《The Protected One》I n t e r w i n e d


Four months later


I sighed in exhaustion as I plopped on the couch.

Everything that I've ever owned was packed either into a box or a small suitcase.

Despite the small suitcase that I still had to pack for my trip, I was completely done with everything on my to do list.

"Wow. I can't believe that we're finally done packing. It feels like it's been forever," Sophia smiles.

"I know. I really need a shower," I frown.

Since seven in the morning, Sophia and I have been packing the last of our things and cleaning the last bit of mess left in our townhouse before we officially moved out.

A few months ago, Sophia told me that she was planning on moving in with Chris.

Initially I was incredibly excited for her. This meant that their relationship was getting more and more serious by the day.

Although there was definitely a side of me that was really sad. Sophia and I have lived with each other since we were both adopted. I wasn't sure that I was ready for a time in my life where I'd come home and she wasn't there.

Despite the feelings of sadness, I was very excited for her. This would also allow me to go off by myself and figure some more things out.

By tomorrow she'd be almost completely moved in with Chris, but tonight would be our last time seeing each other for a bit.

Later tonight, I'll be flying out to Florida to go see Ben for a while.

It would be the first time since he came to see my brothers that'd I be visiting him in Florida.


I paced back and forth nervously as all of the guys were in Xanders office having a heated discussion.

You could hear Xander and Dylan's loud but muffled voices going back and forth, with occasional comments from Tomas.

"I'm going to go in there," I say lowly.

"You're what? Claude asks.

"I'm going," I say more confidently this time.

I make my way over to Xander's office and open the door.

The conversation stops and they look at me with confused expressions.

Although I was only interested in one person in particular.


He wore a serious expression, but there was no trace of anger or anything on his face.


Despite their unwelcoming looks, I stayed.

This isn't something for them to decide on. This is something that I've chosen to do for myself whether they liked it or not.

Before I could begin to speak, the door opens again.

This time Ben's at the door.

End of flashback.

"Your flight is soon. You have a bit of time to finish everything before I drop you off at the airport," she says.

"I'm pretty sure I only have enough time for a shower. It's really all I need," I shrug.

"So how do you feel about going?"

"The same. I've been to Florida so many times. We used to live there," I answer.

She gives me a pointed look.

"You know what I mean. Are you going to stay?

I shrug my shoulders.

"I really don't know."

"You know Ben has been going back and forth seeing you here. This is the first time you're going there for a change and for an extended amount of time," she points out.

"I know," I answer.

"I'm guessing you've come to a conclusion or something like that? She questions.

"I've come to a few conclusions over the past few months. Now I'm confirming," I say.

She gives me a confused look.

"Sure whatever. You've already got Xander's blessing right?

I nod my head while recalling the conversation I had with Xander not long ago.


"I knew no matter what you guys would disapprove, but Ben's really important to me," I said to him.

He nods his head slowly in understanding.

"There was a time where I didn't trust him and questioned his motives. The way we left things and the distance didn't help either. Despite all of that, I still had strong feelings for him. Him coming back into our lives was a lot, but it made me realize just how strong those feelings were," I explain.

He nods, urging me to continue.

"I understood that there was bad blood between his family and ours. Benjamin did his best to protect me from it. You all did and I appreciate that. More than you'll ever know. I know you guys still want to protect me and do what's best for me but I know what's best for me. Better than anyone else. It's also time for me to put myself first. Which is why I'm going to Florida. I'm not sure how long I'll be there but our relationship is the most important thing to me right now," I say.


I look up at him but as usual, he has a neutral expression.

I sigh.

"We're not mad at you Frankie. None of us are," he says.

With those words, I felt a huge weight being lifted off of my shoulders.

End of flashback.

"There's just a lot to consider with a decision like this," I remind her.

"So it is long term," she points out.

I sigh.

I've been avoiding saying those exact words.

I'd actually been avoiding acknowledging the fact that I'd be moving away from my family.

When I made this decision two months ago, I thought I had all the time in the world.

Now that the day was actually here, it felt overwhelming.

Sophia Alice sits besides me.

"It's okay that you're choosing yourself and your happiness Frankie. But don't feel guilty. I know it's odd that you don't have to fight for it anymore. You're doing whats best for you. Don't let anyone make you feel guilty about choosing yourself. We support your decision. Don't forget that," she says.

I nod my head in understanding as she gets up.

"I'm going to shower. After you finish Claude will take us to the airport," she says.

"Sounds good," I reply.


"That was the last of it," I sigh as I close the trunk.

"I can't believe the day where we don't live in the same city has finally come," Claude says.

"It's so surreal, but don't worry. I'll be back in a bit," I reassure him.

He pulls me in for a hug.

I embrace him tightly as a feeling of sadness suddenly comes over me.

No matter what, I've always had Claude. Distance has never presented a challenge for us.

Although I'm sure I'll be okay without always having him near, there was a part of me that longed for his presence.

It felt as if I was leaving a piece of me behind.

For every stage of my life, Claude has been there.

Realizing he wouldn't be there for this stage, was a lot to handle.

"I'm proud of you," he says as we pull away.

I give him a sheepish smile out of fear that if I speak, my voice would shake.

"Goodbye Frankie," He smiles.

"Goodbye, Claude," I say with tears in my eyes.

I grab my suitcases and Sophia Alice helps me with the rest. We walk into the airport and I smile at the sight in front of me.

My brothers and Chris came to see me.

I run into Dylan's arms.

I felt so emotional because none of this would have been possible without him.

I hear him chuckle slightly.

"You guys came," I smile.

"Of course we did. You didn't actually think we'd let you go without saying goodbye, did you? Felix asks.

I was speechless.

I go in for another hug, but this time everyone joins in on the hug.

"Thank you guys," I say with a huge smile on my face.

"Anytime." Marco says as he grabs one of my luggages.

"Let's go and get you checked in kid," Tomas says.

I grab my carry on and begin to walk alongside Xander.

He wraps an arm around my shoulder and I smile in comfort.

In this moment, I've never felt more grateful to have my family by my side.


I quickly pick my bag up from the baggage claim and began rolling my suitcase out.

I reach the exit of the airport and immediately, the Florida heat hits me in the face.

Regardless, I felt incredibly excited to be back.

Florida was home for me and it's been forever since I've been here.

I search for Ben in the crowd of cars and people waiting for someone.

I search the crowd a bit more until my eyes land on his familiar electric ones.

I couldn't help my excitement.

I jump into his arms and he embraces me tightly.

We pull away and he immediately kisses me.

In that moment, it felt like we were the only two there.

All of the struggles and hardships we went through to get to this point didn't matter.

All that mattered was today, now.

And I couldn't have been happier to start this new chapter with him.

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