《Rating Warrior Cats OCs!》Tatteredstar


Name: Tatteredstar.

Past Names: Flamekit, Flamepaw, Tatteredsight (changed from 'flame' to 'tattered' because he had a lot of battle scars)

Clan: ChasmClan (fan-made)

Past Clans: none.

Gender: Male.

Sexuality: Straight.

Appearance: a medium-haired light ginger tabby with yellow eyes and many scars.

Personality: Tatteredstar is confident and often overestimates his abilities, he works well with others but not so well alone. Tatteredstar loves his clan and would do anything to protect his clanmates. He tends to make decisions more with his heart than his head and is quite short-sighted in terms of the well-being of ChasmClan.

Mate: none.

Kits: Blizzardkit (an adopted she-kit)

Other Family and Kin: he has a sister named Redfire, his father was Lightstar and his mother named Ripplepelt.

Cause of Death: Killed in his sleep by his deputy, Shellmist.

Rank: Leader

Past Ranks: Kit, Apprentice, Warrior (never deputy for story reasons)

Good Traits: Confident, caring, well-meaning, brave

Bad Traits: Short-Sighted, Overly Emotional, Overly Confident (sometimes)

Hunting: 6/10

Fighting: 6/10

Backstory: During a terrible war between three different clans at once (all fan-made), the previous leader and Tatteredstar's father, Lightstar was killed, a little before he had died the medicine cat of ChasmClan got a prophecy from Star Clan that "a tattered star will rise above the rest and bring peace" the whole clan was desperate at that point and ready to do anything so instead of promoting Lightstar's deputy, Shellmist, to the leader they made Tatteredsight leader instead. Eventually, he led them out of the war. However, Shellmist, seeing that he wasn't a good leader and also out of jealousy arranged it so that he would lose most of his lives and took the last one while he was sleeping.

Other: Tatteredstar has bad eyesight that has slowly been getting worse over time which is one of the reasons he was called Tatteredsight before becoming a leader.

Bonus: What I think he would look like: (I couldn't find one with lots of scars)

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