《FATE | a new love story | KTH》•part 24•


📞: "Hey Taehyung! Where are you and is Yn with you!"

📞: yea. I forgot to tell you. She's with me. Don't worry.

📞: that's okay then. But where are you?

📞: umm at my house.

📞: ok. Wait WHAT!!!

📞: aish. Nothing like that. She's drunk and unconscious so I brought her home.

📞: (gave a little smirk) yea yea I get it. Enjoy

📞: hey jungkookie! Hey... (Before he could say anything more jungkook cut the call)

Taehyung sighed and looked at Yn who was sitting asleep beside him in the car. He smiled and got out from his seat to move to Yn. He picked her in bridal style and went inside his house. The house was almost empty except Mrs. May who was the head maid.

She came out and saw Taehyung carrying Yn upstairs towards his own room. Mrs. May was always with Taehyung from the day he moved to Seoul.

Taehyung carefully put down Yn on the bed and wrapped the blanket over her figure. He was about to leave when suddenly Yn grabbed his hand. Taehyung turned towards her and bent a little and spoke "Yn".

"Please don't leave me please" Yn said in a faint voice. Taehyung sat beside her and ran his fingers over her head. "I won't Yn I won't". "Please don't please please please" she continued in her faint voice lightly sobbing. "Hey Yn. I won't leave you ever. Calm down" Taehyung was growing anxious.

Yn slightly parted her eyes which were now teary and looked at Taehyung. "Taehyung!! Is that you!!" She muttered. "Yes Yn it's me" he continued running his hand over her hair. "Taehyung, I love you. Please don't leave me."

Well these particular words were something Taehyung always desired to hear from Yn. He got silent for a bit but smiled at yn's adorable face and pecked on her forehead. "I love you too Yn I love you too." "It hurts seeing you with someone else but not me" Yn said with more faint voice. Probably she was drowning in deep sleep before she calmed down. "I am sorry Yn. Am sorry. And I love you Yn" Taehyung never felt soo many butterflies before.


He gave another peck on her forehead and got up to leave but saw Mrs. May standing at the door. "Isn't she miss Yn!" Taehyung simply nodded blushing looking at Yn who was in a deep sleep right now totally calmed down. "Can I see her Mr. Kim!" Taehyung nodded and mrs. May came inside and stood beside Yn.

"No doubt you chose the best flower mr. Kim. She seems so beautiful and innocent and... and perfect. Isn't she!" "Yea she is." Taehyung answered looking at Yn. "Your wait has came to an end Mr. Kim. You are just a few steps away from winning her." "I know mrs. May. And now it's my turn to do the rest." Mrs. May smiled widely looking at Taehyung. "Let's take her rest, you will see her tomorrow Mr. Kim." "Yup let's go".

Taehyung closed the door before having a last view of Yn's sleeping figure.

I woke up when sunlight fell on my face. Uhhh! What a wonderful morning it is when you wake up with sun kiss. Damn why does this morning has to end huh!!

I stretched my hands out of the blanket and turned towards the other side without opening my eyes because I don't want to wake up from the bed now. Beds are my favourite things because they gives you comfort that no one can.

Sunlight doesn't fall on my bed.

Wasn't I attending the party ! Who brought me home!

I jolted up on the bed opening my eyes wide scanning the surrounding. "Whose room is this! Did I broke into someone's house! Ah I even didn't change. Aish I don't remember anything clearly" I hold my head in my palm to get away from the dizziness. This room is beautiful by the way. The closet and the bathroom are perfectly located. Ahh the night stand, those flowers, the guitar. Ah saxophone! The vase, the big mirror showing my figure sitting up all messy, Taehyung's cute photo, Yeontan, this smell, the...

I turned my head and carefully looked at the room. Yes. It's his room because if am not dreaming Yeontan is right here on the bed sitting at a corner looking at me. What the heck!!


"Shit shit I don't remember anything shit! I went to the party. I met others. Then I probably took five shots to be noted I never drink. I danced with Jungkook. Then....



She was. Dancing with Taehyung. And. I. Kissed him!! No no no. That can't be true that can't be true. Please please let that be just a dream. Please please please."

I was almost having a heartattack and Yeontan started licking my face climbing up my shoulder. Yeontan was no doubt the cutest.

I sat there still processing everything when suddenly I heard the knock. And within seconds Taehyung appeared with a tray in his hand. Yeontan ran towards him immediately.

No. I wasn't dreaming that's confirmed. And am screwed that's registered.

"You are up!" Taehyung smiled and closed the door behind him. He put down the tray beside me which contained two coffee and sat infront me carrying Yeontan who was going on licking him, jumping around him.

"Yes yes baby. I know you are excited seeing her. Relax buddy" Yeontan finally sat quietly beside him.

"Did you sleep well!" "Huh" fuck where am I lost!

"Did you sleep well Yn!"

"Yea" I was literally sweating right now.

"Hey can I ask you something!" I nervously questioned him. He hummed while patting Yeontan. "What happened! Ye-yesterday night!" He looked up at me.

"You drank too much and got unconscious and I brought you home."

Well I am literally not sure did I actually kissed him or not! Was it reality or... Ahh... Why don't I remember anything clearly!

"Umm and nothing else happened right!"

"Umm nahh... You just kissed me that's it."

Kill me already. So it was not a DREAM as always.

"I did!"

"Yea" why does he seems so relaxed about it! Does he care or not!

"Really!! I kissed you!!" I asked him again hoping the answer to be negative.

"Yes. Oh and you begged me to never leave you."


"Ahh don't freak out already. You also confessed how much you love me."

"I knew you love me Yn." He said in his calm voice.

My mouth was hung open. Really!!! What the heck did I do!! This alcohol shit!!

Ahh am so embarrassed right now. Fuck my emotions. Shoot my jealousy. No no no. I should not be showing any expressions right now. I must leave. Yes.

I immediately got up from the bed and searched for my shoes and purse.

"Where you going Yn!"

I turned towards him. "Taehyung. I must be too much drunk yesterday and did not realise what happened. So don't take it seriously. I-i d-don't mean any of those." I found my shoes and time to grab my purse and run away as quickly as possible.

"You know you mean it."

I stopped on my way. He got up and stood infront me.

"You know you love me. You know I love you too. And now as you confessed me though you were drunk, i promise I'll make you say those words in your full sense again."

Is he challenging me!

"You know you can't." I finally spoke.

"You know am good at breaking your dam of stubbornness."

"You know you will loose." I gave a little laugh which was appearing quite confident.

"You know I can and I will make you say those words again." He stood really close to me.

"You can't." I muttered.

"You know I'll make you mine coz you are mine."

We were really close standing, looking at each other's eyes not ready to loose.

"We will see" I gave a smirk and walked away from him. "Bye Mrs. Yn" he said behind me. "It's Ms Bong Yn" I continued walking hiding my blushes. "It's gonna be Mrs. Kim anyway" he snapped back the last time giggling. I simply walked out coz this time I won't be able to speak clearly through my voice shaking in blushes and cheeks burning in hundred degree Celsius.

This man... Uff!

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