《Romantic One Shots》Breeding Heat


A sudden knock on my door startled me.

"Dr. Magdalena will see you now." The guard outside said through the intercom. He then opened my door and let her in.

She came in as usual with her notebook to give me my daily checkup. She was my favorite doctor out of them all. The other doctors, Dr. Karen and Dr. Amanda, were cruel and mean. They pushed me to my limits and punished me if I dared to even look at them the wrong way.

"How are you feeling today, Cassandra? I came to check in on you."

"Better. Thank you."

I fainted after some injections they gave me that morning. It was after they told me I'm due to breed today. They keep putting needles in me without telling me much. It was bound to have a side effect eventually, especially with that news.

I've been locked up here for so long I barely know the outside world since then or how it is now. I wake up every morning wondering if I will ever escape this place and reclaim my life. I was locked up by wolves since I could remember and experimented on along with other girls. They have done all sorts of lab tests on me before, but lately, they're doing more. There is only so much I can take.

All I knew is that girls like me had genes that could be manipulated to breed Alpha's children, and yesterday I reached maturity to be produced.

"I'm glad. I know Amanda and Karen weren't the best at breaking news like this one. They should have done it more gently, especially after that last injection. Your emotions went in overdrive. I'm sorry."

She took out a laser thermometer, placed it in my forehead, and checked my blood pressure and breathing. Then she gave me my daily vitamins if that's what they even were.

"You gave us a good scare. For a second, I thought our research on you would be set back."

She started checking her daily list of my checkup and made me sign it.

"I hope I don't disappoint." The words felt like acid in my mouth, encouraging them to continue to keep me locked up and torturing me with their pokes and needles.

"Are you ready for tonight?"

"How much longer for the Alpha to come?" I asked back, ignoring her question.

"As you turned eighteen yesterday and the last serum injection for the final phase didn't kill you, you are ready to breed for him." Emphasizing the word him.

I started to freak the fuck out internally, thinking how I'd lose the one sacred thing and it would be forced upon me.

"Who am I being paired up with?"

"An Alpha dear."

"Yes, but which one."

"Alpha Cole of the Midnight Sun pack," I remembered hearing about him.

"And we have to do the act tonight?"

"The sooner, the better, dear. Once you're pregnant, you won't have to do it anymore, though. Alpha's are rough, and it might hurt the pregnancy, especially because you're human. Well, in a way, anyways."


"Can I ask you something?"

"Of course."

"What has been the purpose of these tests? Why doesn't anyone ever tell us anything?"

Her eyes widened, and she opened her mouth to speak but didn't say anything. She looked deep in thought.

"You girls were never meant to question or have feelings for any of this, but out of everything, that part went wrong."

"We never asked for this doctor. What if I can't do it?"

"Be strong, sweetheart. You were made for this."

"What I will say about this is that you were all engineered here to serve us. To breed she-wolves. Their kind can't have females, but with you, they can. We made you that way. The priority is Alpha's and then come to the ranks below when they're satisfied with the children produced."

My face lit with horror. So it was never meant to be just Alpha's? We were slaves to use and use until the last werewolf was done with us.

"I can't. Please don't make me."

Her face suddenly lit up with a hardened expression. "You can, and you will. Now stay still. I have to give you one last injection."

She grabbed my hand hard and pushed the needle forcefully inside my arm. Once the syringe was emptied, she pulled it out.

"I know you're one of the good ones. I've seen it. Please have mercy on us."

"You should shut your mouth before they listen and get us all killed. I've said more than I should. You should pretend this conversation never happened."

This was the first time out of all these years she lashed out at me. I didn't sign up for this or consent to being locked up and being a breeding object.

"Please, doctor, don't let them do this. We're just girls. They're aggressive. You said it. Who knows what they will do to us."

Her face softened, and she looked at me as if she was trying to say something but couldn't.

She started writing on a piece of paper. "Be careful with what you say out loud! They are always watching and listen in when they want." Said the piece of paper.

She lit it up in fire and threw it in a trash can in my room.

"We should go. He's waiting for you since this morning."

Suddenly I started to feel unusually hot, as if my body started to catch a high fever. I'd never felt this before, after an injection.

"Help me" I made out the words without sound, and it seems she was able to read them.

Without emotion, she turned away and knocked on our side of the door for the guard to open it.

I grabbed her hand, and she looked back at me. I mouthed please, but before she could answer, the guard opened the door.

Two of the other doctors were outside of the door waiting. Doctor Karen glanced at me in annoyance while Doctor Amanda inquired if I was ready to go.


"She's ready." And with that, she walked out and went with them, as the guard handcuffed me.

We walked down the hall and went through many doors with corridors. This building was a maze. They never took us through the same routes. I always felt it was to keep us from knowing the way out.

"You don't have to do this. Please." I pleaded with him until our stop, but the guard never glanced at me.

We suddenly stopped outside a door with the Alpha's name on it. The guard opened the door, threw the keys of my cuffs inside the room, and pushed me inside, and I fell on the floor. I immediately grabbed the keys and uncuffed myself, and when I turned to get out, a set of rough hands grabbed me.

"Where do you think you're going, little one?" He whispered in the back of my head.

His hands were suddenly on my body, turning me towards him, causing involuntary reactions in my body. My head screamed no, but my body was betraying me. Realizing this, he caged me against the door, but I got under his hands and pushed him. I ran across the room to the bathroom. Before I could close the door, he grabbed it and opened it without much effort as I tried to push it back to close and lock it. My efforts to place distance between us were futile.

"Relax. I won't do anything that won't make you feel good. You don't have to be afraid of me." Was he serious? He was about to take the only thing precious to me by force and release his seed inside me for god knows how many times.

I narrowed my eyes in response.

"We will do this my way."

"Feisty, I think I will enjoy this even more. Alpha's like a good chase." I wasn't trying to encourage him for one. All I wanted to do was to be away from him as far as possible.

The bathroom felt too heated, and I started sweating. "Can I please shower first? I think I'm coming down with something."

"You are indeed. It's what we call the wolf fever."

"A what?"

"Male wolves go in that same amount of heat when they need to mate. I was told you would be induced into one."

Oh god, this was bad, I felt myself suddenly filled with desire for this Alpha, but I didn't want to go through this.

"Can we wait? I was told we'd have a few days here to get to know each other."

"I'm sure that's not what you were told." His gaze was fixed on mine, and he started to walk towards me, and every step he took forward, I took back.

"Running from me is futile. All you're doing is prolonging the inevitable little one."

"I can try."

"I won't hurt you, but other Alpha's might. Would you rather take your chances?"

A scream was heard, and I suddenly realized it came from me. I was in so much pain and filled with sweat everywhere. The Alpha leaned down and placed me on his lap, his touch soothing everywhere he caressed.

I turned to the shower and turned it on as cold as possible. He picked me up and came into the bath with me.

"Please don't," I whined, panicked when he started taking off his clothes. I wasn't sure if it was because of the loss of contact with him or the situation I was placed in with him.

"We'll take this slow, okay?" He whispered and smiled as he leaned towards me and cupped my cheek. He then took my clothes off and wrapped himself as close as possible to me. I could feel his manhood in my lower belly, and a strong desire to jump him and kiss him coursed throughout my body. I did my best to brush off those thoughts. We stood there for a few minutes until my body felt cooler.

"Thank you," I whispered as I looked up to him, still entangled, and he looked at me with wonder.

I started cringing of pain again, and my knees weakened. I would've fallen by now if he wasn't holding me.

"Stop making this harder on yourself than it already is." He said as he kissed my forehead. He started making his way down to my cheeks, then to the other side of my face, then my nose. My moans as a response were all the encouragement he needed to continue kissing my face.

"Let me take care of you." He must have meant to take care of himself. "Now, we will do this my way."

After he turned the shower off, the hotness spread on my body like wildfire, and I knew he's the only one who could put it out. I started whimpering from pain again, and he picked me up, firmly placing my legs around him. After feeling his manhood poking me down below, I wanted to unwrap myself from his waist, but he gripped me harder until I stopped trying to move them.

"Wrap them stronger." I did as he demanded, realizing it was indeed futile to keep resisting him.

His fingers traced my back down to my lady parts, and he inserted one of them inside. He was moving it in all sorts of pleasurable directions, testing the waters. He placed me on the countertop with my legs wide open, then traced his hands from my back to my breasts and went lower. After inserting two fingers, he started taking turns kissing up and down from my neck to my chest.

The sensations were all too much, and I started feeling a buildup inside me, teasing me, growing stronger. Right when the buildup shattered, he forcefully broke through my barrier and stretched my walls with something significantly bigger. As he did it, my pleasurable release shook my whole body along with it. I looked down, and I saw it was his manhood inside me.

As he started moving, it suddenly hit me that there was no way out of this now. I'd soon be impregnated with his child.

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