《Life and Death | THE ORIGINALS [2]》Sanctuary



I was walking with Klaus in the bayou to find Hayley when we walked into a crowd of people working and talking. I watch as these two little boys played with a ball, one of the boys missed and the ball rolled towards us. Klaus stopped it with his foot as the young boy walked up to us.

People started to look as Klaus crouched down to pick it up and smiles at the little boy before standing and walking towards them still with the ball in his hand. I sigh and gently place my hand on the boys shoulder sensing his fear and disappointment.

"I wonder if you lot can help me. I'm looking for the hybrid who calls herself your queen. I prefer you tell me where she is before I grow irritated. After all..." Klaus turns to look at the boy that's stood right by my side and tosses the ball too him which I catch and give to him. "There are children present."

"I heard you took a bite out of my brother." Klaus says as I nod my head. We were on our way to find Jack and Hayley. "I'm sensing your angry."

"Not angry." I deny. "Just surprised. I was surprised how you could threaten people with children around." I hear Klaus sigh and grab my hand, making me stop. "Look, Klaus, it's fine. I'm not angry."

"No, your upset." He says.

I open my mouth but close it. "Children...mean a lot to me. I love kids and I have a little boy who may not be mine but he means a lot to me and it's just scary to think that he could of been here today, in that crowd of people that you threatened."

"I didn't exactly threaten them." Klaus mumbles.

"No, you used the kids to get the information you want. I was so happy when you called me and told me you loved me and you have no idea how much I want to be with you, Klaus. I don't know if you want to be with me but the point is, i can't be with you if you do this. Not kids. That was my dads only rule and it's mine too. Kids are off limits." I explain. "Do you really want Hope to grow up and learn about all the bad stuff you did?"

I see his face flash with fear at my last sentence and I lean forward and hug him. He wraps his arms around my waist tightly and leans close to my ear. "I do want to be with you." I freeze and move back so I'm facing him. "I wanted to ask you to be mine but I know how much Marcel means to you so I was going to go to him first."

"You were going to go to my dad and ask him if it's okay if you date me?" I ask with a teasing smile. "Very old school of you."

"I am over a thousand years old." He smirks and leans forward as I laugh. "What do you say?"

My eyes widen a little bit. "Now?" I ask as he nods and behind his beautiful blue eyes I could tell he was scared for rejection. I knew my dad could possibly be angry, and Davina, and the war between everyone is crazy but I loved Klaus and I didn't care about anyone else in that moment but him. "Yes. Of course it's a yes."


He smiles and kisses me like it was the last time he would ever be able to but in reality it was just the beginning and I was totally okay with that.


Klaus and I walk up to a small wooden cabin and walk to the door. We were both vampires so unfortunately we couldn't get in without being invited in but there was an elderly woman who was chopping up something but stopped turned towards us.

"What do you want?" She asked. She looked familiar.

"Well, we could start with some common courtesy. You could invite us in." Klaus smiles.

"Not likely, vampires." She sets the knife down with a laugh.

"We're hybrids. Half wolf." I speak up with a small grin.

"You and I could be distant relatives, for all you know." Klaus tells her. "Your granddaughter for example." I look up at Klaus with confusion before looking back at the woman who looked at me.

"We're looking for Hayley." I say. "We heard she's nearby."

"What do you want with Hayley?" She asks walking towards us.

"I wish only to remind her of the importance of family, dissuade her from foolish mistakes." Klaus says putting his arms behind her back.

"Jackson is with her now. They can look out for each other. Why don't you just leave them alone?" She raises her voice as Klaus smiles at her.

"Well, perhaps I should. Clearly, I can trust Jackson's selfish nature, willing as he is to marry Hayley and save her from the horrors of her current existence and in exchange for nothing more than an empowered werewolf pack to serve as his own personal army. Hmm, you know, on second thought, I think I'd like to congratulate the bride and groom. No doubt, they're close by tending to their prenuptial observances, and since you've been unable to help me find them...well, I suppose I'll have to hunt them down myself, won't I?" Klaus says and speeds off as I sigh and awkwardly look back to my grandmother.

I sit outside the cabin and wait. I hear footsteps and step up ready to attack. "Maddie?"

"Jackson. You're okay." I sigh in relief and walk over to him hugging him. "I was a little worried once Klaus rushed off." I chuckled nervously. "Speaking of Klaus-"

"Your dating him?" He asks as I looked at him with my mouth wide open.

"Um." I pause and nod my head. "I love him, Jack, and I don't want to keep pretending that I don't."

"It's okay." I look at him in disbelief. "I don't like him, but if you love him and your happy than it's not worth losing you over. I spent years without knowing you and just because your dating Klaus Mikaelson does not mean I'm just gonna walk away from making new memories with you. Brother and sister. We stick together. No matter what challenges come our way. Okay?"

"Okay." I agree with a wide smile as Jack pulls me into a side hug.


I got a call from Davina. Finn took my dad and Josh and he might kill them. I rush into the city to meet Aiden, Davina and Kol at Lenore's shop. Aiden, Davina waited outside asI snuck in the back to make sure it's safe and Kol went right through the front door. As i look for josh in a crowd of unconscious vampires I listen to the conversation between Finn and Kol.


"Brother." Kol says and closes he door.

"What are you doing here, Kol?" Finn asks him.

"I heard a rumour that you'd taken Marcel prisoner, and it just so happens that I owe him." It was silent for a moment before my dad screams in pain.

"So I am going to kill the both of you or my daughter will once she finds out what your doing." My dad says.

I hear his neck snap and take a guess that Finn used his magic. "You have some nerve coming here. All good grace with me was lost the moment you signed up with our wretched siblings."

"You know me, Finn. I take sides with whoever I think is gonna win, and, to be honest, well, you and mum were acting a bit daft, weren't you, but I hear about how you turned dear, old dad into your personal black magic battery pack and I thought, 'wow, that's cold, but it's smart.' Now I can see which way the wind is blowing, and after the way the 3 of them treated us, I'll be happy to see them get what's coming." Kol finishes but makes a pained noise.

I know me and Kol aren't on the best terms but he's Klaus' brother, Davinas almost-boyfriend, and so I care about him. It takes a lot in me not to run out there and save him. "What was that for?"

"For being a duplicitous beetle." Finn says angrily.

"I have proved myself, Finn, more than you have. I'm the one that put Rebekah in another body, and whilst Klaus is out there looking for his dear, little sister, I was forging a dagger that will put him to sleep for centuries." Kol says trying to get on Finns good side.

"I don't want to put him to sleep." Finn tells him. "I want him dead."

"Yes, but you're gonna need allies, and I've got them." Kol says quietly. "Davina Claire, she's a harvest girl. Maddison Gerard, A trybrid, The first one. I've got Davina wrapped around my little finger and Maddison is wrapped around Davinas. With them on our side, there is nothing, nothing that will stand in our way."

"Klaus knows you trapped Rebekah, and yet he hasn't tracked you down to torture her location out of you?" Finn asked.

"Well, I'm smart enough not to be found." Kol tells him as Finn laughs.

"And Elijah also knows Rebekah is missing, and yet he remains unaccounted for." Finn says I'm disbelief.

"Despite my power, I've been unable to locate him, which suggests he's gone to great lengths to hide himself, and Elijah hides from no one...unless he's keeping something hidden." Finn realizes as I gulp. Not even Kol knows about Hope. Aiden and Davina quietly come in and turn on their flashlights.

Kol chuckles at his big brother, "Wow, Finn, you sound like Sherlock Holmes after one too many tequilas."

"Davina. I found him." Aiden whispers and bends down beside josh.

"And you act a fool to dare think that I wouldn't know about your little friends in the back." My eyes widen as Aiden and Davina look for Josh. "Allow me to send a message to your little girlfriend."

Suddenly josh wakes up. "Josh, it's me. You all right?" Aiden asks.

"Stop." I say to Aiden. "Back away from him, Aiden, now."

"What? Wh-" Aiden was interrupted by Josh baring his fangs at Josh. I look around as the other vampires start waking up. Aiden and Davina look up as Josh disappears.

"Oh god." I say as they look to where Josh was. "You two need to leave." They run to the door as I stay to make sure no one follows before i hear them stop. I look and see Josh about to eat Aiden. I speed behind josh and snap his neck, letting his body fall into Aiden. "Take him and leave."

Once their gone, Kol runs to the back and sees them all. He looks to me as I nod telling him Davinas okay. Finn walks behind him and makes them all go unconscious again. "Seems like your little friend Davina has absconded with one of my prisoners."

"I didn't come here for a fight." Kol says and I watch hesitantly. "Maddison asked me to be the distraction. She can be quite pushy when she wants to be, you know?" Kol had tears in his eyes and his voice was full in fear it made me want to tell him to leave and have Finn just deal with me but as long as my dad is still here I can't make demands.

Fin laughs before grabbing the back of Kols neck and putting his forehead against his own. "Don't you see? We were given a gift...rebirth unfettered by vampirism." Finn backs away back Kol a bit. "We were made clean, and all that was asked was a pittance in return, and you could not even give that."

"Finn, you're angry and when you're angry, you don't think straight. So just give me a chance." Kol begged.

"You don't deserve another chance, Kol. So I'm gonna give you the one thing that I know you fear most...death." I look at Finn with wide eyes.

"No! No!" Kol yells but Finn just places his hand on Kols chest and starts chanting. I go to rush and stop it but Finn stops me with his magic. "I curse you to this body, unable to jump to another. Over the next few days, I want you to contemplate what's to come...a meaningless, lonely death and the darkness to follow. Clock starts now. Be sure to say your good-byes. Go, brother. I will not miss you." I walk to Kol and grab his hand walking out of store.

Once we get out I stop and hug Kol tightly. It takes a minute but he wraps his arms around me and starts to cry. "It's okay, Kol. It's okay. Your not alone."

"The wedding works in our favour." Klaus says through the phone to Elijah. "Newly empowered and ruled by Hayley, the wolves will be an asset to our family."

"Well, faith in Jackson is a means to an end. If I had simply killed him, Hayley would have turned against me. You should have seen the ferocity with which she defended him. It was impressive. That being said, I don't take the matter of secrets lightly. Once the wedding takes place and the wolves are forever altered, well, Jackson's fate becomes a little less certain."

Klaus doesn't answer and hangs up the phone.

"Hello, Nik." A woman's voice says causing Klaus to turn around. "I don't suppose that you imagine that always and forever would lead us to this."

Klaus looks at her in shock before smiling, "Rebekah."

"You absolutely will not believe the week I've had." She says just as Maddie walks in and the two siblings look at her.

I walk into the compound and see Klaus and another woman talking but once I walk in they both look at me. "Is it okay that I'm confused?" I ask tilting my head.

"I'm hurt you don't recognize me. Although I can't be too angry seeing as you and Nik are probably doing other things than talking about his lost sister." She says and I blush before my eyes widen.

"Wait, Rebekah?" I ask and hug her. "You're okay."

Klaus and I smile at Rebekah as she smiles back before I walk up to my bedroom to change. Klaus lightly knocks after I change into some shorts and a tank top. "Hey." I smile as he walks up to me.

"How was the rest of your day, love." He asked and the thought of Finn hexing Kol came to mind.

"Um, stressful." I say as he brings his head down to my neck and kisses it.

"I know some ways to get rid of stress." He suggests as I tilt my head.

"Rebekah's here." I take a deep breath as I lean back a little seeing klaus' eyes glaze with want.

"Where?" He asks with a smirk as he trails his fingers from the bottom of tank top and pulls it over my head. My heart speeds up and makes me nervous. Klaus and I slept together once but it's not the same as right now. Now we're together, the tension is strong and It doesn't feel rushed.

With everything going on, it's been so stressful and that stress immediately goes away once Klaus steps in the same room as me. So, right now, I'm only thinking of Klaus. I gently grab Klaus' jacket and slide it off his shoulders and lean up kissing him.

I walk backwards towards the back while we kiss. Klaus picks me up and sets me down, he looks at me as he takes off his shirt and hovers over me kissing my neck and down my chest as it arches. My hands grip the sheets and my eyes close as Klaus does what he does best. My night became a lot less stressful and it felt amazing.


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