《Sally Face Oneshots (Discontinued)》some time with the new besties (first fic since 2019)


so uh

hey guys

how you doing

its been a hot minute.... my last actual fic was back in feb of 2019 LOL

getting back into sally face again and ive been thinking of just some random ideas so i think im just gonna write it out, not really an x reader romanticly wise but its still gonna be like a + reader idk i just like some platonic shiz with the characters.

how do i write consistently in the same tense


it had been quite a long day for the girl who lived in 203, recently, her neighbour Charley had been supposedly convicted with the murder of the woman who lived in 403, Mrs Sanderson, this had caused stress to the girl, not only was she in the middle of studying for upcoming assessments, she turned out to be living next to a murderer, but on the bright side, there was a new family who had just recently moved into the appartments, she hadn't met them just yet, but had planned to introduce herself when given the opportunity.

She had grabbed some school written notes from her room and made her way to the elevator, leaving to head down to the basement. She had agreed to give Larry some math notes, whilst not being super close with the boy, she still did what she could to help out her peers, she didn't mind at all.

while on the elevator, despite the short trip, her mind went wild thinking about the new residents, from what she had heard, it was just a father and son duo.

perhaps i should introduce myself after this.. i've got enough time, as long as im back by the time mom starts dinner then i should be fine..

after a short amount of time, she had made it to the basement, walking out of the basement and seeing chug sitting right infront of the freshly filled vending machine.

"Good morning chug, how's your morning going? do you by any chance know whether or not larry is home or not?" She smiled at the boy who had just finished stuffing his face with a packet of chips.


"I ain't seen him this morning so ive got zero clue" The girl waved goodbye, letting chug get back to whatever he was doing. She quickly made her way to room 1B, knocking on the door

"hello larry, its me, y/n, ive got those notes you asked for the other day." The music that she could faintly hear from the door had stopped, two voices being heard instead, though she couldnt decipher what they were saying.

The door had suddenly opened, but she was instead greeted with a new face.. kind of?

"oh hello, you must be one of the new tenants! Im Y/n its a pleasure to meet you! Is Larry home? I've just got a few things i gotta give to him." She looked at the boy, reaching one hand out as she carried the notes with the other. The boy took her gesture, shaking her hand. "Im Sal, nice to meet you too.. And yeah Larry's here. He's just uh.. putting pants on right now"

"Sal thats classified information she didn't have to know that!" She chuckled at the two boys, getting back to the point.

"Larry would you like me to leave them just on the table? don't worry about returning these ones, i copied them over so these ones can be keepsies"

"dude you're so pressed on school work, its the weekend man come have some fun with us! come get to know this lil dude" The sudden invitation had come to a surprise.

"wow Larry, already making height stabs.."

"says the one who just made a stabbing reference!"

Y/n stood at the entrance, looking at the two now playfully bickering. despite knowing each-other for a short time, they already seemed to be fairly close, like they had been friends for years.

"So y/n you coming in or not?" Her thought process had been cut short, snapping back into reality

"oh yeah.. totally, i'd love that, thank you" The brunette grabbed her hand, pulling her inside. This would have had to been one of the first times that the two had hung out, outside of school work, now along with the newbie, sal.


The three were now sitting in Larry's room, chatting amongst each-other, the atmosphere being a-lot more friendly then the suspected awkwardness.

"So Sal, what brings you to nockfell of all places?" She looked at the boy, not yet pointing out the obvious that was the mask he wore.

"Hm? Just had to leave old stuff behind in New Jersey.. it was a cheap move here, the rent itself is relatively low after-all" He laid back in the bean bag, his posture being more relaxed as he leaned his head on his hands. "What about you, how long have you lived here?" She took a moment to think about the answer.

"Nockfell itself, I've been here my entire life. These appartments.. i think this year makes it year 10. I'd honestly do anything to get to adventure outside of here though, it gets pretty boring after a while, mainly why i focus a-lot on school work.. gives me something to do haha" Larry looked at her, his face riddled with confusion

"You seriously would prefer to do schoolwork as an activity?! insanity man! Should have just come down here, always free if you wanna hang out with yours truly." The girl laughed at the comment Larry made

"I'll totally keep that in mind.. You'd think after nearly 10 years of living here, i'd actually be familiar with everyone here. Maybe i'll bring down some food with me next time. I make some killer cupcakes." She quickly covered her mouth after what she had said, taking it off her mouth quickly after. "on the topic of uh.. killer.. im assuming it was you two that gave that detective the evidence right? How'd you do it? I cant believe i lived next to that creep for so long.."

"You call him a creep yet you were always so nice to him.. now that was weird.

"well yeah.. basic manners. i only spoke to him if i urgently had too, like, telling him to turn his shows volume down. you didn't answer my question either, howd you guys get the evidence needed?? pleaase i really wanna knoww.." she held her hands in a praying position, sal replied to her,

"and that is a story for another day, long and weird one."

"ah, alright then. you gotta tell me though! im desperate at this rate! no ones told me anything about what happened to Charley and sanderson. tell me next time?"

"yeah totally, promise."

Y/n got up, looking at the two boys.

"great, a promise is a promise, i cant wait to hear. Now Sal, Larry, it was a pleasure hanging out with you two, and meeting you Sal. i'll try come back down again soon?"

Larry had gotten up, opening the door for her

"Why it is nothing but my pleasure. Was totally a fun time though, definitely come over again."

"yeah, was great meeting you Y/n."

"yep, i'll see you guys again soon." she left shortly after, a wide smile on her face.


"Kinda surprised she didn't question the whole mask thing. normally that's the first thing people do." Sal looked at larry, pointing at his own mask.

"nah she'd never, way to polite for that. don't matter if she thought it was just a outfit choice or not, she ain't one to point out stuff. Though you're totally gonna have to tell her about the Charley shit. She's pretty serious with promises from what im aware of. She promises something and its almost guaranteed it'll happen. Larry sat back down, turning the long time paused music back on.

"I guess so!" Sal yelled to be heard over the now louder music.



srsly just wrote that. havent written anything like this in along time.

dont expect me to be a frequent writer again LOL

legit just had a sudden burst of inspo to write, and if i do continue, itd be multiple parts to this one here cuz its a written form of stuff ive been thinking of while trying to sleep lolz

anyway its nearly 1am night besties 😍

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