《The Rowan Fox, Tail 1: The Missing Children》Book two is ready!


It is time! After almost a year I've finally written the last chapter of book two to the Rowan Fox series. It's a bit more ambitious than the first book, just a bit. The goal with my first book was simply to finish it since I've never really wrapped up any stories I've started in a proper way. This time I wanted a little more flare and drama so it took a bit longer to write. I had moments where I would get stuck and not touch the story for months, but somehow we got to the finish line anyways. I'm mighty proud of it and hope you enjoy this story ^w^

You can find it here:


Rather than put it all in one place I've decided to make the books as their own separate stories on Royalroad, mostly so I can tag them each appropriately and to give them each their own cover. As book 2 has now started, book 1 will be marked as finished. I plan to release a chapter every monday so I have time to edite them each properly.

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