《Resurrect Nobody》Ch 24: Reconcile


After dismissing himself from the "concerning" interrogation Jax was holding, Colt decided to head back to his shed for a moment to himself.

The walk through the village was nothing short of enchanting. The sheds were constructed from wood and other plants, with everyone dressing themselves in leaf skirts and other garments made from hemp.

Dirt pathways running through the village, leading off into different sections.

An entire village thriving off of nothing but natures resources felt like some sort of pipedream, but humanity began in that line of living. Adding in the lack of any cellphone service, and the village served as a living snapshot of the old ages.


He turned to see Lamia's guards, "Oh, it's you guys. What are you names anyway?"

"It's Kinsho and Ginsho." spoke the duo in unison.

Colt glanced between them. Strong, stern faces. Imposing hulking builds. Deep voices. "Who's who? You're literally the most identical twins I've ever seen in my life."

"Worry not. We'll correct you if you get it wrong."

"Ok...What did you guys want with me?" asked Colt.

"Lady Lamia wishes to speak with you."


Kinsho and Ginsho lead him through the village to Lamia's house.

"We have arrived." said the duo. "Head into the bedroom."

"Alright..." He stepped inside of Lamia's house and made his way to the bedroom. The sturdy wood creaked with each step, forcing him to recline to a more steady pace. Stopping once he reached a curtain, he peaked inside.

"Lamia, is there something you wanted to talk about?"

She nodded her head as she gestured for him to sit beside her. "Yes. You can come if you'd like."

He took her invitation and sat down at the edge of her bed. "What's up?"


"I just want to apologize. I feel so helpless in this entire ordeal."

"N-No! I told you-"

"It's ok. I know that you're being incredibly kind, but I truly wish to do more than just sit aside and leave the duty of protecting my village to others." She wiped away a few tears and turned to him, "I'm just tired..."

"Lamia. I'm gonna be honest, you really don't have anything to apologize for. I don't feel like I'm being forced to help you at all. I genuinely want to do this."

"I know...I'm sorry for constantly bringing this up. It's just that...I've needed someone to speak to..."

"Well...I'm all ears."

She smiled and rested her hand onto his shoulder, "Thank you, Colt. Everyone in the village has had their spirits crushed in this last year by Hokkaido. Things weren't always so hopeless around here. Back when my husband was still alive, he and the other strongest members of our village tried to fend off Hokkaido."

Colt winced as he had a feeling where she was going with this story.

"Hokkaido killed them all." She pulled on the material of her dress angrily, "I'm sure that that was his way of establishing dominance over us all. And without any real forms of protection, his men were free to run through the village and do whatever they wanted..."

Pondering if he should even ask the question, his streaming thoughts escaped him. "What did they do?"

She covered her mouth, as if she were desperately fending off tears. "Horrible, unsightly things. Those monsters took away my eldest daughter...she couldn't have been any older than 18 at the time..."

"I'm...sorry for your loss."

"Thank you." She recomposed herself, "They tried to come after Hemiko, but her older sister protected her. I'll never forgive them."


A familiar aura radiated from her words, but Lamia reigned herself in before Colt had any time to identify it. "Oh, I seem to be going off on a tangent again. My-"

"Lamia, you don't have to keep apologizing. I'm thankful for you telling me that. Do you feel better?"

Resting her hand on her chest, she drew in a deep breath. "Actually, I do. I guess I've been carrying that weight alone for far too long."

"Yeah. There's nothing wrong with wanting to protect people you care about, but you shouldn't shoulder any pain alone. The people you care about will certainly help you deal with that pain."

"Wow..." A frail chuckle escaped her lips, "Is it sad that I've never thought of that?"

"Not at all. I was once the same way. There's a point where everybody thinks they need to become a lightning rod."

Leaning in to rest her head on his shoulder, she sighed as her eyes fluttered shut. "I know that I sound like a broken record, but thank you..."

"G-Glad to help."

With their brief period of silence, he found the source of the malice ridding Lamia's words. Whenever he thought of Fuchsia, that same hatred would boil within his core, casting a foul taste of hate in his mouth.

There were numerous reasons for him to hate Fuchsia, but he never even met Hokkaido.

If he were to meet him, just what kind of monster would he be facing up against?

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