《Just Friends (Chaeryeong itzy)》Part 21


After I change into my regular clothes, I quickly make my way over to my car, driving to the Itzy dorms to see Chaeryeong.

I make my way up the elevator and exit before knocking on the door to their dorm.

I wait a few seconds to be greeted by familiar brown eyes.

"Oh? Chaeryeong-ah, she's here." Yeji calls out, "come in Y/n." She warmly welcomes me, "it's been a while since we've had you over." Yeji sits down at the table.

"I know, I know.." I sigh, "just really busy.."

"I get you," she says, abiut to speak again but stops as Chaeryeong enters the room. "I'll take my leave.." Yeji says, walking out the living room.

Chaeryeong walks over to me bringing me into a gentle embrace as she sighs, "I missed you a lot Y/n.."

I hug her tightly, bringing her closer, "same to you Chaery."

"Now I need to tell you something," she says sitting on the couch as I join her.

"I'm scared. What is it?" I say slowly.

"Don't be, it shouldn't be anything big. Well depending on how you take this." She pauses, "me and the girls are about to go on a tour in maybe a few months.. so I'd thought I'd let you know in advance." Chaeryeong holds my hand as she speaks.

"T- that.. that's great.." I reply.

"Y/n. If you don't want me to go, I don't have to." Chaeryeong adds.

"No no, you can and you should. But I'm guessing that it'll be for a few weeks or maybe a month right?" I look at her and she nods in reply.

"I wanted to tell you now so that later it wouldn't be so.. sudden, you know?" Chaeryeong says.

"Yeah, I get you, but it's just a lot to think about." I pause, "since it is the first time we'll be apart for a long time."

"I understand, but we still have quite a few months together.." Chaeryeong turns to me, seeing a slight smile on her face, "so let's make the best of those few months before I leave." She giggles.


"You're right," I peck her lips, "you always are right." I pull her into a soft kiss, which was definitely long overdue, gently pulling away as she goes to lean on my shoulder.

"Since we're both off today, let's binge watch movies." Chaeryeong suggests.

"I love the sound of that," I reply, reaching for the remote and turn on the tv, she snuggles closer to me, holding onto my hand tightly.

Half way through our third movie of today, it's currently about 8pm and my phone is buzzing like crazy for some reason.

Chaeryeong sits up after hearing the notifications and looks at me, "who's that?"

"I actually don't know.." I say picking up my phone from the table, turning it on I see that Yunjin had bombarded me with messages.


'kang y/nnnnnn'

'answer your phonee'

"Who is it?" Chaeryeong asks again.

"Oh it's Yunjin.." I pause, "she came back from New York and visited me during work."

"She visited you?" My girlfriend furrowed her eyebrows at me.

"Yeah?" I tilt my head, "why?"

"How does she know where your studio is?" Chaeryeong asks.

"I.. I actually have no idea, let me ask." I reply.

'dont you have practice?? like you said arent you busy 👀👀'

'im not a workaholic y/n'

'im bored. wyd?'

'with chaery watching stuff'

'also how did you know where i work??'

'your sister :]'

'i got in contact with her and asked cos i didnt want you to know about me being here'

'and how did you contact her??'

'thats a secrettt'

'now you should stop chatting with me go watch whatever'

'okay maybe later we can chat'

'highly doubt that but suree'

"Yunjin got in contact with Seulgi unnie, but she didn't say how.." I say slowly.

I look towards Chaeryeong she has a weird look on her face. Jealousy? Annoyance? I can't tell.

"Why is something wrong?" I ask her.

"No, it's nothing.. Let's just keep watching." She says casually.

Somethings wrong but clearly she won't tell me. She can't be jealous can she? I haven't said anything 'bad' about Yunjin and I. Overthinking won't do me any better but it'll annoy me for the whole day if I have no idea what is wrong with her.



It's Sunday and I've got a day off today. Today is the only day that I'll have off before my schedule is full with shooting the series and I just know I'll be tired for the whole week.

So I deserve this break.

I know that Chaeryeong has practice for the whole day today so I can't really spend time with her. I was thinking of dropping by during lunch to check on her, and it might be best that I do after what happened the other day.

Now I am getting ready to leave the house and going to JYP to visit her. Hopefully she won't mind me bothering her.


I arrive at the building and quickly walk in, going up to the girls' usual practice room seeing them sitting down on the floor, completely tired.

I've got some food I bought earlier on my way here for the girls so they can eat and energise them. I slowly push open the door to see their eyes sloely turn to me.

"Oh? Y/n?" Ryujin says out loud.

They all get up and hug me tightly, squeezing me in between them all.

"Okay okay I get it.." I say between laughs.

They let go of me as Chaeryeong takes my side, noticing the bag I have in my hand.

"You got us lunch?" Chaeryeongs eyes brighten up.

"Of course I did.." I scoff, "I figured that it's lunch so decided to get you something to eat."

"Thank you Y/n!" They all say at the same time.

"Go eat, I'll stay here for a bit." I say as Chaeryeong takes the bag from my hands and they gather in a circle eating happily.

Once they had quickly finished eating I decided to stay for a while more to talk to the girls, Chaeryeong pulled me closer to sit next to them as we talked.

"...then after we'll be going to New York and we're done!" Lia said.

"So your tour will be from October to November?" I look at them and they nod in reply.

"But I think around August we have concerts around Korea to go to so..." Yeji says slowly.

"Ah. No it's fine, I understand how busy you guys are." I nod in re-assurance.

"Sorry Y/n, it's just been a lot lately, so many songs, so more practice and recording." Chaeryeong takes my hand, holding it tightly.

"No I get it.." I pause, "it's just the first time we'll be away from each other for a while so I need to get used to this.." I say. I know that their probably at the peak of their career right now so it's just something I need to get over.

I just hope our relationship can last long distance, we've been together for nearly three years now and I can't lose anything.

Especially not Chaeryeong.

I glance at the clock to check the time, seeing that it's already around 3:30. As much as I'd love to stay with the girls I'll get sleepy watching them dance and hearing the same song over again, it'll just become white noise and I'll sleep.

"I think I should go, I've got some stuff to do at home." I say as I get up.

"Oh? Does Y/n have another script to memorise?" Yeji teases me.

"Unnie~ no spoilers for you now.." I laugh.

"Y/n I was just joking..." she laughs, "come on let's group hug before you leave then."

We gather together and hug me tightly, after saying good bye to the girls, Chaeryeong insisted on walking me out the building.

Holding my hands as she faced me she gently pecked my lips, "get home safely." She smiled.

"I will, don't worry." I smile back at her, slowly walking to my car as I feel a vibration in my pocket. I take out my phone and see that Yunjin is calling me.


- Written By Dest1iny

- 1387 words

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