《Life and Death | THE ORIGINALS [2]》I love you, goodbye




I walk into Hayley's room as she rummages through her closet. "All right. Bad news first. Rebekah will have to miss your nuptials. Kol has a bit of a life-and-death matter he needs help dealing with."

"Anything I can do?" Hayley asks.

"It's witch business, which now seems to be her thing." I laughs. "Besides, you have enough to deal with."

"On that note..." I pull out a gorgeous white long wedding dress and walks towards Hayley. "Now it's white, which won't fool anyone, but you can't get married in skinny jeans and combat boots."

"Oh, Maddison. Thank you." Hayley walks towards her long mirror and holds it in front of her. "It's beautiful."

"Well, Rebekah happens to be the only woman alive who's collected wedding dresses in 5 different centuries. Never made it down the isle of course, yet." I say. "I'm rooting for her and my dad."

"What about you?" Hayley asks.

"What's about me?" I ask back as I sit in her bed.

"You and Klaus..." she says raising her eyebrows.

"We just started dating." I protest.

"Yeah, But you guys have loved each other for a long time." She says as I realize she's right. "Do you think you'll marry Klaus one day?"

"I hope. But today isn't about Klaus and I, it's about you and my brother." I smile and walk up to Hayley. "Hayley, Rebekah also wanted me to tell you, you may be marrying my brother but your always gonna be a Mikaelson. Always will be. She wanted to tell you herself but you know, life-and-death situation."

"Gosh, that would be such a nice compliment if it didn't link me to so many homicidal lunatics." Hayley smiles as I laugh.

"Oh, ain't that the truth." I agree with a grin and walk out.


I lean against the door frame and watch amused as my brother attempts to tie his tie. "Need a hand with that?" I tease.

"No." He says frustrated.

"Jack...I'm sorry Oliver couldn't be here." I say quietly.

"Yeah, me too." He nods as I pour a glass of bourbon and hand it out to him.

I pour a drink myself as Jackson smiles and takes the one I gave him. "Although I'm sure he'd have a lot to say about me in this get-up in a vampire house."

I laugh with him. "So you really think the wolves will be cool with the vampires?

"And if not, screw them." He says and walks towards the window. "I mean, we're done chasing old grudges. We got real enemies to worry about." I nod slowly as he walks in front of me. "This ain't about vamps in general, though, is it?"

"Look, I know you said you were okay with me and Klaus, I'm not asking you for permission, Okay?" I say stressed.

"Good, because even though I never gave you the love is love talk, I can see the way you look at him and the way he looks at you." He laughs as I smile. "He's good enough for you, end of discussion."

"I just don't want the people I care about to hate him so much that they don't support us." I tell him with a sad face.

"That won't be easy, and we got no chance of winning this fight without something to fight for." He tells me as I nod my head. Hayley walks in and Jack turns his head to look at her and his eyes go wide. "Whoa." He puts his hands over his mouth in shock as I smile. I love the way he looks at her.


"I think that is my cue. You look beautiful, Hales." I whisper on my way out and walk to my own room to get ready. (Dress and makeup down below)


I walk out in the balcony across from where Hayley and Jack were gonna be and see Klaus already there. "You look lonely."

Klaus turns to look at me and he looks at me with a look I can't describe which causes me to blush. "You look breathtaking, love." He whispers in my ear and kisses my cheek.

"You look pretty hot yourself." I smile and lean into him as he wraps an arm around my waist. Music starts playing as everyone stands and Hayley and Jack walk in and grab hands. They both slowly walk forward, letting their hands go as they walk up the staircase and meet in the middle, at the top.

"Please be seated," Mary starts as everyone sits down below. "We gather together as a community seeking peace, inspired by the union of this couple before you. There was a time when werewolves saw themselves not as cursed but as blessed with a connection to our most pure selves." Hayley turn her head to the right and looks at Klaus and I and smiles as I smile back. Her smiles slowly fades as I feel Elijah walk to us right beside me, and Hayley looks back at Jackson. "And tonight, we honor that blessing with the long-awaited unification of the two crescent bloodlines. In doing so, we chose to embrace Hayley's vampire nature. With this union, Hayley will share her unique gifts with her pack." Mary says as she binds Hayley's and Jackson's hands together and puts a match stick in their hands. "And now, your vows."

Jackson sighs nervously before speaking. "I pledge to honor and defend you and yours above all others..."

"To share in blessings and burdens, to be your advocate, your champion..." Hayley continues on.

"To be your comfort, your sanctuary, and for as long as we both shall live..."

"To be your family..." Hayley says and something shifts in her eyes at the word family.

"To be your family." Jack smiles as Hayley smiles back. They both look at each other before they both light the candle beside them and blow it out together.

"You two have endured all the traditional werewolf rituals and trails. There's only one remaining. Jackson, you may kiss your bride." Mary smiles looking to her grandson.

Jack takes a step forward looking at Hayley and puts his hand on her cheek before moving it to her chin and leaning forward, kissing her. I know I should be more happy, and I am happy, but I also feel terrible for Elijah who looks away from the two. I look next to me at Elijah and grab his hand in comfort. Klaus looks at his brother but Elijah continues to look away and it takes everything in me not to cry at the broken look on his face.

I watch as Hayley and Jacks eyes glow and they smile before all the wolves get excited once theirs glow as well. It worked. Klaus smiles and walks away, unwrapping his arm from me in the process as I watch him leave. Elijah and I look to each other before he nods and goes to follow him.

As werewolf's and even some vamps dance through the quarter happily with the bride and groom, I hear a boys voice call my name and I smile turning around to see Scott. "Hey you."


"Hey, Maddie." He smiles up at me. "Will you dance with me?"

"Of course I will." I nod and grab his hand he held out to me and we danced along with everyone else. I see Klaus and Elijah up above and watch them walk away listening to their conversation.

"Niklaus, you yourself even mentioned had you been raised by Ansel you might have been a better man. Now perhaps a better man has entered Hope's life, and seeing that, you are shaken to your core." Elijah says to Klaus which shocks me. First, that Klaus is jealous of Jackson and two, that Elijah would say that to his brother.

I tune out the rest and Scott runs to Aiden excited for the wolves and I walk up to Josh and Davina. "Hey friends. I miss you."

"Hey Maddie." They say in union.

"Are you alright?" I ask Josh.

"My boyfriend and his buddies are super wolves now." We all look behind us as Aiden does some flip and they all cheer. "It's gonna be awesome."

"Hey, at least your boyfriend showed up." Davina says.

"He may still, you never know." I say trying to hide my guilty face. "At least your boyfriends aren't total maniacs, well...maybe Kol is too." I tease and bump into Davina as she grins.

"Oh, come on." Josh smiles and twirls Davina as she smiles but loses it the minute she looks forward.

I look at what she's looking at and see a weak Kol leaning against the wall. "Is that...?" My eyes widen as I see him and rush back to the compound.


Once I walked in I heard Klaus and Cami upstairs talking. I wasn't meaning to listen to them I just, kind of did.

"I heard her crying." He says.

"Oh, my guess is she's probably just teething." Cami replies as I hear the young baby girl cooing and smile softly.

"Thank you for taking care of her." Klaus thanks quietly.

"She's actually pretty-low maintenance. She's been smiling and looking all around. I think she likes it here. It feels like home. Do you want to hold her?" Cami asks.

I wait to hear for Klaus but he says nothing. I furrow my eyebrows and out my hand over my mouth. I rush to the nearest bathroom I could and puked in the toilet. I sigh and sit down next to it as I puke once more. "What the hell?" I whisper to myself.


I wipe my mouth completely and walk out seeing Elijah by himself on the balcony and join him. I look down and see people dancing as music plays. Klaus walks out with Hope and speaks up which makes the music stop, "ladies and gentlemen. May I have your attention, please? Hayley, if you would join me, I'd like to propose a toast."

Hayley looks at Jack before walking forward and taking Hope in her arms. "I want to welcome you all. As you know, last spring, Hayley and I had a daughter. Due to tragic circumstance, she was lost. Now she has returned home. Her name is Hope. She will live here among you, her pack, her family. We implore you protect our daughter. Teach her, love her as one of your own." Klaus says looking to Jackson who nods his head at him.

Klaus grabs a glass of champagne and smiles,looking to my brother, "Jackson...I invite you and your bride to live here, uniting your proud and noble people in peace. Welcome to the family, mate. To Jackson and Hayley." I see Klaus smiling and looking to Elijah so I look to Elijah. Something isn't right.


I was going to talk to Klaus about what all that was but saw Rebekah and Elijah on the way. As I went to ask what was happening, Rebekah's eyes gave it all away as they continued to Hope's nursery where Klaus was. "Must you intrude on every moment?"

"I'm not here to quarrel, brother." Elijah tells him.

"It's Kol. I couldn't help him." At those words Klaus turns around to look at us. "He's not gonna last the night." The four of us walk out of the compound my dad and Rebekah looking at each other on the way out.

Once we arrived at the cemetery we heard Kol and Davina. "I think I want to be alone for this bit." Kol tells Davina and turns to go into the tomb.

Kol coughs a bit walking in it but stops. "I'm afraid that's not an option." Elijah says as Kol turns.

"Always and forever is not just something you weasel out of, brother." Klaus states as Kol smiles.

Kol was sitting in the ground, groaning in pain as blood surrounded his mouth. I rush behind him and let his head rest on my lap, letting him lean back. The three siblings were by his side as Davina sat a little bit away, chanting, trying to find a spell to help him.

Kol slowly turns to look at Klaus, "all my life, all I ever wanted was...For you lot...to care about me." Kol smiles widely before coughing harshly, as he leans into Klaus' arms. Elijah and Klaus stand up as I put my hand in Kols.

"Kol, listen to me. You don't have much longer. You're going to die, but you'll die a witch, and we will consecrate your body. You will join the ancestors of the French quarter, and those spirits can be brought back...and I promise you, I will not stop searching for a way to bring you back." I explain to him as he smiles up at me. He whispers for me to lean closer so I do as he tells me something I thought not possible, well, two things. My eyes widen in shock but once he starts choking, I'm snapped out of it and hold him.

Davina gasps and rushes towards Kol. "I tried a different spell."

"It's okay." Kol tells her grabbing her hand. "I'm-im not scared." Kol laughs but soon his smile is gone and he doesn't move. Davina sobs as my eyes water. I wasn't sure why Kol meant so much to me after so little time, but, he meant a lot to the people I love and so he meant a lot to me.


After the stressful day it's been and awful night, I stand in my bedroom and walk to the mirror. My eyes water as I look at myself but more importantly my stomach, where something is growing inside me. My hand moves and gently rests against my stomach as I listen to the heartbeat that softly fills my ears. I gasp as a tear rolls down my cheek.

I lean down to hear Kol, whatever he wanted to say to me it looked like he needed to get it out. "Bayou, the book is in the bayou. And congratulations," he whispers weakly as I furrow my eyebrows, "you're pregnant, Maddison." My eyes widen then when he says that.

I'm pregnant.

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