《In an RPG World》Chapter 2.1 (old)
As the bright light faded, I collapsed to the dirt in my view. The magic rod in my hand dropped and rolled a few inches across the ground.
What just happened was a completely unbelievable experience. It felt like being sucked through a tube then spat out. My body the liquid. I could feel myself heavily panting but was still too shocked to let out any cry for help. Was I going to die from a panic attack? I wouldn't be surprised if it happened.
I could now make out the sound of my own voice as I struggled to get my bearings. Looking around, I was in some sort of park area. Nothing I could make out but green and brown around me. I threw my hands all over my body, still hoping this was some sort of freaky dream. But I instinctively knew this was no illusion as I could not feel myself sitting in my chair nor the feel of the visor around my head. I used my hands to grope more around only to come to the conclusion - my soul had been transported into this RPG World game. Or was it some isekai fantasy world? Were "souls" even a thing? There was those 'Soul Marker' and 'Soul Contract' bubbles I got glimpses off but part of its text was illegible.
"Are you okay there!"
I heard a clear voice to my back and turned around to see a literal bombshell of a woman. All my panic from before was instantly replaced with a stoned silence. What's more was she was a dark elf - tanned skin, cute pointed ears, and long flowing blonde hair tied in a pony. She was wearing a 'jogging' outfit of some sort that hugged her stacked body.
"Are you alright?" After her second inquiry almost 10 seconds later, I must have realized I was just staring at this beauty with my mouth hanging open. Hopefully there wasn't a drool anywhere.
"-uuhhh... yeah, I think." I answered weakly while struggling to get back on my feet. I as looked down on myself, I was wearing the red Novice Robe from my inventory and could feel my feet in the Apprentice Boots. My trousers must have been the Trainee Legs but I wasn't going to undo my robe in front of this woman because I could not be sure if I was naked underneath it. Looking at my left hand, the Ring of EXP was on my pointer finger and so the only other item I had equipped (the rod) was still strewn on the grassy ground.
The dark elf was kind enough to notice my attention and she went to pick it up for me, giving me a nice shot of her backside while doing so. Accepting my weapon from her with my cheeks a little flushed, she once again asked in what I thought was a sultry tone-
"Are you sure, you are okay? You were wheezing pretty hard there."
"I don't know. I think so, now." I patted myself down and stood tall to show her I was visibly fine. That was when I noticed I was a bit taller than her. Being rather short all my life, my eye could pick out people's heights so I knew this dark elf was atleast 5'9". Yet the top of my head was atleast 4 inches over her. That was when I remembered I had adjusted my in-game measurements. Was I really 6'1" now, seems so.
I then took a gander at my surroundings. The two of us were in a rural setting. There was a clear field, some dirt pathings, with few trees in between what looked to be two city blocks. I say 'city' but this was more of a medieval town in a fantasy setting.
"Do you know where you are?" was the dark elf's next question. But I could tell her mood had shifted as her clear jaded eyes were almost squinting in judgement.
Alarmed, I came up with a hasty excuse, "I'm sorry. I think I got lost," then added, "Can I bother you a bit to help me, please?"
The elf looked almost taken aback before her posture softened, "-umm, sure. Helping others is the duty of a knight after all. However I'm on my morning jog so you'll have to follow me into the town proper."
So it was morning here. It was in the evening hour back home. Was I really on another world or was this some kind of digital reality. But this was feeling way too real to be a 'game' though.
"I'll try to keep up. Thank you, miss..." I said with what I hoped was a polite smile on my face while offering my hand in greeting.
The dark elf beauty flashed me a smile as she took it in her slender grip, "My name is Elisha. Elisha von Durham." Her cool green eyes were looking at me rather curiously now.
"Nice to meet you, Elisha-dono. My name is Gar-" before stopping to remember my circumstances here, "R-Rikku. My name is Rikku. I'll be in your care for now." Bowing my head slightly to add those last words hoping these types of sayings were common here.
"Likewise, Rikku-san. Follow me, if you would," and the dark elf trotted off at a brisk pace.
As the two of us jogged at a leisure, I could notice that this town was not 'ordinary'. The area we were running through looked like a park but held various homes with old thatch roofings. Other houses were more stone-like. A few people could be seen about in rather grungy looking clothing, if there was ever such a thing. Few others had leather equipment on and looked ready for work. It really must have been an early morning hour here.
The other thing I took notice of - and did my best to keep my eyes off - was my running companion's fine form. I felt guilty looking at her shapely body from behind and the dark elf would take glances back to me to make sure I wasn't staring.
But after catching a particularly fine bounce, I asked her a question in a rather aloof manner, "Is it possible, I can ask you a rather stupid question."
Her answer was a cute scoff, "Is it one I should take offense to?"
"Well. This would not be my intention, mind you." I left my answer vague to gauge her response.
A couple moments later she replied to "go ahead".
As we continued to jog I asked it. "Perchance," starting off with an old English word, "Are you an NPC?"
Her answer was an immediate halt as she looked back with a wry smile on her face and a hand on her hip. "In-pee-see?" she stretched out each syllable of the gamer term.
"May I ask what that is?" she continued.
Well it was worth a shot. It was a dumb question anyways as is not like an NPC would know they are an NPC. But the elf babe was definitely confused to the terminology I used and that itself was an answer.
But I have to give her an answer back as she continued to look on me with a dumbfounded expression, "It's... how can I say this. A term to describe a certain person or persons commonly found in towns or cities."
"It is not a bad thing, mind you," I quickly added.
"A class of profession?" She asked with a tilt of her head.
"I guess you can call it so," I returned.
It only took a little bit for the dark elf to break out in a little giggle, "Well, never been called that before," as she broke out in a full laugh to my own expression as I waved my hands in worried fashion. It must have looked silly with my right still holding onto my magic rod.
"Relax, I'm just teasing," and I relaxed before she went on, "what a strange term. Never heard it before."
"I guess you can say it is a bit of a 'coded' word," I finished.
To this her expression seemed to brighten, "Ah, old wizard lingo? Shoulda known."
Huh? That grounded my thoughts.
"May I ask what you mean by that? Elisha-dono," hoping she would further that topic along.
The dark elf's look turned sly as she motioned with her head for us to continue moving. A few seconds later she spoke while running, "You're from Azora, right?"
I did not know how to answer that, and I did not trust myself to say anything now that could contradict anything I said later. So I just kept trotting behind her without a word.
"The Mystic Tribe have such strange sayings, and you share their resemblance so I figured you were of their people."
Resemblance? She could only mean Asian features here, right? I felt it was safe enough to answer-
"I guess you can say that, Elisha-dono." I was already plotting ideas in my head on how to gain knowledge of this Azora region.
"Yes. I figured so after seeing your garb." My red robe and rod-like weapon was a telling sign I was a spellcaster of some sort. Elisha made a connection between Azora and 'wizards' so magic must be common there?
"A group of young mages from that Tower were in the Vale recently. Forecasting some doom that never came to pass. You are of their company, right?"
I did not want to give a direct answer to this, so I said "sorta".
"Got left behind?" Elisha turned to give me a pointed look.
Instead of answering, I gave the elf beauty the best shameful look I could act with my face and hoped all the guilt I was feeling would reflect on some non-answer she would take to heart. It seemed to work because she continued-
"Don't worry. We have a good Explorers Guild here in the Vale so they can move you to where you need to go."
Obviously this Vale must be this semi-city area we are in now. I wanted to ask Elisha more questions about those Azora folks but seeing as she already thinks I was a tagalong, asking about "who" and "where" they are might net me some unwanted questions. Also her line of the Explorers Guild stood out. Was that some sort of adventuring company? Were 'quests' a thing here?
We continued to run along before we reach a side district area that was more condensed with buildings of brick and stone. These roads were paved and had more people about so my escort slowed her speed to a power-walk as we made our way down a busy main street. One thing I noticed was none of the other town people took note of this gorgeous beauty walking down the street, covered in a light sweat, and wearing clothes that barely hid her buxom figure.
In fact - the opposite was happening. Everyone seemed to have a built-in reflex to look away when their eyes happened upon her. Had this babe been on the streets of Tokyo, almost everyone would have had their vidphones out.
It was too unsettling, so I strode up to her side to lean and whisper, "E-excuse me, Elisha-dono. Why does everyone seem to be afraid of you?" I started thinking I was being blindly led somewhere bad due to all the negative reactions the dark elf was mustering.
The beauty's face turned a little sour as she replied back in an even tone, "My mother was a dark elf." There was like no emotion in her voice.
"Is there something wrong with dark elves?" I pondered aloud while watching a burly man literally stumble off the paved way as the two of us passed him. It was a bit of a comical sight. To that Elisha stopped and turned pensive, her face a little flushed as she said forthwith-
"Surely you jest." Her eyes were almost indicating I crossed over some line of cordial manner. Stunned by my own slip-up here, I bowed my head profusely and continued to do so while stammering out my apologies.
After the fifth bow of my head, I took a glance up to see Elisha wearing a troubled look as if not believing anything I had just said. However the answer I got in return was-
"Don't be so, Rikku-san," and the dark elf gave me a faint smile as she turned to start walking again.
Whew, safe! Dodged a blunder there. I said nothing more as I hurried a couple paces back to follow where Elisha was taking me. It took another 10 minutes to reach our destination. It was a more grandiose building than the others we passed, and it had its own courtyard setting. One could say it looked like a small castle estate. Various statues adorned the smooth pebbled walkway to its main doors. But outside a few guardsmen wearing a fancy uniform garb, this area seemed eerily vacant.
Elisha stopped to wave her hand forth in a clear gesture, "This is the Explorers Guild, its Vale branch. Explain your predicament to one of the receptionists inside and I'm sure they can offer you some suitable accomodations."
"Arigatou gozaimasu, Elisha-dono," I used the more formal way to say my "thanks" for the service this beautiful woman just rendered me. "And I am sorry if what I said earlier caused offense. Please forgive me."
I again bowed my head to the dark elf. She did not respond until chanced a look back up to which she replied, "There is nothing to forgive, Rikku-san. I thank you." And she gave me a half bow with her hand on her chest.
Man she looked stunning. Like really, what was the reason everyone else did their best to ignore or avoid her presence? Perhaps it is some new world thing here.
Elisha continued with a giggle after correcting her posture, "I do have to say. I'm even more impressed."
"Hmm? What I'd do?"
"We just ran some 4 miles and you easily kept my pace. More - you are not even winded. You have great stamina for a mage." That's true when the dark elf pointed that out. I was never overweight but hardly a kid known for his athleticism. How did I just do this long run? I could barely make a mile without doubling over.
"I'm actually sorry to say this, but I must get going. My shift starts in an hour. But it was truly an honor to meet you, Rikku-san." I could hardly believe my luck with this dark elf beauty. Was she really that happy to show a lost boy around?
"The honor was mine, Elisha-dono. Again, thank you for your aid here. I'm afraid I would still be lost without your escort."
"Anytime. It is a knight's duty afterall," she said with a cute nod of her head. "Listen. Should your request go astray here, do head towards the Knights Hall in the center quarter of town. Ask for the Dame Eli and the knights there will take you seriously."
"Dame Eli?"
"Yes. It's my nickname." Elisha bit with a smile, but gave me a wink as she set off. She took one backward glance as she walked away and I gave her a half bow in return and then waved her off as she rounded the estate corner.
I looked back at the handsome entrance of the Explorers Guild and thanked Kami-sama - perhaps I should avoid doing this - for the chance meeting with Elisha. Not only did I get to meet with a dark elf babe, but she was quite friendly too. Had she not shown up in that timely manner, I would likely have had a nervous breakdown. And I got to learn a couple things about this new world I'm in.
Apparently I'm in a place called the Vale. There is a tower somewhere called Azora (or is in Azora) with their people being asian-like wizards. Elisha said something about a Mystic Tribe. Did they follow the more traditional eastern mythos? Hopefully all my knowledge playing these old RPGs and watching various fantasy animes would help me navigate this new world. Or hopefully I was in some wild dream-like state and would wake up soon.
However I doubt the latter would happen. Somehow 'this' happened to me and I needed to figure out a path forward in this new world. If this Explorers Guild is anything like it sounds, then maybe I can apply for a job of some sort, make some cash... or coin so I can have some living funds. I just realized I was dead broke and had no home to go to.
I could no longer see my game interface, but was I still a lv.20 Adept Mage? Could I access anything that I did in the Tutorial mode? I whispered [Scan], thinking of myself as the target. It was both a failure and success.
A window did open up in my mind but it was more akin to my character status than an interactive menu. It seemed everything was normal from before I got isekai'd. Or as 'normal' it could be in this situation. But there was still that problem in figuring out 'how' to do anything that I could in-game.
I couldn't experiment here though because I was being watched by the three guards, whom were likely wondering why I haven't budged since the pretty dark elf left my company. And I figured there was no real reason to continue standing here so I made my way to them.
"Greetings, good sirs." I opened with a old-fashioned saying. "Could I ask if you are open at this time?" I already regretted this as the three wouldn't likely be standing here if so and the front gate would have been closed. However, the large entrance doors were still shut so I could not be entirely sure.
Two of the guards snickered while the third was kind enough to say, "First time visitor?"
"Yessir," I said quickly.
The guard motioned me through a side door I just now noticed was already open. After thanking the guardsmen, I walked through the door and its little foyer area and was hit with a scene commonly found in fantasy animes. It looked like the floor of a convention hall with its numerous table settings. I could make out large bulletin boards stacked with papers on the side walls and the full back setting was shaped like a cashier booth. There was even a second floor to this main area.
Before making my way to one of the three receptionists at the counter, I walked around the room to get a feel of the locale. Many a picture was shown but these looked more like detailed line arts and paintings than digital copies. One picture was a map as I took note of several marked regions having large pins sticking out of them. None of the areas shown were anything I recognized in our world geography. But one thing they all had in common was - I could not understand any of the visible words. That got worse when I made my way to the bulletin boards where the only thing depicted was text in its strange patterns of wavy lines.
I could read and write Japanese in its three forms and was even a dab hand in English and math in the numeral system, but I realized here none of that knowledge would do me much good in this new world setting. But then how was I able to interact with that babe in Japanese? Looking back at it, it wasn't some universal translation trope because Elisha even used an honorific standard to my culture.
With a feeling of acidity settling in my stomach over my ignorance in these matters, I made my way to the receptionists. All three were gossiping with the other but paused as I made my approach and put on fake smiles as their duty as hostesses.
"Can I help you, waka?" She was a cute redhead with a freckled face.
"Yes," how to approach this. "Is this the place to take up adventurer requests?" I wanted to get confirmation on what this Explorers Guild actually does before committing to any action.
"We do handle many requests in that field, although our branch is not affiliated with monster subjugation. In the Vale, those are handled by the Knights." Sounds good so far. I don't really want to be put into any combat scenario before I learned how to use my magic spells.
Then I asked, "What about quests, or any specialized task like gathering special materials?"
"Many are also handled here." She seemed a tad confused to my line of questioning so she added, "We are on the Frontier so most of the town guilds work hand-in-hand. This is not like the city guilds."
Of course that did not explain a whole lot to me. Seems this Vale is an outskirt town though which is info enough. My goal was to land a job here or atleast get a few easy tasks that I can get enough money to use for another prospect. Food should not be an immediate issue - if my [Item Box] even works - but I currently had no safe dwelling. Never did I love my mother more than before this moment.
The pit in my stomach ached when I thought about what was happening back home. Am I just a corpse, or did my body vanish like a puff of smoke? I always felt bad for my mom because of her constant work hours and losing dad was painful enough as it was. And now losing my mom. Does she think I ran away or was kidnapped or something...
"Are you okay? You looking a tad green." The redhead musta seen my bad train of thoughts.
"Sorry bout that. I just ran over 4 miles to get here. A little fatigue caught up." I was even surprised by my clever comeback.
"Well," the redhead started, "are you here to register or put in a job request?"
"Okay. Let me see your Status Card then." Is she talking about my character window? Or was it some form of ID?
"-umm... I don't think I have one of those." The air turned cold in an instant. The two receptionists in the back quickly stopped talking and looked at me in a criminal light. I could even feel a shift behind me as one of the few people in this hall heard what I had said and took an interest. The redhead was just looking at me with an open mouth.
"I'm... new to the Vale. Gomen," I quickly added with a bow of my head.
"B-but... how did you get through the gatehouses?" It's not like I could answer, sorry - I got teleported here from another world. That would likely not go over well. But the guy who overheard me came to the counter and leaned against it with his arms crossed, joining in this very awkward situation developing. I was hoping not to use this excuse so soon but-
"-well. I'm from Azora. Please forgive me." This time I gave a little half bow.
The air seemed to clear as one of the receptionists in the back muttered "poor lad", with the lone guy barking "hah" as he turned and walked away. The cute redhead literally breathed out in relief. Was having this Status Card so important?
I had to know so I whispered to her, "Is having one really 'that' important?"
"Yes," was her immediate reply in the same hush. "No self-respectable person would go anywhere without one. Otherwise, most people would think you are some sort of rogue or vagabond."
"So it's illegal to not have one," I mumbled on.
"Well... not technically." Then the redhead receptionist drew back as she gave me a smile that was almost mocking. "Look - I hear you Azora-types don't use any ID because you are more magically inclined but seriously... you can't go around giving people scares like that."
The other two receptionists behind her were quietly nodding to what looks to be just common knowledge in this world setting. I guess it would make sense. You needed physical ID in my world to do many a task.
But with the feeling that I managed to squeeze out of this bear trap, "Where can I get one of these Status Cards?"
"Well one of the keepers at the gatehouses could have issued you one with the toll of entering the city but since you came in with the others," the look of the redhead's eye in shrewd accusation, "we can assign you one here as part of your Registry."
"Great! Sign me up please." I had a bit more of a step in my voice.
"Then one gold coin, if you would, so I can complete this transaction." Ugh, I sighed internally as the receptionist began to pull a few items from behind the counter.
"-uh. Miss... I'm sorry but I don't have any money for that at the moment." How else could I explain my brokeness here? This is embarassing.
The redhead's face settled onto a different kind of smile like, "are you serious?", but didn't say a word so I continued on-
"I kinda got stranded here, so I was hoping I could find some work here to earn enough coin to afford another venture." Hopefully I would not have to say anything more than this?
"This isn't a charity house you know," the redhead blatantly put.
"Yes. But is it possible I could get an advance for that 1 gold and make up for it with the proceeds with my first few quests here?" This was really the only option I could see before me.
Each of the receptionists looked at the other to gauge some response before the redhead turned back to me, "I'm sorry, but none of us here have that level of authority. You will have to wait for the Guildmaster to arrive."
"That's fine." Then when I got no added response, "-and when might that be?"
"He usually comes late." Atleast the redhead had a grimace on her face as she said this. However just as I was about to settle in for a long wait, she gave me a quick look over to state, "Why not sell that rod of yours. It looks mint condition and might fetch a couple pieces." The thought of selling my weapon was not particularly a bad idea. It was simply starter gear, but if I could ever afford a replacement was another question. And could I even get a gold coin for it?
"Could I do that here?"
"No sir. You would have to go to a vendor to get it appraised first. They can then hand you a marker for its relative value." It was looking like I had to go somewhere else.
"Might I ask for you to point out where I can find one of those vendors?" I asked this with a shaky voice hoping she would be kind enough to help me out in the task.
I was then shown out by the redhead as she took me past the Explorers Guild gates and pointed towards a paved roadway going relatively east. The closest shops I could get an appraisal was about five blocks away on the market street. I thanked the receptionist and promised I would be back soon with a gold coin to get registered.
After walking but a block, I hooked a left across the street and into a small alleyway inbetween two stone buildings. I needed to test out some things away from prying eyes. After making sure I was alone in this darkened alley, I casted [Scan] on the nearest passerby, saying the spellcast in a low voice as to not be heard. What I got was a flash of an status window that was ingrained into my memory:
Name: Joseph, Weber (surname)
Race: Hume
Class List
lv.12 Tailor
lv.20 Apprentice
lv.31 Villager
Strength - 37, Vitality - 38, Agility - 37, Dexterity - 52, Magicka - 30, Spirit - 30, Luck - 5
Craft Item: 19 (common)
Fine Threading... Linen Bonus +2
Also I could make out Joseph's HP and MP as glowing spheres around his torso. Wow, that guy has 63 total levels yet his stats are really low. Perhaps it was because his 3 classes are non-combat related. But that Villager class stood out... like why would there even be a Villager class. Curious, I used [Scan] on a couple more people and realized that each person scanned not only had the class, but it was also their highest in level. Maybe it was a starter class of some kind tied into their age value? That would make some sense as those scanned did look like a normal person of its level range - or Hume here like the in-game variant choice - which I can only assume is 'human' in this setting like terran was in some fictions.
Well atleast [Scan] is working pretty much the same as in the game world. I then tried [Scan] again on myself just to make sure. The image of my status appeared in my eye like it did before, and I could feel my own HP and MP as a relative numeral value. But what about my other spells?
I casted my four buffing spells, hoping by just saying their name would trigger their casting. And it worked. I could literally feel a portion of something inside me being spent (mana) for the effects of [Regen], [Might], [Shell], and [Haste] to flow through me.
"Whoa," as a I breathed out. It was a surreal feeling - my body tingling with power could not due its description justice. I felt powerful as I waved my hand in front of my face, the speed of which I could hardly follow with the naked eye.
I then tried to open my skill trees, but I couldn't figure how to do this without the game menu at hand. I even said the name of my class but nothing happened. This is something I would have to work on later. My thoughts shifted to the more important thing, my [Item Box]. The only thing I had in it was a stack of 100 Mini-Rations and some 70 Rupee. This was my more immediate concern because that I could put those to use.
Reaching out with my hand to activate some invisible space did nothing but saying the words aloud like a skill triggered something quite unexpected. A bluish cube, shimmering like a hologram, hovered before me. Was this an interactive device like a vidphone? Touching it opened a 'window' in my mind as I could see its contents as though I were still in the game.
I selected to pull out a single Mini-Ration and it magically appeared in my hand. It looked like a thin wafer bar. Hardly a sizable meal. I really wasn't hungry now, but I began to eat it anyways and found that after I downed it, I was full. Like really full, after pigging out on a huge bowl of ramen. And it was not too bad on the taste bud either. I still had 99 of these left and if this effect has a somewhat lasting value, I should be good on food for a long while.
Then I checked if I could deposit anything into this [Item Box]. Taking my rod and imagining it as an icon in one of the empty slots. The rod neatly faded in a blue light to reappear in its inventory. Then I selected it back as though I wanted to re-equip it and it appeared in my hand just as easily. Atleast this is working well. Now it came to the last item I was hoping I could get out of this inventory space.
The Rupee was the in-game currency and had the look of a polished and cut gemstone. Would I be able to pass these off here as high valued objects like in my former world? I really hoped so. Remembering how these Rupees were valued in the game world, the diamonds having values of 1-5-20 based on their green-blue-red colors, with the larger hexagon shapes having 10x the base value. But I just needed to pull out one green diamond Rupee. My plan was to sell it as a polished emerald stone.
I hooked my rod underneath my armpit so I could palm the [Item Box] with my right hand while holding out my left. My only thought was to take a single rupee away from its 74 counter. A faded light shimmered in my left to reveal a green diamond about the size of a school eraser.
"Yes!" I probably spoke louder than I should have as I literally grabbed onto my little salvation while doing a little fist pump for this success. The texture of it was oddly smooth as I opened my hand back up to take a better look at it. While it had a diamond shape, this rupee's edges were actually quite rounded. The middle of it even had a more circular shape to it. The only pointy areas of it were its two tips but even that felt dull to the touch.
I padded myself down looking for any pocket surface on my robe but saw none. I lifted the Novice Robe at the waist to see that I was wearing Trainee Legs that fell right below the knee. While they felt more like a pajama bottom, these did have a little pocket groove so I placed the green rupee there and folded back up my robe's appearance. I then dismissed my [Item Box] by simply touching it and saying "close" in the aim it would auto-hit that red X in the corner. It was like the cube digitally dissolved.
I came out of that alleyway much more confident than when I went in. As I was passing an older gentleman with cub-like ears atop his head - the first beastkin person I've seen in this new world - he stopped to tell me outright-
"Boy, you're glowing?" It took me a second to realize he was not referring to me in the metaphorical sense. I was still under the last minute of my buffs. Looking at my left forearm, it was in a dim shimmer of four pixel colors.
"It's okay, oji-san," trying to come up with a hasty reason for it, "just a simple magic cast. Pretty neat shimmering effect, right?" And I gave him a bright smile and nod as I continued to walk past him, hoping that was end of it. Thankfully I did not have to try and dispel the buffs since I could feel their effects fade 10 seconds later.
I made to the market street a couple minutes later. Most of the buildings easily blended into the other and more people were about on this street. This time I took note of more of the inhabitants. Most were human but I could spot a demi-human here and there on the streets. And nearly all the non-humans were some form of beastkin. I quietly used [Scan] here and there on specific targets, even a knight, to better gauge the setting. I was surprised by a couple things.
First off - most of these new world denizens outleveled me but their stats were low in comparison to their combined level. All my stats were at a 120 threshold while those I scanned might have a stat that reached 50. Was this due to those early bonus points I spent on my character creation or is it because leveling a non-combat sounding class like 'Cook' or 'Merchant' won't add much to your stats. The strongest person I scanned was the knight on horseback to show he had lv.30 in Knight and lv.14 in Holy Knight. But none of his stats even reached a 100 value.
Second, everyone did seem to have the Villager class. I can only surmise at this point it was the go-to starter class in this world which is linked to their age factor. Another thing I noticed was there were no other dark elves like Elisha. I only spotted a single half-elf in my [Scan]s, but he could have easily passed as a normal looking English bloke with his spiky blonde mohawk.
While I was checking out the populace here in this morning hour, I was also scoping out the various shops found on this market street. One was some kind of herbalist store full of various plants, another a bakery selling various sourdough edibles, while another had one of those old tanning station contraptions. Each of the three gave off weird smells that blended with the other. But that redhead hostess said to look for a building with a sign of two-crossed wands over it. I was standing before it now, a magic and appraisal shop.
Knocking then entering the old fashioned wooden door with its iron hinges, it was indeed what looked to be a magic supply store. I was surprised by the level of quality in its interior. Everything was neat and orderly in special casings or hanging in display. There were two other customers in the store with a third who looked to be the salesperson. I used [Scan] on all three just to make sure. One of the customers had the Witch class active, a little shocking since he was a guy.
My target though was the more elderly woman who had three classes besides the Villager. Her name was tagged Anzu, Franke (maiden), and she was quite pretty for her age of 56. She had over 40 levels in Sage, 30 in Mage, with her last being a lv.1 Merchant. It was clear she was the proprietor of this shop considering the way she was engaging one of the customers. I decided it was best to just wait the other two out to then ask for a private appraisal when they were gone. Hopefully no one else would show up to add to the queue.
In the meantime, I hung around the wall displays showing off magic wands made of polished wood. I was interesting in knowing if these were superior to my own rod so I used [Scan] on all six to see. In terms of item quality, it was lower. They all came up as white items with the name Oaken Wand, but they did have a +Focus passive. To what that did I wasn't sure, but one of the wands also had two empty [Slot] features. Was that some sort of socket effect? Or could it hold two weapon enchants?
I was lucky because the man Witch soon left the magic shop without buying anything and the lady Sage's other customer soon paid for and left with a small pouch of goodies. As soon as the door closed on that last customer, I turned to get the attention of the Sage only to find her standing right next to me. I was a little startled by how she was able to sneak up on me.
"Ohayo, waka-san," she greeted me in a low calm manner. "Looking for anything in particular?"
"Yes, madam. I'm here for a couple appraisals, if you have the time for it."
I was answered immediately with a, "Of course, waka-san. Please come to the counter." I was already following her to the station. The Sage pulled out a little container of items, even a scale and monocle lens, and set them neatly on the table before a large white cloth she laid out. After she was done stacking everything in order, the Sage looked at me expectantly.
I placed the my Curved Rod on the white. I was not intending to sell it but since the receptionist back at the Explorers Guild sent me here to get this specifically appraised, I figured why not. It would be good to know anyways how much this game item was worth by this world's standards.
The Sage immediately exclaimed that my item was in mint condition and likely had a 'magic' quality to it. After giving it the eye treatment, she held out her hands back-to-back in pose and casted a couple spells: [Appraise Item] [Detect: Enchant]. It was strange watching another use magic. I could even feel its effect in action. Two glowing sigils from her hand stacked and a swirl of energy danced across her brow as the woman had her eyes closed in tense concentration.
After a ten second period, the magic faded and she opened her eyes to say, "This is a quality weapon you have here, waka-san. It is imbued with some type of Power enchantment. The enchant is at a low level but the rod's durability factor is really high."
I quickly whispered [Scan] to check what she meant, and it was like reading the fine print. It was barely there near the bottom corner of the item's appraisal window - Durability 25/25. However I only knew of 'durability' by its in-game terms. Was durability a noteworthy thing here in a real magical setting?
"Is that kind of 'durability' a good thing for an item to have?" I wanted to know more.
"Yes, well... for specific equipment it is. Durability affects the 'maintenance' of an item and how it can be repaired. Most crafted gear has a factor under 5, rare cases being up to 10." She took a little forked prong from her setup and lightly tapped the rod. "This one has a factor over 20. I've never seen the like before."
Really now? It's just a starter weapon! Of course I did not voice any of that. How was I going to explain any of this because I could see the Sage's eye being most curious as she looked at me directly to ask-
"Was this something you had made?" She already dropped the formalities.
"I... ah, it is more of an old heirloom. Honestly, I do not know too much about it." I tried to keep my voice clear and explanation vague. She did not seem to buy it as her face squinted to take another look upon it, using the prongs to angle it on the white setting.
That was when I realized my blunder, an old heirloom wouldn't look as if it was brand spanking new.
"It was recently polished," I added. "Before we make our trek here... from Azora." How many times was I going to have to use this excuse? To that, the Sage turned a little pensive thinking whatever my 'Azora' defense might have meant.
"This could be a relic then, of the Old Age," she said in a hush. "Those old wizards used to have Great Constructs aid in their spellcraft." She then picked up her monocle to eye the rod and muttered a couple more words I could barely hear before the Sage spoke up more, "Yes. Yes. I can see it a possible artifact made in that manner. It would explain how it has such a high durability for its low grade effect."
She then looked back up to me with a discourteous expression showing while shaking her head, "This could have 'historical' value, you know. How could you bring something like this out and about?"
"Gomen," I said after a quick half bow. "I never knew its importance or was... ever told so." Continuing on so the Sage won't get the wrong impression, "I wasn't really intending to sell this. One of the hostess at the Explorers Guild told me I should get this appraised, so I just followed her advice."
I reached out to grab the Curved Rod back. I did not want to know its worth anymore. Instead-
"I have another trinket, though, one I do intend to sell. You see... I'm a little strapped for coin at the current moment and was hoping I could sell this here." Turning around so the older woman could not see me shuffling within my robe, I pulled out the green rupee and turned back around and set it on the white cloth.
Already the Sage's eyes were wide. "Unbelivable. Never seen an emerald cut that big." She was already casting the same two spells as before and let out a little laugh after ten seconds had passed. "This has a magic quality!" The woman had her hand over her mouth to hide how jaw-dropping she found this. I felt a little guilty knowing this was the lowest denomination of game currency this 'emerald' came from.
"This is just a family trinket I got as a kid," I was already trying to avert the rupee from becoming another relic from a time gone by. "I keep it around as a little magic charm. But as you see - it is quite the polished stone."
"Yes. Yes. I see." The poor woman's eyes were literally sparkling now. I was feeling so guilty that I could feel my face heating up. When she looked up at me this time, her eyes were like a little puppy's wanting permission to touch this object.
I gave her a nod and smile saying, "Please do." The moment she picked it up, she noticed something about it that even I didn't-
"It's really light." I remembered that in my world, gemstones were worth a value relative to its weight. And this eraser sized rupee did feel like a feather. The Sage placed the Rupee on the scale and began to measure against it with various items on hand to get a more precise comparison. One was a flat silver coin, one was a smaller button, and one that looked to be the smallest of pebble gemstone ever. Each time the Rupee was higher.
"Very odd," were the only two words spoken by the woman as she looked to scrutinized every inch of it. After tapping on it with a tiny mallet, she said, "It's hollow too. What strange craftsmanship." I don't think I ever heard of hollowed gemstones before either. Of course, I already knew this wasn't a real emerald but I couldn't tell this proprietor that.
"It could be part of its magic quality." I said this hoping the Sage would use 'magic' to simplify how it could be.
"Maybe," she concurred, "but I'd like to get a skilled merchant or a prospector to see this for sure. Despite its weight, its size and make would hold great value on its market price."
"How much do you think it is worth then?"
"Hard to say, really." The Sage stop running her little diagnostics on it and placed the Rupee back on the white sheet. "My appraisal identified it as Rupee Green:1, so there is a chance it may not be a true emerald cut and more like a printed magic item." Boy, this woman is sharp.
She used a thin silver stick to point out some areas of the Rupee out to me, "See how the edges look pointed but are completely dulled out? This is likely a processed effect." The Sage looked up to me, "You got this as a kid, right?"
"Yes, madam." Seeing no point to change my answer now.
"Considering this is also an Azoran craft... this could be a synthesized stone of some sort. Never heard of one this large before but I guess it is plausible. How long are you in town for?"
"Well... that is kinda the problem. I'm rather new here. You can say I got stranded by my former company and am in need of some money to get by for now."
The Sage sat down on the chair behind her and motioned me towards one of the stools, to which I pulled one over to where I was standing prior. As I took my seat, she said-
"To be frank with you - I am quite interested in this prospect." She didn't offer any more words and instead pondered to herself, likely wondering what my own intentions were. I could not ouright say "gimme some gold coins for it" without drawing even more due suspicion. It sounds like this Rupee Green:1 could fetch a decent amount of coin, but I really could not know for sure.
"So, I take it, you do not get much Azoran craft out here in the Vale?" In the end, I figured the safest bet was to aim our conversation to how this item compares with others from Azora.
"Of course not!" The Sage's look was almost exasperated. "They are far to the south. Items like this are almost non-existent in the borderlands. You likely couldn't find a synthesized stone even in the whole of the Empire." So there was an Empire too? However I wanted to continue the conversation towards that one word she said again.
"By 'synthesis'... you mean a process in Alchemy, right?" I had to know if my fantasy knowledge was the same lore here.
"Correct," the woman's eye was a little raised as she judged my question. "I have little experience in this field mind you but our schools focus more on Potioneering. Not transmutations."
"So, the rupee is too obscure here," my hopes and dreams being dashed here.
"Yes and no," was her curt reply. Really, was she going to leave me hanging like this. Make me an offer. But that was when I realized, it was like she was appraising me now instead of the rupee I wanted to sell. If she did not want to buy it from me outright, then what would she want to do with it? As I was trying to suss out her motive, she added-
"It is a valuable item to be sure but the market for it is, how should I put this... quite discrete." I think I was understanding her intentions here.
"You mean like an auction," I prompted.
"Correct, waka-san." I think I see the lady Sage's goal now, but do I even have the time to go through an auction-like process? It could also expose more than what I am willing to reveal. I glanced around her shop as my mind began to weigh my options here. I really just wanted to sell this rupee outright, get some gold coins, and hope I could make a temporary living doing quests at the Explorers Guild. But it is looking more and more that the rupee's uniqueness will prevent that possibility. And it is not like this proprietor was going to be forthcoming with a flat offer.
So, I have to make a barter. I could only sigh at this old school term. It was a common thing in the medieval times but in the modern world I come from where everything was bought with paper, it may as well be fiction. That was when my eye caught that Oaken Wand with the two [Slot] parameters. I only need a single gold coin for the Registry, but if I can get it along with a couple items in this store, then perhaps... but I need to find its relative value first.
"How much do you think my trinket can pull at auction?"
"Again, it is hard to say for sure." However I wasn't going to say another word until I heard some amount of value. The Sage seemed to pick up on that and said, "But five gold pieces. Depending on the right buyer, maybe ten." That last was way more than I expected but it was a good starting point for negotations. If I could keep our barter under the five gold mark, then this lady should be willing to accept the trade.
"Might I inquire about those magic wands over there?" I said pointing to the six hanging in display on the far wall. The Sage smiled as she gave me their description of being wands crafted from oak heartwood and magically imbued with a Focus enchantment. I thought it was a good opportunity to ask-
"And what is this plus Focus effect?"
"It will allow the spellcaster to channel magic a little more efficiently. Focus also helps protect the user from any 'misfire' from happening." Sounds like a nifty ability to have.
"And all those wands are the same quality?" They seem to have the same tag which I assume is the sale number value. But I had to ask because I can't read their text.
"Correct, each one is a hundred dollars," the Sage informed.
"Dollars?" I was confused to unit she had said. Do they have paper currency here?
"Yes, waka-san. Silver dollars." Ah, that makes more sense. But 'dollars'?
"So, all those wands are the same then?"
"Correct." The Sage was looking confused to my double question on the same items so I did not push the [Slot] issue any further. However she went on, "Those wands may not have as high a magic quality as that rod in your hand, but they are a comparable weapon to it all the same. Each has a decent durability factor. So you should get many years of use of it. I looked back at the wands to see five of the six having a durability factor of 4 or 5. The two [Slot] wand having 6.
"Is there anything else you would recommend?" The lady Sage then got up to give me a little tour around her store. I was shown mostly reagent-like items used for a variety of function. Some were even close to the modern household product. Nearly all had values in 'dollar and a half' amounts, which in this world is some form of silver currency. Few she showed were worth a 'dime' value, but I didn't know the difference. I began to wonder if they have pennies here too?
The last item she showed was the one that piqued my interest the most. It was a set of three Rings of Stored Space-
"-a must have for easy go travelling. Each ring has its own storage unit, capable of holding any small to moderate items and up to a 30 stone capacity." If I remember correctly from fantasy stories, a stone should equal about 10-15 pounds. That means this ring is like a very convenient and portable inventory.
"How much does one of these go for," I had to ask while whispering [Scan] on each one to see if there were any discrepancies between them, to which there were none.
"Each can go for two gold pieces. But I can shave a hundred off if you bundle with more of equal value." I still don't know the value denominations here, but it sounds like the Sage would be willing to barter for my Rupee for up to two gold worth of items in her store. I really need that gold coin though.
"So these are like 'Treasure Rings'?" I was wondering aloud if there was a difference from the more fictional trope I'm familiar with.
"Please, waka-san. It is nothing that extraordinary," she said with a shake of her head but didn't explain any further. Sounded pretty good to me, but I had to know the distinction.
"May I ask, what the difference is?"
"Waka. Real Treasure Rings can hold almost anything without restriction. And their deposit values are much higher. Hundreds of stones. And they are extremely rare, like national treasure grade," the Sage answered after a faint sigh. "These three were crafted by an artisan and bound with a Storage Space spell." So there was a Storage Space spell too?
But I think I can see the difference. It seems like a Treasure Ring is an unbound pocket space in comparison to this man-made storage ring. I really wanted one of these rings but nothing else in her shop struck my fancy save the two [Slot] wand. I pointed out that wand to the madam, to which she removed it from display and asked if there was anything else that caught my eye.
I politely declined any more and made her an offer I hoped she would accept of, "How about one of those rings, that wand," indicating the two [Slot] item she was holding, "and a single gold coin?" I didn't even have to say it was for a trade for my green rupee. I could see the lady Sage making the calculations in her head. Sure I was making out like a bandit for a single digit of game currency, but if she could turn around and sell it at auction for 10 gold pieces like she claimed before, then she would have a near 2:1 on her investment.
The wand was apparently a hundred of those silver dollars, the ring two gold, and it would cost her a gold coin out of pocket. I still don't know how much a silver dollar was worth in comparison to gold here, but I think it sounds either near or equal to a 5-gold valued trade.
After another thoughtful moment, the lady Sage held out her hand in the age old gesture of peace and goodwill. I took in her slender grip and we both said, "Deal."
She handed me the wand, then asked me to wait by the counter while she went into the backroom to finish the transaction. The Sage came back out shortly after with a small container box that she set on the counter. Opening it, I could make out a variety of coins - most being silver, but I could spot a gold or copper here and there. This must be her money bank. She took out one of the gold coins and put it on the scale and measured it against a simple stone. Their weights were near even. Then she handed me the coin.
"Arigato," I took the coin with a bow of my head. I was more impressed with this woman because I realized the gesture she just did for me. She was weighing the gold in the coin making sure it was of right value. The Sage then asked which of the rings I wanted, which all looked nearly identical to me and said-
"Are they a one-size fits all?"
"They're magical wear, so it will adjust to its user's size." I picked the one that had the smallest stone shape in its setting and fitted it on the middle finger of my left hand, right next to the Ring of EXP. Like the Sage said, I could feel the tightness of the ring adjust to fit so snug that it did not feel I had a ring on at all. That was when I realized I could barely notice the feel of my in-game ring, so it must have the same adjustment effect.
Shortly after putting it on, a small window opened in my mind to show my in-game [Character Panel] setting with the newly worn ring in one of the two empty Accessory slots. It faded just as quickly.
"You okay?" The lady Sage asked of me. I looked at her with a curious expression to which she replied, "Sorry. It just looked like you spaced out there."
"Gomen," I said back with a smile. "I'm okay. So, uh, how do I use this storage ring?"
She told me, "It is pre-coded to trigger by saying the words 'open storage' to activate it." So that is what that text in quotes meant in its [Scan] description. That must be its password.
"But you can go to a merchant with an Item Repair skill or an artisan or jeweler to get the code changed to what you wish. It will cost you a small service fee though."
"That sounds fine, madam" as I thought of using the ring's inventory space and said as a command, "Open storage." The ring shone briefly as my inner eye was looking into some empty darkened space. I thought of depositing the gold coin in my hand, and it faded like a shadow to reappear in the pocket space I was viewing. Then I wanted it back out, and the same fade happened back into my open palm.
"See there. You already got the hang of it." The lady Sage was looking mighty impressed. I re-deposited the gold coin and did the same for my Curved Rod as I was getting tired of holding onto it. I really did not need this Ring of Stored Space as I had my [Item Box], but I was afraid of others seeing the latter. Especially considering its visual appearance is that of a fancy holocube.
"May I ask how common are these storage rings?"
"They are a very popular item but are not in wide circulation. Reason being - Explorer Packs are a fourth the price and can usually hold more space. The best kits can go upwards to 70 stones."
"Same item size limits," I asked.
"Yes, but a Ring of Stored Space is also tricker to make. The reason being the crafter has to use a specific cut of gem in a certain setting that also gains a Slot upon its craft. Otherwise the ring can't be enhanced so you end up with a useless item."
A Slot? So these things are crafting related?
"By Slots, you mean items that can be 'enchanted' right?"
The Sage shook her head slightly, "Nay. Almost any item can be 'enchanted' to some degree. Items that have Slots are those that become completely different items when combined with a 'core' or receive a spell enhancement. Did you not learn any of this in Azora?"
No, but I could hardly tell her that. Instead I just shrugged, "I recall something of the like from my studies, but I couldn't be entirely sure about it. I kinda had a sheltered upbringing and private tutoring," if you call watching fantasy series and playing video games in another world my teachers of any magical knowhow.
"I guess you can say, that is why... I'm in the bind I'm in now," I finished to the madam. Her eyes seemed to warm when I said that because she leaned over to rub my hand. I thanked her and turned to leave when I hesitated to stop and ask.
"Can I ask you... please bear with me here. A rather stupid sounding question." The lady Sage nodded as I asked, "Can you explain to me what those various coins in your money box are? Like, that is the currency of this region, right?"
Both her eyebrows were raised soon after I said that, "Do they not have such coins in Azora?"
Sweating, I could only state, "We do... but I never really had a need to learn it much. Besides some of those coins do look different, so I was wondering if there were any differences here."
Thankfully my abashed demeanor must have gone over well enough with the lady Sage as she motioned for me to sit down for what I would call later - my lesson in New World Economics.
- In Serial10 Chapters
Aggro Healer
A man falls from the sky with no memory of who or where he is. Naked, alone, and with a strange mark on his arm, he has to figure out the rules of this new and frightening world before it gobbles him up. If you're enjoying this story, feel free to check out my other ongoing serial: https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/22834/high-skies-piracy
8 109 - In Serial32 Chapters
World of Elestia: Seasons of War
(Book 1 Spring: The Winter Dragon) Fire, Earth, Water, Ice, Wind, Lightning, Mind and Death. Eight Natures, eight Dragons. For millenia Earth was a world ruled by mankind. But in the year 2069 all that changed. Eight Dragons with terrifying god-like powers invade our world and destroyed everything in their path. Along with the Dragons came animal-like otherwordly creatures with powers similar to their own. We came to call them Elementum Bestia, or Elestia for short. Now ten years after the Invasion that destroyed much of humanity, a boy named Oliver Wilden will meet a mysterious girl named Clara Balsam. This meeting will lead Oliver to reluctantly befriend an Elestia that saved his life and together they vowed to join the Ding Dong Resistance and slay the Dragons no matter what. (Book 2 Summer: A Song of War and Dragons) After ten long years Boreas the Winter Dragon has finally been slain. And with his death the curse placed on the ruins of Ringabell City has been lifted. People all over Orchestralia are realising that Chosens might not be the traitors to humanity they had been led to believe. A surge of new people befriending Elestia and becoming Chosens themselves is slowly emerging all over Orchestralia. But not all of them have good intentions. Meanwhile tension between the Ding Dong Resistance and the Knights of Humanity is coming at an all time high. And the Cult of The Great Ones is becoming more and more active every days. It seem like an all out war is all but inevitable. But Oliver Wilden has his own problems to deal with, a young girl from his childhood has founded him after hearing of his exploits. But instead of a happy reunion the newcomer seem bent on wanting to kill him... (Book 3 Fall: The Ranger Trials) Coming soon. (Book 4 Winter: Alliance of the Fallens) TBA.
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DeadZone - Synthesis
Katsuo, a young man,raised by his grandma, Nana, in the State of Fuki, is nothing more than a slave. A boy without a future, working day and night, on a junkyard of unimaginable size, a remnant of an endless war. A war that drove both his parents away from him.In the age of 16, he will be given the chance to unlock his Heiki and embark on a journey to acquire the answers he seeks. He will make enemies of the most notorious of villains, but also many close friends, as he discovers that power can be used to reshape this ‘broken world', which is ruled by god-like forces, synthesized by the so called Institutions: The Impars, the Holy Roman Catholic Church of the Great Lord and many more.-Heiki is everything. Heiki is what is responsible for all the interactions around you. It is what empowers humans to make their dreams come true. In this world, nothing may be magical, in the mythological sense of the word, but everything is. All the things that our mind can conceive can, also, come true. This is a reality.
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The Undead Hokage
Ainz conquered the new world and started his path towards the slow life with his children (npc). But fate had other plans for the poor overlord. Thrown in the Naruto world without Nazarick with nothing to spare but his name.Will he overcome the obstacles and stand as the God Of Shinobi or will he fade away along the sands of time?
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Colourland Series 5: Matches
The preliminaries of the tournament continue. Crayon and his friends continue fighting. The link is here: https://inkstone.webnovel.com/novels/chapter/edit/17814187106175405/47819596891211165
8 133 - In Serial54 Chapters
New chance in fantasy
As he died too soon, a man is sent in an other world to complete his life. By the will of the god of luck no less, he has now a new chance....in a fantasy world. Some would say it is a nightmare to be sent away from everything you know, for him...it is a dream coming true. (apologies to all of you if my English isn't perfect, it is not my natal language. Living in Belgium, I am far more fluent in french, but I'll do my best. Feel free to review, good comments are always appreciated.)
8 155