《The Goose, the golden egg and the end of the world》Chapter 21 - Chris Dixon


It wasn't for nothing that Chris Dixon had the highest rated prime time news show on cable. His show, In The Crosshairs with Chris Dixon, aired Monday to Friday on FOX News at 9 pm and consistently drew well over 10 million viewers a night, quadruple the ratings of his nearest cable competitor on CNN and more than some network prime time procedurals. What set Chris Dixon apart from other anchors was his aggressive interview style that his guests couldn't handle. With every interview that he did he came right out of the gate swinging, not allowing his guests a moment to find their feet before unleashing a barrage of accusations of stupidity and lack of patriotism. Of course if you were a guest who shared Chris's views then the interview was calm and cordial. Fyodor Milichenko had watched clips of Chris Dixon's show in preparation for his first appearance on US television. The fact that he was a communist was the biggest concern that Fyodor had, as even the most moderate Democrat was attacked by Chris Dixon as a woke, communist, anti-American, Antifa loving thug. Fyodor believed that he could easily sidestep the issue of him being a communist by using it as an opportunity to steer the conversation onto ground on which there was scope for mutual agreement between them.

The invitation to appear on In The Crosshairs with Chris Dixon had come about as a result of Fyodor's confrontation with David Huntsman at The Growth and Opportunities Conference going viral and amassing 8 million views on YouTube within 72 hours. Fyodor's takedown of the most prominent businessman in America in front of the global press had brought Fyodor to the attention of America. FOX News had worked the hardest to secure his first US interview and Fyodor, on the advice of the snake, had specifically asked to be on Chris Dixon's show. The snake advised Fyodor to appear on Chris's show because it was convinced that the bull was behind Chris Dixon's success as a bombastic talk show host. Navigating an interview with Chris Dixon would be easy for Fyodor; the bull was lacking in intelligence and what it lacked in intelligence it made up for with belligerence. The snake saw these same qualities in Chris Dixon and was of no doubt that he had been adopted by the bull.


Chris hadn't always been the firebrand that he was now, it used to be that he was just another unremarkable political commentator turned host who held right of center views on social and economic issues. The change that he had undergone had been as sudden as it was radical. Within the space of a few weeks he went from extolling small government and family values to calling for women who had abortions to be given the death sentence and for a firing squad to be stationed at the southern border to shoot migrants who were attempting to enter the US illegally. Soon after he had begun expressing these views Chris had been fired from his job as the host of the bipartisan debate show CrossTalk on CBS and began a career as a radio host in his home state of Michigan. His show was an immediate success and quickly achieved national syndication. He fielded dozens of calls a day, mostly from conservatives who were calling in to tell him that they agreed with him that homosexuality was disgusting and satanic, that abortion was murder and should be punished as such, that the only way to hold the government accountable was through fear of an armed citizen uprising, that the mainstream media was nothing but a bunch of elitist liars, and that illegal immigration was the greatest existential threat the United States has ever faced. The few phone calls that he received from people who disagreed with him and called in to tell him that he was just a vile bigot he quickly dismissed by telling them that they just hated America and if they loved immigrants so much then they should fuck off out of America and go live with them in their fucked up shithole countries!

Chris's growing celebrity among conservatives was impossible to ignore and he made his return to television with appearances as a political commentator on FOX News, where centrist Republicans found themselves on the receiving end of the same treatment that America-hating liberals always received from him. Leadership of the insurgent ultra conservative wing of the Republican party was there for the taking, and Chris used an appearance that he made at CPAC to grab hold of it. Rather than make a speech that hit all of his usual targets, Chris used his speech to excoriate Republican establishment elites for taking their voters for granted and selling them out to big money contributors who wanted illegal immigrants for cheap labor and special carve outs in the tax code which ordinary citizens didn't get to enjoy and which were adding enormously to the deficit which was a crushing burden that everyday Americans were going to have to carry for generations to come. During his speech he also called them out for being cowards on the abortion issue, talking the talk but not walking the walk in order to keep the issue alive for them to run on in future elections, and he criticized them for bowing to the political correctness obsessed left by using sanitized language when they spoke about these issues. The audience at CPAC loved his speech and gave him a rapturous standing ovation that went on for five full minutes. The speaker that followed Chris at CPAC was Idaho Republican Senator Pat Montgomery, who decided, after hearing Chris's speech, to use his time on stage to warn the audience against embracing the extremism of characters like Chris Dixon who have no actual solutions to offer and are only telling people what they want to hear for the purpose of gaining their support to boost their own celebrity. The audience's reaction to the senator's speech was such that he had to be escorted out of the rear of the building by security.


In The Crosshairs with Chris Dixon premiered on FOX News two weeks later in the coveted 9 p.m. time slot, and from his bully pulpit Chris was able to orchestrate a takeover of the Republican party by the far right which saw Pat Montgomery and his fellow constitutional conservatives run out of the party. All that was left for Chris to achieve was to get one of his candidates into the White House, and he believed he was well on his way to doing that with Jim Balmer, who had appeared as a guest on his show over twenty times since the beginning of the primary campaign, while the candidate with the second most appearances was North Dakota Governor Samuel Heskitt with two appearances.

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