《Transcripts》Update - this will be deleted


Hello everyone!

Long time no chat huh? This is just a small meta post to let you all know that I’m not dead and how the series is progressing.

IRL has been, stressful, not going to lie. inflation sucks ass, credit scores are bullshit, and my mum caught covid while in hospital for breast cancer (and gave it all to us because the test didn’t test positive until she was over the worst of it) also, my functional depression came back and I might be suffering from undiagnosed ADD…

But, in spite of all little squigs is becoming a wonderful human being (provided she is not denied ice-cream) and while cancer is a termendous foe, my mum kicked its ass and is planning on sticking around for another decade.

That’s enough of the RL stuff, here’s what you came here for!

So, I’m currently drafting chapter 14 of book 5. I’ve done a basic outline of the last chapters and it looks like the book is going to be about 23(ish) chapters long, so, more than half way done baby!

All of the chapters are available on my patreon if you don’t want to wait for chapters here.

The published edits of the books are… going slow. Turns out its really hard to edit while you’ve got dyslexia. I hired an editor to help but, it’s christmas time and I’m low on funds, so it’s going to happen, but it’s probably not going to happen until after i finish the entire series.

So, sorry guys, I piled my plate a little too high… but I do have a kick-ass cover for book 3 so, theres that!

I also will be taking a long break after the series is done, it’s been 6 years (writing onreddit) and I wanna write more shitposts, stand-alones and commissions, expand my repertoire a bit! But the series will continue, just in a new format.

Thanks for taking the time to read my series guys and I wish you all a happy and safe holiday season!


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