《Loving Lamelo Ball》Back again


A game or two had passed since the incident on the court to say the least. Lamelo's team had just won and was a complete turnover from last week. Many people wanted to take pictures with Lamelo and Liangelo and even Lavar.

Before they knew it Lamelo was trending again and not for the win.

He scrolled on Instagram to see a fan accusing him of flirting with her. She said how she felt uncomfortable about all the things I said to her and how she didn't like me touching her which both of those were lies

You have to be kidding me

He thought he figured he should call Chanel to make sure she was fine and not upset

"Hello" She answered in a cold voice I assumed she figured out and I was going to die

"Chanel I swear every thing she said was a lie I only took a picture with her" I rambled

"Wait what are you talking about LaMelo she said confused

"Some girl is lying about me meeting her and I wanted to clear it up before you got upset"

"First of all I will always take your side right or wrong secondly I was just sleeping and I'm hella tired I'll deal with the bitch in the morning you go get some rest. I love you"She said damn she handled that hella good

"I love you more good night"The phone hung up but I knew she was gonna handle it in the morning I had to handle it now

Don't forget y'all only see the relationship we allow y'all to see why would I ever ruin what I have

I wasn't even raised like dat fr

4years for 4minutes is wild

handle dat lil bro

FanumFanpage She most def was bsn don't disrespect Chamelo like that

This whole situation was over luckily the Internet didn't run with it and no one even believed her. She basically made a full out of herself. Some time had passed and it felt like when Chanel and Lamelo weren't together the time flew by.

They hadn't seen each other in a whole five months but surprisingly they kept it together. Lamelo's season was over and Chanel's first semester was almost over. But the only thing Lamelo could think about was how draft was now only six months away. And how his life would be so different. Two of Lamelo's closest people in his live were in Louisiana which were Lonzo and Chanel so he decided to go there first thing after his season was over. And that's exactly what he did he spent some time with Lonzo his house was pretty empty besides me. I mean him and Denise had broken up while I was overseas but I could tell they were off and on you could just tell she was present in the house. It's kinda sad because they had been together since high school I couldn't imagine if my relationship went left like there's did.


I was supposed to see Chanel today of course I was so happy of course she was to I had no clue what we we're gonna do I don't she did either. But then I knocked on her dorm room and was actually hella nervous for some reason

The door opened and my smile faded some girl opened the door her mouth dropped

"Oh my goshhhh" she squealed stomping up and down in excitement

"You're finally here Chanel is gonna be so happy come in" she pulled me in and she sat me down on Chanel's bed and sat across me with a smile on her face

"Oh yeah I'm Londyn her roommate obviously her class should end in like five minutes but it's probably gonna take her a while to get her but I have to go because my class is gonna start"

"Okay I'll see you sometime then I guess" I said I was on my phone and heard the door wiggle and I went to go open it to see some boy I figured he was for Londyn he peeped his head through

"Wassup I'm Zach is Chanel here" he leaned on the side of the door

"No why" I asked

"I just wanted too see her but it's obvious she isn't here" He said and walked off. I closed the door and was trying to process if I was gonna just let it go since I hadn't seen her in a minute or confront her. But I just decided to keep it in the back of my head

But all I could think about was what he wanted with her it was obvious he didn't go her he literally had Lsu basketball shorts on and a hoodie I chuckled this was my replacement

Then the wiggled again and the third time was the charm because then she walked in and damn I couldn't help it because as soon se walked in a huge smile was on my face as she was in my arms.

Chanel's POV

I was so happy to be with my man and totally loved being around him and was right under him

After a while I gasped

"I have a gift for you" I laughed just from being around him

"Ohhhh really"he said thrown off as I got up and went on my knees to look under the bed and pulled out a box with a red ribbon and handed it to him but he put it down and cupped my hands

"I know like it's been a while since we last seen each other and like I honestly see growth from last time we were apart. We're not drifting away and I sometimes look back on how I treated you and moving forward I just want to treat you better and show that I love you more and just be honest to you" I saw myself going on a rant and stopped myself and just saw him smiling


"What I'm tryna be straight up with you"he pulled me in his arms and hugged me

"I love you C and you know that and I forgive you for anything you feel like you did wrong" I looked up as he hugged

"Thanks baby I love you too" I said then handed his gift to him he opened it and a big smile popped up on his face

"Oh look at that smile" I said teasing him as he held the frame of us two together freshman year when we're fourteen and now we're nineteen

"Damnnnn look at us" he cheesed

"Aww that's the first game you invited me too" I smiled

"Yeah that's why I hit that half court right for you" he said soon filling with cockiness

"I was so shook that was like the first time ever I was like so impressed with a boy" I opened up

"Really"He said surprise

"Yeah you set the standards high after that I never even thought of another boy except you" I admitted as he smiled looked down at me

"You know even though it's five years later that was lowkey a confidence booster" he said and I could tell he was telling the truth

"I remember I was so proud I was under you in that picture. Look behind the frame" I suggested them got interrupted by a call from my manager Jania Lamelo groaned at the call

"Hey Jania wassup"I answered

"Isn't tomorrow your only day off of practice" She questioned me

"Yeah" I said

"Also are you and Lamelo free tomorrow?" She asked me as lamelo shook his head no

"Maybe why" I questioned

"Well GQ has offered a couple quiz to you two and I think it will be great for both of you"She said I was intrigued of course because this was our first interview together if we did accept it

I put her on mute and asked laMelo if he was okay with it

"Sounds pretty cool to be honest I'm down"He said agreeing

"Just be prepared for my fans making edits of what they call 'ChaMelo' " I said talking about how my fans loved us together I took Jania off mute

"Yeah we're cool with that"I responded back to her

"Okay we'll it's official I'll confirm with them right now the interview starts at 3:25 don't be late"

"We won't" I promised her as the phone hung up and I got off of Lamelo

"We're you going" He asked me

"I gotta go to practice bae you know this" I said putting on my shoes and jacket

"Yeah I was just playing around you know me" He said

"I know also our door is usually alway unlocked so don't get to comfort because someone is always coming through" I told him

"Thanks I love you" he said back

"Love you too"

Lamelo's pov

Soon after she left I was int the room with two girls Alyssa Cole and Londyn Anderson I soon figured they were some of her closest friends

"Chanel really dose seem to love it here and I'm sure you two are a big part of the reason why" I complimented them

"She dose at first it was hard for her tryna juggle volleyball, academy and being well known"Londyn responded playing with her fingers

"And the panic attack a few weeks back didn't help but after a while she got through with us" Alyssa added I felt like I wasn't doing something right I mean she didn't even come to me about it

"Yeah that was crazy she never really had the time to tell me" I said really hoping they would tell me more

"Oh 0she was just overwhelmed you know. She just meet Zach and he was really scaring her and then the LSU party didn't help"Londyn said that name was so familiar

"Girl you convinced her he was crazy then my poor girl felt like she was in a horror movie paranoid and everything with no help"Alyssa responds to Londyn why did she feel that way

"Like you didn't force us to go to a party the next day"

"Because that's what solves all my problems" and finally I figured it out.

There was a boy named Zach looking for her that weak ass boy was the reason she had a panic attack. I swear on everything if I saw him ever again he would've not even been able to think straight.

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