《Crimson Moon》Vol. 9 - Chapter 5: Fight to Live! To the Land of the Living!
Hunahpu vs. Teotlale and Nextephua
Outside the capital of Popol Vuh…Hunahpu fights the Judges of the Desert and Ashes…Teotlale and Nextepehua…
A fierce battle between armies rages on. Hunahpu battles Nextepehua as they clash with their weapons.
Hunahpu attacks using his lance, Nextepehua summons his Macuahuitl, a wooden sword with obsidian knives. They clash with their weapons multiple times. Nextepehua attacks Hunahpu, Hunahpu dodges and kicks him.
Hunahpu attacks once more, piercing Nextepehua’s stomach. -SSLLLASSHH- Nextepehua jumps back as blood comes out of his stomach.
“HAHAHA…HE GOT YOU! NOW IT’S MY TURN!” Teotlale summons an ax with a golden blade.
Teotlale clashes against Hunahpu, Hunahpu smiles; “Are you enjoying this fight? I certainly am…”
Hunahpu uses great speed to attack Teotlale, Teotlale blocks the attack using his ax. -SSSLLLASSHH- Teotlale cuts Hunahpu’s stomach. Blood comes out of Hunahpu, he touches his stomach, he touches it and begins to laugh:
“Move aside Teotlale…I’m taking him down now…” Nextepehua summons his ashes and surround Hunahpu:
“Cenizas Explosivas…” (Exploding Ash)
The ashes that surround Hunahpu explode. A giant flame vortex appears on the battlefield.
“That bastard created flames to avoid the explosion. '' Nextepehua looks at Teotlale. Teotlale laughs:
Teotlale releases a giant sand storm and directs it towards Hunahpu; “Juicio de Arena” (Sand Judgment)
Hunahpu looks at the sand storm and chuckles; “Is that all you’ve got? Very well…than I…” At that moment, he realizes that his feet are being sunk by the sand as well; “No…”
“Don’t tell me what to do…you bastard…” Nextepehua summons his ash and attacks Hunahpu at the same time.
The sand buries Hunahpu and ash covers him as well. Hunahpu smiles; “You know…it’s been a lot of years since I felt so alive…now then…come TAETL!”
Taetl, Hunahpu’s alebrije flies down towards Hunahpu. Teotlale shouts with excitement:
A giant explosion surrounds the battlefield as both of the armies stop to see what happened. The explosion elevates to the sky creating a pillar of purple mana. Nextepehua looks at it and turns around:
“Judgment was passed…let’s go back…we need to capture Xbalanque…”
Teotlale and Nextepehua turn around and slowly walk away.
At that moment, both of them feel a powerful mana emerging from the crater:
“Hahahaha…it’s been two thousand years since I used this form…I guess you guys really pushed me to the limit here…right Taetl…”
Hunahpu walks out of the crater covered in a golden aura as his appearance changes; “Fusión de Almas…DEIDAD DE FUEGO” (Soul Fusion; Flame Deity)
Hunahpu is now wearing a golden gear consisting of an armor that covers his body. He has a dragon based helmet with golden gauntlets and golden boots. His lance has a blade in the bottom and a shield.
“WHAT THE HELL…WHAT IS THAT FORM!” Teotlale takes a few steps back. Nextepehua opens his eyes wider:
“This is…it can’t be…he’s the Judge of Flames…”
“No…you’re correct…I was known as the Judge of Flames…however, my parents decided to forbid me to use this power because I am too violent…you guys have forgotten this but I was in charge of the army who fought the beast…2000 years ago…”
Hunahpu makes a sinister smile; “ALL OF MY ARMY…FALL BACK AND RETURN TO AZTLAN!”
“YES SIR!” The generals and Hunahpu’s army begin to retrieve. The judges are in awe:
“What are you doing? Are you going to fight us yourself?”
“Fight you? Oh no…I will annihilate everyone here with this next attack…”
Hunahpu spins his lands and buries it to the ground. Teotlale makes fun of him:
At that moment, the Gods feel the heat increasing, Nextepehua looks around and sees a wavy atmosphere; “This isn’t good…” He looks back and screams:
“It’s too late…” -BBOOOMMM- Flames envelope the entire area, surrounding the army; “Now perish…Juicio del Fuego” (Flame Judgment)
“DAMN YOU!” Teotlale screams as he and Nextepehua are engulfed in flames.
A vortex of flames surround the area, and they completely wipe out the army with it. After a few minutes, there is nothing but ashes.
“I guess I over did it…right Taetl…but I know that they will return to life…they are immortal afterall…” Hunahpu breathes heavily as his Alebrijes flies next to him. Hunahpu looks at the city; “My part here is done…I guess I’ll go home now…like I said…I don’t care about humans…but I wish you luck…sister…”
Huanhpu proceeds to leave victorious upon facing Teotlale and Nextepehua…
Anastasia vs. Miquiztetl
The fierce battle between Anastasia and the Judge of Death, Muquiztetl continues…
“I must buy more time…” Anastasia summons more swords and attacks the Judge of Death. The Judge takes the attacks head on with the sword that touches him and gets destroyed:
Miquiztetl charges at her and attacks with his scythe by making a horizontal swing.
Anastasia dodges the attack. The attack cuts multiple houses and buildings in half. Anastasia uses the opportunity to kick him, knocking his helmet away. Miquiztetl swings down, Anastasia dodges the attack.
The ground splits open. Anastasia jumps back to gain some distance as she breathes heavily. Miquiztetl walks towards her:
“I must say that you really are an impressive little girl…you manage to keep up with me and even knock out my helmet…you’ve earn my respect little girl and for that I want to ask you a question…why are you risking your life here?”
“I don’t know…”
“Hahaha…what do you mean by that? How can you not know?”
“I want to find out my purpose…that’s why I came here…I wanted to save him…”
“Him? Oh you mean that boy…the one who stupidly went to help Miccateplacalli…so in love with him? Hahaha…now explains it all…”
“What do you mean?”
“Humans tend to do stupid stuff for love…for example you…your fighting me…the Judge of Death in order to help that boy…”
“You’re saying that I’m a human being?”
“Well you look like it…well…at least from appearance right? I can notice that you’re something else as your power and your abilities are not those of a human…”
Anastasia looks down; “You’re right…I’m not a human being…”
“I see now…well it doesn’t matter….because your soul will be punished.” Miquiztetl disappears from her site, Anastasia senses him coming from her left, Anastasia jumps to avoid his attack.
Miquiztetl makes a cut on Anastasia’s hip. Ansatasia looks surprised; “B-B-But how…I thought I dodge the attack…”
“Oh you did…however, you didn’t dodge my second attack…” Miquiztetl lifts his scythe and shows a phantom blade on top of the original blade:
“This is my true power…LA HOZ DEL PECADO” (The Scythe of Sin).
Anastasia falls to the ground as she throws up blood. Soon blood comes out of her hip, making a puddle. Miquiztetl walks towards her:
“You know why I am called the Judge of Death, when we already have Gods and the Horseman of Death?”
Anastasia tries to move, Miquiztetl continues to speak:
“I am the only one who has the power to kill the souls of those who have already died and it's thanks to this scythe…”
Miquiztetl prepares to kill Anastasia; “You put on an entertaining show, however…I must pass down Judgment…” The Judge prepares to cut her; “Farewell…”
Anastasia with tears in her eyes, slowly closes them; “I’m sorry…but this is the end for me…”
“I think not…” Without warning, a woman wearing a black dress stands between them and stops Miquiztetl’s attack.
“This can’t be…why are you here?” Miquiztetl is in shock. The woman smiles at him; “Judge of Death…I’m sorry but I could sleep for a couple of minutes…”
The woman snaps her fingers, suddenly a giant skeleton with calavera decorations behind her. Miquiztetl takes a few step back:
“This is outrageous…you can’t…my lady…”
“I’m sorry but I can’t let them die…”
“AAAHHHHH” The giant skeleton punches Miquiztetl and sends him flying until he’s no longer in sight.
“I think I exaggerated…oh well…he’ll be back…” The woman chuckles, she looks at Anastasia on the ground:
“Oh dear..you lost so much blood…but don’t worry…I am here to help you…”
Anastasia, looking blurry only at the woman, slowly closes her eyes; “Mother…”
Uriel vs. Xolotl and Tepeyollotl
At the main hall…Uriel has a difficult time as he faces Tepeyollotl…the Judge of Sin and Xolotl, ruler of Mictlan and Judge of Life…
Xolotl looks at the window and sees a giant skeleton. He begins to laugh:
“Hahaha…so she came as well…so she wanted a piece of the action…”
Xolotl looks at a young man without his left arm and bleeding from his face:
“You don’t look so well…Charro Negro…”
“Ha…ha…ha…” Uriel breathes heavily as he think; “I let my guard down…the stupid Sombra. Tepeyollotl laughs as he points at Uriel; “You stupid boy…you don’t know what happen right?”
“Ha…I guess you stupid dog can talk as well…” Uriel mocks the Judge of Sin; “Damn you…” Tepeyollotl charges at Uriel. Uriel dodges the attack; “Calm down…figure out what he did…why was my arm cut off?”
Tepeyollotl attacks Uriel, Uriel dodges again but Tepeyollotl attacks the ground.
Blood comes out of Uriel’s leg; “What the…”
Tepeyollotl tackles Uriel and sends him flying to the wall. Uriel throws up blood as he falls to the ground. Tepeyollotl jumps and prepares to attack Uriel once more. Xolotl appears in front of him:
“Enough Tepeyollotl…”
“Yes…my lord…” Tepeyollotl lands behind Xolotl. Xolotl walks towards Uriel as a puddle of blood forms around him:
“Now then…Charro Negro…this is basically checkmate…how about you surrender and become my slave…that way you will live…”
“...”Uriel at first doesn’t say a word. Xolotl steps on his head; “Oh come…don’t tell me that you already died? If so…your soul will be trapped here for eternity…”
“Hahaha…” Xolotl hears Uriel laughing. Xolotl gets mad and steps harder; “What’s so funny…haven’t you seen the situation that you’re in?”
Uriel breathes heavily and smiles; “I understand the situation I’m in…however…I don’t see myself as being defeated…in fact…I know the ability of that monster…”
“Oh you do? Tell me then…”
“He attacked my shadow…he has the ability to cut the shadow…and that cuts your body as well…”
“Brilliant…so you aren’t that stupid…then what will you do?”
“This…” Uriel hits the floor. -BBBBOOOOMMM- The floor collapses with the three of them falling; ‘WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?” Xolotl and Tepeyollotl are caught with surprise. Tepeyollotl attacks Uriel.
Uriel smiles and summons his pistol; “Stupid beast…you fell right into my trap…”
Uriel spins his pistol and charges mana:
“Balada del Pistolero: Lotería del Revólver, La Araña” ( Ballad of the gunman; Revolver lottery: The Spider.)
Uriel fires a bullet that takes the shape of a spider web. Uriel traps Tepeyollotl with a crimson spider web.
“You fool…” Xolotl tries to release him. Xolotl sees Uriel pointing at him:
“Balada del Pistolero: Lotería del Revólver, El Sol” ( Ballad of the gunman; Revolver lottery: The Sun.)
Uriel fires a giant mana ball resembling the sun. The attack connects with Xolotl and Tepeyollotl.
A giant explosion makes the castle tremble more. After a few moments, Xolotl comes out of the smokescreen with Tepeyollotl and notices that Uriel is gone. Xolotl laughs:
“I’m sorry my lord…I failed you…”
Uriel walks slowly through the corridor; “Damn it…I was too careless…I must hurry…I hope that idiot is safe…”
Tiwa’s group…
Tiwa’s group managed to find Alejandro, however, he was turned into a calavera doll…Now they run in the hall in search for the door that takes them to the land of the living…
“So let me guess this straight..that is Alejandro?” Tiwa asks surprised as she points to the doll that Emma is carrying. Emma nods in agreement; “Weird isn’t…how can this be?”
“That’s probably the work of Miccapetlacalli…the Judge of the Tomb…”
“Micca…oh yeah…that’s the girl that captured us…I got a score to settle with her…”
Naran begins to explain as they run; “The 9 Judges of Xibalba are powerful Gods that the were worshiped throughout civilization…each of them represents a type of death…in this case, Miccapetlacalli represents the tomb in which she can insert the souls of the people into objects and make it their tombs.”
“What a terrifying ability…” Emma thinks as she sees Alejandro; “I hope you’re alright…”
Alejandro, who is inside the doll, thinks; “I am…but I want to get out of here…”
Naran stops running; “Alright everyone…the passageway is right there…if we follow this passageway…we’ll reach the door that connects to the land of the living…”
The group looks outside the castle and sees a wasteland located behind it. There is a small hill at the end of the wasteland, at the top of that hill, a small door. The door is located 10 km away. Tiwa looks at Naran and asks; “Is that the door?”
“That’s right…you thought it was going to be a huge golden door?”
“Hahaha…unfortunately no…this door is forbidden…that’s why it's small and hidden behind the palace…”
“I see…and it seems unguarded…”
“That’s because no one wants to invade this castle…you humans are the first ones in more than 2000 years…and for that…you have my respect…” Naran charges at the window and destroys it.
“Mr. Naran…what are you doing?” Emma and Tiwa look at Naran making a huge noise. Naran looks at both of them:
Naran jumps to the yard, Tiwa nods and carries Emma; “Let’s go…”
“Wait Tiwa…what about the others?”
“Don’t worry…Uriel and Anastasia will be here…have faith in them…” Both of the girls land in the yard. Alejandro looks at them thinking:
“Uriel…Anastasia…please come back…”
Naran looks around; “Okay…we must run as fast as we can…and whatever you do…don’t look back…”
The group heads towards the end of the yard, Naran looks with precaution; “Okay…we’re about to reach the wasteland…keep going you two…we’re…”
At that moment, the group feels fear as someone approaches them; “What do you think you’re doing with my doll?”
The group stops and sees a little girl approaching them. The girl has a powerful aura surrounding them. Naran trembles and takes a step back:
“This is bad…Miccapetlacalli found us…she is merciless…”
Miccapetlacalli points at Alejandro; “That’s my new doll…give it back…”
Emma looks at Alejandro, with a shaky voice, she replies; “N-N-NO!” Miccapetlacalli gets angry; “What did you say?”
“I said no…he is my friend…a human being…not your doll…I won’t give him back…”
“I see then…I will have to make you my toy as well…” Miccapetlacalli extends her hand , at that moment a coffin appears behind Emma.
“EEMMMAAA” Tiwa pushes Emma, dodging the attack. Tiwa glares at Miccapetlacalli; “YOU BITCH!”
“STOP LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT!” The Judge of the Tomb summons a giant stone from above her. Tiwa summons her spirits; “JANA, SUMA, ZUNI…FUSE NOW!”
She now has a black Native Americans style dress with frills at the bottom. White boots, white wrist warmers that all fringes in the bottom, and a red bandana with Native American patterns around her head. She has Coyote ears, coyote tail, wings from her back and a serpent style lasso surrounding her waist.
Tiwa destroys the stone with her hand. Tiwa flaps her wings releasing a powerful current, hitting Miccapetlacalli. The Judge doesn’t move an inch, she looks angry at them:
“What’s with this kid? She’s acting weird…” Tiwa takes a battle stance. Naran gets next to her; “According to my master, she was a child who was taking by La Llorona…however, she managed to escape from her and got lost in Mictlan…Necucyaotl found her and made her into a Judge…pretty sad right?”
“I see…lost her way…that’s too bad…but right now I have no time for that…”
“I agree…and that’s why…” At that moment, Naran begins to release a powerful mana and grows three times its size.
Naran is now a giant wolf with large fangs and claws:
"I was ordered to deliver you girls safely…hurry and go…"
Emma hesitates seeing him preparing to fight; "But Naran…"
Tiwa nods and grabs Emma's hand; "Come on we need to run…"
Emma runs with tears in her eyes; "Naran…" Tiwa gets mad; "Emma…respect his wishes…Naran is a proud warrior…I can tell…"
My doll…you can't take it away…" Miccapetlacalli extends her hand.
Naran steps on her; "I'm sorry…but I won't let you…"
"Stupid mutt…. you're in my way…" Miccapetlacalli pushes him away. -CCRRAASSSHHHH- She creates a giant stone and makes it fall on top of him.
Naran is easily defeated by Miccapetlacalli. Naran looks at the sky; "My lady…I know this the end…however…I did my best…as you servant…"
Miccapetlacalli summons a giant coffin; "Juicio de la tumba" (Tomb Judgement)
The Giant coffin traps Naran and explodes. Naran disappears as he turns into mana, leaving no trace.
Miccapetlacalli walks towards the wasteland; "I want my doll back…"
-TCH- "Naran's mana…" Tiwa makes a sorrowful expression. Emma with tears in her eyes asks Tiwa; “Tiwa…is Naran…”
“Don’t look back…we must head towards the door…”
One of the Hallways…
“Ha…ha…ha…” Uriel walks slowly as he heads to where Tiwa and the others are. He lost too much blood, Uriel stops and sits for a moment:
“Damn it…that fight took a toll on me…”
Uriel looks at the sky with a crumbling ceiling, he sees the stars and closes his eyes.
“Don’t tell me the mighty horseman of war will die here…that would be shameful…” Uriel hears someone talking to him and opens his eyes. He looks up and sees a man wearing bandages and a suit:
“Hello Uriel…my name is Necucyaotl…the Judge of Discord…”
“...” Uriel doesn’t say a thing as he only looks at the Judge, the Judge chuckles; “Not a man of words huh…well no matter…I brought someone that could help you get your strength back…”
Xbalanque walks forward and kneels down to start healing Uriel; “Wait…you’re one of the Mayan heroes…”
“Please sit still…I will stop the bleeding and recover part of your mana…” Xbalanque with a somber expression replies. Uriel notices something and looks at Necucyaotl:
“What did you do to her?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about? I simply told her I needed her help…” Necucyaotl explains patiently. Uriel looks with suspicion; “Why are you helping me?”
“It's simple really…I hate Xolotl…and I want to become the ruler of Xibalba…and if you guys manage to escape…then Xolotl would lose followers and powers…that’s why…I need you to head to the battlefield now…”
Xbalanque stops healing him, Uriel stands up and notices that his bleeding has stopped and his mana has returned. Uriel looks at Xbalanque; “Her mana is very agitated…she must be in a trance state…and it’s probably his fault…”
“Now then…we must put on an act…so head to the battlefield…we will meet there…” Necucyaotl and Xbalanque disappear.
Uriel takes a deep breath and heads to the wasteland to help the others.
“GGYYAAHHH” Emma screams as something grabs her leg. -SSLLLAASHHH- Tiwa cuts the hand. At that moment, many skeletons come out of the ground and surround the girls.
“Emma stay close to me…” Tiwa flaps her wings; “Plumas de Acero” (Steel feathers)
Tiwa opens a path, she and Emma, who is carrying Alejandro, run as fast as they can with Tiwa opening a path for them.
The red and black skeletons continue to come out of the ground; “There’s no end to them…what are they…they are not Ahalmezes…”
“Oh no…they are not Ahalmezes…they are Ahaltocob…Stabbing demons”
A woman hits Tiwa, Tiwa falls into the ground. Emma looks in shock; “TTTIIIWWWAAA!” Tiwa looks up and sees two figures standing in front of them. Both of them feel an omnipotent presence.
“I will leave her to you…Xoalentli…”
“Very well…Nexoxcho…”
The two Judges that stand in front of them are Xoalentli, the Judge of Sleep and Nexoxcho, the Judge of Fear.
“Damn it…” Tiwa stands up in front of the two of them. The Ahaltocobs grab Emma and pull her away:
“EEEEMMMMAAA” Tiwa gets distracted, Xoalentli hits Tiwa with an umbrella:
“Fufufu…don’t let your guard down…”
“That hurt…” Tiwa puts her hands together and charges mana in the middle of her hands.
“Explosion de Ysleta” (Ysleta Explosion)
Tiwa releases yellow mana in the form of a ball. The ball goes with great speed towards the two Gods. -BBBBBOOOOMMMMM- A giant explosion clears the area as the skeletons get vaporized.
Tiwa looks for Emma; “Emma! Where are you? Emma!”
“TTTIIIWWAAA!” Tiwa hears Emma’s voice as it gets farther. Tiwa tries to fly, however the skeletons grab her legs and slam her in the ground; “Let go of me…you’re annoying…I must reach Emma and Alejandro…”
“Oh really? Don’t worry about her…she’s already dead…like your tribe…” Tiwa opens her eyes wider as she sees a man wearing a cowboy suit walking towards her; “I-I-It can’t be…”
The man standing in front of her is Sundance “Coyote” Bill, the one who massacred the Ysleta Tribe. Coyote smiles at her and points a gun at her; “Niña…you remember me don’t you? How I told you it wasn’t personal on that day I apologize…”
“Yes…I remember…but why are you here?” Tiwa notices that the Gods disappear; “This must be the work of one of them…and you’re not real…”
Coyote fires his gun when the bullet hits Tiwa’s leg; “Oh I am real…and that pain is real…” Tiwa feels pain in her leg, she breathes heavily; “I know this isn’t real…this is an illusion…Nexoxcho is using my fears…but I already overcame you…remember…”
Tiwa puts on a furious face, Coyote laughs as he slowly fades away; “I guess…you’re fear is gone…right? This is goodbye…Niña…”
Coyote fades away, Tiwa breathes heavily and uses her rope and transforms into a sword; “ I have no fear…I am strong!” Tiwa opens her eyes and charges straight at Nexoxcho. -BBBOOOMM- He blocks her attack with his sword, he smiles; “I see…so you already overcome your fear huh…you’re an interesting person…”
“I don’t care…I will take you down…”
“Unfortunately for you…I am not your opponent.”
Tiwa feels sleepy; “What’s happening to me?” Tiwa looks to her right and sees Xoalentli blowing a purple smoke towards her; “Fufufu…well my sweet girl…it’s time for you to sleep…”
“N-N-No…I can’t…” Tiwa falls into the ground and slowly shuts her eyes as Xoalentli stands in front of her. Xoalentli looks at Nexoxcho; “There…the mission is done…good thing I stepped in…I didn’t want to see your eyes…”
“Well…I was about to remove my blindfold…but your attack was way more effective…” Nexoxcho begins to walk away; “I will leave her to you then…”
“Sure thing…” Xoalentli sits next to Tiwa and plays with her hair; “I really love your hair…it’s so exotic…now then…Native girl…what kind of dream will you have as you die…”
“SOMEONE HELP ME!” Emma is being dragged by the Ahaltocob. The skeletons drag her away from the hill, the skeletons proceed in stabbing her many times.
“NO HELP ME…NO!” Emma screams as the skeletons continue to stab her stomach and limbs. Alejandro tries to move as he feels despair:
“I must help her…come on…move…move…”
At that moment, Anastasia lands next to them and destroys the skeletons who were attacking them. Anastasia looks at Emma; “Are you okay?”
Emma with tears in her eyes nods in agreement. Emma crawls as she tries to reach Alejandro. Alejandro tries to move; “Emma…”
There are more skeletons heading their way. Anastasia heads towards them and attacks; “YOU MUST HEAD TOWARDS THE DOOR!”
Hands come out of the ground and grab her tight; “I can’t move…”
The sound of the pistol is heard as both of them look at someone approaching with a black horse. Emma looks relieved; “U-U-Uriel…”
Uriel arrives with his horse, he goes down and sees Emma bleeding; “Emma…where is Tiwa?”
“Uriel…she was fighting…”
“What about Alejandro?”
Emma points at the doll. Uriel looks at it and hears its rhythm; “I see…that idiot…” Uriel goes and picks up the doll, he looks at it with deception:
“You should’ve listened to me, you idiot…look what a good heart led you to…”
“Oh yeah…once I’m out…I’m going to kick your ass…” Alejandro exclaims. Uriel puts his arm on Emma stomach; “Curacion” (Heal)
Uriel heals Emma’s wounds; “U-U-Uriel…” Uriel carries her to and puts it on Trueno’s back; “I know that you’re wounded but you can’t let your guard down…”
“I know…I promise that I will do my best…”
“Very well…Trueno…follow my lead…” Uriel takes out his sword, and charges straight at the army of skeletons.
Uriel and the group advances, slashing away all of the enemies in their way. Anastasia catches up to them; “Uriel…we need to…”
Without warning, a claw penetrates Anastasia’s stomach. Anastasia throws up blood as she slowly falls. Uriel and Emma look with their eyes wide open as they are in shock.
“You can never escape from me…” Tepeyollotl comes out of Anastasia’s shadow.
“AAANNNAAASSSTTTAAASSIIIIAAA!!!” Everyone is in shock, Uriel charges to attack him. However, he is repelled by Xolotl, who appeared in front of him:
“You and I have some unfinished business…” Xolotl opens a portal beneath Uriel and makes him disappear. Xolotl looks at Tepeyollotl; “Leave no survivors…”
“As you wish…”
Xolotl disappears. Tepeyollotl proceeds to walk towards Anastasia who is bleeding badly. Emma falls down the horse along with Alejandro and crawls towards her; “Anastasia…no…”
Alejandro releases mana as he tries to move; “Come on…move…move or she will dow…move….”
"Remember Tiwa's words…her spirits are part of her…that means that Silver Mustang is part of me as well…we are one…" Alejandro sees the Silver Mustang approaching him; “It’s you…you’re here…” The Silver Mustang lowers his head, and touches Alejandro:
“That’s right…we are one…”
Alejandro shines silver color
A pillar of Silver mana illuminates the area, releasing Alejandro’s soul from the doll. Alejandro changes into his esper suit.
He is wearing a black short sleeve shirt with a short sleeve black jacket with silver borders and black military pants with silver military boots. The back of the jacket has an image of a mustang with silver borders. He has a pair of fingerless silver gauntlets.
Alejandro slowly walks towards Tepeyollotl as he gathers mana in his right fist. Tepeyollotl looks at Alejandro:
“Who are you…”
Alejandro in an instant, punches Tepeyollotl with great speed. The punch is too intense, that Tepeyollotl disappears:
“Silver Punch!”
“A-A-Alejandro…” Anastasia looks at Alejandro. He approaches her and puts his hand on her wound; “I’m sorry…you got hurt because I was weak…”
“N-N-No…I was weak?” Anastasia puts her hand on his cheek. Alejandro releases silver mana in her wound and closes it; “I gave you some of my mana…”
“Thank you…” Anastasia stands up. Alejandro proceeds on carrying Emma; “Emma, are you alright?”
“Yeah…I just need to rest…” Emma smiles at Alejandro as she thinks; “You look more manly…I’m glad…”
Alejandro puts Emma on the back of Trueno; “Trueno, I’m heading first…follow my lead…” Tueno nods in agreement. Uriel charges in front of Trueno and gathers mana on his right arm, in the shape of the sphere. The Ahaltocob soldiers begin to run towards the group.
Alejandro creates a sphere in the shape of a baseball. He takes a deep breath and throws it with force; “Silver Bullet…” -BBBBOOOMMMM- The sphere expands and creates a huge explosion, eliminating the soldiers.
More Ahaltocob soldiers appear, Anastasia proceeds into cutting the ones who are attacking.
“I will be useful to Alejandro!” Anastasia puts on a determined expression and continues to run next to Alejandro. Alejandro smiles and makes a confident expression:
The group runs towards the hill as Alejandro and Anastasia continue to fend off the stabbing demons with Trueno carrying Emma and following them with great speed. As soon as they are about to arrive at the hill.
Xbalanque appears in front of them. Alejandro smiles; “Xbalanque…you’re here…” Alejandro walks towards her, Anastasia looks at Xbalanque’s expression:
In a blink of an eye, Xbalanque hits Alejandro in the stomach with her golden mace. Alejandro flies back, Alejandro uses both his hand and feet to stop the momentum, blood comes out of his mouth:
Xbalanque walks towards him; “You will pay…you will pay for taking away Gabor…”
Xbalanque proceeds to attack Alejandro. Alejandro avoids the attack and both of them engage in battle.
Looking at the distance, Necucyaotl chuckles as he sees Xbalanque fight; “That girl…she was judged by my power…now Discord has taken over her heart…it’s over for them…”
“XBALANQUE! STOP!” Alejandro screams as he dodges her attack, Alejandro sees her eyes have no light; “I see…she may be controlled…”
Xbalanque attacks Alejandro, Alejandro jumps back, she splits open the ground with her attack, destroying the Ahaltocob soldiers along the way. Alejandro looks at the attack:
“Of course she is…she and her brother Hunahpu are the Mayan Heroes after all…they won countless wars…you don’t stand a chance…” Necucyaotl walks towards them. Alejandro notices him; “A mummy? Who’s he?”
“Oh pardon the interruption…my name is Necucyaotl…the Judge of Discord…it’s a pleasure…young lad…”
“The Judge of Discord?” Alejandro looks at both of them; “This is bad…I am in a disadvantage here…”
“Oh you are…but don’t worry, I won’t interfere…I hate violence…continue Xbalanque…”
Xbalanque proceeds to attack Alejandro; “Xbalanque…snap out of it…”
“YOU TRAITOR…YOU KILLED HIM…YOU KILLED GABOR!” Xbalanque continues to attack Alejandro. At that moment, Anastasia appears and intercept her attacks:
“I won’t let you hut him…”
“Alejandro…you must attack…otherwise…we will be killed by her…”
“I know that…but…”
“Listen…she will be fine…she’s a strong person…”
“You’re right…” Alejandro makes a determined expression; “I’m sorry…but please…buy me some time…”
“Right…” Anastasia proceeds in attacking Xbalanque. Both of them engage in a fierce fight, clashing their weapons.
Alejandro gathers mana; “This is a new technique I’ve been working on…I hope it works…” Alejandro gathers mana in his right palm, and this time, it has the palm opened:
“This is a new technique…Anastasia…now…”
Anastasia jumps back. Alejandro extends his palm; “Secret Art; Silver Herd Stampede”
Alejandro puts his hand into the ground and summons a herd of silver mana mustangs charging at Xbalanque with great speed. Xbalanque spins her mace, the Mustangs collide with her. Alejandro summons more:
The Mustangs overwhelmed Xbalanque. -CCCRRRASSHHH- Xbalanque summons another weapon, a golden Macuahuitl, with obsidian knives.
Xbalanque swings the weapon and cuts the Mustangs' attacks. Alejandro runs towards her and prepares to punch her, Anastasia summons her swords and prepare to attack her:
Xbalanque blocks both of the attacks, she kicks Anastasia away and grabs Alejandro 's neck; “N-N-Nooo…”
“Now you will die…”
“I think not…” A hand grabs her arm. Xbalanque looks to her right and sees a woman wearing a black dress; “M-M-Mother…”
The woman standing next to her is La Catrina, Xbalanque lets Alejandro go. Necucyaotl walks towards her with excitement:
“I can’t believe it…Tonantzin…you came…”
La Catrina glares at him; “How many times do I have to tell you…don’t call me by that name…” La Catrina summons large branches that grab Necucyaotl:
“Oh dear…I really hate violence…but I hate when you use my children for your schemes…begone…” La Catrina releases a powerful amount of mana. At that moment, Necucyaotl gets absorbed into the ground:
Xbalanque comes to her senses; “Alejandro…I’m sorry…” Xbalanque loses consciousness. Alejandro holds her; “Xbalanque…stay with me…”
“She’s alright…she lost consciousness….now then…”
Yatziri, the winged jaguar alebrije descends. Alejandro puts Xbalanque in the jaguar; “Thank you for everything…Xbalanque…I hope I can see you again…”
The Jaguar flies away. La Catrina looks at Alejandro; “Now then…time to heal you…” La Catrina kisses him on the cheek. Alejandro blushes as he notices his wounds healing; “Thank you…”
“Now then, my time is limited…I only have a couple of minutes left…I will help you open the door…”
“Thank you…”
The group heads towards the small hill, in order to open the door.
Uriel vs. Xolotl
In another part of the battlefield…Uriel engages in battle against Xolotl…however, he’s in a real disadvantage…
Uriel tries to hit Xolotl, but he is overwhelmed by the God’s strength. He tries to punch him, but Xolotl dodges the attack and kicks him with force:
“Hahaha…is that the best you got? Don’t tell me that you reached your limit?”
Xolotl punches him multiple times, Uriel falls to the ground, Xolotl continues to kick him; “You thought that you could come here…to my kingdom and do whatever you want?”
Xolotl steps on Uriel; “AAAHHHH!”
“Well let me tell you this…you can’t win…we the Judges of Xibalba are here for a reason…to maintain balance in this world…I personally chose the 8 judges to maintain balance…and here you come to this world…to disrupt it…now I was going to spare you…but since you push me this far…I shall kill you slowly…”
Uriel smiles; “I’d like to see that…killing me won’t be that easy…”
Xolotl senses La Catrina’s mana; “So you came…Tonantzin…” Uriel points his pistol at him.
Xolotl dodges the attack with ease and kicks him away; “You thought that was going to work? Don’t make me laugh…”
Uriel tries to stand up as he breathes heavily:
Xolotl summons one of his Sombras with the form of a Xoloitzcuintle; “Now then…time to finish you off…”
The Xoloitzcuintle gathers mana in his mouth and fires a black mana towards Uriel.
Uriel slashes the blast in half. Uriel breathes heavily as falls into his knees. Xolotl chuckles:
“Oh…so you reflected the attack ehh? Impressive…”
The Sombra charges mana once more:
“Now let’s see you reflect on this…”
The Sombras attacks once more. Uriel feels despair:
“I can’t believe it…I’m out of mana…I will die…this is the first time I feel so weak…what can I do? Damn it…I'm sorry…”
Without warning, a portal opens and sword reflects the attack:
Uriel opens his eyes wider as he sees a man standing in front of him. Xolotl gets angry:
“V-V-Viejo…why are you here?”
“Show some respect idiot…I’m your uncle…and as for you…call me Charro Negro…” The man walks towards him and points his sword at Xolotl:
Juan de la Trinidad has arrived…a crucial battle begins…El Charro Negro vs. The Ruler of Xibalba…
- In Serial55 Chapters
Phoenix Academy: Extracerebral Educations and Emotional Melodies
A terrorist organization is kidnapping psychics across Arizona, and 15 year-old Natasha “Taz” Cooper is offered a safe haven at the largest school for psionic education in the world: Phoenix-Paiute Academy. Eager to refine her powers, Taz’s teachers – and other, more malignant forces – come to realize that she has a natural aptitude they are keen to take advantage of. Meanwhile, her mother, Anna Cooper, searches for the truth about the terrorists threatening her daughter’s life and, in the process, is forced to confront the demons of her past.
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The Spell Struck Convenience Store.
Modern day world were magic is hidden, not out of fear, but because it's a limited resource. Mage who was kicked out of his family because his spells go wrong ends up sending the convenience store he works in to a ever changing fantasy landscape after being shot during a robbery. His shooter ends up in a copy in hell, and a Magical Incident Bureau agent is trying to figure out what just what exactly happened and why. Finished work
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The French Conflict
This story is about a boy named Hikari who, for some reason, is transported back to the Napoleonic wars era. But not just any Napoleonic wars period, an alternate version of it. What will Hikari experience there? And how will he get home?
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Boyfriend's sister
Bella Swan thought Edward Cullen would be her first and only love but...is there a possibility she's wrong? (I wrote this when I was 16! I know it's horrible 😭!)Finished. Written August 2017 - January 2018Edited September 2020
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My Wife Always Thought I Did Not Love Him
Author(s): Jiang Xin XiaozhouStatus: 70 Chapters ( Completed )Gener: Romance, Comedy, Slice Of Life, School lifeA car accident made Xia Yao return to his third year of high school, he finally has the opportunity to make up for everything he regrets. The mistakes that have been made can now be mended. So when Xia Yao once again meets Zhou Du, the target of his unrequited love, he decides to choose a completely different route.If you don't love me, then I'm willing to set you free.However, things seem to turn out completely different than what Xia Yao expected.Before rebirth-Xia Yao: I like you.Zhou Du: What did you say?After rebirth-Zhou Du: I like you.Xia Yao: I only see you as a classmate.Zhou Du: ......【But that's not what your diary said!】Translation: OngoingPlease visit my website as well for more updates_https://lazynovels.com/
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Carrion (The Bren Watts Diaries #1)
When a deadly plague spreads like wildfire, 17-year-old Bren Watts is trapped at Ground Zero of a global pandemic.----Bren and his classmates are stranded in New York City, now filled with thousands of murderous infected and desperate survivors. Forced into an unlikely alliance with his school bully and former friend, Logan Hardy, the two boys must find a way back home, traversing through the ravaged landscape of the United States.With their odds stacked against them, Bren has no choice but to use the skills taught by his ex-Navy SEALs father to fight and survive. But the path ahead is bloodied and broken, and if he wants to reunite with his family, Bren must tap into his darkest heart for not only the infected are capable of hatred and violence.The Bren Watts Diaries tells a dark and gritty account of the end, all narrated in the survivor's own voice as a first-hand witness to humanity's end. The story will cover the first year of the Apocalypse, depicting the beginnings of the disease, society's war against the pandemic, and the eventual collapse of civilization.[[Current word count: 450,000 - 500,000 words]]-----The series portrays an LGBTQ+ protagonist and numerous other characters.Violence, like any medium of zombie stories, is described in detail.
8 134