《Players in Remnant》Onto the next thing!
Another good day for the citizens of Remnant.
The Vytal Festival was starting and people were coming to Vale in order to either watch or participate in the activities of the Festival.
Frankly, it was needed. Even if Vale was Breached by the Grimm, it was thwarted by a 3rd party called by the people as "Remnant's Ghosts", or "Guardians". There are many names for the unknown creatures, but they were only hostile to the Grimm.
Aside from the theories about the ghosts of Remnant, the Council has to continue the Vytal Festival in order to bring up morale, and remove any negative emotions so that they won't be attacked by the Grimm again.
Happiness in a grim situation.
Sounds like the Philippines.
"Hey, you ok?"
"H-huh...?" Lordez blinked several times. "What-"
"You were spacing out again... Thinking too much?" His friend said while chewing a BBQ stick.
"Shut your mouth," Lordez made a small frown. "Someone in this damn world needs to be planning things straight ahead of time."
"True," Orm shrugged. "But it doesn't mean that you should be worried about what's going to happen to us. Like literally, you said this before: there is nothing in this world that can even harm us truly!"
Which was true. But the show has barely revealed anything about Salem. If he could remember, she is one of the people of this world who has the potential to fight on even ground with either of them. Although that chance is less likely to be possible. One thing he knows about Salem's capabilities is that she can break mountains with her powers.
Plus her magic affinity, with the [Soulless Tar] flowing through her veins and being cursed with immortality, there is no fucking doubt that she can destroy mountains. Worlds? Doubt so.
Other than that, he could help but worry if there are going to be those 'Yoggs' that Askad and Gman mentioned about. Even if Gman said that he had placed a protection ward that only beings with authorized power can enter this world. He couldn't help but think about the beings that can literally tear worlds apart, that if they are grown to their full potential. By consuming creatures, beings with immense power, into their own.
And unfortunately for him, he cannot, by all means, kill a fucking Yogg. Orm, on the other hand, can because he is one of the cursed-races that can kill a Yogg without being death-controlled by them.
With that, sometimes he regretted picking the Undead race...
"Just cheer the hell up!" He slapped his back, bringing him back to reality forcefully. "Now is the time to be drunk and swim happily, not trying to drown in sorrow and die from depression!"
"...Are you drunk?"
"HAH!" He barked out a laugh. Getting looks from the nearby bystanders looking at him. "Me? Drunk!? You of little faith." He shook his head from disappointment.
"Yeah yeah," Lordez waved his hand dismissively. "Your class denies you getting drunk unless you will it. Jeez, frigging Norsemen..."
Lordez shared a laugh together with his best friend. Drawing a small smile. He could feel the nostalgic embrace around him. The laughs, the running gags, the antics. Hell, he could remember throwing Khorne into the Lizard Pits.
Ahhh, those were good times.
"Oi, were you thinking something rude?" The viking player gave him a hard look.
"Nah man, just thinking about the good ol times."
"Ah." His expressions went soft from that. "Yeah... Good ol times..."
The two of them were quiet after that, although they were quite far from being sad and sober from those memories. And besides, they were getting along with the festival's atmosphere. Getting in some snacks from the stalls, Orm buying Misha tons of fish-flavored candy from one of the stalls, the poor grateful bastard had to buy almost a bucket of candies for his partner. And most of the people were keeping their distance from the giant bear which was somehow cutely eating a bucket of candies.
The roars of excitement made them turn their heads to the floating Arena above some dozen meters off ground. At the current match, it was team RWBY vs ABRN.
And obviously, we all know who is going to win the fight.
"Should we watch our students fight out?" Orm asked.
"...Do you want to?"
Orm grunted. "Ehhhh, it's not like we got anything to do much around here except for preparing ya know, the stuff."
"Why the hell do you make it sound like we're dealing drugs here? This is not Breaking Bad, and additionally: I don't know how to make any fucking substances that would get us high to the sky. I don't have an Alchemist job class."
"Well, we should have asked Tabula about that then before?"
"We weren't transported into this world yet, and everything wasn't fucking alive!" He exclaimed. "And besides, how the hell can we get high in the game!?"
"Go ask Accel World about that, they should know about it."
"What? 5th Dimensional wall breaking logic implemented here, it's not like I'd understand it much."
"...Let's forget this conversation even happened, and I'll let you cook something for us to eat when all of this shit is done and done."
And with that, the forgotten promise has been made.
That promise hasn't been confirmed over the last 700 years... The records of it are gone, the story between our Lord Lordez the Undying, and Lord Orm the Crazed.
Lordez chuckled before his eyes accidentally settled on a familiar hair, face, and person.
'Mercury...' He thought before scanning around. 'If he is here, then...' He also saw Emerald around the corner.
The undead sighed. "Things are going so well." He muttered sarcastically.
Orm raised a brow, confused. He was about to ask what was wrong before being told by his friend about the two certain people that are no doubt enemies.
"Ah, and we can't do anything before it happens, yes?"
"Yes..." He grumbled.
"Then let's make the most out of this day and enjoy! Like you said, no spoilers!" Orm walked away cackling with his BBQ stick. The man has bought a literal bucket filled with BBQ sticks.
'I wonder if the snack stall ran out of BBQ now...' He joked before moving in to buy a box of pizza before heading to a table where Orm was sitting and eating his sticks. And Misha just chewed on the candies.
It was both cute and... weird? Seeing a huge, grizzly tattooed bear chewing candy like a dog.
Only for most people.
"So, when shall we intervene?" Orm started.
Grabbing a slice of pizza, taking in a bite and gulped it down. "Somewhere when it's almost dusk. But we still have time after that."
"Must be a long ass time." The viking mused as he made a wild grin. "You need somewhere to jack off-"
"Oi! I can't do that shit! I'm not... you know!" Lordez almost shouted in a really annoyed tone, yet with a small hint of embarrassment. Feeling a slight burn on his cheeks too... Was he blushing? Wtf-
And with that, his friend only laughs while he could only despair at not being able to get laid...
Is it possible though?
. . .
. . .
The fight was finished with team RWBY winning the fight (fucking obvious and going canon here), they went down to the carnival grounds to grab something to eat.
It was quite cute watching Blake cry after her bowl of fish was taken from her because Weiss's card was declined. The old man in the stall is literally everywhere...
"Ah, the winners of the fight!" Team RWBY and JNPR looked up and saw Orm and Lordez walking towards them. "Eating up aren't ya?"
"Ah! Professors!" Pyrrha greeted with a smile.
"Don't call us that," Lordez said almost casually. "I've said this before and let this be the last time; call me Instructor or Trainer. Or you could simply call me Lordez." He smiled warmly.
"And just call me Orm!" The viking said cheekily with a grin on his face.
Misha just huffed and grunted.
"Well then Pro-I mean Instructor Lordez, so how was our fight?" Ruby said, albeit nervous.
"I wasn't able to watch your fight since I have complete faith in your team would easily win that match up." That praise made the team cheer up.
"And you," He turned to JNPR, while Jaune was still weak from eating... whatever he ate, and face-flat on the counter. "as I really know you would win your match, I prefer to remind you four to carefully fight up to the good fight."
"No worries Prof- Trainer!" Nora almost corrected. "We will break their legs!"
"No, no we won't do that." Ren said nonchalantly.
Lordez and Orm just chuckled at the young Nora's attitude. "If you win the fight without losing your Aura below 80%, I'll either buy or cook you pancakes."
"WE WILL WIN THIS!" There were sparkles in her eyes. "THIS I PROMISE YOU SIR!" Her expression was both cute (to the Players) and horrifying (to the rest of the team and RWBY), but her words spoke seriousness.
"Why...?" Ren muttered in horror at the mention of Nora having earned pancakes. Last time she earned those, it took almost a day to clean up the dishes...
"Ughhh..." Jaune groaned in stomach pain.
"Ah, I almost forgot. Stomach aches Jaune?" Lordez looked over the low lifted boy.
"Yeah..." The blonde replied weakly.
The undead smiled before drawing out a [Minor Healing Potion]. "Here, this should help you out."
Orm was about to speak, but Nora enthusiastically cut him off.
"Oooo, is that blood!?" Nora said excitingly. The teens around eyed at the red-filled container in Lordez's hand.
"No no," He shook in amusement. True, the content of the potion looks like blood. But when he tried it out, it actually tasted like cool strawberry mint. Particularly to its color taste... He thinks. "This is the medicine that I made. And no, there are no side effects."
Pyrrha gently grabbed the bottle and examined it briefly before giving it to her partner. "Here..."
Jaune groaned as he opened the bottle. He took several sniffs out of it and found a decent smell. Figuring it wouldn't hurt to try out the 'medicine', he immediately took huge gulps out of it.
Only to the Players' eyes, Jaune was covered in green aura for a short moment before it vanished. "Wow... I feel better than before!" Amazed by the miracle works of their Trainer's medicine, Jaune tries to feel any uneasy feeling. Finding none.
'Huh, so it also works that way... Needs more tests.' Lordez made a mental note to do that in the far future.
"Wait, the stomach pain is gone?" Weiss raised a skeptical brow.
"Better than ever!" Jaune replied happily. "Now I can fight without worrying to barf!"
"So, are you ready to fight?" He said coolly.
"Of course!" Nora spoke way too quickly. "We got a world-renowned fighter on our team," gesturing to Pyrrha then to Ren. "what's basically a ninja," motioning to herself, "I can bench five of me, Jaune..."
"Hey!" But he was ignored.
"We've trained all year, our weapons are awesome, Glynda barely yells at us anymore, and Lordez here trained us to the literal extreme, and uh... Jaune!"
"...Are you gonna take that?" Ren looked over to Jaune.
"She's not wrong..." The knight grumbled miserably.
"Hahahaha, don't worry." Orm patted on the blonde knight's shoulder. "Have faith in yourself and your team. Being negative in the fight would make your chance of winning less likely. So have faith!"
Jaune smiled brightly at that. "Thanks, we will!"
Suddenly, Port on the intercom announced to have Team JNPR head for the battlegrounds.
"Looks like this is it."
"Yes, and should you four lose, I will see to it that no flaws in your combat prowess will make anything worse for my hunters." Lordez smiled, but the RWBY and JNPR know the cruelty behind that smile.
They shuddered before RWBY wished good luck to JNPR as they headed for the arena.
"...How long do you think they will last?"
"Wha- Trainer Lordez! I thought you had faith in them!?" Ruby said, almost flabbergasted.
The viking chuckled, with team RWBY's confusion. "Lordez here didn't mean by JNPR, he meant by the team fighting against them! We are both wondering how long they shall last against JNPR!"
"Yes, they have improved until now. After all, what does it look like for the past semesters that I've let you trained blood, sweat, and tears in my class?" The undead player said coldly, making the team's faces pale while reminiscing the horrible memories of Lordez beating them up in the training class.
"I suggest lowering down your... training methods, my friend." Orm said with a small frown. Witnessing first hand the training brought up to them, it was on the level of spartan training. Not militaristic of course, but less force in the training methods compared.
"Then they won't be prepared for what will come next..." The undead said ominously...
The match between team JNPR vs BRNZ was starting up. Knowing the results, it would be quite boring.
But the question is, how well has team JNPR developed? Focusing on Jaune, before he was simply just a small fry in a forest of giants. But with the intense training he gave to the students who willingly (There was a tempting reward to those who join in), went to his combat class and once joined there is no turning back.
No refunds, and basically a trap.
No, not that fucking trap you perverted shit heads-
The two players (yes, again, along with the fucking bear!) were at the private seats only permitted for staff members. Misha just sat and grunted, silently chewing the candies that were brought along. And to the emptiness of Orm's wallet...
"How much do you want to bet on this?" The viking grumbled.
"Meh, about 150 lien."
"That much only?" The viking raised a brow. "You ain't upping it?"
"Eh, what are the odds anyways? I'll get suspicious if I get at least 20k lien from this easily."
"...Gambit is the thing you like before-"
. . .
(Look up for team BRNZ appearance and names... I'm too tired and lazy to put up here when you could just search for it in the fking wiki)
Almost as soon as the match started, both teams rushed against each other with one of the enemy team went far back to provide sniper fire.
As both teams were locked in close combat, Jaune managing to block an attack, noticed a flicker of a reflection coming from the treeline. He then saw a sniper barrel sticking out from the treetops.
"Retreat!" He gave the order as the rest of his team compiled. Ren and Nora went to cover behind the rocks, while Jaune and Pyrrha also ran back and provided cover using their shields.
"What do we do?" Pyrrha asked as the team saw the enemy closing in.
"Spread out!" He said. "Try to keep moving!" As he immediately blocks an incoming attack.
With the team now once again locked in combat and picking their opponents, team JNPR was handling much better on their own than before.
Ren was preparing to fight, he saw his opponent nod to the side. Knowing what he meant, he immediately closed into his enemy, catching him off guard and in surprise.
The one with the sword managed but barely brought up his sword to block Ren's attack.
Nora came in from the side and smashed her hammer on Nolan's side, making him fly through the air.
"Nora! Get to the mountain!"
Understanding what he meant, she complied. "You got it!" She cheerfully replied.
"Ren, try and distract the sniper!" He says as a shot missed Ren by almost a fking meter away.
"Sure... Why not?" The ninja replied sarcastically as he dashed towards the suspecting location of the sniper.
. . .
"Hmmm... Only a slight change, but it's still going the same in canon."
"Huh? You expect them to change the fight sequence?"
"I expect them to end the fight for less than 5 minutes. But it looks like they are playing carefully..."
"Haha! My friend, don't judge them for playing that. Remember? You too did that as well!"
The undead nodded as he quietly observed team JNPR's prowess.
'Jaune should have been able to attack without any trouble, but why is there no change...?' Almost for a moment, he gave up on thinking but then suddenly...
Pink lighting cackled around the arena floor, and explosions occurred the moment she landed. Her eyes were glowing with power, and her body covered with lightning dancing around her skin.
"Whoah!" Jaune exclaimed in awe. "Nora! Since when can you do that!?"
"Do what?" She asked innocently as she placed her hand on her hip.
"Uhhh, did you know that girl could do that?" Orm casually pointed at the young valkyrie who is now being danced by lighting around her.
"...To be honest, I did not." The undead said, almost surprised. "But I think this is the result of managing to level up despite only quite a bit. I'll scan her just to be... sure."
He appraised Nora quick as usual and found interesting results. Her level was doubled than usual, and her physical and resistance are abnormally high for someone like her. But if compared to YGGDRASIL, it's common to see either Players or Mobs have high resistance despite being low-leveled.
The front-liners of team BRNZ had their aura levels turned down to the yellow area, leaving them vulnerable to critical attacks should they get damaged any longer.
"Alright guys, let's finish this with team attacks! Ren, Nora, Flower Power!"
And with that, the team argument started.
Lordez sighed inside. 'This is going almost the same from the canon version... Almost.'
After watching them bickering with each other for perhaps the longest 60 seconds of his life somehow.
"...Nora, just... Just hit them with the hammer." Jaune defeatedly said as he detested on rather finishing this match before it takes their time.
"Got it." Nora smiled with an evil grin on her face, almost happy to hear her team leader's request. She suddenly appeared in front of team BRNZ before smashing them with her lightning-induced strength powers and POWing them into the arena's barrier, putting them immediately out of the match.
"Well, that concludes the first match."
"Yea but didn't you say that this would end quicker than usual? Like in about... 3 minutes or so?"
"Hmmm? Why you ask?"
"Well, it's just that... The match somehow ended in 2 minutes, and 14 seconds."
The undead raised a brow on that before he looked at the scoreboard, seeing how long the match ended. And true to his friend's word, it did end in 2 minutes and 14 seconds.
"Results of training perhaps, even if it was a month short." Lordez cracked his neck, making a pop sound afterward. "It was through without any [Level Boosters], they leveled up through legit blood and sweat."
Orm widens his eyes. "Without any [Level Boosters]!? What the hell kind of training did you input onto them...?"
Lordez shrugs at that statement. "Simple basic Spartan Training back in the S.A.S.O.P school."
"...I'm surprised they still managed to walk after... all of that."
"Different world, different common sense."
"Ah... True..."
The match between team SSSN and NDGO isn't really needed to be mentioned, but their fights are quite splendid to watch in person rather than an animated video.
With the first starter matches finished, the audience slowly left out from the arena benches to head down, rest and enjoy the other parts of the Vytal Festival. And one wouldn't notice an Atlas private ship flying just above the Amity Colosseum.
'It's near...' Lordez narrowed his eyes upon the ship for a few more moments before walking away.
"There's really not going to be any more delays for now."
. . .
They rode an airbus going back to Beacon Academy. The trip on heading back was slow, but it went at a comfortable pace.
And as soon as the ship landed and got out from it, they noticed Winter Schnee's ship also landed a little later.
"So, what's the plan? Go over there and greet her?" Orm said as he carried his bear, who was sleeping over his shoulder. The people around them were giving them looks, mostly on Orm, of the viking wannabe carrying a possibly 60 tonne bear over his back without even trembling from the weight of it!
Then again, some people just thought of the man's aura capacity and the ability to carry such a bigass bear, which they also question how he managed to find one, and his possibly his semblance is somewhat a strength-based type.
"Tempting, although I don't want to interrupt the fight that they will be having so... maybe in a while."
"A fight? There'll be a fight here?"
"Oh yeah... I think I forgot to tell you about that one scene-"
And they just heard clammers of chatters and saw a crowd gathering around in a circle. "The fight's starting somewhat a bit early huh?"
"Should we stop them?" Knowing fights between a pro Huntsman and Huntress always have destruction in their wake.
"...I'll go."
Orm snorted. "You just like to hog in all the fun eh?"
"Do you even know how to stop a fight between a drunken crow and a strict soldier-lady?" Lordez didn't need to turn around to say that.
"Oh, and you do?"
The undead player didn't respond to his friend's mocking question before letting loose a bit of his speed up and appeared in between the weapon's clash of Qrow and Winter.
Lordez blocked Winter's blade by wrapping it around with his chains while blocking Qrow's weapon with his bare hand.
"What the-?!"
The two of them tried to pull their weapons away, but Lordez's grip was tight enough that they were weak or low leveled to escape from his strength alone. Even if he has been weakened.
"It would be wise for both of you to act like adults rather than children, Hunters." He said firmly yet cold enough to make them shiver out from their own egos and anger.
"Have you both calmed down now?" Both Huntsman looked at each other, and Qrow was the first one to nod and withdraw his weapon with a smirk on his face. Winter, seeing this action confused her.
A voice shouted behind her, and the figure walking towards them was none other than General Ironwood, accompanied by Penny.
"General Ironwood, sir!" Winter turned quickly towards the General and stood at attention. Lordez took several steps back, giving consideration for personal distances.
"What in the world do you think you're doing?" The General's tone was strict and not amused by what he had witnessed.
"He started the altercation, sir!"
Qrow lazily put his hands behind his head and tilted to the side to address the General. "Actually that's not true, she attacked first."
Ironwood frowned. "Is that right?" He asked, directing his question towards Winter.
"I would like to put a correction on that, General." Lordez spoke up, gaining their attention.
"Ah, Mr. Grimm. I take it, you stopped the fight?" Ironwood asked in a calm tone. Qrow seems to look at Lordez with a raised brow, confused on how Ironwood is somewhat on good terms with this man he doesn't know off.
"Yes, and to confirm their arguments." The undead glanced at both Winter and Qrow before answering back at him. "Qrow had destroyed your property androids, inducing provocation on your specialist thus resulting in a fight between the two. But I had managed to intervene before they could prolong the fight."
"So you're siding with him aren't ya?" Qrow said, a hint of annoyance in his voice.
"Do not mistake me for siding with anyone's side. I am merely stating my facts and opinions on what I have witnessed and heard." Lordez looked at him, giving him an intense stare, causing Qrow to look away. The bird-man felt a cold sweat on that one.
"Now, now everyone." They turned and saw Ozpin and Glynda arriving in the scene as they made their way towards the trio of adults. Orm also moving in closely, but not too close for a conversation. Just enough to let them see he was also there.
Ozpin holding his signature cane and a mug filled with coffee continued on. "There is a sanctioned fight happening just around the corner at the colosseum that I can assure you has better seats... And popcorn." He said in a calm tone.
Glynda however, is the opposite of calm. "Break it up, everyone! We will take care of this mess." The strict professor ordered in her usual no-nonsense tone.
Ironwood gave a silent look towards the two before giving an order. "Let's go." Winter, Penny, and the remaining Atlesian Knights started to make their way towards Beacon Tower, specifically in Ozpin's office.
Qrow meanwhile just stood where he was, watching the group of Atlas robots leaving.
With the fight over, the crowd of students started to disperse. Lordez saw Penny turning her head, meeting the undead's covered gaze. Nevertheless, she gave him a happy smile and a small but short, friendly wave.
Lordez smiled, even knowing that his face could not really be seen, and returned a wave. He also saw Ruby giving a friendly wave back to Penny.
And with that, Ruby tackle-hugged Qrow, latching onto her uncle's right arm. Qrow simply rose his occupied arm and stared straight into Ruby's happy expression.
'Jeez, the cuteness on that girl...'
"HI! It's so good to see you! Did you miss me!? DID YOU MISS ME!?" Ruby exclaimed excitingly.
"...Nope" Qrow smiled and rubbed his niece's head before dropping her to the ground.
"So you are Miss Rose's uncle. Qrow is it? I've overheard your name in between your talk with Schnee's elder sister." He held out his hand for a handshake. "Pleasure to meet you."
Qrow looked at his hand before grabbing it and shaking it firmly. "Good to meet you too..."
"Ah, Qrow!" Qrow turned and saw a familiar face making his way towards them. Seriously, how can one forget a dude with a bear at his side? "Good to see you here!"
"Orm, good to see you too."
"Ah~! I see you met my friend, Grimm!" He pulled Lordez into a shoulder hug, shaking him a few times.
"Don't do that Orm..." The undead player said, annoyed and a bit winded from the shaking his friend did to him...
Qrow's brow rose in surprise. "So you're the one he spoke about using a scythe. Glad to see another scythe-wielder around other than Ruby here." He roughly patted his niece's head, who was trying to get away from it.
"I could say the same thing." He smirked. "We could have a match sometime."
"Took the right words right out of my mouth." The drunken crow smiled in anticipation.
"Qrow!" Ozpin addressed him as Glynda repaired the damages done by the recent duel, thankfully the damages were minimal to none, making it almost instantly.
"A word, if you please." The Headmaster's tone was serious.
Qrow turned back to his niece. "Well, it looks like I'm in trouble. Catch ya later kid." He said as he fist-bumped her. He then looked at Orm and nodded. "You too."
"Alright, see ya!" Orm made a cheeky smile and waved briefly.
As soon as they watched Qrow leave, Ozpin looked at the two players and gave them a knowing nod before making his way back to his office.
[We will be joining the meeting with them are we?]
[Yes, but no in a sense. We won't be involved in their discussions, but we will be involved in making an appearance for when Beacon is under attack. We got a time table of few days left]
Orm looked at Lordez. His friend had planned almost everything and did precautions around any problems that would be a threat to them. He couldn't help but remind him of his father.
'You two are almost alike...' The viking player smiled bitterly, remembering the harsh life that Alcatraz or rather Zark had gone through.
"And suddenly your recklessness makes sense." They heard Weiss say as she walked up beside Ruby, crossing her arms.
"You're just mad 'cause my uncle whooped butt! Right sirs?" She asked cutely, but respectfully. Orm laughed and shook his head.
"No my dear girl, the fight barely even started. So we didn't have the chance to know who won since Lordez here had stopped the fight before it went on too long." He said.
"Yeah, and he talked to you like you two know each other...?"
The viking chuckled. "Ah yes, I was assigned on a mission defending a town from Grimm, they were in dire condition. Qrow arrived about several days afterward during my stay there, after we were done and no longer needed, we headed back in the same direction before parting our ways. I was surprised to know that you are related to him in a way."
"Orm," The undead grabbed his attention. "I'll be going ahead, I need to settle in some things."
Practically saying: "I'll go talk with Oz."
Orm looked at him before giving a nod. "Alright, just try not to overdo it!"
Lordez gave a nod and left. The two girls watched him leave before turning to the viking. "Was there something wrong, Mr. Orm?"
"Nothing major, he just needs to settle some things in his office, or so he says." He shrugged. "But putting that aside, how were you two doing?"
. . .
After Winter left the room and the elevator doors shutting, the atmosphere around the office changed. It turned heavy.
Qrow gave his reports towards Ozpin, to which it led to an argument between Ironwood and Qrow. It is obvious that the two don't like each other, and their ideas greatly differ from one another.
Finishing the topic about the infiltrator within the midst of Beacon Academy, they went on to another topic that greatly concerned almost the entire population's involvement.
"This "King of Nightmares", could it be the King of the Grimm?" Glynda asked, to which Ozpin immediately responded with a no.
"We cannot say." The Headmaster said calmly. "She has been working with her pieces in the game, not a partner."
"Then what is this "Herald" thing then? A monster from the young Brother God?"
"It doesn't matter what this thing is, what matters is that we need to search for this Herald, and eliminate it before it becomes a threat!" Of course, Ironwood is rather direct in his opinions.
"James, how would you bother to find something we do not understand, less than that we do not even know what it is!" Glynda retorted.
"James being James..." Qrow muttered casually as he took several big gulps from his flask.
"What do you suggest we do? Do nothing and let that thing loose!?"
Ozpin tapped his cane once, only once but it was loud enough to be heard. Immediately, there was silence.
'It certainly has been a long time since I felt like this...' Ozpin, or rather Antonio, thought in his mind. He had been preparing for something like this in his mind. Something that he was mentally prepared for, but not enough to brace its strength.
The arrival of a Supreme Being.
"Hasty actions would only bring downfall, it seems illogical to quickly decide that this 'Herald' is our enemy."
"It led to the action of the Breach on Vale, Ozpin! That thing attacked the students-"
"On which it was thought that the students were the ones who conducted the breach, resulting in a misunderstanding fight between them."
"How would you know that Ozpin?!" Glynda annoyingly retorted, but somewhat concerned on how he would even think about that creature to misunderstand when it was clearly some kind of a Grimm!
"I do not know, but I can guess. When the train broke through Vale, were there any reports that the Herald attacked the citizens, and not protecting them from Grimm?"
The ones who were on close distance were team RWBY, they had reported that it was somewhat in league with the Ghosts of Remnant, or rather that it was the leader of the Ghosts!
Ruby also reported that she was saved by it, that it killed a Boartusk before it was about to close in on her. They also almost didn't believe that it patted her head, and spoke reassuring words that somewhat calmed her. It also mentioned that it "protected" her from team JNPR, who came to the scene, because she has Silver Eyes.
This only caused more questions.
Was this Herald an ancient monster, thing, creature; was it allied with the Silver Warriors before? What're this thing's origins? Where did it come from? What are its capabilities, and why did it protect both the Humans and Faunus in Vale during the breach?
But the most confusing thing was that there was a person with both team RW(B)Y (Blake was unconscious at that time) and JNPR, telling them to get away and fought against it. However, Glynda was also there but didn't see the figure that both teams were describing.
It was only good to assume that the man died from it, trying to protect the kids.
What was weird is that both teams tried to search for any remains of their unknown savior, but there was nothing. Not even a single thing.
"But this creature must be taken down!"
The headmaster sighed. "James, I know you want to search for the Herald, or at least try to destroy it. But once you find it, you do realize if you brought an army upon it, you are only bringing more lives to their doom rather than bringing it away."
That caused Ironwood to look down and kept quiet.
"It is not our enemy, as it only focuses on seeking Grimm's destruction. From what I understand, this Herald seems to be growing."
"Growing? What do you mean?" Glynda asked, even Ironwood and Qrow looked at him for clarification.
"Team RWBY encountered it during their escapade on the train, and it attacked them without any hint of intelligence, only acting like a wild animal. And yet in some moments later the moment when the train crashed into the plaza, it spoke as it was reported. It spoke with intelligence and was able to speak almost fluently compared to the first encounter. It would mean that the Herald appeared recently, or rather that it was 'born' and it matured intelligence in a matter of hours." Ozpin sipped his mug. "But that is just from what I believe to know and what I understood from both witnesses and reports."
"So what you're saying is that this thing is just a newborn?" Qrow said with a smug smile on his face, yet there lies a hint of concern in the tone. "We're fighting a brat then."
"A rather growing child with dangerous abilities and strength." Ozpin stated. "The only thing we can do is not to provoke the Herald nor its creatures. The Vengeful Spirits only attack the Grimm, or attack those who provoke them."
"Would you rather have a war on two fronts, General? Because I do not think we can last war against two different armies made of creatures, monsters unheard of from this world. Unbelievable as it is, I fear we are facing a new threat that may require our involvement."
Ironwood wanted to retort, but he knew Ozpin had a point. It would be a bad idea to have a war against two factions of monsters. Grimm and some dark creatures unheard of. It would seem believable that they are unknown types of Grimm that may have gone dormant from ancient times and have now awoken.
But they hunt and kill Grimm, they do not know why; no one knows why. Only rumors, guesses, theories such as spirits of the dead revived as ghosts that haunt Remnant, seeking to kill Grimm. All of Grimm, from existence.
The General sighed and asked in a frustrating tone. "Then what do you suggest we should do in this situation?"
. . .
As they continued to discuss the 'King of Nightmares' Aka Lordez D. Grimm being an attention-whore and also wanting an alias to work on.
Plans, plans, plans. Sometimes they don't need to be explained in specific details to understand. Sometimes it would only require several steps, some explanation, and a few bits of faith in the plan... And also improvisation.
But the main reason here is to have the main cast to know that there is another faction in town. One of which will no doubt rid the world of the darkness that haunted the world from its beginnings, born with only hatred against Humanity.
He has no doubt that the Grimm is something like the world's pest-cleaner, and Humanity is a pest that needs to be removed. It was meaningful because Humanity is always a flaw.
No doubt a flaw in trying to live in a world that is shared, not separated. He was almost tempted to help the Grimm, or rather Salem, to rid the world of Humanity. Almost...
'But the cuteness of the girls is what gives me the passion to protect humans... Even I was one of them, and now not one of them... Great, now I feel like Dub now.' He thought mildly, but he continued listening into Ozpin's group discussing topics about him (King of Nightmares) and what the actions they should do. And obviously they petitioned on not wanting to provoke the Herald nor the Vengeful Spirits or to which half of Vale call them "Ghosts of Remnant", and concede another threat that would put the whole, literally the whole world at risk of being extinct or completely annihilated.
It was surprising to hear and see that Ozpin was utterly concerned, and yet none of his comrades noticed it, but only he. Since he knows him truly, not being from this world after all, and only the alteration of the former identity from the original world; Ozma.
- In Serial623 Chapters
Demon’s Virtue
"Bleh." - Imp An Imp, a monster known to kill with a grin, a demon of the world, a creature of incredible might! Something that no force in the world can stand against! At least that's what the Main Character would like himself to be, the reality is very different, however. Exactly that Imp stumbles along a path of unfortunate fortunes and grows through it, in a world that hates its very existence.
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Dungeon Crawler Darryl
In a flash, every human-erected construction on Earth--from Buckingham Palace to the tiniest of sheds to all the trucks and cars--collapses in a heap, sinking into the ground. The fruits of millenia of human progress, atomized and transformed into the dungeon: an 18-level labyrinth filled with traps, monsters, and loot. A dungeon so enormous, it circles the entire globe. Presented with impossible situations, dire straits, an empty promise of regaining their planet or the fame of intergalactical stardom, thirteen million of the remaining humans entered this dungeon. This death trap with glamorous gore and way too many bugs. Only a few of them truly matter, the top most popular crawlers such as the ill-pantsed Carl and his elegant mistress Princess Donut. This story isn't about such glorious people, however. This story focusses on one of the dregs overlooked by the masses as they try to cling on to their life. This is the story of Darryl and friends. Note: This is a Dungeon Crawler Carl fanfic. Please support and read the original, it's really good!
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Monsters and Terrariums
Sylas Terrarium, a Half-Dryad, has spent his life as one of the unlucky few in the Age of Wells with no ability whatsoever to manipulate mana. But in a moment seemingly like any other, he suddenly, and inconveniently, became a plant.In a universe destined for a second cataclysm, Sylas must claw, rip, and cast his way to greatness before the monsters bring humanity to the brink of extinction once more.
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Divine Intervention Online
Vin is an ex-slave who wields sacred knowledge to demand freedom for his people. Seth is a reluctant player stuck in a game that is set to last 200 more years. When their paths converge, even the false gods will take notice. * * * Hello and thank you for giving Divine Intervention Online a chance. This is not my first book (that honor belongs to The Flock by Chris Sauter- available on Amazon). This is hopefully going to become my second book, the first of a planned LITRPG trilogy. This is a labor of love, dedicated to my absolute obsession with the LITRPG genre that has held me in its grasp for over 3 years. There will be dark situations that perhaps only adults should read including: slavery, violence and the results of war. There will be no harems, little profanity, but possibly some triggers for people who don’t like torture, violence, and other dark stuff.
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Light and Charli are the bestest of friends! The love each other, they love each other so much that they both will ditch their plans with the other squad members just to hang out with each other! But what happens when Jaxx finds out? Will Jaxx eat them out? Or will he let destiny pick their path? But plot twist, Jaxx is destiny!
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What is your reason? (Various x reader)
A:n- I don't own anything, naruto and boruto belongs to original authorities and this a fanfic please bear with it.(Yandere) Naruto various x Magi reader x boruto various.Discontinued
8 115