《Reborn as The Riser Phoenix》Rias gremory under the Phoenix shadow



Mom has told me that tomorrow I have go to meet rias but if remember correctly rias will offer virginity to issei tonight before even meeting me I don't think this is possible in this time line but still my gut feeling is telling me to do something

I then called kuroka . Kuroka then cames in front of me

Kuroka :- what happened Aniki

Riser :- nothing in Particular kuroka I have a work for you tonight

Kuroka :- sure Aniki what it is

Riser :- go to Issei Hyoudou's house and place a hidden camera in his room

Kuroka :- isn't he is your so called fiance's pawn who she recruited by letting him die by the hands of fallen angels we have a whole video of that

Riser :- yes kuroka do as I say and I will give you and vali a special reward

Kuroka :- yes Aniki consider it done and Don't forget about my and vali's special reward

Riser :- fear not kuroka you love birds gonna gonna love it

Time skip

(ISSEI POV) (POV-point of view)

I sit while crossing my legs! I sat on the floor and closed my eyes to calm my spirit.

O god please let me have a great HAREM with lots of girls with big oppai Namu namu namu.

Ouch! Then I got a headache! Oh yeah! Why am I praying!? I'm a Devil! I will take damage if I pray! I almost terminated myself on my own!

Damn it! What am I doing!? Wait, what am I doing in my own room......?


The Gremory group's magic-circle appears. "Buchou cames out of it"

Rias-buchou. But why is she in my room?

She seems to have the face of those cornered

Buchou approaches me soon as she sees me. Then she says a shocking thing to me.


"Make love to me."

............Excuse me? My mind went blank because of the sudden thing. What did she say just now? Did I go deaf?

Buchou says it again to make sure I heard it since I have a confused look.

"I want you to take my virginity. Immediately."

The rest went same as the original story how Grayfia stop them takes rias back


I was taken back to my home by Grayfia

When I reach there my brother and my dad , and they started lectureing me about what have I done

Lord gremory :- how can you do something like this rias you are the heir of the gremory family what happens if Phoenix family find about it they gonna break the wedding

Sirzech :- yes Rias how can you do this and why did you hate riser so much

Rias :- I don't wanna marry someone who's first servant was an slave I also heard many rumors about him being the playboy and fucking every Nekoshous

Sirzech :- don't trust on rumors so much rias you gonna regret it later

Lord gremory :- sirzech is right rias you shouldn't trust rumors so much and you should be thankful to us that we didn't tell your mom about this you know she is sadist

Think what will she do to you

Rias :- I don't care I don't marry riser I'll marry someone I want and that's final

Stomp her way back to her room angerly

Time skip

(RISER POV) (riser point of view )

I was ready to meet rias in orc riser was about to go when someone stop him

Lady Phoenix :- riser are you going alone

Riser :- yes mother

Lady Phoenix :- I think you should also take Ravel with you


Riser :- okay mom came on Ravel let's go

Ravel :- yes brother

We teleported to the orc(Occult Research Club)

When we arrived there rias was staring me angrily there was her whole peerage except Gasper and there was Also Grayfia standing near the corner

Riser :- Rias, I'm so happy to see you again."

Rias :- "Riser Phenex."

Me and Ravel could practically taste the venom and disgust that Rias said my name with

Riser :- I came to inform you that a date has been set by our parents I know it is a bit early but my mother thought we could go visit the location that the ceremony will be taking place

Rias :- I have no intention on Marrying you riser

Issei :- M-M-Marrying !? What the hell is going on!? Who the hell is this guy!?" asked Issei in shock

Riser :- And Who are you Again

Issei :- I'm Issei Hyoudou, Rias Gremory-sama's Pawn

Riser :- it's look like you rehearsed that

I chuckled

Issei :- You still haven't answered my question! Who are you?

Riser :- I'm surprised you haven't told your servants about me, though I'm even more surprised he doesn't know about me. He does smell like a human and à pervert though so that makes him a reincarnated devil which makes sense

Rias :- I didn't say anything because there was no need to tell them of you and don't call him pervert it doesn't sound good caming from your mouth

I was about to say something but Grayfia introduced me

Grayfia :- This is Riser Phenex-sama."

said Grayfia informing Issei and everyone else of what they wanted to know.

Grayifa :- "He Is A Pureblood, High Class Devil, And The Third Son Of The Legendary Phenex Family And He Is Also Considered As An Hero By Nekoshous And He Holds The Title Of Untouchable Flame And He Is Also Rias-sama's Fiance"

Issei :- whaaaattttttttt noooo I can't let you take Rias-buchou away from my harem Boosted Gear

issei summoned his Sacred Gear and was about to attack me

Rias :- Enough Riser I've already told you that I'm not going to marry you

Riser :- Grayfia-sama, are you here, perhaps, with a solution just in case we find ourselves in this particular situation

Grayfia was shocked for few seconds because she didn't expect me to say this

Grayfia :- "It seems that an agreement cannot be reached here today so that leaves us with one final solution that was thought up by Lucifer-sama, a Ratting Game."

Rias :- I accept

Riser :- "I accept as well, but tell me Rias is this your whole Peerage

Rias :- What if it is ??

Riser :- Let me show you your competition."

Riser as he snapped his fingers and a large magic circle appeared behind him. Out of the circle came 1 women and stand besides Ravel

Rias :- just 2 women Are you giving me a handicap

Rias said while being offended .

Riser :- yes rias I don't even need full peerage to win against you and you have 5 peerage members right I give you 5 days to train them good luck

I snapped my fingers and we where teleported back to the Phoenix territory in our home

Riser then look at ravel and said

Riser :- have you clearly recorded every thing ravel

Ravel nodded and give me the video recorder

Riser :- good now call the mother I'll show her the video

Ravel :- yes brother

Then Ravel left to call Lady Phoenix

Riser :- according to the plain

Riser started laughing











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