Jana looked away from him. “Crying…” she muttered, averting her eyes.

He quickly blinked, then wiped the tears onto his shirt. “Y-yeah, well, I wasn’t expecting to hear…any of that,” he said quietly. “I thought you just wanted to get away from reporters and stuff…”

Jana sent him a wry smile. “That was a pretense. I was not going to admit that in front of some punk kid.” She chuckled. “So, uhh, do you mind if I move or-”

“No, no, you absolutely can!” he said, hurriedly holding his hands out.


Jana flew straight into Jeremy, looping her arm under his so she could nuzzle him with a big smile.

As she did, though, both his and her eyes were pushed toward the other side of the coffee table.

The mover had a tissue from the table in her hand, and was holding it just below her nose, looking at the two with a fascinated, adoring expression.

Every person froze as they became painfully self-aware of what was going on.

“Umm…” the mover muttered, thinking of a way to diffuse their embarrassment. “That was really touching!”

Jana slowly, without moving a muscle, slid away from Jeremy. As she did, she stared daggers at the girl. “Tell a soul about what you just saw, and I’ll tear you a new one. You got that?”

The woman shook her head violently with a barely audible, “Got it,” ostensibly acknowledging Jana’s threat.

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